/* see copyright notice in sqrdbg.h */ local currentscope; if ( ::getroottable().parent ) { currentscope = ::getroottable(); ::setroottable( ::getroottable().parent ); } try { local objs_reg = { maxid=0 ,refs={} }
complex_types <- { ["table"] = null, ["array"] = null, ["class"] = null, ["instance"] = null, ["weakref"] = null, }
function build_refs(t):(objs_reg) { if(t == ::getroottable()) return; local otype = ::type(t); if(otype in complex_types) { if(!(t in objs_reg.refs)) { objs_reg.refs[t] <- objs_reg.maxid++; iterateobject(t,function(o,i,val):(objs_reg) { build_refs(val); build_refs(i); }) } } }
function getvalue(v):(objs_reg) { switch(::type(v)) { case "table": case "array": case "class": case "instance": return objs_reg.refs[v].tostring(); case "integer": case "float": return v; case "bool": return v.tostring(); case "string": return v; case "null": return "null"; default: return pack_type(::type(v)); } }
local packed_types={ ["null"]="n", ["string"]="s", ["integer"]="i", ["float"]="f", ["userdata"]="u", ["function"]="fn", ["table"]="t", ["array"]="a", ["generator"]="g", ["thread"]="h", ["instance"]="x", ["class"]="y", ["bool"]="b", ["weakref"]="w" }
function pack_type(type):(packed_types) { if(type in packed_types)return packed_types[type] return type }
function iterateobject(obj,func) { local ty = ::type(obj); if(ty == "instance") { try { //TRY TO USE _nexti foreach(idx,val in obj) { func(obj,idx,val); } } catch(e) { foreach(idx,val in obj.getclass()) { func(obj,idx,obj[idx]); } } } else if(ty == "weakref") { func(obj,"@ref",obj.ref()); } else { foreach(idx,val in obj) { func(obj,idx,val); } } }
function build_tree():(objs_reg) { foreach(i,o in objs_reg.refs) { beginelement("o"); attribute("type",(i==::getroottable()?"r":pack_type(::type(i)))); local _typeof = typeof i; if(_typeof != ::type(i)) { attribute("typeof",_typeof); } attribute("ref",o.tostring()); if(i != ::getroottable()){ iterateobject(i,function (obj,idx,val) { if(::type(val) == "function") return; if ( ::type(idx) == "string" && idx.find( "__" ) == 0 ) return;
beginelement("e"); emitvalue("kt","kv",idx); emitvalue("vt","v",obj[idx]); endelement("e");
}) } endelement("o"); } }
function evaluate_watch(locals,id,expression) { local func_src="return function (" local params=[]; params.append(locals["this"]) local first=1; foreach(i,v in locals){ if(i!="this" && i[0] != '@'){ //foreach iterators start with @ if(!first){ func_src=func_src+"," } first=null params.append(v) func_src=func_src+i } } func_src=func_src+"){\n" func_src=func_src+"return ("+expression+")\n}" try { local func=::compilestring(func_src); return {status="ok" , val=func().acall(params)}; } catch(e) { return {status="error"} } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function emitvalue(type_attrib,value_attrib,val) { attribute(type_attrib,pack_type(::type(val))); attribute(value_attrib,getvalue(val).tostring()); }
local stack=[] local level=3; local si;
//ENUMERATE THE STACK WATCHES while(si=::getstackinfos(level)) { stack.append(si); level++; }
//EVALUATE ALL WATCHES objs_reg.refs[::getroottable()] <- objs_reg.maxid++; foreach(i,val in stack) { if(val.src!="NATIVE") { if("watches" in this) { val.watches <- {} foreach(i,watch in watches) { if(val.src!="NATIVE"){ val.watches[i] <- evaluate_watch(val.locals,i,watch); if(val.watches[i].status!="error") build_refs(val.watches[i].val); } else{ val.watches[i] <- {status="error"} } val.watches[i].exp <- watch; } } } foreach(i,l in val.locals) build_refs(l); }
beginelement("objs"); build_tree(); endelement("objs");
foreach(i,val in stack) {
beginelement("call"); attribute("fnc",val.func); attribute("src",val.src); attribute("line",val.line.tostring()); foreach(i,v in val.locals) { beginelement("l"); attribute("name",getvalue(i).tostring()); emitvalue("type","val",v); endelement("l"); } if("watches" in val) { foreach(i,v in val.watches) { beginelement("w"); attribute("id",i.tostring()); attribute("exp",v.exp); attribute("status",v.status); if(v.status!="error") { emitvalue("type","val",v.val); } endelement("w"); } } endelement("call"); } endelement("calls");
objs_reg = null; stack = null; if("collectgarbage" in ::getroottable()) ::collectgarbage(); }catch(e) { ::print("ERROR"+e+"\n"); }
if ( currentscope ) { ::setroottable( currentscope ); }