//================ Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. =================
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
#include "glmgr/glmgr.h"
// if you rev this version also update materialsystem/cmaterialsystem.cpp CMaterialSystem::Connect as it defines the string directly
#define COCOAMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION "CocoaMgrInterface006"
enum CocoaEventType_t { CocoaEvent_KeyDown, CocoaEvent_KeyUp, CocoaEvent_MouseButtonDown, CocoaEvent_MouseMove, CocoaEvent_MouseButtonUp, CocoaEvent_AppActivate, CocoaEvent_MouseScroll, CocoaEvent_AppQuit };
// enum values need to match bit-shifting logic in CInputSystem::UpdateMouseButtonState and
// the codes from NSEvent pressedMouseButtons, turns out the two are in agreement right now
enum CocoaMouseButton_t { COCOABUTTON_LEFT = 1 << 0, COCOABUTTON_RIGHT = 1 << 1, COCOABUTTON_MIDDLE = 1 << 2, COCOABUTTON_4 = 1 << 3, COCOABUTTON_5 = 1 << 4, };
enum ECocoaKeyModifier { eCapsLockKey, eShiftKey, eControlKey, eAltKey, // aka option
eCommandKey };
class CCocoaEvent { public: CocoaEventType_t m_EventType; int m_VirtualKeyCode; wchar_t m_UnicodeKey; wchar_t m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified; uint m_ModifierKeyMask; //
int m_MousePos[2]; int m_MouseButtonFlags; // Current state of the mouse buttons. See COCOABUTTON_xxxx.
uint m_nMouseClickCount; int m_MouseButton; // which of the CocoaMouseButton_t buttons this is for from above
class CShowPixelsParams { public: GLuint m_srcTexName; int m_width,m_height; bool m_vsyncEnable; bool m_fsEnable; // want receiving view to be full screen. for now, just target the main screen. extend later.
bool m_useBlit; // use FBO blit - sending context says it is available.
bool m_noBlit; // the back buffer has already been populated by the caller (perhaps via direct MSAA resolve from multisampled RT tex)
bool m_onlySyncView; // react to full/windowed state change only, do not present bits
#define kMaxCrawlFrames 100
#define kMaxCrawlText (kMaxCrawlFrames * 256)
class CStackCrawlParams { public: uint m_frameLimit; // input: max frames to retrieve
uint m_frameCount; // output: frames found
void *m_crawl[kMaxCrawlFrames]; // call site addresses
char *m_crawlNames[kMaxCrawlFrames]; // pointers into text following, one per decoded name
char m_crawlText[kMaxCrawlText]; };
struct GLMRendererInfoFields; class GLMDisplayDB;
class ICocoaMgr : public IAppSystem { public: virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) = 0; virtual void Disconnect() = 0; virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) = 0; // Init, shutdown
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; // Create the window.
virtual bool CreateGameWindow( const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, int width, int height ) = 0; // Get the NSWindow*.
// virtual void* GetNSWindow() = 0;
// Get the NSGLContext for a window's main view - note this is the carbon windowref as an argument
virtual PseudoNSGLContextPtr GetNSGLContextForWindow( void* windowref ) = 0; // Get the next N events. The function returns the number of events that were filled into your array.
virtual int GetEvents( CCocoaEvent *pEvents, int nMaxEventsToReturn, bool debugEvents = false ) = 0;
// Set the mouse cursor position.
virtual void SetCursorPosition( int x, int y ) = 0; virtual void *GetWindowRef() = 0; virtual void ShowPixels( CShowPixelsParams *params ) = 0; virtual void MoveWindow( int x, int y ) = 0; virtual void SizeWindow( int width, int tall ) = 0; virtual void PumpWindowsMessageLoop() = 0; virtual void GetStackCrawl( CStackCrawlParams *params ) = 0; virtual void DestroyGameWindow() = 0; virtual void SetApplicationIcon( const char *pchAppIconFile ) = 0; virtual void GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false ) = 0;
virtual void RenderedSize( uint &width, uint &height, bool set ) = 0; // either set or retrieve rendered size value (from dxabstract)
virtual void DisplayedSize( uint &width, uint &height ) = 0; // query backbuffer size (window size whether FS or windowed)
virtual void GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( uint **ptrOut, uint *countOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendInfoOut ) = 0; virtual GLMDisplayDB *GetDisplayDB( void ) = 0; virtual void WaitUntilUserInput( int msSleepTime ) = 0; };
// modes, displays, and renderers
// think of renderers as being at the top of a tree.
// each renderer has displays hanging off of it.
// each display has modes hanging off of it.
// the tree is populated on demand and then queried as needed.
// GLMDisplayModeInfoFields is in glmdisplay.h
class GLMDisplayMode { public: GLMDisplayModeInfoFields m_info; GLMDisplayMode( uint width, uint height, uint refreshHz ); ~GLMDisplayMode( void );
void Dump( int which ); };
// GLMDisplayInfoFields is in glmdisplay.h
class GLMDisplayInfo { public: GLMDisplayInfoFields m_info; CUtlVector< GLMDisplayMode* > *m_modes; // starts out NULL, set by PopulateModes
GLMDisplayInfo( CGDirectDisplayID displayID, CGOpenGLDisplayMask displayMask ); ~GLMDisplayInfo( void ); void PopulateModes( void );
void Dump( int which ); };
// GLMRendererInfoFields is in glmdisplay.h
class GLMRendererInfo { public: GLMRendererInfoFields m_info; CUtlVector< GLMDisplayInfo* > *m_displays; // starts out NULL, set by PopulateDisplays
GLMRendererInfo ( GLMRendererInfoFields *info ); ~GLMRendererInfo ( void );
void PopulateDisplays( void ); void Dump( int which ); };
// this is just a tuple describing fake adapters which are really renderer/display pairings.
// dxabstract bridges the gap between the d3d adapter-centric world and the GL renderer+display world.
// this makes it straightforward to handle cases like two video cards with two displays on one, and one on the other -
// you get three fake adapters which represent each useful screen.
// the constraint that dxa will have to follow though, is that if the user wants to change their
// display selection for full screen, they would only be able to pick on that has the same underlying renderer.
// can't change fakeAdapter from one to another with different GL renderer under it. Screen hop but no card hop.
struct GLMFakeAdapter { int m_rendererIndex; int m_displayIndex; };
class GLMDisplayDB { public: CUtlVector< GLMRendererInfo* > *m_renderers; // starts out NULL, set by PopulateRenderers
CUtlVector< GLMFakeAdapter > m_fakeAdapters; GLMDisplayDB ( void ); ~GLMDisplayDB ( void );
virtual void PopulateRenderers( void ); virtual void PopulateFakeAdapters( uint realRendererIndex ); // fake adapters = one real adapter times however many displays are on it
virtual void Populate( void ); // The info-get functions return false on success.
virtual int GetFakeAdapterCount( void ); virtual bool GetFakeAdapterInfo( int fakeAdapterIndex, int *rendererOut, int *displayOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendererInfoOut, GLMDisplayInfoFields *displayInfoOut ); virtual int GetRendererCount( void ); virtual bool GetRendererInfo( int rendererIndex, GLMRendererInfoFields *infoOut ); virtual int GetDisplayCount( int rendererIndex ); virtual bool GetDisplayInfo( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex, GLMDisplayInfoFields *infoOut );
virtual int GetModeCount( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex ); virtual bool GetModeInfo( int rendererIndex, int displayIndex, int modeIndex, GLMDisplayModeInfoFields *infoOut ); virtual void Dump( void ); };
#endif // ICOCOAMGR_H