//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/volumeculler.h"
#include "mathlib/camera.h"
namespace CCSMFrustumDefinition { enum { NUM_FRUSTUM_VERTS = 8 }; enum { NUM_FRUSTUM_QUADS = 6 }; enum { NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES = NUM_FRUSTUM_QUADS }; enum { NUM_FRUSTUM_EDGES = 12 }; enum { NUM_FRUSTUM_LINES = 12 };
extern Vector4D g_vProjFrustumVerts[NUM_FRUSTUM_VERTS]; extern const uint8 g_nFrustumLineVertIndices[24];
// The vertices of each frustum quad
extern const uint8 g_nQuadVertIndices[NUM_FRUSTUM_QUADS][4];
// The vertices of each frustum edge
extern const uint8 g_nEdgeVertIndices[NUM_FRUSTUM_EDGES][2];
// The quads sharing each frustum edge
extern const uint8 g_nEdgeQuadIndices[NUM_FRUSTUM_EDGES][2]; } // namespace CCSMFrustumDefinition
enum { // Use caution changing this constant. There are a number of assumptions made about the max # of cascades being 4 (such as the manually laid out shader constants).
struct ShadowFrustaDebugInfo_t { uint m_nNumWorldFocusVerts;
enum { MAX_WORLD_FOCUS_POINTS = 9 }; Vector m_WorldFocusVerts[MAX_WORLD_FOCUS_POINTS];
float m_flSplitPlaneDistance;
float m_flLeft, m_flRight; float m_flTop, m_flBottom; float m_flZNear, m_flZFar; };
struct SunLightState_t { uint m_nShadowCascadeSize; CFrustum m_CascadeFrustums[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ]; CVolumeCuller m_CascadeVolumeCullers[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ]; VMatrix m_CascadeProjToTexMatrices[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ]; Rect_t m_CascadeViewports[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ]; VPlane m_CascadeFrustumPlanes[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ][6]; CascadedShadowMappingState_t m_SunLightShaderParams;
ShadowFrustaDebugInfo_t m_DebugInfo[ MAX_SUN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE_SIZE ];
float m_flActualMaxShadowDist; float m_flZLerpStartDist; float m_flZLerpEndDist; };
struct SunLightViewState_t { Vector m_Direction; color32 m_LightColor; int m_LightColorScale; CFrustum m_frustum; int m_nMaxCascadeSize; int m_nAtlasFirstCascadeIndex; bool m_bSetAllCascadesToFirst; float m_flMaxVisibleDist; float m_flMaxShadowDist; int m_nCSMQualityLevel; };
class CCSMParallelSplit : public CAlignedNewDelete<> { public: CCSMParallelSplit(); ~CCSMParallelSplit(); CCSMParallelSplit( const CCSMParallelSplit &other ); const CCSMParallelSplit &operator==( const CCSMParallelSplit &rhs ); void Init( uint nMaxShadowBufferSize, uint nMaxCascadeSize ); void Clear(); bool Update( const SunLightViewState_t &viewState );
bool IsValid() const { return m_bValid; } inline void Reset() { m_bValid = false; } const SunLightViewState_t& GetViewState() const { return m_viewState; } SunLightViewState_t& GetViewState() { return m_viewState; }
const SunLightState_t &GetLightState() const { return m_lightState; } SunLightState_t &GetLightState() { return m_lightState; } private: void CalculateShadowFrustaParallelSplits( const CFrustum &sceneFrustum, uint &nOutCascadeSize, CFrustum *pOutFrustums, CVolumeCuller *pOutVolumeCullers, float &flOutActualMaxShadowDist, int nMaxCascadeSize, Vector vLightDir, float flMaxShadowDistance, float flMaxVisibleDistance, int nCSMQualityLevel, ShadowFrustaDebugInfo_t* pDebugInfo ); uint ComputeCullingVolumePlanes( VPlane *pOutPlanes, Vector vDirToLight, const CFrustum &sceneFrustum, float flMaxDistBetweenAnyCasterAndReceiver );
void ComputeCascadeProjToTexMatrices( SunLightState_t &lightState ); static float CalculateSplitPlaneDistance( int nSplit, int nShadowSplits, float flMaxShadowDistance, float flZNear, float flZFar ); float ComputeFarPlaneCameraRelativePoints( Vector *pPoints, float flZNear, float flZFar, const CFrustum &frustum );
bool m_bValid; uint m_nShadowBufferSize; // resolution of a single shadow map
uint m_nShadowCascadeMaxSize; // cascade size (number of shadow maps)
uint m_nShadowAtlasWidth; // actual shadow texture resolution
uint m_nShadowAtlasHeight; SunLightViewState_t m_viewState; SunLightState_t m_lightState; };