//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// cglmbuffer.cpp
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
// memdbgon -must- be the last include file in a .cpp file.
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// LINUXTODO : took out cmdline here
bool g_bUsePseudoBufs = false; //( Plat_GetCommandLineA() ) ? ( strstr( Plat_GetCommandLineA(), "-gl_enable_pseudobufs" ) != NULL ) : false;
#ifdef OSX
// Significant perf degradation on some OSX parts if static buffers not disabled
bool g_bDisableStaticBuffer = true; #else
bool g_bDisableStaticBuffer = false; //( Plat_GetCommandLineA() ) ? ( strstr( Plat_GetCommandLineA(), "-gl_disable_static_buffer" ) != NULL ) : false;
// http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/vertex_buffer_object.txt
// http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/pixel_buffer_object.txt
// gl_bufmode: zero means we mark all vertex/index buffers static
// non zero means buffers are initially marked static..
// ->but can shift to dynamic upon first 'discard' (orphaning)
// #define REPORT_LOCK_TIME 0
ConVar gl_bufmode( "gl_bufmode", "1" );
char ALIGN16 CGLMBuffer::m_StaticBuffers[ GL_MAX_STATIC_BUFFERS ][ GL_STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE ] ALIGN16_POST; bool CGLMBuffer::m_bStaticBufferUsed[ GL_MAX_STATIC_BUFFERS ];
extern bool g_bNullD3DDevice;
static uint gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMNumBufferTypes] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; CON_COMMAND( gl_persistent_buffer_max_offset, "" ) { ConMsg( "OpenGL Persistent buffer max offset :\n" ); ConMsg( " Vertex buffer : %d bytes (%f MB) \n", gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMVertexBuffer], gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMVertexBuffer] / (1024.0f*1024.0f) ); ConMsg( " Index buffer : %d bytes (%f MB) \n", gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMIndexBuffer], gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMIndexBuffer] / (1024.0f*1024.0f) ); ConMsg( " Uniform buffer : %d bytes (%f MB) \n", gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMUniformBuffer], gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMUniformBuffer] / (1024.0f*1024.0f) ); ConMsg( " Pixel buffer : %d bytes (%f MB) \n", gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMPixelBuffer], gMaxPersistentOffset[kGLMPixelBuffer] / (1024.0f*1024.0f) ); }
CPersistentBuffer::CPersistentBuffer() : m_nSize( 0 ) , m_nHandle( 0 ) , m_pImmutablePersistentBuf( NULL ) , m_nOffset( 0 ) #ifdef HAVE_GL_ARB_SYNC
, m_nSyncObj( 0 ) #endif
CPersistentBuffer::~CPersistentBuffer() { Deinit(); }
void CPersistentBuffer::Init( EGLMBufferType type,uint nSize ) { Assert( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage ); Assert( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ); m_nSize = nSize; m_nOffset = 0; m_type = type; switch ( type ) { case kGLMVertexBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break; case kGLMIndexBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break;
default: Assert( nSize == 0 ); } if ( m_nSize > 0 ) { gGL->glGenBuffersARB( 1, &m_nHandle ); gGL->glBindBufferARB( m_buffGLTarget, m_nHandle );
// Create persistent immutable buffer that we will permanently map. This buffer can be written from any thread (not just
// the renderthread)
gGL->glBufferStorage( m_buffGLTarget, m_nSize, (const GLvoid *)NULL, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT | GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT ); // V_GL_REQ: GL_ARB_buffer_storage, GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_VERSION_4_4
// Map the buffer for all of eternity. Pointer can be used from multiple threads.
m_pImmutablePersistentBuf = gGL->glMapBufferRange( m_buffGLTarget, 0, m_nSize, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT | GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT ); // V_GL_REQ: GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_ARB_buffer_storage, GL_VERSION_4_4
Assert( m_pImmutablePersistentBuf != NULL ); } }
void CPersistentBuffer::Deinit() { if ( !m_pImmutablePersistentBuf ) { return; }
gGL->glBindBufferARB( m_buffGLTarget, m_nHandle ); gGL->glUnmapBuffer( m_buffGLTarget ); gGL->glBindBufferARB( m_buffGLTarget, 0 );
gGL->glDeleteBuffersARB( 1, &m_nHandle ); m_nSize = 0; m_nHandle = 0; m_nOffset = 0; m_pImmutablePersistentBuf = NULL; }
void CPersistentBuffer::InsertFence() { #ifdef HAVE_GL_ARB_SYNC
if (m_nSyncObj) { gGL->glDeleteSync( m_nSyncObj ); }
m_nSyncObj = gGL->glFenceSync( GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0 ); #endif
void CPersistentBuffer::BlockUntilNotBusy() { #ifdef HAVE_GL_ARB_SYNC
if (m_nSyncObj) { gGL->glClientWaitSync( m_nSyncObj, GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, 3000000000000ULL );
gGL->glDeleteSync( m_nSyncObj );
m_nSyncObj = 0; } #endif
m_nOffset = 0; }
void CPersistentBuffer::Append( uint nSize ) { m_nOffset += nSize; Assert( m_nOffset <= m_nSize );
gMaxPersistentOffset[m_type] = Max( m_nOffset, gMaxPersistentOffset[m_type] ); }
CGLMBufferSpanManager::CGLMBufferSpanManager() : m_pCtx( NULL ), m_nBufType( kGLMVertexBuffer ), m_nBufSize( 0 ), m_bDynamic( false ), m_nSpanEndMax( -1 ), m_nNumAllocatedBufs( 0 ), m_nTotalBytesAllocated( 0 ) { }
CGLMBufferSpanManager::~CGLMBufferSpanManager() { Deinit(); }
void CGLMBufferSpanManager::Init( GLMContext *pContext, EGLMBufferType nBufType, uint nInitialCapacity, uint nBufSize, bool bDynamic ) { Assert( ( nBufType == kGLMIndexBuffer ) || ( nBufType == kGLMVertexBuffer ) );
m_pCtx = pContext; m_nBufType = nBufType; m_nBufSize = nBufSize; m_bDynamic = bDynamic;
m_ActiveSpans.EnsureCapacity( nInitialCapacity ); m_DeletedSpans.EnsureCapacity( nInitialCapacity ); m_nSpanEndMax = -1;
m_nNumAllocatedBufs = 0; m_nTotalBytesAllocated = 0; }
bool CGLMBufferSpanManager::AllocDynamicBuf( uint nSize, GLDynamicBuf_t &buf ) { buf.m_nGLType = GetGLBufType(); buf.m_nActualBufSize = nSize; buf.m_nHandle = 0; buf.m_nSize = nSize;
m_nNumAllocatedBufs++; m_nTotalBytesAllocated += buf.m_nActualBufSize;
return true; }
void CGLMBufferSpanManager::ReleaseDynamicBuf( GLDynamicBuf_t &buf ) { Assert( m_nNumAllocatedBufs > 0 ); m_nNumAllocatedBufs--;
Assert( m_nTotalBytesAllocated >= (int)buf.m_nActualBufSize ); m_nTotalBytesAllocated -= buf.m_nActualBufSize; }
void CGLMBufferSpanManager::Deinit() { if ( !m_pCtx ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveSpans.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_ActiveSpans[i].m_bOriginalAlloc ) ReleaseDynamicBuf( m_ActiveSpans[i].m_buf ); } m_ActiveSpans.SetCountNonDestructively( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_DeletedSpans.Count(); i++ ) ReleaseDynamicBuf( m_DeletedSpans[i].m_buf );
m_DeletedSpans.SetCountNonDestructively( 0 );
m_pCtx->BindGLBufferToCtx( GetGLBufType(), NULL, true );
m_nSpanEndMax = -1; m_pCtx = NULL;
Assert( !m_nNumAllocatedBufs ); Assert( !m_nTotalBytesAllocated ); }
void CGLMBufferSpanManager::DiscardAllSpans() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_ActiveSpans.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_ActiveSpans[i].m_bOriginalAlloc ) ReleaseDynamicBuf( m_ActiveSpans[i].m_buf ); } m_ActiveSpans.SetCountNonDestructively( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_DeletedSpans.Count(); i++ ) ReleaseDynamicBuf( m_DeletedSpans[i].m_buf );
m_DeletedSpans.SetCountNonDestructively( 0 );
m_nSpanEndMax = -1;
Assert( !m_nNumAllocatedBufs ); Assert( !m_nTotalBytesAllocated ); }
// TODO: Add logic to detect incorrect usage of bNoOverwrite.
CGLMBufferSpanManager::ActiveSpan_t *CGLMBufferSpanManager::AddSpan( uint nOffset, uint nMaxSize, uint nActualSize, bool bDiscard, bool bNoOverwrite ) { (void)bDiscard; (void)bNoOverwrite;
const uint nStart = nOffset; const uint nSize = nActualSize; const uint nEnd = nStart + nSize;
GLDynamicBuf_t newDynamicBuf; if ( !AllocDynamicBuf( nSize, newDynamicBuf ) ) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return NULL; }
if ( (int)nStart < m_nSpanEndMax ) { // Lock region potentially overlaps another previously locked region (since the last discard) - this is a very rarely (if ever) taken path in Source1 games.
int i = 0; while ( i < m_ActiveSpans.Count() ) { ActiveSpan_t &existingSpan = m_ActiveSpans[i]; if ( ( nEnd <= existingSpan.m_nStart ) || ( nStart >= existingSpan.m_nEnd ) ) { i++; continue; }
Warning( "GL performance warning: AddSpan() at offset %u max size %u actual size %u, on a %s %s buffer of total size %u, overwrites an existing active lock span at offset %u size %u!\n", nOffset, nMaxSize, nActualSize, m_bDynamic ? "dynamic" : "static", ( m_nBufType == kGLMVertexBuffer ) ? "vertex" : "index", m_nBufSize, existingSpan.m_nStart, existingSpan.m_nEnd - existingSpan.m_nStart ); if ( ( nStart <= existingSpan.m_nStart ) && ( nEnd >= existingSpan.m_nEnd ) ) { if ( existingSpan.m_bOriginalAlloc ) { // New span totally covers existing span
// Can't immediately delete the span's buffer because it could be referred to by another (child) span.
m_DeletedSpans.AddToTail( existingSpan ); }
// Delete span
m_ActiveSpans[i] = m_ActiveSpans[ m_ActiveSpans.Count() - 1 ]; m_ActiveSpans.SetCountNonDestructively( m_ActiveSpans.Count() - 1 ); continue; }
// New span does NOT fully cover the existing span (partial overlap)
if ( nStart < existingSpan.m_nStart ) { // New span starts before existing span, but ends somewhere inside, so shrink it (start moves "right")
existingSpan.m_nStart = nEnd; } else if ( nEnd > existingSpan.m_nEnd ) { // New span ends after existing span, but starts somewhere inside (end moves "left")
existingSpan.m_nEnd = nStart; } else //if ( ( nStart >= existingSpan.m_nStart ) && ( nEnd <= existingSpan.m_nEnd ) )
{ // New span lies inside of existing span
if ( nStart == existingSpan.m_nStart ) { // New span begins inside the existing span (start moves "right")
existingSpan.m_nStart = nEnd; } else { if ( nEnd < existingSpan.m_nEnd ) { // New span is completely inside existing span
m_ActiveSpans.AddToTail( ActiveSpan_t( nEnd, existingSpan.m_nEnd, existingSpan.m_buf, false ) ); }
existingSpan.m_nEnd = nStart; } }
Assert( existingSpan.m_nStart < existingSpan.m_nEnd ); i++; } }
newDynamicBuf.m_nLockOffset = nStart; newDynamicBuf.m_nLockSize = nSize;
m_ActiveSpans.AddToTail( ActiveSpan_t( nStart, nEnd, newDynamicBuf, true ) ); m_nSpanEndMax = MAX( m_nSpanEndMax, (int)nEnd );
return &m_ActiveSpans.Tail(); }
bool CGLMBufferSpanManager::IsValid( uint nOffset, uint nSize ) const { const uint nEnd = nOffset + nSize; int nTotalBytesRemaining = nSize;
for ( int i = m_ActiveSpans.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { const ActiveSpan_t &span = m_ActiveSpans[i]; if ( span.m_nEnd <= nOffset ) continue; if ( span.m_nStart >= nEnd ) continue;
uint nIntersectStart = MAX( span.m_nStart, nOffset ); uint nIntersectEnd = MIN( span.m_nEnd, nEnd ); Assert( nIntersectStart <= nIntersectEnd );
nTotalBytesRemaining -= ( nIntersectEnd - nIntersectStart ); Assert( nTotalBytesRemaining >= 0 ); if ( nTotalBytesRemaining <= 0 ) break; }
return nTotalBytesRemaining == 0; } #endif // GL_ENABLE_INDEX_VERIFICATION
// glBufferSubData() with a max size limit, to work around NVidia's threaded driver limits (anything > than roughly 256KB triggers a sync with the server thread).
void glBufferSubDataMaxSize( GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, uint nMaxSizePerCall ) { #if TOGL_SUPPORT_NULL_DEVICE
if ( g_bNullD3DDevice ) return; #endif
uint nBytesLeft = size; uint nOfs = 0; while ( nBytesLeft ) { uint nBytesToCopy = MIN( nMaxSizePerCall, nBytesLeft );
gGL->glBufferSubData( target, offset + nOfs, nBytesToCopy, static_cast<const unsigned char *>( data ) + nOfs );
nBytesLeft -= nBytesToCopy; nOfs += nBytesToCopy; } }
CGLMBuffer::CGLMBuffer( GLMContext *pCtx, EGLMBufferType type, uint size, uint options ) { m_pCtx = pCtx; m_type = type; m_bDynamic = ( options & GLMBufferOptionDynamic ) != 0; switch ( m_type ) { case kGLMVertexBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break; case kGLMIndexBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break; case kGLMUniformBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_EXT; break; case kGLMPixelBuffer: m_buffGLTarget = GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB; break; default: Assert(!"Unknown buffer type" ); DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); } m_nSize = size; m_nActualSize = size; m_bMapped = false; m_pLastMappedAddress = NULL;
m_pStaticBuffer = NULL; m_nPinnedMemoryOfs = -1; m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset = 0; m_bUsingPersistentBuffer = false;
m_bEnableAsyncMap = false; m_bEnableExplicitFlush = false; m_dirtyMinOffset = m_dirtyMaxOffset = 0; // adjust/grow on lock, clear on unlock
m_pCtx->CheckCurrent(); m_nRevision = rand(); m_pPseudoBuf = NULL; m_pActualPseudoBuf = NULL;
m_bPseudo = true; #endif
m_BufferSpanManager.Init( m_pCtx, m_type, 512, m_nSize, m_bDynamic ); if ( m_type == kGLMIndexBuffer ) m_bPseudo = true; #endif
if ( g_bUsePseudoBufs && m_bDynamic ) { m_bPseudo = true; } if ( m_bPseudo ) { m_nHandle = 0;
m_nDirtyRangeStart = 0xFFFFFFFF; m_nDirtyRangeEnd = 0;
m_nActualSize = ALIGN_VALUE( ( m_nSize + sizeof( uint32 ) ), 4096 ); m_pPseudoBuf = m_pActualPseudoBuf = (char *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, m_nActualSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if ( !m_pPseudoBuf ) { Error( "VirtualAlloc() failed!\n" ); }
for ( uint i = 0; i < m_nActualSize / sizeof( uint32 ); i++ ) { reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( m_pPseudoBuf )[i] = 0xDEADBEEF; }
DWORD nOldProtect; BOOL bResult = VirtualProtect( m_pActualPseudoBuf, m_nActualSize, PAGE_READONLY, &nOldProtect ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualProtect() failed!\n" ); } #else
m_nActualSize = size + 15; m_pActualPseudoBuf = (char*)malloc( m_nActualSize ); m_pPseudoBuf = (char*)(((intp)m_pActualPseudoBuf + 15) & ~15); #endif
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, NULL ); // exit with no buffer bound
} else { gGL->glGenBuffersARB( 1, &m_nHandle );
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this ); // causes glBindBufferARB
// buffers start out static, but if they get orphaned and gl_bufmode is non zero,
// then they will get flipped to dynamic.
GLenum hint = GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; switch (m_type) { case kGLMVertexBuffer: hint = m_bDynamic ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB : GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; break; case kGLMIndexBuffer: hint = m_bDynamic ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB : GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; break; case kGLMUniformBuffer: hint = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB; break; case kGLMPixelBuffer: hint = m_bDynamic ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB : GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; break; default: Assert(!"Unknown buffer type" ); DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); }
gGL->glBufferDataARB( m_buffGLTarget, m_nSize, (const GLvoid*)NULL, hint ); // may ultimately need more hints to set the usage correctly (esp for streaming)
SetModes( false, true, true );
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, NULL ); // unbind me
} }
CGLMBuffer::~CGLMBuffer( ) { m_pCtx->CheckCurrent(); if ( m_bPseudo ) { #if GL_ENABLE_UNLOCK_BUFFER_OVERWRITE_DETECTION
BOOL bResult = VirtualFree( m_pActualPseudoBuf, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualFree() failed!\n" ); } #else
free( m_pActualPseudoBuf ); #endif
m_pActualPseudoBuf = NULL; m_pPseudoBuf = NULL; } else { gGL->glDeleteBuffersARB( 1, &m_nHandle ); } m_pCtx = NULL; m_nHandle = 0; m_pLastMappedAddress = NULL;
m_BufferSpanManager.Deinit(); #endif
void CGLMBuffer::SetModes( bool bAsyncMap, bool bExplicitFlush, bool bForce ) { // assumes buffer is bound. called by constructor and by Lock.
if ( m_bPseudo ) { // ignore it...
} else { if ( bForce || ( m_bEnableAsyncMap != bAsyncMap ) ) { // note the sense of the parameter, it's TRUE if you *want* serialization, so for async you turn it to false.
if ( ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range ) && ( !gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ) ) { gGL->glBufferParameteriAPPLE( m_buffGLTarget, GL_BUFFER_SERIALIZED_MODIFY_APPLE, bAsyncMap == false ); } m_bEnableAsyncMap = bAsyncMap; }
if ( bForce || ( m_bEnableExplicitFlush != bExplicitFlush ) ) { // Note that the GL_ARB_map_buffer_range path handles this in the glMapBufferRange() call in Lock().
// note the sense of the parameter, it's TRUE if you *want* auto-flush-on-unmap, so for explicit-flush, you turn it to false.
if ( ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range ) && ( !gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ) ) { gGL->glBufferParameteriAPPLE( m_buffGLTarget, GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE, bExplicitFlush == false ); } m_bEnableExplicitFlush = bExplicitFlush; } } }
bool CGLMBuffer::IsSpanValid( uint nOffset, uint nSize ) const { return m_BufferSpanManager.IsValid( nOffset, nSize ); } #endif
void CGLMBuffer::FlushRange( uint offset, uint size ) { if ( m_pStaticBuffer ) { } else if ( m_bPseudo ) { // nothing to do
} else { #ifdef REPORT_LOCK_TIME
double flStart = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif
// assumes buffer is bound.
if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ) { gGL->glFlushMappedBufferRange( m_buffGLTarget, (GLintptr)( offset - m_dirtyMinOffset ), (GLsizeiptr)size ); } else if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range ) { gGL->glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE( m_buffGLTarget, (GLintptr)offset, (GLsizeiptr)size ); } #ifdef REPORT_LOCK_TIME
double flEnd = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( flEnd - flStart > 5.0 / 1000.0 ) { int nDelta = ( int )( ( flEnd - flStart ) * 1000 ); if ( nDelta > 2 ) { Msg( "**** " ); } Msg( "glFlushMappedBufferRange Time %d: ( Name=%d BufSize=%d ) Target=%p Offset=%d FlushSize=%d\n", nDelta, m_nHandle, m_nSize, m_buffGLTarget, offset - m_dirtyMinOffset, size ); } #endif
// If you don't have any extension support here, you'll flush the whole buffer on unmap. Performance loss, but it's still safe and correct.
} }
void CGLMBuffer::Lock( GLMBuffLockParams *pParams, char **pAddressOut ) { #if GL_TELEMETRY_GPU_ZONES
CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmPIXEvent( "CGLMBuffer::Lock" ); g_TelemetryGPUStats.m_nTotalBufferLocksAndUnlocks++; #endif
char *resultPtr = NULL; if ( m_bMapped ) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; } m_pCtx->CheckCurrent();
Assert( pParams->m_nSize ); m_LockParams = *pParams; if ( pParams->m_nOffset >= m_nSize ) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; } if ( ( pParams->m_nOffset + pParams->m_nSize ) > m_nSize) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; }
if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { m_BufferSpanManager.DiscardAllSpans(); } #endif
m_pStaticBuffer = NULL; bool bUsingPersistentBuffer = false;
uint padding = 0; if ( m_bDynamic && gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage ) { // Compute padding to add to make sure the start offset is valid
CPersistentBuffer *pTempBuffer = m_pCtx->GetCurPersistentBuffer( m_type ); uint persistentBufferOffset = pTempBuffer->GetOffset();
if (pParams->m_nOffset > persistentBufferOffset) { // Make sure the start offset if valid (adding padding to the persistent buffer)
padding = pParams->m_nOffset - persistentBufferOffset; } } if ( m_bPseudo ) { if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { m_nRevision++; }
// async map modes are a no-op
// calc lock address
resultPtr = m_pPseudoBuf + pParams->m_nOffset;
BOOL bResult; DWORD nOldProtect; if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { bResult = VirtualProtect( m_pActualPseudoBuf, m_nSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &nOldProtect ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualProtect() failed!\n" ); }
m_nDirtyRangeStart = 0xFFFFFFFF; m_nDirtyRangeEnd = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < m_nSize / sizeof( uint32 ); i++ ) { reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( m_pPseudoBuf )[i] = 0xDEADBEEF; }
bResult = VirtualProtect( m_pActualPseudoBuf, m_nSize, PAGE_READONLY, &nOldProtect ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualProtect() failed!\n" ); } } uint nProtectOfs = m_LockParams.m_nOffset & 4095; uint nProtectEnd = ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + m_LockParams.m_nSize + 4095 ) & ~4095; uint nProtectSize = nProtectEnd - nProtectOfs; bResult = VirtualProtect( m_pActualPseudoBuf + nProtectOfs, nProtectSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &nOldProtect ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualProtect() failed!\n" ); } #endif
} else if ( m_bDynamic && gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage && ( m_pCtx->GetCurPersistentBuffer( m_type )->GetBytesRemaining() >= ( pParams->m_nSize + padding ) ) ) { CPersistentBuffer *pTempBuffer = m_pCtx->GetCurPersistentBuffer( m_type );
// Make sure the start offset if valid (adding padding to the persistent buffer)
pTempBuffer->Append( padding );
uint persistentBufferOffset = pTempBuffer->GetOffset(); uint startOffset = persistentBufferOffset - pParams->m_nOffset;
if ( pParams->m_bDiscard || ( startOffset != m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset ) ) { m_nRevision++; // Offset to be added to the vertex and index buffer when setting the vertex and index buffer (before drawing)
// Since we are using a immutable buffer storage, the persistent buffer is actually bigger than
// buffer size requested upon creation. We keep appending to the end of the persistent buffer
// and therefore need to keep track of the start of the actual buffer (in the persistent one)
m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset = startOffset;
//DevMsg( "Discard (%s): startOffset = %d\n", pParams->m_bDiscard ? "true" : "false", m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset );
resultPtr = static_cast<char*>(pTempBuffer->GetPtr()) + persistentBufferOffset; bUsingPersistentBuffer = true;
//DevMsg( " --> buff=%x, startOffset=%d, paramsOffset=%d, persistOffset = %d\n", this, m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset, pParams->m_nOffset, persistentBufferOffset );
} #ifndef OSX
else if ( m_bDynamic && gGL->m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory && ( m_pCtx->GetCurPinnedMemoryBuffer()->GetBytesRemaining() >= pParams->m_nSize ) ) { if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { m_nRevision++; }
m_dirtyMinOffset = pParams->m_nOffset; m_dirtyMaxOffset = pParams->m_nOffset + pParams->m_nSize;
CPinnedMemoryBuffer *pTempBuffer = m_pCtx->GetCurPinnedMemoryBuffer();
m_nPinnedMemoryOfs = pTempBuffer->GetOfs();
resultPtr = static_cast<char*>( pTempBuffer->GetPtr() ) + m_nPinnedMemoryOfs; pTempBuffer->Append( pParams->m_nSize ); } #endif // OSX
else if ( !g_bDisableStaticBuffer && ( pParams->m_bDiscard || pParams->m_bNoOverwrite ) && ( pParams->m_nSize <= GL_STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE ) ) { #if TOGL_SUPPORT_NULL_DEVICE
if ( !g_bNullD3DDevice ) #endif
{ if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this );
// observe gl_bufmode on any orphan event.
// if orphaned and bufmode is nonzero, flip it to dynamic.
GLenum hint = gl_bufmode.GetInt() ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB : GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; gGL->glBufferDataARB( m_buffGLTarget, m_nSize, (const GLvoid*)NULL, hint ); m_nRevision++; // revision grows on orphan event
} }
m_dirtyMinOffset = pParams->m_nOffset; m_dirtyMaxOffset = pParams->m_nOffset + pParams->m_nSize;
switch ( m_type ) { case kGLMVertexBuffer: { m_pStaticBuffer = m_StaticBuffers[ 0 ]; break; } case kGLMIndexBuffer: { m_pStaticBuffer = m_StaticBuffers[ 1 ]; break; } default: { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; } }
resultPtr = m_pStaticBuffer; } else { // bind (yes, even for pseudo - this binds name 0)
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this );
// perform discard if requested
if ( pParams->m_bDiscard ) { // observe gl_bufmode on any orphan event.
// if orphaned and bufmode is nonzero, flip it to dynamic.
// We always want to call glBufferData( ..., NULL ) on discards, even though we're using the GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT flag, because this flag is actually only a hint according to AMD.
GLenum hint = gl_bufmode.GetInt() ? GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB : GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB; gGL->glBufferDataARB( m_buffGLTarget, m_nSize, (const GLvoid*)NULL, hint ); m_nRevision++; // revision grows on orphan event
// adjust async map option appropriately, leave explicit flush unchanged
SetModes( pParams->m_bNoOverwrite, m_bEnableExplicitFlush );
// map
char *mapPtr; if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ) { // m_bEnableAsyncMap is actually pParams->m_bNoOverwrite
GLbitfield parms = GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | ( m_bEnableAsyncMap ? GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT : 0 ) | ( pParams->m_bDiscard ? GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT : 0 ) | ( m_bEnableExplicitFlush ? GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT : 0 );
double flStart = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif
mapPtr = (char*)gGL->glMapBufferRange( m_buffGLTarget, pParams->m_nOffset, pParams->m_nSize, parms);
double flEnd = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( flEnd - flStart > 5.0 / 1000.0 ) { int nDelta = ( int )( ( flEnd - flStart ) * 1000 ); if ( nDelta > 2 ) { Msg( "**** " ); } Msg( "glMapBufferRange Time=%d: ( Name=%d BufSize=%d ) Target=%p Offset=%d LockSize=%d ", nDelta, m_nHandle, m_nSize, m_buffGLTarget, pParams->m_nOffset, pParams->m_nSize ); if ( parms & GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT ) { Msg( "GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT "); } if ( parms & GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT ) { Msg( "GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT "); } if ( parms & GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT ) { Msg( "GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT "); } if ( parms & GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT ) { Msg( "GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT "); } if ( parms & GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT ) { Msg( "GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT "); } Msg( "\n" ); } #endif
} else { mapPtr = (char*)gGL->glMapBufferARB( m_buffGLTarget, GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB ); }
Assert( mapPtr ); // calculate offset location
resultPtr = mapPtr; if ( !gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ) { resultPtr += pParams->m_nOffset; }
// set range
m_dirtyMinOffset = pParams->m_nOffset; m_dirtyMaxOffset = pParams->m_nOffset + pParams->m_nSize; }
if ( m_bUsingPersistentBuffer != bUsingPersistentBuffer ) { // Up the revision number when switching from a persistent to a non persistent buffer (or vice versa)
// Ensure the right GL buffer is bound before drawing (and vertex attribs properly set)
m_nRevision++; m_bUsingPersistentBuffer = bUsingPersistentBuffer; }
m_bMapped = true;
m_pLastMappedAddress = (float*)resultPtr; *pAddressOut = resultPtr; }
void CGLMBuffer::Unlock( int nActualSize, const void *pActualData ) { #if GL_TELEMETRY_GPU_ZONES
CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmPIXEvent( "CGLMBuffer::Unlock" ); g_TelemetryGPUStats.m_nTotalBufferLocksAndUnlocks++; #endif
m_pCtx->CheckCurrent(); if ( !m_bMapped ) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; }
if ( nActualSize < 0 ) { nActualSize = m_LockParams.m_nSize; }
if ( nActualSize > (int)m_LockParams.m_nSize ) { DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); return; }
if ( m_bPseudo ) { // Check guard DWORD to detect buffer overruns (but are still within the last 4KB page so they don't get caught via pagefaults)
if ( *reinterpret_cast< const uint32 * >( m_pPseudoBuf + m_nSize ) != 0xDEADBEEF ) { // If this fires the client app has overwritten the guard DWORD beyond the end of the buffer.
static const uint s_nInitialValues[4] = { 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0xDE };
int nActualModifiedStart, nActualModifiedEnd; for ( nActualModifiedStart = 0; nActualModifiedStart < (int)m_LockParams.m_nSize; ++nActualModifiedStart ) if ( reinterpret_cast< const uint8 * >( m_pLastMappedAddress )[nActualModifiedStart] != s_nInitialValues[ ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + nActualModifiedStart ) & 3 ] ) break;
for ( nActualModifiedEnd = m_LockParams.m_nSize - 1; nActualModifiedEnd > nActualModifiedStart; --nActualModifiedEnd ) if ( reinterpret_cast< const uint8 * >( m_pLastMappedAddress )[nActualModifiedEnd] != s_nInitialValues[ ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + nActualModifiedEnd ) & 3 ] ) break;
int nNumActualBytesModified = 0;
if ( nActualModifiedEnd >= nActualModifiedStart ) { // The modified check is conservative (i.e. it should always err on the side of detecting <= actual bytes than where actually modified, never more).
// We primarily care about the case where the user lies about the actual # of modified bytes, which can lead to difficult to debug/inconsistent problems with some drivers.
// Round up/down the modified range, because the user's data may alias with the initial buffer values (0xDEADBEEF) so we may miss some bytes that where written.
if ( m_type == kGLMIndexBuffer ) { nActualModifiedStart &= ~1; nActualModifiedEnd = MIN( (int)m_LockParams.m_nSize, ( ( nActualModifiedEnd + 1 ) + 1 ) & ~1 ) - 1; } else { nActualModifiedStart &= ~3; nActualModifiedEnd = MIN( (int)m_LockParams.m_nSize, ( ( nActualModifiedEnd + 1 ) + 3 ) & ~3 ) - 1; } nNumActualBytesModified = nActualModifiedEnd + 1;
if ( nActualSize < nNumActualBytesModified ) { // The caller may be lying about the # of actually modified bytes in this lock.
// Has this lock region been previously locked? If so, it may have been previously overwritten before. Otherwise, the region had to be the 0xDEADBEEF fill DWORD at lock time.
if ( ( m_nDirtyRangeStart > m_nDirtyRangeEnd ) || ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset > m_nDirtyRangeEnd ) || ( ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + m_LockParams.m_nSize ) <= m_nDirtyRangeStart ) ) { // If this fires the client has lied about the actual # of bytes they've modified in the buffer - this will cause unreliable rendering on AMD drivers (because AMD actually pays attention to the actual # of flushed bytes).
DXABSTRACT_BREAK_ON_ERROR(); } } m_nDirtyRangeStart = MIN( m_nDirtyRangeStart, m_LockParams.m_nOffset + nActualModifiedStart ); m_nDirtyRangeEnd = MAX( m_nDirtyRangeEnd, m_LockParams.m_nOffset + nActualModifiedEnd ); }
if ( nActualModifiedEnd >= nActualModifiedStart ) { int n = nActualModifiedEnd + 1; if ( n != nActualSize ) { // The actual detected modified size is < than the reported size, which is common because the last few DWORD's of the vertex format may not actually be used/written (or read by the vertex shader). So just fudge it so the batch consumption checks work.
if ( ( (int)nActualSize - n ) <= 32 ) { n = nActualSize; } }
m_BufferSpanManager.AddSpan( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + nActualModifiedStart, m_LockParams.m_nSize, n - nActualModifiedStart, m_LockParams.m_bDiscard, m_LockParams.m_bNoOverwrite ); } #endif
if ( nActualSize > 0 ) { m_BufferSpanManager.AddSpan( m_LockParams.m_nOffset, m_LockParams.m_nSize, nActualSize, m_LockParams.m_bDiscard, m_LockParams.m_bNoOverwrite ); } #endif
if ( m_type == kGLMIndexBuffer ) g_nTotalIBLockBytes += nActualSize; else if ( m_type == kGLMVertexBuffer ) g_nTotalVBLockBytes += nActualSize; #endif
#ifndef OSX
if ( m_nPinnedMemoryOfs >= 0 ) { #if TOGL_SUPPORT_NULL_DEVICE
if ( !g_bNullD3DDevice ) { #endif
if ( nActualSize ) { m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this );
gGL->glCopyBufferSubData( GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD, m_buffGLTarget, m_nPinnedMemoryOfs, m_dirtyMinOffset, nActualSize ); }
} #endif
m_nPinnedMemoryOfs = -1; } else #endif // OSX
if ( m_bUsingPersistentBuffer ) { if ( nActualSize ) { CPersistentBuffer *pTempBuffer = m_pCtx->GetCurPersistentBuffer( m_type ); pTempBuffer->Append( nActualSize );
//DevMsg( " <-- actualSize=%d, persistOffset = %d\n", nActualSize, pTempBuffer->GetOffset() );
} } else if ( m_pStaticBuffer ) { #if TOGL_SUPPORT_NULL_DEVICE
if ( !g_bNullD3DDevice ) #endif
{ if ( nActualSize ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL2, TMZF_NONE, "UnlockSubData" );
double flStart = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this ); Assert( nActualSize <= (int)( m_dirtyMaxOffset - m_dirtyMinOffset ) );
glBufferSubDataMaxSize( m_buffGLTarget, m_dirtyMinOffset, nActualSize, pActualData ? pActualData : m_pStaticBuffer ); #ifdef REPORT_LOCK_TIME
double flEnd = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( flEnd - flStart > 5.0 / 1000.0 ) { int nDelta = ( int )( ( flEnd - flStart ) * 1000 ); if ( nDelta > 2 ) { Msg( "**** " ); } // Msg( "glBufferSubData Time=%d: ( Name=%d BufSize=%d ) Target=%p Offset=%d Size=%d\n", nDelta, m_nHandle, m_nSize, m_buffGLTarget, m_dirtyMinOffset, m_dirtyMaxOffset - m_dirtyMinOffset );
} #endif
} }
m_pStaticBuffer = NULL; } else if ( m_bPseudo ) { if ( pActualData ) { memcpy( m_pLastMappedAddress, pActualData, nActualSize ); }
uint nProtectOfs = m_LockParams.m_nOffset & 4095; uint nProtectEnd = ( m_LockParams.m_nOffset + m_LockParams.m_nSize + 4095 ) & ~4095; uint nProtectSize = nProtectEnd - nProtectOfs;
DWORD nOldProtect; BOOL bResult = VirtualProtect( m_pActualPseudoBuf + nProtectOfs, nProtectSize, PAGE_READONLY, &nOldProtect ); if ( !bResult ) { Error( "VirtualProtect() failed!\n" ); } #endif
} else { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL2, TMZF_NONE, "UnlockUnmap" );
if ( pActualData ) { memcpy( m_pLastMappedAddress, pActualData, nActualSize ); }
m_pCtx->BindBufferToCtx( m_type, this );
Assert( nActualSize <= (int)( m_dirtyMaxOffset - m_dirtyMinOffset ) );
// time to do explicit flush (currently m_bEnableExplicitFlush is always true)
if ( m_bEnableExplicitFlush ) { FlushRange( m_dirtyMinOffset, nActualSize ); } // clear dirty range no matter what
m_dirtyMinOffset = m_dirtyMaxOffset = 0; // adjust/grow on lock, clear on unlock
double flStart = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif
gGL->glUnmapBuffer( m_buffGLTarget );
double flEnd = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( flEnd - flStart > 5.0 / 1000.0 ) { int nDelta = ( int )( ( flEnd - flStart ) * 1000 ); if ( nDelta > 2 ) { Msg( "**** " ); } Msg( "glUnmapBuffer Time=%d: ( Name=%d BufSize=%d ) Target=%p\n", nDelta, m_nHandle, m_nSize, m_buffGLTarget ); } #endif
m_bMapped = false; }
GLuint CGLMBuffer::GetHandle() const { return ( m_bUsingPersistentBuffer ? m_pCtx->GetCurPersistentBuffer( m_type )->GetHandle() : m_nHandle ); }