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//======= Copyright � 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======
// Maya Undo helper, use it like this
// class CMyCmd : MPxCommand
// {
// // ... regular stuff ... //
// ValveMaya::CUndo m_undo;
// };
// MStatus CMyCmd::doIt( const MArgList &mArgList )
// {
// m_undo.SetArgList( Syntax(), mArgList );
// }
// MStatus CMyCmd::redoIt( const MArgList &mArgList )
// {
// // Get at command line args
// m_undo.ArgDatabase().isFlagSet( ... );
// // Do operations
// m_undo.SaveCurrentSelection();
// m_undo.DagModifier().createNode( ... );
// m_undo.DagModifierDoIt();
// m_undo.SetAttr( mPlug, value );
// /// etc ...
// }
// MStatus CMyCmd::undoIt( const MArgList &mArgList )
// {
// m_undo.Undo();
// }
// bool CMyCmd::isUndoable()
// {
// return m_undo.IsUndoable();
// }
// If there's a need to get fancy, any of the CUndoOp* classes can be
// constructed via 'new' and a boost::shared_ptr< CUndoOp > constructed
// with that pointed can be passed to CUndo::Push(). Note that means
// that the pointer will be managed by boost::shared_ptr so if the
// lifetime of the data needs to be controlled by the caller (it shouldn't)
// then a shared_ptr should be kept
// Setting the ArgList and using ArgDatabase doesn't affect the undo/redo
// ability but it's a convnient place to keep that data
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
// Standard includes
// Maya includes
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MDagModifier.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MTransformationMatrix.h>
// Valve includes
#include "tier1/utlstack.h"
namespace ValveMaya {
// Forward declarations
class CUndoOp;
// CUndo: Undo stack manager class
class CUndo { public: CUndo();
void Clear();
MStatus SetArgList( const MSyntax &mSyntax, const MArgList &mArgList );
const MArgDatabase &ArgDatabase();
void SaveCurrentSelection();
MDagModifier &DagModifier();
MStatus DagModifierDoIt();
MStatus Connect( const MPlug &srcP, const MPlug &dstP, bool force = false );
bool SetAttr( MPlug &mPlug, MObject &val );
bool SetAttr( MPlug &mPlug, double val );
bool Lock( MPlug &mPlug, bool lock );
void NodeCreated( MObject &nodeObject );
void Push( CUndoOp *pUndoOp );
bool IsUndoable() const;
MStatus Undo();
protected: MArgDatabase *m_pArgDatabase; CUtlStack< CUndoOp * > m_undoStack; };
// CUndoOp: Undo stack member abstract base class
class CUndoOp { public: virtual ~CUndoOp() { }
virtual void Undo() = 0; };
// CUndoOpDagModifier: Undo stack member Dag Modifier class
class CUndoOpDagModifier : public CUndoOp { public: virtual ~CUndoOpDagModifier() { }
virtual void Undo() { m_mDagModifier.undoIt(); }
protected: friend class CUndo;
MDagModifier m_mDagModifier; };
// CUndoOpSetAttr: Undo stack member for setting attributes
class CUndoOpSetAttr : public CUndoOp { public: CUndoOpSetAttr( MPlug &mPlug, MObject &mObjectVal );
CUndoOpSetAttr( MPlug &mPlug, double numericVal );
virtual ~CUndoOpSetAttr() { }
virtual void Undo();
protected: MPlug m_mPlug; MObject m_mObjectVal; double m_numericVal; const bool m_numeric;
private: // Visual C++ is retarded - tell it there's no assignment operator
CUndoOpSetAttr &operator=( const CUndoOpSetAttr &rhs );
// CUndoOpSelection: Undo stack member for changing selection
class CUndoOpSelection : public CUndoOp { public: CUndoOpSelection();
virtual ~CUndoOpSelection() { }
virtual void Undo();
protected: MSelectionList m_mSelectionList;
// CUndoOpSelection: Undo stack member for locking and unlocking attributes
class CUndoOpLock : public CUndoOp { public:
CUndoOpLock( MPlug &mPlug, bool lock );
virtual ~CUndoOpLock() { }
virtual void Undo();
protected: MPlug m_mPlug; const bool m_locked;
private: // Visual C++ is retarded - tell it there's no assignment operator
CUndoOpLock &operator=( const CUndoOpLock &rhs ); };
class CUndoOpResetRestPosition : public CUndoOp { public: CUndoOpResetRestPosition( const MDagPath &mDagPath );
virtual ~CUndoOpResetRestPosition() { }
virtual void Undo();
protected: const MDagPath m_mDagPath; MTransformationMatrix m_matrix; };
// For node creation via something like MFnMesh::create, etc..
class CUndoOpNodeCreated : public CUndoOp { public: CUndoOpNodeCreated( MObject &mObject );
virtual ~CUndoOpNodeCreated() { }
virtual void Undo();
protected: MObject m_nodeObject; };
} #endif // VALVEMAYA_UNDO_H