//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IPanel.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include <ctype.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
namespace vgui {
ComboBoxButton::ComboBoxButton(ComboBox *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text) : Button(parent, panelName, text) { SetButtonActivationType(ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED); }
void ComboBoxButton::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { Button::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("Marlett", IsProportional())); SetContentAlignment(Label::a_west); #ifdef PLATFORM_OSX
SetTextInset(-3, 0); #else
SetTextInset(3, 0); #endif
SetDefaultBorder(pScheme->GetBorder("ScrollBarButtonBorder")); // arrow changes color but the background doesnt.
SetDefaultColor(GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor", pScheme), GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.BgColor", pScheme)); SetArmedColor(GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor", pScheme), GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.BgColor", pScheme)); SetDepressedColor(GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor", pScheme), GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.BgColor", pScheme)); m_DisabledBgColor = GetSchemeColor("ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor", pScheme); }
IBorder * ComboBoxButton::GetBorder(bool depressed, bool armed, bool selected, bool keyfocus) { return NULL; // return Button::GetBorder(depressed, armed, selected, keyfocus);
// Purpose: Dim the arrow on the button when exiting the box
// only if the menu is closed, so let the parent handle this.
void ComboBoxButton::OnCursorExited() { // want the arrow to go grey when we exit the box if the menu is not open
CallParentFunction(new KeyValues("CursorExited")); }
} // namespace vgui
vgui::Panel *ComboBox_Factory() { return new ComboBox( NULL, NULL, 5, true ); } DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM( ComboBox, ComboBox_Factory );
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : parent - parent class
// panelName
// numLines - number of lines in dropdown menu
// allowEdit - whether combobox is editable or not
ComboBox::ComboBox(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, int numLines, bool allowEdit ) : TextEntry(parent, panelName) { SetEditable(allowEdit); SetHorizontalScrolling(false); // do not scroll, always Start at the beginning of the text.
// create the drop-down menu
m_pDropDown = new Menu(this, NULL); m_pDropDown->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pDropDown->SetTypeAheadMode( Menu::TYPE_AHEAD_MODE );
// button to Activate menu
m_pButton = new ComboBoxButton(this, NULL, "u"); m_pButton->SetCommand("ButtonClicked"); m_pButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_bHighlight = false; m_iDirection = Menu::DOWN; m_iOpenOffsetY = 0; }
// Purpose: Destructor
ComboBox::~ComboBox() { m_pDropDown->DeletePanel(); m_pButton->DeletePanel(); }
// Purpose: Set the number of items in the dropdown menu.
// Input : numLines - number of items in dropdown menu
void ComboBox::SetNumberOfEditLines( int numLines ) { m_pDropDown->SetNumberOfVisibleItems( numLines ); }
// Purpose: Add an item to the drop down
// Input : char *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
int ComboBox::AddItem(const char *itemText, const KeyValues *userData) { // when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
return m_pDropDown->AddMenuItem( itemText, new KeyValues("SetText", "text", itemText), this, userData ); }
// Purpose: Add an item to the drop down
// Input : char *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
int ComboBox::AddItem(const wchar_t *itemText, const KeyValues *userData) { // add the element to the menu
// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("SetText"); kv->SetWString("text", itemText); // get an ansi version for the menuitem name
char ansi[128]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI(itemText, ansi, sizeof(ansi)); return m_pDropDown->AddMenuItem(ansi, kv, this, userData); }
// Removes a single item
void ComboBox::DeleteItem( int itemID ) { if ( !m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID)) return;
m_pDropDown->DeleteItem( itemID ); }
// Purpose: Updates a current item to the drop down
// Input : char *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
bool ComboBox::UpdateItem(int itemID, const char *itemText, const KeyValues *userData) { if ( !m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID)) return false;
// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
m_pDropDown->UpdateMenuItem(itemID, itemText, new KeyValues("SetText", "text", itemText), userData); InvalidateLayout(); return true; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Updates a current item to the drop down
// Input : wchar_t *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
bool ComboBox::UpdateItem(int itemID, const wchar_t *itemText, const KeyValues *userData) { if ( !m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID)) return false;
// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("SetText"); kv->SetWString("text", itemText); m_pDropDown->UpdateMenuItem(itemID, itemText, kv, userData); InvalidateLayout(); return true; }
// Purpose: Updates a current item to the drop down
// Input : wchar_t *itemText - name of dropdown menu item
bool ComboBox::IsItemIDValid( int itemID ) { return m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID); }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::SetItemEnabled(const char *itemText, bool state) { m_pDropDown->SetItemEnabled(itemText, state); }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::SetItemEnabled(int itemID, bool state) { m_pDropDown->SetItemEnabled(itemID, state); }
// Purpose: Remove all items from the drop down menu
void ComboBox::RemoveAll() { m_pDropDown->DeleteAllItems(); }
// Purpose:
int ComboBox::GetItemCount() { return m_pDropDown->GetItemCount(); }
int ComboBox::GetItemIDFromRow( int row ) { // valid from [0, GetItemCount)
return m_pDropDown->GetMenuID( row ); }
// Purpose: Activate the item in the menu list, as if that menu item had been selected by the user
// Input : itemID - itemID from AddItem in list of dropdown items
void ComboBox::ActivateItem(int itemID) { m_pDropDown->ActivateItem(itemID); }
// Purpose: Activate the item in the menu list, as if that menu item had been selected by the user
// Input : itemID - itemID from AddItem in list of dropdown items
void ComboBox::ActivateItemByRow(int row) { m_pDropDown->ActivateItemByRow(row); }
// Purpose: Allows a custom menu to be used with the combo box
void ComboBox::SetMenu( Menu *menu ) { if ( m_pDropDown ) { m_pDropDown->MarkForDeletion(); }
m_pDropDown = menu; if ( m_pDropDown ) { m_pDropDown->SetParent( this ); } }
// Purpose: Layout the format of the combo box for drawing on screen
void ComboBox::PerformLayout() { int wide, tall; GetPaintSize(wide, tall);
HFont buttonFont = m_pButton->GetFont(); int fontTall = surface()->GetFontTall( buttonFont );
int buttonSize = MIN( tall, fontTall );
int buttonY = ( ( tall - 1 ) - buttonSize ) / 2;
// Some dropdown button icons in our games are wider than they are taller. We need to factor that in.
int button_wide, button_tall; m_pButton->GetContentSize(button_wide, button_tall); button_wide = MAX( buttonSize, button_wide );
m_pButton->SetBounds( wide - button_wide, buttonY, button_wide, buttonSize ); if ( IsEditable() ) { SetCursor(dc_ibeam); } else { SetCursor(dc_arrow); }
DoMenuLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::DoMenuLayout() { m_pDropDown->PositionRelativeToPanel( this, m_iDirection, m_iOpenOffsetY );
// reset the width of the drop down menu to be the width of the combo box
m_pDropDown->SetFixedWidth(GetWide()); m_pDropDown->ForceCalculateWidth();
// Purpose: Sorts the items in the list
void ComboBox::SortItems( void ) { }
// Purpose: return the index of the last selected item
int ComboBox::GetActiveItem() { return m_pDropDown->GetActiveItem(); }
// Purpose:
KeyValues *ComboBox::GetActiveItemUserData() { return m_pDropDown->GetItemUserData(GetActiveItem()); }
// Purpose:
KeyValues *ComboBox::GetItemUserData(int itemID) { return m_pDropDown->GetItemUserData(itemID); }
// Purpose: data accessor
void ComboBox::GetItemText( int itemID, wchar_t *text, int bufLenInBytes ) { m_pDropDown->GetItemText( itemID, text, bufLenInBytes ); }
void ComboBox::GetItemText( int itemID, char *text, int bufLenInBytes ) { m_pDropDown->GetItemText( itemID, text, bufLenInBytes ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ComboBox::IsDropdownVisible() { return m_pDropDown->IsVisible(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *inResourceData -
void ComboBox::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
SetBorder(pScheme->GetBorder("ComboBoxBorder")); }
// Purpose: Set the visiblity of the drop down menu button.
void ComboBox::SetDropdownButtonVisible(bool state) { m_pButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose: overloads TextEntry MousePressed
void ComboBox::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { if ( !m_pDropDown ) return;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
// make sure it's getting pressed over us (it may not be due to mouse capture)
if ( !IsCursorOver() ) { HideMenu(); return; }
if ( IsEditable() ) { BaseClass::OnMousePressed(code); HideMenu(); } else { // clicking on a non-editable text box just activates the drop down menu
RequestFocus(); DoClick(); } }
// Purpose: Double-click acts the same as a single-click
void ComboBox::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { if (IsEditable()) { BaseClass::OnMouseDoublePressed(code); } else { OnMousePressed(code); } }
// Purpose: Called when a command is received from the menu
// Changes the label text to be that of the command
// Input : char *command -
void ComboBox::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if (!stricmp(command, "ButtonClicked")) { // hide / show the menu underneath
DoClick(); }
Panel::OnCommand(command); }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::OnSetText(const wchar_t *newtext) { // see if the combobox text has changed, and if so, post a message detailing the new text
const wchar_t *text = newtext;
// check if the new text is a localized string, if so undo it
if (*text == '#') { char cbuf[255]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI(text, cbuf, 255);
// try lookup in localization tables
StringIndex_t unlocalizedTextSymbol = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindIndex(cbuf + 1); if (unlocalizedTextSymbol != INVALID_STRING_INDEX) { // we have a new text value
text = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetValueByIndex(unlocalizedTextSymbol); } }
wchar_t wbuf[255]; GetText(wbuf, 254); if ( wcscmp(wbuf, text) ) { // text has changed
// fire off that things have changed
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("TextChanged", "text", text)); Repaint(); } // close the box
HideMenu(); }
// Purpose: hides the menu
void ComboBox::HideMenu(void) { if ( !m_pDropDown ) return;
// hide the menu
m_pDropDown->SetVisible(false); Repaint(); OnHideMenu(m_pDropDown); }
// Purpose: shows the menu
void ComboBox::ShowMenu(void) { if ( !m_pDropDown ) return;
// hide the menu
m_pDropDown->SetVisible(false); DoClick(); }
// Purpose: Called when the window loses focus; hides the menu
void ComboBox::OnKillFocus() { SelectNoText(); }
// Purpose: Called when the menu is closed
void ComboBox::OnMenuClose() { HideMenu();
if ( HasFocus() ) { SelectAllText(false); } else if ( m_bHighlight ) { m_bHighlight = false; // we want the text to be highlighted when we request the focus
// SelectAllOnFirstFocus(true);
RequestFocus(); } // if cursor is in this box or the arrow box
else if ( IsCursorOver() )// make sure it's getting pressed over us (it may not be due to mouse capture)
{ SelectAllText(false); OnCursorEntered(); // Get focus so the box will unhighlight if we click somewhere else.
RequestFocus(); } else { m_pButton->SetArmed(false); } }
// Purpose: Handles hotkey accesses
// FIXME: make this open different directions as necessary see menubutton.
void ComboBox::DoClick() { // menu is already visible, hide the menu
if ( m_pDropDown->IsVisible() ) { HideMenu(); return; }
// do nothing if menu is not enabled
if ( !m_pDropDown->IsEnabled() ) { return; } // force the menu to Think
// make sure we're at the top of the draw order (and therefore our children as well)
// RequestFocus();
// We want the item that is shown in the combo box to show as selected
int itemToSelect = -1; int i; wchar_t comboBoxContents[255]; GetText(comboBoxContents, 255); for ( i = 0 ; i < m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() ; i++ ) { wchar_t menuItemName[255]; int menuID = m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(i); m_pDropDown->GetMenuItem(menuID)->GetText(menuItemName, 255); if (!wcscmp(menuItemName, comboBoxContents)) { itemToSelect = i; break; } } // if we found a match, highlight it on opening the menu
if ( itemToSelect >= 0 ) { m_pDropDown->SetCurrentlyHighlightedItem( m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(itemToSelect) ); }
// reset the dropdown's position
// make sure we're at the top of the draw order (and therefore our children as well)
// this important to make sure the menu will be drawn in the foreground
// notify
// show the menu
// bring to focus
// no text is highlighted when the menu is opened
// highlight the arrow while menu is open
Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Brighten the arrow on the button when entering the box
void ComboBox::OnCursorEntered() { // want the arrow to go white when we enter the box
m_pButton->OnCursorEntered(); TextEntry::OnCursorEntered(); }
// Purpose: Dim the arrow on the button when exiting the box
void ComboBox::OnCursorExited() { // want the arrow to go grey when we exit the box if the menu is not open
if ( !m_pDropDown->IsVisible() ) { m_pButton->SetArmed(false); TextEntry::OnCursorExited(); } }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::OnMenuItemSelected() { m_bHighlight = true; // For editable cbs, fill in the text field from whatever is chosen from the dropdown...
int idx = GetActiveItem(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { wchar_t name[ 256 ]; GetItemText( idx, name, sizeof( name ) );
OnSetText( name ); }
// go to the next control
if(!NavigateDown()) { NavigateUp(); } } #else
void ComboBox::OnMenuItemSelected() { m_bHighlight = true; // Fill in the text field from whatever is chosen from the dropdown...
int idx = GetActiveItem(); if ( idx >= 0 ) { wchar_t name[ 256 ]; GetItemText( idx, name, sizeof( name ) ); OnSetText( name ); }
Repaint(); } #endif
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall) { BaseClass::OnSizeChanged( wide, tall);
// set the drawwidth.
int bwide, btall; PerformLayout(); m_pButton->GetSize( bwide, btall); SetDrawWidth( wide - bwide ); }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::OnSetFocus() { BaseClass::OnSetFocus();
GotoTextEnd(); SelectAllText(true); } #else
void ComboBox::OnSetFocus() { BaseClass::OnSetFocus();
GotoTextEnd(); SelectAllText(false); } #endif
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { switch ( GetBaseButtonCode( code ) ) { case KEY_XBUTTON_A: DoClick(); break; case KEY_XBUTTON_UP: case KEY_XSTICK1_UP: case KEY_XSTICK2_UP: if(m_pDropDown->IsVisible()) { MoveAlongMenuItemList(-1); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); } break; case KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN: case KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN: case KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN: if(m_pDropDown->IsVisible()) { MoveAlongMenuItemList(1); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); } break; default: BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); break; } } #endif
// Purpose: Handles up/down arrows
void ComboBox::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { bool alt = (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LALT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RALT));
if (alt) { switch (code) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: { DoClick(); break; } default: { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); break; } } } else { switch (code) { case KEY_HOME: case KEY_END: case KEY_PAGEUP: case KEY_PAGEDOWN: case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: { int itemSelected = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(); m_pDropDown->OnKeyCodeTyped(code); int itemToSelect = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem();
if ( itemToSelect != itemSelected ) { SelectMenuItem(itemToSelect); } break; }
case KEY_ENTER: { int itemToSelect = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(); if ( m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID( itemToSelect ) ) { m_pDropDown->ActivateItem(itemToSelect); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); } break; }
default: { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); break; } } } }
// Purpose: handles key input
void ComboBox::OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar) { if ( IsEditable() || unichar == '\t') // don't play with key presses in edit mode
{ BaseClass::OnKeyTyped( unichar ); return; }
int itemSelected = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(); m_pDropDown->OnKeyTyped(unichar); int itemToSelect = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem();
if ( itemToSelect != itemSelected ) { SelectMenuItem(itemToSelect); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyTyped( unichar ); } }
void ComboBox::SelectMenuItem(int itemToSelect) { // if we found this item, then we scroll up or down
if ( itemToSelect >= 0 && itemToSelect < m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() ) { wchar_t menuItemName[255];
int menuID = m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(itemToSelect); m_pDropDown->GetMenuItem(menuID)->GetText(menuItemName, 254); OnSetText(menuItemName); SelectAllText(false); } }
// Purpose:
void ComboBox::MoveAlongMenuItemList(int direction) { // We want the item that is shown in the combo box to show as selected
int itemToSelect = -1; wchar_t menuItemName[255]; int i;
wchar_t comboBoxContents[255]; GetText(comboBoxContents, 254); for ( i = 0 ; i < m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() ; i++ ) { int menuID = m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(i); m_pDropDown->GetMenuItem(menuID)->GetText(menuItemName, 254);
if ( !wcscmp(menuItemName, comboBoxContents) ) { itemToSelect = i; break; } }
if ( itemToSelect >= 0 ) { int newItem = itemToSelect + direction; if ( newItem < 0 ) { newItem = 0; } else if ( newItem >= m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() ) { newItem = m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() - 1; } SelectMenuItem(newItem); }
void ComboBox::MoveToFirstMenuItem() { SelectMenuItem(0); }
void ComboBox::MoveToLastMenuItem() { SelectMenuItem(m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() - 1); }
// Purpose: Sets the direction from the menu button the menu should open
void ComboBox::SetOpenDirection(Menu::MenuDirection_e direction) { m_iDirection = direction; }
void ComboBox::SetFont( HFont font ) { BaseClass::SetFont( font );
m_pDropDown->SetFont( font ); }
void ComboBox::SetUseFallbackFont( bool bState, HFont hFallback ) { BaseClass::SetUseFallbackFont( bState, hFallback ); m_pDropDown->SetUseFallbackFont( bState, hFallback ); }