#include <vgui_controls/JoypadFocus.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanelColored.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "keydefs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CJoypadFocus::CJoypadFocus() { m_bJoypadMode = false; m_bDebugOutput = false; m_iModal = 0;
m_FocusAreas.Purge(); m_CurrentFocus.bClickOnFocus = false; m_CurrentFocus.hPanel = NULL;
for (int i=0;i<NUM_JF_KEYS;i++) { m_bKeyDown[i] = false; m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i] = 0; } }
void CJoypadFocus::SetJoypadCodes(int iUpCode, int iDownCode, int iLeftCode, int iRightCode, int iConfirmCode, int iCancelCode) { m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_UP] = iUpCode; m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_DOWN] = iDownCode; m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_LEFT] = iLeftCode; m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_RIGHT] = iRightCode; m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CONFIRM] = iConfirmCode; m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CANCEL] = iCancelCode; }
void CJoypadFocus::AddToFocusList(vgui::Panel* pPanel, bool bClickOnFocus, bool bModal) { if (!pPanel) return;
FocusArea Focus; Focus.hPanel = pPanel; Focus.bClickOnFocus = bClickOnFocus; Focus.bModal = bModal; if (bModal) m_iModal++; vgui::PHandle hOtherPanel; for (int i=0;i<m_FocusAreas.Count();i++) { hOtherPanel = m_FocusAreas[i].hPanel; if (hOtherPanel == Focus.hPanel) // check if it's already here
return; } if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("adding panel to joypad focus list: %s:%s\n", pPanel->GetName(), pPanel->GetClassName()); //if (GetFocusPanel() == NULL)
//SetFocusPanel(pPanel, bClickOnFocus);
m_FocusAreas.AddToTail(Focus); }
// sets focus to one of the panels in the list of focus areas
void CJoypadFocus::SetFocusPanel(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= m_FocusAreas.Count()) return;
SetFocusPanel(m_FocusAreas[index].hPanel, m_FocusAreas[index].bClickOnFocus); }
void CJoypadFocus::SetFocusPanel(vgui::Panel* pPanel, bool bClickOnFocus) { m_CurrentFocus.hPanel = pPanel; m_CurrentFocus.bClickOnFocus = bClickOnFocus; if (pPanel) { if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("Setcur jfocus: %s:%s ", pPanel->GetName(), pPanel->GetClassName()); if (!m_hOutline.Get()) { CJoypadOutline *pOutline = new CJoypadOutline(NULL, "JoypadOutline"); m_hOutline = pOutline; if (m_bDebugOutput) { if (pOutline) Msg("spawned outline\n"); else Msg("Outline is zero!!\n"); } } if (m_hOutline.Get()) { if (pPanel->GetParent()) m_hOutline->SetParent(pPanel->GetParent()); else m_hOutline->SetParent(pPanel); int x, y, w, t; pPanel->GetJoypadCursorBounds(x, y, w, t); m_hOutline->MoveToFront(); m_hOutline->SizeTo(x, y, w, t); m_hOutline->SetMouseInputEnabled(false); } if (bClickOnFocus) { ClickFocusPanel(true, false); ClickFocusPanel(false, false); } } else { if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("Cleared currently focused joypad panel\n"); } }
vgui::Panel* CJoypadFocus::GetFocusPanel() { return m_CurrentFocus.hPanel; }
void CJoypadFocus::RemoveFromFocusList(vgui::Panel* pPanel) { if (!pPanel) return; if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("removing panel from joypad focus list: %s:%s\n", pPanel->GetName(), pPanel->GetClassName()); vgui::PHandle hPanel; hPanel = pPanel; for (int i=m_FocusAreas.Count()-1;i>=0;i--) { if (m_FocusAreas[i].hPanel == hPanel) { if (m_FocusAreas[i].bModal) m_iModal--; m_FocusAreas.Remove(i); } } }
bool CJoypadFocus::OnJoypadButtonPressed(int keynum) { if (!IsJoypadMode()) return false;
// don't allow multiple direction presses at once
int iDirectionPress = -1; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { if (m_KeyNum[i] == keynum) iDirectionPress = i; } bool bDirectionAlreadyDown = false; if (iDirectionPress != -1) { for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { if (m_bKeyDown[i] && i != iDirectionPress) // if it's a direction we're already pushing, we allow it?
bDirectionAlreadyDown = true; } // abort if we're pushing a direction and another direction is already down
if (bDirectionAlreadyDown) { return true; } }
for (int i=0;i<NUM_JF_KEYS;i++) { if (m_KeyNum[i] == keynum) { m_bKeyDown[i] = true; m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i] = vgui::system()->GetTimeMillis() + JF_KEY_REPEAT_DELAY; } }
if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_UP]) { int index = FindNextPanel(GetFocusPanel(), 270); if (index != -1) SetFocusPanel(index); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_DOWN]) { int index = FindNextPanel(GetFocusPanel(), 90); if (index != -1) SetFocusPanel(index); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_LEFT]) { int index = FindNextPanel(GetFocusPanel(), 180); if (index != -1) SetFocusPanel(index); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_RIGHT]) { int index = FindNextPanel(GetFocusPanel(), 0); if (index != -1) SetFocusPanel(index); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CONFIRM]) { if (m_CurrentFocus.bClickOnFocus) DoubleClickFocusPanel(false); else ClickFocusPanel(true, false);
return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CANCEL]) { ClickFocusPanel(true, true); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } // don't swallow non-direction or confirm/cancel keys
return false; }
bool CJoypadFocus::OnJoypadButtonReleased(int keynum) { if (!IsJoypadMode()) return false;
for (int i=0;i<NUM_JF_KEYS;i++) { if (m_KeyNum[i] == keynum) { m_bKeyDown[i] = false; m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i] = 0; } }
if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CONFIRM]) { ClickFocusPanel(false, false); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } else if (keynum == m_KeyNum[JF_KEY_CANCEL]) { ClickFocusPanel(false, true); return (GetFocusPanel() != NULL); } // don't swallow non confirm/cancel buttons
return false; }
void CJoypadFocus::CheckKeyRepeats() { float curtime = vgui::system()->GetTimeMillis(); for (int i=0;i<NUM_JF_KEYS;i++) { if (m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i]!=0 && curtime > m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i]) { // player is holding down the specified key, send another press
if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("Sending key repeat\n"); OnJoypadButtonPressed(m_KeyNum[i]); m_fNextKeyRepeatTime[i] = curtime + JF_KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL; } } }
void CJoypadFocus::ClickFocusPanel(bool bDown, bool bRightMouse) { vgui::Panel *pOther = GetFocusPanel(); if (pOther) { if (bDown) pOther->OnMousePressed(bRightMouse ? vgui::MOUSE_RIGHT : vgui::MOUSE_LEFT); else pOther->OnMouseReleased(bRightMouse ? vgui::MOUSE_RIGHT : vgui::MOUSE_LEFT); } }
void CJoypadFocus::DoubleClickFocusPanel(bool bRightMouse) { vgui::Panel *pOther = GetFocusPanel(); if (pOther) { pOther->OnMouseDoublePressed(bRightMouse ? vgui::MOUSE_RIGHT : vgui::MOUSE_LEFT); } }
// find a panel in the specified direction
int CJoypadFocus::FindNextPanel(vgui::Panel *pSource, float angle) { if (!pSource) { // no panel selected, should pick the top left most one
int iBestIndex = -1; float fBestRating = -1; for (int i=0;i<m_FocusAreas.Count();i++) { if (m_iModal>0 && !m_FocusAreas[i].bModal) continue; vgui::Panel *pPanel = m_FocusAreas[i].hPanel; if (!pPanel) continue;
int x, y; pPanel->GetPos(x, y); float fRating = x * 1.3 + y; if (fBestRating == -1 || fRating < fBestRating) { fBestRating = fRating; iBestIndex = i; } } return iBestIndex; }
if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("angle = %f ", angle); float radangle = angle * (3.14159265f / 180.0f); float xdir = cos(radangle); float ydir = sin(radangle); if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("xdir = %f ydir = %f\n", xdir, ydir); //Vector2D dir(xdir, ydir);
//dir.NormalizeInPlace(); // normalization unnecessary?
// find the centre of our panel
int x, y, w, t; pSource->GetBounds(x, y, w, t); int posx = w * 0.5f; int posy = t * 0.5f; pSource->LocalToScreen(posx, posy);
// position the source dot at the middle of the edge in the direction we're searching in
posx += (w * 0.5f) * xdir - xdir; posy += (t * 0.5f) * ydir - ydir;
//Vector2D vecSource(posx, posy);
// go through all panels, see if they're in the right direction and rate them
vgui::Panel *pBest = NULL; int iBestIndex = -1; float fBestRating = -1; for (int i=0;i<m_FocusAreas.Count();i++) { vgui::Panel* pOther = m_FocusAreas[i].hPanel; if (!pOther || pOther == pSource || !IsPanelReallyVisible(pOther)) continue; if (m_iModal>0 && !m_FocusAreas[i].bModal) continue; // check if it's within our arc
int w2, t2; pOther->GetSize(w2, t2); int posx2 = w2 * 0.5f; int posy2 = t2 * 0.5f; pOther->LocalToScreen(posx2, posy2); // pick the point in our bounds closest to the source point
if (posx < posx2) posx2 = max((posx2 - w2 * 0.5f), posx); else if (posx > posx2) posx2 = min((posx2 + w2 * 0.5f), posx);
if (posy < posy2) posy2 = max((posy2 - t2 * 0.5f), posy); else if (posy > posy2) posy2 = min((posy2 + t2 * 0.5f), posy); //Vector2D vecOther(posx2, posy2);
float diffx = posx2 - posx; float diffy = posy2 - posy; float diff_len = sqrt(diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy); if (diff_len <= 0) diff_len = 0.1f; float diffx_norm = diffx / diff_len; float diffy_norm = diffy / diff_len;
float the_dot = 0; the_dot += diffx_norm * xdir; the_dot += diffy_norm * ydir; //Vector2D difference;
//difference = vecOther - vecSource;
//Vector2D diffnorm = difference;
if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg("Checking panel %i (%s). diff=%f,%f dir=%f, %f dot=%f\n", i, pOther->GetClassName(), diffx, diffy, xdir, ydir, the_dot);
if (the_dot > 0.3f) { // this panel is in the right direction, now rate it
float fRating = -1; if (angle == 0 || angle == 90 || angle == 180 || angle == 270) // we're searching in a perpendicular direction, so we can do a more accurate rating
{ fRating = 0; // double perpendicular distance cost
if (angle == 90 || angle == 270) { if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg(" vertical rating: %f * 3 + %f\n", fabs(diffx), fabs(diffy)); fRating = fabs(diffy) + (fabs(diffx) * 3.0f); } else { if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg(" horiz rating: %f + %f * 3\n", fabs(diffx), fabs(diffy)); fRating = fabs(diffx) + (fabs(diffy) * 3.0f); } } else // strange angle, just rate based on distance
{ if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg(" distancebased rating\n"); fRating = diff_len; } if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg(" Panel is in right dir, rating = %f\n", fRating); // if this panel is better, remember it
if (pBest == NULL || (fRating != -1 && fRating < fBestRating)) { if (m_bDebugOutput) Msg(" this is the new best!\n"); pBest = pOther; iBestIndex = i; fBestRating = fRating; } } } return iBestIndex; }
bool CJoypadFocus::IsPanelReallyVisible(vgui::Panel *pPanel) { while (pPanel->IsVisible() && pPanel->GetAlpha() >= 255) // todo: make required alpha an arg
{ pPanel = pPanel->GetParent(); if (!pPanel) return true; // got to the top without hitting something that wasn't visible
} return false; }
// ================================================================================
CJoypadFocus* g_pJoypadFocus = NULL;
CJoypadFocus* GetJoypadFocus() { if (g_pJoypadFocus == NULL) { g_pJoypadFocus = new CJoypadFocus(); } return g_pJoypadFocus; }
// ================================================================================
CJoypadOutline::CJoypadOutline(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : vgui::Panel(parent, name) { SetMouseInputEnabled(false); SetAlpha(0); m_hLastFocusPanel = NULL; //m_pImagePanel = new vgui::ImagePanelColored(this, "ImagePanel");
void CJoypadOutline::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme* pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled(false); //SetPaintBackgroundType(0);
void CJoypadOutline::Paint() { long curtime = vgui::system()->GetTimeMillis(); int pulse_time = 1000; int half_pulse_time = pulse_time / 2; long remainder = curtime % pulse_time; if (remainder > half_pulse_time) remainder = half_pulse_time - (remainder - half_pulse_time); float fWhite = float(remainder) / float(half_pulse_time); //int red = 66.0f + (255.0f - 66.0f) * fWhite;
//int green = 142.0f + (255.0f - 142.0f) * fWhite;
//int blue = 192.0f + (255.0f - 192.0f) * fWhite;
int red = 255.0f + (255.0f - 255) * fWhite; int green = 0 + (255.0f - 0) * fWhite; int blue = 0; Color col(red, green, blue, 255); DrawBox( 0, 0, GetWide(), GetTall(), col, 0.8f, true ); }
void CJoypadOutline::GetCornerTextureSize( int& w, int& h ) { BaseClass::GetCornerTextureSize(w, h);
int sw, sh; vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize( sw, sh ); float fScale = sh / 768.0f; w *= fScale * 0.25f; h *= fScale * 0.25f; }
// hide/show us and position us over the focused panel
void CJoypadOutline::OnThink() { if (!GetJoypadFocus()) return; vgui::Panel* pFocus = GetJoypadFocus()->GetFocusPanel(); //Msg("outline thinking, focus = %s\n", pFocus ? pFocus->GetClassName() : "none");
if (pFocus && GetJoypadFocus()->IsJoypadMode()) { if (pFocus != m_hLastFocusPanel.Get()) { m_hLastFocusPanel = pFocus; SetAlpha(255); } if (pFocus->GetParent()) SetParent(pFocus->GetParent()); else SetParent(pFocus); // make sure we're positioned over the focused panel
int x, y, w, t; pFocus->GetJoypadCursorBounds(x, y, w, t); SizeTo(x, y, w, t);
SetMouseInputEnabled(false); } else { SetAlpha(0); SetMouseInputEnabled(false); } }
void CJoypadOutline::SizeTo(int x, int y, int w, int t) { SetBounds(x, y, w, t); //m_pImagePanel->SetBounds(0, 0, w, t);