//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <vgui/IBorder.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Slider.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextImage.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
static const float NOB_SIZE = 8.0f;
// Purpose: Create a slider bar with ticks underneath it
Slider::Slider(Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass(parent, panelName) { m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob = false; _dragging = false; _value = 0; _range[0] = 0; _range[1] = 0; _buttonOffset = 0; _sliderBorder = NULL; _insetBorder = NULL; m_nNumTicks = 10; _leftCaption = NULL; _rightCaption = NULL;
SetThumbWidth( 8 ); RecomputeNobPosFromValue(); AddActionSignalTarget(this); SetBlockDragChaining( true );
_subrange[ 0 ] = 0; _subrange[ 1 ] = 0; m_bUseSubRange = false; m_bInverted = false; }
// This allows the slider to behave like it's larger than what's actually being drawn
// Purpose:
// Input : bEnable -
// 0 -
// 100 -
void Slider::SetSliderThumbSubRange( bool bEnable, int nMin /*= 0*/, int nMax /*= 100*/ ) { m_bUseSubRange = bEnable; _subrange[ 0 ] = nMin; _subrange[ 1 ] = nMax; }
// Purpose: Set the size of the slider bar.
// Warning less than 30 pixels tall and everything probably won't fit.
void Slider::OnSizeChanged(int wide,int tall) { BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide,tall);
RecomputeNobPosFromValue(); }
// Purpose: Set the value of the slider to one of the ticks.
void Slider::SetValue(int value, bool bTriggerChangeMessage) { int oldValue=_value;
if ( _range[0] < _range[1] ) { if(value<_range[0]) { value=_range[0]; } if(value>_range[1]) { value=_range[1]; } } else { if(value<_range[1]) { value=_range[1]; } if(value>_range[0]) { value=_range[0]; } }
_value = value; RecomputeNobPosFromValue();
if (_value != oldValue && bTriggerChangeMessage) { SendSliderMovedMessage(); } }
// Purpose: Return the value of the slider
int Slider::GetValue() { return _value; }
// Purpose: Layout the slider before drawing it on screen.
void Slider::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); RecomputeNobPosFromValue();
if (_leftCaption) { _leftCaption->ResizeImageToContent(); } if (_rightCaption) { _rightCaption->ResizeImageToContent(); } }
// Purpose: Move the nob on the slider in response to changing its value.
void Slider::RecomputeNobPosFromValue() { //int wide,tall;
int x, y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
float usevalue = _value; int *userange = &_range[ 0 ]; if ( m_bUseSubRange ) { userange = &_subrange[ 0 ]; usevalue = clamp( _value, _subrange[ 0 ], _subrange[ 1 ] ); }
float fwide=(float)wide; float frange=(float)(userange[1] -userange[0]); float fvalue=(float)(usevalue -userange[0]); float fper = (frange != 0.0f) ? fvalue / frange : 0.0f;
if ( m_bInverted ) fper = 1.0f - fper;
float freepixels = fwide - _nobSize; float leftpixel = (float)x; float firstpixel = leftpixel + freepixels * fper + 0.5f;
_nobPos[0]=(int)( firstpixel ); _nobPos[1]=(int)( firstpixel + _nobSize );
int rightEdge = x + wide;
if(_nobPos[1]> rightEdge ) { _nobPos[0]=rightEdge-((int)_nobSize); _nobPos[1]=rightEdge; } Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Sync the slider's value up with the nob's position.
void Slider::RecomputeValueFromNobPos() { int value = EstimateValueAtPos( _nobPos[ 0 ], 0 ); SetValue( value ); }
int Slider::EstimateValueAtPos( int localMouseX, int /*localMouseY*/ ) { int x, y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
int *userange = &_range[ 0 ]; if ( m_bUseSubRange ) { userange = &_subrange[ 0 ]; }
float fwide = (float)wide; float fvalue = (float)( _value - userange[0] ); float fnob = (float)( localMouseX - x ); float freepixels = fwide - _nobSize;
// Map into reduced range
fvalue = freepixels != 0.0f ? fnob / freepixels : 0.0f;
return (int) (RemapVal( fvalue, 0.0, 1.0, userange[0], userange[1] )); }
void Slider::SetInverted( bool bInverted ) { m_bInverted = bInverted; }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the slider moves
void Slider::SendSliderMovedMessage() { // send a changed message
KeyValues *pParams = new KeyValues("SliderMoved", "position", _value); pParams->SetPtr( "panel", this ); PostActionSignal( pParams ); }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the user begins dragging the slider
void Slider::SendSliderDragStartMessage() { // send a message
KeyValues *pParams = new KeyValues("SliderDragStart", "position", _value); pParams->SetPtr( "panel", this ); PostActionSignal( pParams ); }
// Purpose: Send a message to interested parties when the user ends dragging the slider
void Slider::SendSliderDragEndMessage() { // send a message
KeyValues *pParams = new KeyValues("SliderDragEnd", "position", _value); pParams->SetPtr( "panel", this ); PostActionSignal( pParams ); }
// Purpose:
void Slider::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
SetFgColor(GetSchemeColor("Slider.NobColor", pScheme)); // this line is useful for debugging
//SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("0 0 0 255"));
m_TickColor = pScheme->GetColor( "Slider.TextColor", GetFgColor() ); m_TrackColor = pScheme->GetColor( "Slider.TrackColor", GetFgColor() );
m_DepressedBgColor = GetSchemeColor("Slider.NobFocusColor", pScheme); #endif
m_DisabledTextColor1 = pScheme->GetColor( "Slider.DisabledTextColor1", GetFgColor() ); m_DisabledTextColor2 = pScheme->GetColor( "Slider.DisabledTextColor2", GetFgColor() );
_sliderBorder = pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonBorder"); _insetBorder = pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonDepressedBorder");
if ( _leftCaption ) { _leftCaption->SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("DefaultVerySmall", IsProportional() )); }
if ( _rightCaption ) { _rightCaption->SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("DefaultVerySmall", IsProportional() )); } }
// Purpose:
void Slider::GetSettings(KeyValues *outResourceData) { BaseClass::GetSettings(outResourceData); char buf[256]; if (_leftCaption) { _leftCaption->GetUnlocalizedText(buf, sizeof(buf)); outResourceData->SetString("leftText", buf); } if (_rightCaption) { _rightCaption->GetUnlocalizedText(buf, sizeof(buf)); outResourceData->SetString("rightText", buf); } }
// Purpose:
void Slider::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData) { BaseClass::ApplySettings(inResourceData);
const char *left = inResourceData->GetString("leftText", NULL); const char *right = inResourceData->GetString("rightText", NULL);
int thumbWidth = inResourceData->GetInt("thumbwidth", 0); if (thumbWidth != 0) { SetThumbWidth(thumbWidth); }
SetTickCaptions(left, right); }
// Purpose:
const char *Slider::GetDescription() { static char buf[1024]; Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, string leftText, string rightText", BaseClass::GetDescription()); return buf; }
// Purpose: Get the rectangle to draw the slider track in.
void Slider::GetTrackRect( int& x, int& y, int& w, int& h ) { int wide, tall; GetPaintSize( wide, tall );
x = 0; y = 8; w = wide - (int)_nobSize; h = 4; }
// Purpose: Draw everything on screen
void Slider::Paint() { DrawTicks();
// Draw nob last so it draws over ticks.
DrawNob(); }
// Purpose: Draw the ticks below the slider.
void Slider::DrawTicks() { int x, y; int wide,tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
// Figure out how to draw the ticks
// GetPaintSize( wide, tall );
float fwide = (float)wide; float freepixels = fwide - _nobSize;
float leftpixel = _nobSize / 2.0f;
float pixelspertick = freepixels / ( m_nNumTicks );
y += (int)_nobSize; int tickHeight = 5;
if (IsEnabled()) { surface()->DrawSetColor( m_TickColor ); //vgui::Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
for ( int i = 0; i <= m_nNumTicks; i++ ) { int xpos = (int)( leftpixel + i * pixelspertick ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( xpos, y, xpos + 1, y + tickHeight ); } } else { surface()->DrawSetColor( m_DisabledTextColor1 ); //vgui::Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
for ( int i = 0; i <= m_nNumTicks; i++ ) { int xpos = (int)( leftpixel + i * pixelspertick ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( xpos+1, y+1, xpos + 2, y + tickHeight + 1 ); } surface()->DrawSetColor( m_DisabledTextColor2 ); //vgui::Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
for ( int i = 0; i <= m_nNumTicks; i++ ) { int xpos = (int)( leftpixel + i * pixelspertick ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( xpos, y, xpos + 1, y + tickHeight ); } } }
// Purpose: Draw Tick labels under the ticks.
void Slider::DrawTickLabels() { int x, y; int wide,tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
// Figure out how to draw the ticks
// GetPaintSize( wide, tall );
y += (int)NOB_SIZE + 4;
// Draw Start and end range values
if (IsEnabled()) surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_TickColor ); //vgui::Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
else surface()->DrawSetTextColor( m_DisabledTextColor1 ); //vgui::Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
if ( _leftCaption != NULL ) { _leftCaption->SetPos(0, y); if (IsEnabled()) { _leftCaption->SetColor( m_TickColor ); } else { _leftCaption->SetColor( m_DisabledTextColor1 ); }
_leftCaption->Paint(); }
if ( _rightCaption != NULL) { int rwide, rtall; _rightCaption->GetSize(rwide, rtall); _rightCaption->SetPos((int)(wide - rwide) , y); if (IsEnabled()) { _rightCaption->SetColor( m_TickColor ); } else { _rightCaption->SetColor( m_DisabledTextColor1 ); }
_rightCaption->Paint(); } }
// Purpose: Draw the nob part of the slider.
void Slider::DrawNob() { // horizontal nob
int x, y; int wide,tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall ); Color col = GetFgColor(); #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE
if(HasFocus()) { col = m_DepressedBgColor; } #endif
int nobheight = 16;
surface()->DrawFilledRect( _nobPos[0], y + tall / 2 - nobheight / 2, _nobPos[1], y + tall / 2 + nobheight / 2); // border
if (_sliderBorder) { _sliderBorder->Paint( _nobPos[0], y + tall / 2 - nobheight / 2, _nobPos[1], y + tall / 2 + nobheight / 2); } }
// Purpose: Set the text labels of the Start and end ticks.
void Slider::SetTickCaptions( const char *left, const char *right ) { if (left) { if (_leftCaption) { _leftCaption->SetText(left); } else { _leftCaption = new TextImage(left); } } if (right) { if (_rightCaption) { _rightCaption->SetText(right); } else { _rightCaption = new TextImage(right); } } InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Set the text labels of the Start and end ticks.
void Slider::SetTickCaptions( const wchar_t *left, const wchar_t *right ) { if (left) { if (_leftCaption) { _leftCaption->SetText(left); } else { _leftCaption = new TextImage(left); } } if (right) { if (_rightCaption) { _rightCaption->SetText(right); } else { _rightCaption = new TextImage(right); } } InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Draw the slider track
void Slider::PaintBackground() { BaseClass::PaintBackground(); int x, y; int wide,tall;
GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );
surface()->DrawSetColor( m_TrackColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + wide, y + tall ); if (_insetBorder) { _insetBorder->Paint( x, y, x + wide, y + tall ); } }
// Purpose: Set the range of the slider.
void Slider::SetRange(int min,int max) { _range[0]=min; _range[1]=max;
if ( _range[0] < _range[1] ) { if(_value<_range[0]) { SetValue( _range[0] ); } else if( _value>_range[1]) { SetValue( _range[1] ); } } else { if(_value<_range[1]) { SetValue( _range[1] ); } else if( _value>_range[0]) { SetValue( _range[0] ); } } }
// Purpose: Get the max and min values of the slider
void Slider::GetRange(int& min,int& max) { min=_range[0]; max=_range[1]; }
// Purpose: Respond when the cursor is moved in our window if we are clicking
// and dragging.
void Slider::OnCursorMoved(int x,int y) { if(!_dragging) { return; }
// input()->GetCursorPos(x,y);
input()->GetCursorPosition( x, y ); ScreenToLocal(x,y);
// int wide,tall;
// GetPaintSize(wide,tall);
int _x, _y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( _x, _y, wide, tall );
_nobPos[0]=_nobDragStartPos[0]+(x-_dragStartPos[0]); _nobPos[1]=_nobDragStartPos[1]+(x-_dragStartPos[0]);
int rightEdge = _x +wide; int unclamped = _nobPos[ 0 ];
if(_nobPos[1]>rightEdge) { _nobPos[0]=rightEdge-(_nobPos[1]-_nobPos[0]); _nobPos[1]=rightEdge; } if(_nobPos[0]<_x) { int offset = _x - _nobPos[0]; _nobPos[1]=_nobPos[1]-offset; _nobPos[0]=0; }
int value = EstimateValueAtPos( unclamped, 0 ); SetValue( value );
// RecomputeValueFromNobPos();
Repaint(); SendSliderMovedMessage(); }
// Purpose: If you click on the slider outside of the nob, the nob jumps
// to the click position, and if this setting is enabled, the nob
// is then draggable from the new position until the mouse is released
// Input : state -
void Slider::SetDragOnRepositionNob( bool state ) { m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob = state; }
bool Slider::IsDragOnRepositionNob() const { return m_bIsDragOnRepositionNob; }
bool Slider::IsDragged( void ) const { return _dragging; }
// Purpose: Respond to mouse presses. Trigger Record staring positon.
void Slider::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { int x,y;
if (!IsEnabled()) return;
// input()->GetCursorPos(x,y);
input()->GetCursorPosition( x, y );
ScreenToLocal(x,y); RequestFocus();
bool startdragging = false, bPostDragStartSignal = false;
if ((x >= _nobPos[0]) && (x < _nobPos[1])) { startdragging = true; bPostDragStartSignal = true; } else { // we clicked elsewhere on the slider; move the nob to that position
int min, max; GetRange(min, max); if ( m_bUseSubRange ) { min = _subrange[ 0 ]; max = _subrange[ 1 ]; }
// int wide = GetWide();
int _x, _y, wide, tall; GetTrackRect( _x, _y, wide, tall ); if ( wide > 0 ) { float frange = ( float )( max - min ); float clickFrac = clamp( ( float )( x - _x ) / (float)( wide - 1 ), 0.0f, 1.0f );
float value = (float)min + clickFrac * frange;
startdragging = IsDragOnRepositionNob();
if ( startdragging ) { _dragging = true; // Required when as
SendSliderDragStartMessage(); }
SetValue( ( int )( value + 0.5f ) ); } }
if ( startdragging ) { // drag the nob
_dragging = true; input()->SetMouseCapture(GetVPanel()); _nobDragStartPos[0] = _nobPos[0]; _nobDragStartPos[1] = _nobPos[1]; _dragStartPos[0] = x; _dragStartPos[1] = y; }
if ( bPostDragStartSignal ) SendSliderDragStartMessage(); }
// Purpose: Just handle double presses like mouse presses
void Slider::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { OnMousePressed(code); }
// Purpose:
void Slider::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { switch ( GetBaseButtonCode( code ) ) { case KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT: case KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT: case KEY_XSTICK2_LEFT: SetValue(GetValue() - 1); break; case KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT: case KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT: case KEY_XSTICK2_RIGHT: SetValue(GetValue() + 1); break; default: BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); break; } } #endif
// Purpose: Handle key presses
void Slider::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { switch (code) { // for now left and right arrows just open or close submenus if they are there.
case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_DOWN: { int val = GetValue(); SetValue(val-1); break; } case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_UP: { int val = GetValue(); SetValue(val+1); break; } case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { int min, max; GetRange(min, max); float range = (float) max-min; float pertick = range/m_nNumTicks; int val = GetValue(); SetValue(val - (int) pertick); break; } case KEY_PAGEUP: { int min, max; GetRange(min, max); float range = (float) max-min; float pertick = range/m_nNumTicks; int val = GetValue(); SetValue(val + (int) pertick); break; } case KEY_HOME: { int min, max; GetRange(min, max); SetValue(min); break; } case KEY_END: { int min, max; GetRange(min, max); SetValue(max); break; } default: BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); break; } }
// Purpose: Stop dragging when the mouse is released.
void Slider::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code) { if ( _dragging ) { _dragging=false; input()->SetMouseCapture(0); SendSliderDragEndMessage(); } }
// Purpose: Get the nob's position (the ends of each side of the nob)
void Slider::GetNobPos(int& min, int& max) { min=_nobPos[0]; max=_nobPos[1]; }
// Purpose:
void Slider::SetButtonOffset(int buttonOffset) { _buttonOffset=buttonOffset; }
void Slider::SetThumbWidth( int width ) { _nobSize = (float)width; }
// Purpose: Set the number of ticks that appear under the slider.
void Slider::SetNumTicks( int ticks ) { m_nNumTicks = ticks; }