Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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122 lines
3.1 KiB

  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Project Script
  3. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. $Macro SRCDIR "..\..\..\.."
  5. $Macro OUTBINDIR "."
  6. $Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_exe_con_win32_base.vpc"
  7. $Configuration
  8. {
  9. $Compiler
  10. {
  11. $AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$BASE,..\lua-5.1.4\src\"
  13. }
  14. }
  15. $Project "vlua"
  16. {
  17. $Folder "Source Files"
  18. {
  19. $File "..\..\..\..\public\vscript\ivscript.h"
  20. $File "..\..\..\..\public\vscript\vscript_templates.h"
  21. $File "vlua.cpp"
  22. {
  23. $Configuration
  24. {
  25. $Compiler
  26. {
  27. // "SQPlus" need exceptions. If commit to squirrel, look into removing that
  28. $AdditionalOptions "/EHa"
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }
  32. $File "vec3.cpp"
  33. $File "vec3.h"
  34. }
  35. $Folder "Lua"
  36. {
  37. $Folder "lua-5.1.4"
  38. {
  39. $Folder "Source Files"
  40. {
  41. $File "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lapi.c" \
  42. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lauxlib.c" \
  43. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lbaselib.c" \
  44. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lcode.c" \
  45. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldblib.c" \
  46. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldebug.c" \
  47. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldo.c" \
  48. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldump.c" \
  49. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lfunc.c" \
  50. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lgc.c" \
  51. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\linit.c" \
  52. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\liolib.c" \
  53. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\llex.c" \
  54. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lmathlib.c" \
  55. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lmem.c" \
  56. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\loadlib.c" \
  57. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lobject.c" \
  58. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lopcodes.c" \
  59. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\loslib.c" \
  60. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lparser.c" \
  61. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lstate.c" \
  62. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lstring.c" \
  63. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lstrlib.c" \
  64. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ltable.c" \
  65. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ltablib.c" \
  66. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ltm.c" \
  67. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lundump.c" \
  68. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lvm.c" \
  69. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lzio.c" \
  70. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\print.c"
  71. {
  72. $Configuration
  73. {
  74. $Compiler
  75. {
  76. $WarningLevel "Level 3 (/W3)"
  77. $Detect64bitPortabilityIssues "No"
  78. $CompileAs "Default"
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. }
  83. $Folder "Header Files"
  84. {
  85. $File "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lapi.h" \
  86. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lauxlib.h" \
  87. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lcode.h" \
  88. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldebug.h" \
  89. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ldo.h" \
  90. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lfunc.h" \
  91. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lgc.h" \
  92. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\llex.h" \
  93. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\llimits.h" \
  94. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lmem.h" \
  95. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lobject.h" \
  96. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lopcodes.h" \
  97. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lparser.h" \
  98. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lstate.h" \
  99. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lstring.h" \
  100. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ltable.h" \
  101. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\ltm.h" \
  102. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lua.h" \
  103. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\luaconf.h" \
  104. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lualib.h" \
  105. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lundump.h" \
  106. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lvm.h" \
  107. "..\lua-5.1.4\src\lzio.h"
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. $Folder "Link Libraries"
  112. {
  113. $File "$SRCDIR\lib\public\mathlib.lib"
  114. }
  115. }