//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Implementation of IEditorTexture interface for materials.
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef MATERIAL_H
#define MATERIAL_H
#pragma once
#include "IEditorTexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/IMaterialVar.h"
#include "materialsystem/IMaterial.h"
class IMaterial; class CMaterialCache; class IMaterialSystem; class IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig; struct MaterialSystem_Config_t; struct MaterialCacheEntry_t;
// Inherit from this to enumerate materials
class IMaterialEnumerator { public: virtual bool EnumMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, int nContext ) = 0; };
// Purpose:
class CMaterial : public IEditorTexture { public: static bool Initialize( HWND hwnd ); static void ShutDown(void); static void EnumerateMaterials( IMaterialEnumerator *pEnum, const char *szRoot, int nContext, int nFlags = INCLUDE_ALL_MATERIALS ); static CMaterial *CreateMaterial( const char *pszMaterialName, bool bLoadImmediately, bool* pFound = 0 );
virtual ~CMaterial(void);
void Draw(CDC *pDC, RECT& rect, int iFontHeight, int iIconHeight, DrawTexData_t &DrawTexData); //DWORD dwFlags = (drawCaption|drawIcons));
void FreeData(void);
inline const char *GetName(void) const { return(m_szName); } int GetShortName(char *pszName) const;
int GetKeywords(char *pszKeywords) const;
void GetSize(SIZE &size) const;
int GetImageDataRGB(void *pImageRGB); int GetImageDataRGBA(void *pImageRGBA);
// Image dimensions
int GetPreviewImageWidth(void) const; int GetPreviewImageHeight(void) const; int GetMappingWidth(void) const; int GetMappingHeight(void) const; // todo: remove these. They are the same as GetPreviewImageWidth, etc.
int GetWidth(void) const; int GetHeight(void) const;
float GetDecalScale(void) const; const char *GetFileName(void) const;
inline CPalette *GetPalette(void) const { return(NULL); }
inline int GetSurfaceAttributes(void) const { return(0); }
inline int GetSurfaceContents(void) const { return(0); }
inline int GetSurfaceValue(void) const { return(0); }
inline TEXTUREFORMAT GetTextureFormat(void) const { return(tfVMT); }
inline int GetTextureID(void) const { return(m_nTextureID); }
bool HasAlpha(void) const { return(false); }
inline bool HasData(void) const { return((m_nPreviewImageWidth != 0) && (m_nPreviewImageHeight != 0)); }
inline bool HasPalette(void) const { return(false); }
inline bool IsDummy(void) const { return(false); }
bool Load(void); void Reload( bool bFullReload );
inline bool IsLoaded() const { return m_bLoaded; }
inline void SetTextureID(int nTextureID) { m_nTextureID = nTextureID; }
bool IsWater( void ) const;
virtual IMaterial* GetMaterial( bool bForceLoad=true );
protected: // Used to draw the bitmap for the texture browser
void DrawBitmap( CDC *pDC, RECT& srcRect, RECT& dstRect ); void DrawBrowserIcons( CDC *pDC, RECT& dstRect, bool detectErrors ); void DrawIcon( CDC *pDC, CMaterial* pIcon, RECT& dstRect );
static bool ShouldSkipMaterial(const char *pszName, int nFlags);
// Finds all .VMT files in a particular directory
static bool LoadMaterialsInDirectory( char const* pDirectoryName, int nDirectoryNameLen, IMaterialEnumerator *pEnum, int nContext, int nFlags );
// Discovers all .VMT files lying under a particular directory recursively
static bool InitDirectoryRecursive( char const* pDirectoryName, IMaterialEnumerator *pEnum, int nContext, int nFlags );
CMaterial(void); bool LoadMaterialHeader(IMaterial *material); bool LoadMaterialImage();
static bool IsIgnoredMaterial( const char *pName );
// Will actually load the material bits
// We don't want to load them all at once because it takes way too long
bool LoadMaterial();
char m_szName[MAX_PATH]; char m_szFileName[MAX_PATH]; char m_szKeywords[MAX_PATH];
int m_nTextureID; // Uniquely identifies this texture in all 3D renderers.
int m_nPreviewImageWidth; // Texture width in texels.
int m_nPreviewImageHeight; // Texture height in texels.
bool m_TranslucentBaseTexture; bool m_bLoaded; // We don't load these immediately; only when needed..
void *m_pData; // Loaded texel data (NULL if not loaded).
IMaterial *m_pMaterial;
friend class CMaterialImageCache; };
typedef CMaterial *CMaterialPtr;
// Purpose:
class CMaterialCache { public:
CMaterialCache(void); ~CMaterialCache(void);
inline bool CacheExists(void); bool Create(int nMaxEntries);
CMaterial *CreateMaterial(const char *pszMaterialName); void AddRef(CMaterial *pMaterial); void Release(CMaterial *pMaterial);
CMaterial *FindMaterial(const char *pszMaterialName); void AddMaterial(CMaterial *pMaterial);
MaterialCacheEntry_t *m_pCache; int m_nMaxEntries; int m_nEntries; };
// Purpose: Returns true if the cache has been allocated, false if not.
inline bool CMaterialCache::CacheExists(void) { return((m_pCache != NULL) && (m_nMaxEntries > 0)); }
// returns the material system interface + config
inline IMaterialSystem *MaterialSystemInterface() { return materials; }
inline MaterialSystem_Config_t& MaterialSystemConfig() { extern MaterialSystem_Config_t g_materialSystemConfig; return g_materialSystemConfig; }
inline IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* MaterialSystemHardwareConfig() { extern IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig; return g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig; }
// call AllocateLightingPreviewtextures to make sure necessary rts are allocated
void AllocateLightingPreviewtextures(void);
#endif // MATERIAL_H