#include <wintab.h>
#define IDM_TEST 0
#define IDM_EDIT 1
#define IDM_DEFCTX 2
#define IDM_DEFSCTX 3
#define IDM_HELP 4
#define IDM_CSRMENU 3
#define IDM_ABOUT 10
#define IDM_DEFDIG 11
#define IDM_DEFSYS 12
#define IDM_CBRTEST 13
#define IDM_BMSTEST 14
#define IDM_PMSTEST 15
#define IDM_PRSTEST 16
#define IDM_BUTTMAPS 17
#define IDM_OBT 18
#define IDM_DEVICES 20
#define IDM_CURSORS 30
#define IDM_OBTDEVS 40
#define IDM_RESET_DEFDIG 40005
#define IDM_RESET_DEFSYS 40006
#define IDM_HMGRTEST 40007
#define IDM_DEFDEV_DIG 40009
#define IDM_DEFDEV_SYS 40010
#define IDM_XBTN_DIG 40011
#define IDM_XBTN_SYS 40012
#define IDM_CSRMASK_DIG 40013
#define IDM_CSRMASK_SYS 40014
/* For IDD_INFOLIST */ #define LBC_TITLE 3
#define LBC_LISTBOX 4
#define LBC_BASECAT 5
int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int); BOOL InitApplication(HANDLE); BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE, int); LRESULT FAR PASCAL MainWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL FAR PASCAL About(HWND, unsigned, WPARAM, LPARAM);
/* If the exe imports WTMgrDefContextEx(), then we won't be able to run with
older Wintab.dll/Wintab32.dll's which are don't support Wintab Spec 1.1. Instead, we'll try to GetProcAddress it ourselves. On failure, just disable features that depend on it. */ extern HCTX (API * pWTMgrDefContextEx)(HMGR, UINT, BOOL); #define WTMgrDefContextEx( a, b, c ) pWTMgrDefContextEx( (a), (b), (c) )
BOOL CALLBACK CursInfoDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam); void set_ctx_BtnMask( HWND hWnd, HCTX hCtx, LOGCONTEXT * lc ); void set_ctx_MoveMask( HWND hWnd, HMGR hMgr, HCTX hCtx );
/* tests.c */ void BMSTest(HWND hWnd); void PMSTest(HWND hWnd); void PRSTest(HWND hWnd); void HMGRTest(HWND hWnd);
/* test_bitboxes() - use a static text box for selecting/changing a list of bits, hex bytes,
or other evenly spaced things. */ /* LOWORD(pos) = x coord */ /* HIWORD(pos) = y coord */ /* box_id = an array of dialog ID's, one for each box */ /* ndiv = number of divisions per box */ /* nboxes = number of boxes */ /* return value = selection number or -1 if point is outside of all boxes */ int test_bitboxes( HWND hDlg, unsigned long pos, unsigned ndiv, int nboxes, const int *box_id );