//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// cglmprogram.h
// GLMgr buffers (index / vertex)
// ... maybe add PBO later as well
#pragma once
extern bool g_bUsePseudoBufs;
// forward declarations
class GLMContext;
enum EGLMBufferType { kGLMVertexBuffer, kGLMIndexBuffer, kGLMUniformBuffer, // for bindable uniform
kGLMPixelBuffer, // for PBO
kGLMNumBufferTypes };
// pass this in "options" to constructor to make a dynamic buffer
#define GLMBufferOptionDynamic 0x00000001
struct GLMBuffLockParams { uint m_nOffset; uint m_nSize; bool m_bNoOverwrite; bool m_bDiscard; };
#define GL_STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE ( 2048 * 1024 )
extern void glBufferSubDataMaxSize( GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, uint nMaxSizePerCall = 128 * 1024 );
// Creates an immutable storage for a buffer object
// https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/buffer_storage.txt
class CPersistentBuffer { public:
CPersistentBuffer(); ~CPersistentBuffer();
void Init( EGLMBufferType type,uint nSize ); void Deinit();
void InsertFence(); void BlockUntilNotBusy();
void Append( uint nSize );
inline uint GetBytesRemaining() const { return m_nSize - m_nOffset; } inline uint GetOffset() const { return m_nOffset; } inline void *GetPtr() const { return m_pImmutablePersistentBuf; } inline GLuint GetHandle() const { return m_nHandle; }
CPersistentBuffer( const CPersistentBuffer & ); CPersistentBuffer & operator= (const CPersistentBuffer &);
uint m_nSize;
EGLMBufferType m_type; GLenum m_buffGLTarget; // GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB / GL_ELEMENT_BUFFER_ARB
GLuint m_nHandle; // handle of this program in the GL context
// Holds a pointer to the persistently mapped buffer
void* m_pImmutablePersistentBuf;
uint m_nOffset;
GLsync m_nSyncObj; #endif
struct GLDynamicBuf_t { GLenum m_nGLType; uint m_nHandle; uint m_nActualBufSize; uint m_nSize;
uint m_nLockOffset; uint m_nLockSize; };
class CGLMBufferSpanManager { CGLMBufferSpanManager( const CGLMBufferSpanManager& ); CGLMBufferSpanManager& operator= ( const CGLMBufferSpanManager& );
public: CGLMBufferSpanManager(); ~CGLMBufferSpanManager();
void Init( GLMContext *pContext, EGLMBufferType nBufType, uint nInitialCapacity, uint nBufSize, bool bDynamic ); void Deinit();
inline GLMContext *GetContext() const { return m_pCtx; }
inline GLenum GetGLBufType() const { return ( m_nBufType == kGLMVertexBuffer ) ? GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB : GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; }
struct ActiveSpan_t { uint m_nStart; uint m_nEnd;
GLDynamicBuf_t m_buf; bool m_bOriginalAlloc;
inline ActiveSpan_t() { } inline ActiveSpan_t( uint nStart, uint nEnd, GLDynamicBuf_t &buf, bool bOriginalAlloc ) : m_nStart( nStart ), m_nEnd( nEnd ), m_buf( buf ), m_bOriginalAlloc( bOriginalAlloc ) { Assert( nStart <= nEnd ); } };
ActiveSpan_t *AddSpan( uint nOffset, uint nMaxSize, uint nActualSize, bool bDiscard, bool bNoOverwrite ); void DiscardAllSpans(); bool IsValid( uint nOffset, uint nSize ) const;
private: bool AllocDynamicBuf( uint nSize, GLDynamicBuf_t &buf ); void ReleaseDynamicBuf( GLDynamicBuf_t &buf );
GLMContext *m_pCtx;
EGLMBufferType m_nBufType;
uint m_nBufSize; bool m_bDynamic;
CUtlVector<ActiveSpan_t> m_ActiveSpans; CUtlVector<ActiveSpan_t> m_DeletedSpans;
int m_nSpanEndMax;
int m_nNumAllocatedBufs; int m_nTotalBytesAllocated; };
class CGLMBuffer { public: void Lock( GLMBuffLockParams *pParams, char **pAddressOut ); void Unlock( int nActualSize = -1, const void *pActualData = NULL );
GLuint GetHandle() const; friend class GLMContext; // only GLMContext can make CGLMBuffer objects
friend class GLMTester; friend struct IDirect3D9; friend struct IDirect3DDevice9; CGLMBuffer( GLMContext *pCtx, EGLMBufferType type, uint size, uint options ); ~CGLMBuffer(); void SetModes( bool bAsyncMap, bool bExplicitFlush, bool bForce = false ); void FlushRange( uint offset, uint size );
bool IsSpanValid( uint nOffset, uint nSize ) const; #endif
GLMContext *m_pCtx; // link back to parent context
EGLMBufferType m_type; uint m_nSize; uint m_nActualSize; bool m_bDynamic; GLenum m_buffGLTarget; // GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB / GL_ELEMENT_BUFFER_ARB
GLuint m_nHandle; // name of this program in the context
uint m_nRevision; // bump anytime the size changes or buffer is orphaned
bool m_bEnableAsyncMap; // mirror of the buffer state
bool m_bEnableExplicitFlush; // mirror of the buffer state
bool m_bMapped; // is it currently mapped
uint m_dirtyMinOffset; // when equal, range is empty
uint m_dirtyMaxOffset; float *m_pLastMappedAddress;
int m_nPinnedMemoryOfs;
uint m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset; bool m_bUsingPersistentBuffer; bool m_bPseudo; // true if the m_name is 0, and the backing is plain RAM
// in pseudo mode, there is just one RAM buffer that acts as the backing.
// expectation is that this mode would only be used for dynamic indices.
// since indices have to be consumed (copied to command stream) prior to return from a drawing call,
// there's no need to do any fencing or multibuffering. orphaning in particular becomes a no-op.
char *m_pActualPseudoBuf; // storage for pseudo buffer
char *m_pPseudoBuf; // storage for pseudo buffer
char *m_pStaticBuffer; GLMBuffLockParams m_LockParams; static char ALIGN16 m_StaticBuffers[ GL_MAX_STATIC_BUFFERS ][ GL_STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE ] ALIGN16_POST; static bool m_bStaticBufferUsed[ GL_MAX_STATIC_BUFFERS ];
CGLMBufferSpanManager m_BufferSpanManager; #endif
uint m_nDirtyRangeStart; uint m_nDirtyRangeEnd; #endif
#endif // CGLMBUFFER_H