// SqPlus.h
// Created by John Schultz 9/05/05, major update 10/05/05.
// Template function call design from LuaPlusCD by Joshua C. Jensen,
// inspired by luabind which was inspired by boost::python.
// Const argument, const member functions, and Mac OS-X changes by Simon Michelmore.
// DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME changes by Ben (Project5) from http://www.squirrel-lang.org/forums/.
// Added Kamaitati's changes 5/28/06.
// Free for any use.
#ifndef _SQ_PLUS_H_
#define _SQ_PLUS_H_
#if defined(VSCRIPT_DLL_EXPORT) || defined(VSQUIRREL_TEST)
#include "platform.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#elif !defined(_PS3)
#include <malloc.h>
#if !defined(_PS3)
#include <memory.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
#include <tchar.h>
#ifndef UNICODE
#define SCSNPRINTF _snprintf
#define SCPUTS puts
#define SCSNPRINTF _snwprintf
#define SCPUTS _putws
#ifdef _T
#undef _T
#define _T(n) n
#define SCSNPRINTF snprintf
#include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
#define SCPUTS puts
#ifndef _WINDEF_
typedef int BOOL; typedef int INT; typedef float FLOAT; #undef TRUE
#undef FALSE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#if 1
#include "squirrel.h"
#include "SquirrelObject.h"
#include "SquirrelVM.h"
#include "SquirrelBindingsUtils.h"
namespace SqPlus {
// === Class Inheritance Support ===
// Inheritance in Squirrel allows one class to inherit a base class's functions and variables.
// Variables are merged: if Derived has a var name 'val' and Base has a var of the same name,
// the resulting var 'val' will take Derived's initialization value.
// Functions are not merged, and can be called via Squirrel scoping rules.
// Define SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE to enable class inheritance support
// (requires slightly more memory and adds some CPU overhead).
// Can also be useful for debugging, as class type information is checked before
// dispatching instance function calls and before accessing instance member variables.
// Comment out to turn off instance type info support (to save a small amount of memory).
// === Constant argument and constant member function support ===
// Define SQPLUS_CONST_OPT before including SqPlus.h for constant argument + constant member function support.
// === Uncomment to support std::string ===
// === Uncomment to support typedef std::basic_string<SQChar> sq_std_string ===
// === Uncomment to support NULL INSTANCE arguments ===
// === Uncomment to support C++ style inheritance
// === Uncomment to skip sq_argassert() ===
template<class T> struct TypeWrapper {}; struct SquirrelNull {}; struct SQAnything { void * anything; }; // Needed for binding pointers to variables (cannot dereference void *).
typedef SQAnything * SQAnythingPtr; typedef SQChar * SQCharPtr;
// === Do not use directly: use one of the predefined sizes below ===
struct ScriptStringVarBase { const unsigned char MaxLength; // Real length is MaxLength+1.
SQChar s[1]; ScriptStringVarBase(int _MaxLength) : MaxLength(_MaxLength) {} operator SQChar * () { return &s[0]; } operator void * () { return (void *)&s[0]; } const SQChar * operator = (const SQChar * _s) { return safeStringCopy(s,_s,MaxLength); } // Special safe string copy where MaxLength is 1 less than true buffer length.
// strncpy() pads out nulls for the full length of the buffer specified by MaxLength.
static inline SQChar * safeStringCopy(SQChar * d,const SQChar * s,int MaxLength) { int i=0; while (s[i]) { d[i] = s[i]; i++; if (i == MaxLength) break; } // while
d[i] = 0; // Null terminate.
return d; } // safeStringCopy
// === Do not use directly: use one of the predefined sizes below ===
template<int MAXLENGTH> // MAXLENGTH is max printable characters (trailing NULL is accounted for in ScriptStringVarBase::s[1]).
struct ScriptStringVar : ScriptStringVarBase { SQChar ps[MAXLENGTH]; ScriptStringVar() : ScriptStringVarBase(MAXLENGTH) { s[0] = 0; } ScriptStringVar(const SQChar * _s) : ScriptStringVarBase(MAXLENGTH) { *this = _s; } const SQChar * operator = (const SQChar * _s) { return safeStringCopy(s,_s,MaxLength); } const SQChar * operator = (const ScriptStringVar & _s) { return safeStringCopy(s,_s.s,MaxLength); } bool operator == (const ScriptStringVar & _s) { return _strcmp(s,_s.s) == 0; } bool compareCaseInsensitive(const ScriptStringVar & _s) { return _stricmp(s,_s.s) == 0; } };
// === Fixed size strings for scripting ===
typedef ScriptStringVar<8> ScriptStringVar8; typedef ScriptStringVar<16> ScriptStringVar16; typedef ScriptStringVar<32> ScriptStringVar32; typedef ScriptStringVar<64> ScriptStringVar64; typedef ScriptStringVar<128> ScriptStringVar128; typedef ScriptStringVar<256> ScriptStringVar256;
// === Script Variable Types ===
template <typename T> struct TypeInfo { const SQChar * typeName; enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_NONE,Size=0}; };
// === Common Variable Types ===
template<> struct TypeInfo<INT> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("int")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INT,Size=sizeof(INT)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<FLOAT> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("float")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_FLOAT,Size=sizeof(FLOAT)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<bool> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("bool")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_BOOL,Size=sizeof(bool)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<SQUserPointer> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("SQUserPointer")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_USER_POINTER,Size=sizeof(SQUserPointer)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<SQAnything> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("SQUserPointer")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_USER_POINTER,Size=sizeof(SQUserPointer)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<const SQChar *> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("const SQChar *")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_CONST_STRING,Size=sizeof(const SQChar *)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVarBase> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVarBase")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVarBase)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
// === Fixed String Variants ===
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar8> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar8")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar8)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar16> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar16")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar16)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar32> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar32")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar32)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar64> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar64")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar64)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar128> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar128")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar128)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
template<> struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar256> { const SQChar * typeName; TypeInfo() : typeName(_T("ScriptStringVar256")) {} enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVar256)}; operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } };
// See VarRef and ClassType<> below: for instance assignment.
typedef void (*CopyVarFunc)(void * dst,void * src);
// === Variable references for script access ===
#define SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE _T("__SqTypes")
struct VarRef { // In this case 'offsetOrAddrOrConst' is simpler than using an anonymous union.
void * offsetOrAddrOrConst; // Instance member variable offset from 'this' pointer base (as size_t), or address if static variable (void *), or constant value.
ScriptVarType type; // Variable type (from enum above).
SQUserPointer instanceType; // Unique ID for the containing class instance (for instance vars only). When the var is an instance, its type is encoded in copyFunc.
CopyVarFunc copyFunc; // Function pointer to copy variables (for instance variables only).
short size; // Currently for debugging only (size of item when pointer to item is dereferenced). Could be used for variable max string buffer length.
short access; // VarAccessType.
const SQChar * typeName; // Type name string (to create instances by name).
VarRef() : offsetOrAddrOrConst(0), type(VAR_TYPE_NONE), instanceType((SQUserPointer)-1), copyFunc(0), size(0), access(VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {} VarRef(void * _offsetOrAddrOrConst, ScriptVarType _type, SQUserPointer _instanceType, CopyVarFunc _copyFunc, int _size,VarAccessType _access,const SQChar * _typeName) : offsetOrAddrOrConst(_offsetOrAddrOrConst), type(_type), instanceType(_instanceType), copyFunc(_copyFunc), size(_size), access(_access), typeName(_typeName) { #ifdef SQ_SUPPORT_INSTANCE_TYPE_INFO
SquirrelObject typeTable = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable().GetValue(SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE); if (typeTable.IsNull()) { typeTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable(); SquirrelObject root = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable(); root.SetValue(SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE,typeTable); } // if
typeTable.SetValue(INT((size_t)copyFunc),typeName); #endif
} };
typedef VarRef * VarRefPtr;
// Internal use only.
inline void getVarNameTag(SQChar * buff,INT maxSize,const SQChar * scriptName) { // Assert(maxSize > 3);
#if 1
SQChar * d = buff; d[0] = '_'; d[1] = 'v'; d = &d[2]; maxSize -= (2+1); // +1 = space for null.
int pos=0; while (scriptName[pos] && pos < maxSize) { d[pos] = scriptName[pos]; pos++; } // while
d[pos] = 0; // null terminate.
SCSNPRINTF(buff,maxSize,_T("_v%s"),scriptName); #endif
} // getVarNameTag
// Internal use only.
SQInteger setVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v); SQInteger getVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v); SQInteger setInstanceVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v); SQInteger getInstanceVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v);
// === BEGIN Helpers ===
inline void createTableSetGetHandlers(SquirrelObject & so) { SquirrelObject delegate = so.GetDelegate(); if (!delegate.Exists(_T("_set"))) { delegate = SquirrelVM::CreateTable(); SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(delegate,setVarFunc,_T("_set"),_T("sn|b|s")); // String var name = number(int or float) or bool or string.
SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(delegate,getVarFunc,_T("_get"),_T("s")); // String var name.
so.SetDelegate(delegate); } // if
} // createTableSetGetHandlers
inline VarRefPtr createVarRef(SquirrelObject & so,const SQChar * scriptVarName) { VarRefPtr pvr=0; ScriptStringVar256 scriptVarTagName; getVarNameTag(scriptVarTagName,sizeof(scriptVarTagName),scriptVarName); if (!so.GetUserData(scriptVarTagName,(SQUserPointer *)&pvr)) { so.NewUserData(scriptVarTagName,sizeof(*pvr)); if (!so.GetUserData(scriptVarTagName,(SQUserPointer *)&pvr)) throw SquirrelError(_T("Could not create UserData.")); } // if
return pvr; } // createVarRef
template<typename T> void validateConstantType(T constant) { switch(TypeInfo<T>()) { case VAR_TYPE_INT: case VAR_TYPE_FLOAT: case VAR_TYPE_BOOL: case VAR_TYPE_CONST_STRING: break; default: throw SquirrelError(_T("validateConstantType(): type must be INT, FLOAT, BOOL, or CONST CHAR *.")); } // case
} // validateConstantType
inline void createInstanceSetGetHandlers(SquirrelObject & so) { if (!so.Exists(_T("_set"))) { SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(so,setInstanceVarFunc,_T("_set"),_T("sn|b|s|x")); // String var name = number(int or float) or bool or string or instance.
SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(so,getInstanceVarFunc,_T("_get"),_T("s")); // String var name.
} // if
} // createInstanceSetGetHandlers
// === END Helpers ===
// === Class Type Helper class: returns a unique number for each class type ===
template<typename T> struct ClassType { static SQUserPointer type(void) { return (SQUserPointer)© } static CopyVarFunc getCopyFunc(void) { return (CopyVarFunc)© } static void copy(T * dst,T * src) { *dst = *src; } // copy
// === Bind a global or pre-allocated (not instance) class member variable or constant (for tables only (not classes)) ===
template<typename T> void BindVariable(SquirrelObject & so,T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { VarRefPtr pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName); *pvr = VarRef(var,TypeInfo<T>(),0,ClassType<T>::getCopyFunc(),sizeof(*var),access,TypeInfo<T>().typeName); createTableSetGetHandlers(so); } // BindVariable
// === Bind a constant by value: INT, FLOAT, BOOL, or CONST CHAR * (for tables only (not classes)) ===
template<typename T> void BindConstant(SquirrelObject & so,T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) { validateConstantType(constant); VarRefPtr pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName); struct CV { T var; } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
cv.var = constant; *pvr = VarRef(*(void **)&cv,TypeInfo<T>(),0,0,sizeof(constant),VAR_ACCESS_CONSTANT,TypeInfo<T>().typeName); createTableSetGetHandlers(so); } // BindConstant
template<typename T> void BindVariable(T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { SquirrelObject so = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable(); BindVariable(so,var,scriptVarName,access); } // BindVariable
template<typename T> void BindConstant(T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) { SquirrelObject so = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable(); BindConstant(so,constant,scriptVarName); } // BindConstant
// === Register a class instance member variable or constant. var argument provides type and offset ( effectively &((ClassType *)0)->var ) ===
// classType is the type of the member variable's containing class.
template<typename T> void RegisterInstanceVariable(SquirrelObject & so,SQUserPointer classType,T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { VarRef * pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName); void * offsetOrAddrOrConst = (void *)var; // var must be passed in as &obj->var, where obj = 0 (the address is the offset), or as static/global address.
*pvr = VarRef(offsetOrAddrOrConst,TypeInfo<T>(),classType,ClassType<T>::getCopyFunc(),sizeof(*var),access,TypeInfo<T>().typeName); createInstanceSetGetHandlers(so); } // RegisterInstanceVariable
template<typename T> void RegisterInstanceConstant(SquirrelObject & so,SQUserPointer classType,T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) { validateConstantType(constant); VarRef * pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName); struct CV { T var; size_t pad; } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
cv.var = constant; *pvr = VarRef(*(void **)&cv,TypeInfo<T>(),classType,0,sizeof(constant),VAR_ACCESS_CONSTANT,TypeInfo<T>().typeName); createInstanceSetGetHandlers(so); } // RegisterInstanceConstant
/////////// BEGIN Generalized Class/Struct Instance Support //////////////
//BOOL CreateNativeClassInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * classname,SQUserPointer ud,SQRELEASEHOOK hook); // In SquirrelBindingUtils.cpp.
// Create native class instance and leave on stack.
inline BOOL CreateConstructNativeClassInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * className) { int oldtop = sq_gettop(v); sq_pushroottable(v); sq_pushstring(v,className,-1); if (SQ_FAILED(sq_rawget(v,-2))) { // Get the class (created with sq_newclass()).
sq_settop(v,oldtop); return FALSE; } // if
#if 0
sq_remove(v,-3); // Remove the root table.
sq_push(v,1); // Push the 'this'.
#else // Kamaitati's change. 5/28/06 jcs.
sq_remove(v,-2); // Remove the root table.
sq_pushroottable(v); // Push the 'this'.
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_call(v,1,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR))) { // Call ClassName(): creates new instance and calls constructor (instead of sq_createinstance() where constructor is not called).
sq_settop(v,oldtop); return FALSE; } // if
sq_remove(v,-2); // Remove the class.
// int newtop = sq_gettop(v);
return TRUE; } // CreateConstructNativeClassInstance
// Create new instance, copy 'classToCopy', and store result on stack.
template<typename T> inline BOOL CreateCopyInstance(const SQChar * className,const T & classToCopy) { HSQUIRRELVM v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(); if (!CreateConstructNativeClassInstance(v,className)) { return FALSE; } // if
SQUserPointer up=0; sq_getinstanceup(v,-1,&up,ClassType<T>::type()); if (!up) return FALSE; T * newClass = (T *)up; *newClass = classToCopy; // <TODO> Optimized version that uses the copy constructor.
return TRUE; } // CreateCopyInstance
// Create a new copy of type 'className' and copy 'classToCopy', return result via SquirrelObject.
template<typename T> inline SquirrelObject NewClassCopy(const SQChar * className,const T & classToCopy) { SquirrelObject ret; if (CreateCopyInstance(className,classToCopy)) { ret.AttachToStackObject(-1); sq_poptop(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()); } else { throw SquirrelError(_T("NewClassCopy(): could not create class")); } // if
return ret; } // NewClassCopy
// Return a new class copy on the stack from a varArgs function call.
template<typename T> inline int ReturnCopy(HSQUIRRELVM v,const T & classToCopy) { SquirrelObject so(NewClassCopy(GetTypeName(classToCopy),classToCopy)); return StackHandler(v).Return(so); } // ReturnCopy
// Katsuaki Kawachi's GetInstance<> exception change. 6/27/06 jcs
// Get an instance of type T from the stack at idx (for function calls).
template<typename T,bool ExceptionOnError> T * GetInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,SQInteger idx) { SQUserPointer up=0; sq_getinstanceup(v,idx,&up,ClassType<T>::type()); if (ExceptionOnError) { // This code block should be compiled out when ExceptionOnError is false. In any case, the compiler should not generate a test condition (include or exclude the enclosed code block).
if (!up) throw SquirrelError(_T("GetInstance: Invalid argument type")); } // if
return (T *)up; } // GetInstance
// NAME and macro changes from Ben's (Project5) forum post. 2/26/06 jcs
// Kamaitati's NULL_INSTANCE support. 5/28/06 jcs
#define DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME_(TYPE,NAME) namespace SqPlus { \
inline const SQChar * GetTypeName(const TYPE & n) { return _T(#NAME); } \ inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE * value) { \ if (!value) sq_pushnull(v); \ else if (!CreateNativeClassInstance(v,GetTypeName(*value),value,0)) \ throw SquirrelError(_T("Push(): could not create INSTANCE (check registration name)")); } \ inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE & value) { if (!CreateCopyInstance(GetTypeName(value),value)) throw SquirrelError(_T("Push(): could not create INSTANCE copy (check registration name)")); } \ inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \ inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { \ return (sq_gettype(v,idx)==OT_NULL) || (GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL); } \ inline TYPE & Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return *GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \ inline TYPE * Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { \ if (sq_gettype(v,idx)==OT_NULL) return NULL; \ return GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \ template<> \ struct TypeInfo<TYPE> { \ const SQChar * typeName; \ TypeInfo() : typeName(_T(#NAME)) {} \ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INSTANCE,Size=sizeof(TYPE)}; \ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } \ }; \ } // nameSpace SqPlus
#define DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME_(TYPE,NAME) namespace SqPlus { \
inline const SQChar * GetTypeName(const TYPE & n) { return _T(#NAME); } \ inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE * value) { if (!CreateNativeClassInstance(v,GetTypeName(*value),value,0)) throw SquirrelError(_T("Push(): could not create INSTANCE (check registration name)")); } \ inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE & value) { if (!CreateCopyInstance(GetTypeName(value),value)) throw SquirrelError(_T("Push(): could not create INSTANCE copy (check registration name)")); } \ inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \ inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \ inline TYPE & Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return *GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \ inline TYPE * Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \ template<> \ struct TypeInfo<TYPE> { \ const SQChar * typeName; \ TypeInfo() : typeName(_T(#NAME)) {} \ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INSTANCE,Size=sizeof(TYPE)}; \ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } \ }; \ } // nameSpace SqPlus
// TYPE or NAME below must match the string name used in SQClassDef<>, otherwise name lookup won't match and Squirrel will throw a "can't create instance" error.
#include "SqPlusConst.h"
//////////// END Generalized Class/Struct Instance Support ///////////////
#define sq_argassert(arg,_index_) if (!Match(TypeWrapper<P##arg>(),v,_index_)) return sq_throwerror(v,_T("Incorrect function argument"))
#define sq_argassert(arg,_index_)
// === Return value variants ===
template<class RT> struct ReturnSpecialization {
// === Standard Function calls ===
static int Call(RT (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*index*/) { RT ret = func(); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); sq_argassert(7,index + 6); RT ret = func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5), Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
// === Member Function calls ===
template <typename Callee> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*index*/) { RT ret = (callee.*func)(); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template <typename Callee,typename P1> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> static int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); sq_argassert(7,index + 6); RT ret = (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5), Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6) ); Push(v,ret); return 1; }
#include "SqPlusConst.h"
// === No return value variants ===
template<> struct ReturnSpecialization<void> {
// === Standard function calls ===
static int Call(void (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*index*/) { (void)v; func(); return 0; }
template<typename P1> static int Call(void (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5) ); return 0; }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); sq_argassert(7,index + 6); func( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5), Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6) ); return 0; }
// === Member function calls ===
template<typename Callee> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM,int /*index*/) { (callee.*func)(); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5) ); return 0; }
template<typename Callee,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> static int Call(Callee & callee,void (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { sq_argassert(1,index + 0); sq_argassert(2,index + 1); sq_argassert(3,index + 2); sq_argassert(4,index + 3); sq_argassert(5,index + 4); sq_argassert(6,index + 5); sq_argassert(7,index + 6); (callee.*func)( Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0), Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1), Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2), Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3), Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4), Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5), Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6) ); return 0; }
#include "SqPlusConst.h"
// === STANDARD Function return value specialized call handlers ===
template<typename RT> int Call(RT (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1> int Call(RT (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index); }
// === MEMBER Function return value specialized call handlers ===
template<typename Callee,typename RT> int Call(Callee & callee, RT (Callee::*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
template<typename Callee,typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> int Call(Callee & callee,RT (Callee::*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) { return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(callee,func,v,index); }
#include "SqPlusConst.h"
// === Direct Call Standard Function handler ===
template<typename Func> struct DirectCallFunction { static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) { StackHandler sa(v); int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount(); Func * func = (Func *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount); return Call(*func,v,2); } // Dispatch
// === Direct Call Member Function handler ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> class DirectCallMemberFunction { public: static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) { StackHandler sa(v); int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount(); unsigned char * ud = (unsigned char *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount); return Call(**(Callee**)ud,*(Func*)(ud + sizeof(Callee*)),v,2); } // Dispatch
// === Direct Call Instance Member Function handler ===
#define SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY _T("__ca")
template<typename Callee,typename Func> class DirectCallInstanceMemberFunction { public: static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) { StackHandler sa(v); Callee * instance = (Callee *)sa.GetInstanceUp(1,0); int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount(); Func * func = (Func *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount); #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
SquirrelObject so(sa.GetObjectHandle(1)); // 'this'
SQUserPointer typetag; so.GetTypeTag(&typetag); SQUserPointer calleeType = ClassType<Callee>::type(); if (typetag != calleeType) { SquirrelObject typeTable = so.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME); instance = (Callee *)typeTable.GetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<Callee>::type())); // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
if (!instance) { return sq_throwerror(v,_T("Invalid Instance Type")); } // if
} // if
return Call(*instance,*func,v,2); } // Dispatch
// === Direct Call Instance Member Function Variable Argument handler ===
template<typename Callee> class DirectCallInstanceMemberFunctionVarArgs { public: typedef int (Callee::*FuncType)(HSQUIRRELVM); static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) { StackHandler sa(v); Callee * instance = (Callee *)sa.GetInstanceUp(1,0); int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount(); FuncType func = *(FuncType *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount); #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
SquirrelObject so(sa.GetObjectHandle(1)); // 'this'
SQUserPointer typetag; so.GetTypeTag(&typetag); SQUserPointer calleeType = ClassType<Callee>::type(); if (typetag != calleeType) { SquirrelObject typeTable = so.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME); instance = (Callee *)typeTable.GetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<Callee>::type())); // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
if (!instance) { return sq_throwerror(v,_T("Invalid Instance Type")); } // if
} // if
sq_poptop(v); // Remove UserData from stack: so sa.GetParamCount() returns actual param count.
return (instance->*func)(v); } // Dispatch
// Code fragment useful for debugging new implementations.
#if 0
HSQOBJECT ho = sa.GetObjectHandle(paramCount); SquirrelObject so(ho); SQObjectType sot = so.GetType(); #endif
// === Standard function call ===
template<typename Func> inline void sq_pushdirectclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) { SQUserPointer up = sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func)); sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallFunction<Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1); } // sq_pushdirectclosure
// === Fixed Class pointer call (always calls with object pointer that was registered) ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void sq_pushdirectclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) { unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(Callee*)+sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
const SQUserPointer pCallee = (SQUserPointer)&callee; memcpy(up,&pCallee,sizeof(Callee*)); memcpy(up + sizeof(Callee*),&func,sizeof(func)); sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallMemberFunction<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1); } // sq_pushdirectclosure
// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) { unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func)); sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceMemberFunction<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1); } // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure
// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance (variable arguments) ===
template<typename Callee> inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,int (Callee::*func)(HSQUIRRELVM),SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) { unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func)); sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceMemberFunctionVarArgs<Callee>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1); } // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs
// === Register a STANDARD function (table or class on stack) ===
template<typename Func> inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushstring(v,name,-1); sq_pushdirectclosure(v,func,0); sq_createslot(v,-3); // Stack is restored after this call (same state as before Register() call).
} // Register
// === Register a MEMBER function (table or class on stack) ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushstring(v,name,-1); sq_pushdirectclosure(v,callee,func,0); sq_createslot(v,-3); // Stack is restored after this call (same state as before Register() call).
} // Register
// === Register a STANDARD global function (root table) ===
template<typename Func> inline void RegisterGlobal(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushroottable(v); Register(v,func,name); sq_poptop(v); // Remove root table.
} // RegisterGlobal
template<typename Func> inline void RegisterGlobal(Func func,const SQChar * name) { RegisterGlobal(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),func,name); } // RegisterGlobal
// === Register a MEMBER global function (root table) ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void RegisterGlobal(HSQUIRRELVM v,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushroottable(v); Register(v,callee,func,name); sq_poptop(v); // Remove root table.
} // RegisterGlobal
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void RegisterGlobal(Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) { RegisterGlobal(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),callee,func,name); } // RegisterGlobal
// === Register a STANDARD function (hso is table or class) ===
template<typename Func> inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hso,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushobject(v,hso); Register(v,func,name); sq_poptop(v); // Remove hso.
} // Register
// === Register a MEMBER function (hso is table or class) ===
// === Fixed Class pointer call (always calls with object pointer that was registered) ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hso,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushobject(v,hso); Register(v,callee,func,name); sq_poptop(v); // Remove hso.
} // Register
// === Register an INSTANCE MEMBER function ===
// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
template<typename Callee,typename Func> inline void RegisterInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) { sq_pushobject(v,hclass); sq_pushstring(v,name,-1); sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure(v,callee,func,0); sq_createslot(v,-3); sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
} // RegisterInstance
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4995) // Deprecated _snprintf
// === Register an INSTANCE MEMBER function Variable Arguments ===
// typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
// All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
template<typename Callee> inline void RegisterInstanceVarArgs(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,int (Callee::*func)(HSQUIRRELVM),const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_T("*")) { sq_pushobject(v,hclass); sq_pushstring(v,name,-1); sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs(v,callee,func,0); SQChar tm[64]; SQChar * ptm = tm; int numParams = SQ_MATCHTYPEMASKSTRING; if (typeMask) { if (typeMask[0] == '*') { ptm = 0; // Variable args: don't check parameters.
// numParams = 0; // Clear SQ_MATCHTYPEMASKSTRING (does not mean match 0 params. See sq_setparamscheck()).
} else { if (SCSNPRINTF(tm,sizeof(tm),_T("x%s"),typeMask) < 0) { // Must be an instance.
throw SquirrelError(_T("RegisterInstanceVarArgs: typeMask string too long.")); } // if
} // if
} else { // <TODO> Need to check object type on stack: table, class, instance, etc.
// _snprintf(tm,sizeof(tm),"x"); // instance.
tm[0] = 'x'; tm[1] = 0; } // if
if (ptm) { // If ptm == 0, don't check type.
sq_setparamscheck(v,numParams,ptm); // Determine arg count from type string.
} // if
#ifdef _DEBUG
sq_setnativeclosurename(v,-1,name); // For debugging only.
sq_createslot(v,-3); sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
} // RegisterInstanceVarArgs
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default : 4995)
// === Call Squirrel Functions from C/C++ ===
// No type checking is performed for Squirrel functions as Squirrel types are dynamic:
// Incoming types are passed unchanged to Squirrel functions. The parameter count is checked: an exception is thrown if mismatched.
// Return values must match the RT template argument type, else an exception can be thrown on return.
template<typename RT> struct SquirrelFunction { HSQUIRRELVM v; SquirrelObject object; // Table or class.
SquirrelObject func; SquirrelFunction() : v(0) {} SquirrelFunction(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SquirrelObject & _object,const SquirrelObject & _func) : v(_v), object(_object), func(_func) {} SquirrelFunction(const SquirrelObject & _object,const SquirrelObject & _func) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), object(_object), func(_func) {} SquirrelFunction(const SquirrelObject & _object,const SQChar * name) { v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(); object = _object; func = object.GetValue(name); } SquirrelFunction(const SQChar * name) { v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(); object = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable(); func = object.GetValue(name); }
// Release references and reset internal objects to null.
void reset(void) { func.Reset(); object.Reset(); } // Reset
#define SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(res) if (!SQ_SUCCEEDED(res)) throw SquirrelError(_T("SquirrelFunction<> call failed"))
RT operator()(void) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,1,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1> RT operator()(P1 p1) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,2,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,3,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); Push(v,p3); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,4,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); Push(v,p3); Push(v,p4); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,5,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); Push(v,p3); Push(v,p4); Push(v,p5); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,6,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5,P6 p6) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); Push(v,p3); Push(v,p4); Push(v,p5); Push(v,p6); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,7,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7> RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5,P6 p6,P7 p7) { sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle()); Push(v,p1); Push(v,p2); Push(v,p3); Push(v,p4); Push(v,p5); Push(v,p6); Push(v,p7); SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(sq_call(v,8,SQTrue,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR)); return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1); }
// === Class/Struct registration ===
#define SQ_DELETE_CLASS(CLASSTYPE) if (up) { CLASSTYPE * self = (CLASSTYPE *)up; delete self;} return 0
static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { \ SQ_DELETE_CLASS(CLASSTYPE); \ }
template<typename T> struct ReleaseClassPtrPtr { static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { if (up) { T ** self = (T **)up; delete *self; } // if
return 0; } // release
template<typename T> struct ReleaseClassPtr { static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { if (up) { T * self = (T *)up; delete self; } // if
return 0; } // release
BOOL CreateClass(HSQUIRRELVM v,SquirrelObject & newClass,SQUserPointer classType,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * baseName=0);
#define SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX _T("__ci")
// Call PostConstruct() at the end of custom constructors.
template<typename T> inline int PostConstruct(HSQUIRRELVM v,T * newClass,SQRELEASEHOOK hook) { #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
StackHandler sa(v); HSQOBJECT ho = sa.GetObjectHandle(1); // OT_INSTANCE
SquirrelObject instance(ho); INT classIndex = instance.GetValue(SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX).ToInteger(); if (classIndex == -1) { // Is this the most-derived C/C++ class? If so, create all ancestors (if present).
SquirrelObject newObjectTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable(); // 11/2/05: Create a new table for this instance.
newObjectTable.SetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<T>::type()),newClass); // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
SquirrelObject classHierArray = instance.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY); INT count = classHierArray.Len(); if (count > 1) { // This will be true when more than one C/C++ class is in the hierarchy.
--count; // Skip the most-derived class.
for (INT i=0; i < count; i++) { #ifdef CPP_STYLE_INHERITANCE // Kamaitati's changes for C++ inheritance support. jcs 5/28/06
SquirrelObject so = classHierArray.GetValue(i); sq_pushobject(v,so.GetObjectHandle()); SQUserPointer typeTag; sq_gettypetag(v,-1,&typeTag); newObjectTable.SetUserPointer(INT(size_t(typeTag)),newClass); sq_poptop(v); #else
instance.SetValue(SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX,i); // Store ancestor class index for recursive constructor calls to come.
INT top = sq_gettop(v); SquirrelObject so = classHierArray.GetValue(i); // Need to create UserData struct: store pointer to class, set release hook.
SquirrelObject func = so.GetValue(_T("constructor")); sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle()); sq_pushobject(v,instance.GetObjectHandle()); // The 'instance' is the real Squirrel 'this' for all ancestors (as opposed to an instance created from the defining class, which does not happen).
sq_call(v,1,SQFalse,SQ_CALL_RAISE_ERROR); // Call constructor: no arguments are passed other than the 'instance'.
sq_settop(v,top); #endif
} // for
instance.SetValue(SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX,SquirrelObject()); // Store an OT_NULL object to free SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX var.
} // if
} else { // Ancestor: Construct class and set release hook.
SquirrelObject objectTable = instance.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME); // 11/2/05: Get the existing object table.
objectTable.SetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<T>::type()),newClass); // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
INT top = sq_gettop(v); T ** ud = (T **)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(T *)); // Create UserData and push onto stack.
*ud = newClass; sq_setreleasehook(v,-1,ReleaseClassPtrPtr<T>::release); // Set release hook for UserData on stack.
SquirrelObject userData; userData.AttachToStackObject(-1); SquirrelObject classHierArray = instance.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY); classHierArray.SetValue(classIndex,userData); // Replace the class entry with UserData: will be freed during most-derived class destruction.
sq_settop(v,top); return TRUE; } // if
sq_setinstanceup(v,1,newClass); sq_setreleasehook(v,1,hook); return 1; } // PostConstruct
template<typename T> struct ConstructReleaseClass { static int construct(HSQUIRRELVM v) { return PostConstruct<T>(v,new T(),release); } // construct
// === Helper for RegisterClassType*() ===
inline void setupClassHierarchy(SquirrelObject newClass) { // <NOTE> New member vars cannot be added to instances (OT_INSTANCE): additions must occur on the defining class (OT_CLASS), before any instances are instantiated.
if (!newClass.Exists(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME)) { // Will always get table from most-derived registered class.
SquirrelObject objectTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable(); newClass.SetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME,objectTable); // Constructors must add their 'this' pointer indexed by type to this table. See PostConstruct() above.
// 11/2/05: This table will behave as a static global for each instance unless overwritten during construction (see PostConstruct() above).
} // if
SquirrelObject classHierArray; if (!newClass.Exists(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY)) { // Will always get table from most-derived registered class.
classHierArray = SquirrelVM::CreateArray(0); // The only constructor called will be the most-derived class: this array contains all classes in the hierarchy to be constructed.
newClass.SetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY,classHierArray); } else { classHierArray = newClass.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY); } // if
classHierArray.ArrayAppend(newClass); // Add the class to the hierarchy array. The array values will be released and replaced with UserData to free created ancestor classes.
newClass.SetValue(SQ_ANCESTOR_CLASS_INDEX,-1); // When the class hierarchy is created, this var will be used to help in recursively creating ancestor classes.
} // setupClassHierarchy
template<typename T> inline SquirrelObject RegisterClassType(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * scriptClassName,const SQChar * baseScriptClassName=0) { int top = sq_gettop(v); SquirrelObject newClass; if (CreateClass(v,newClass,(SQUserPointer)ClassType<T>::type(),scriptClassName,baseScriptClassName)) { SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(newClass,&ConstructReleaseClass<T>::construct,_T("constructor")); #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
setupClassHierarchy(newClass); #endif
} // if
sq_settop(v,top); return newClass; } // RegisterClassType
template<typename T> inline SquirrelObject RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * scriptClassName,const SQChar * baseScriptClassName=0) { int top = sq_gettop(v); SquirrelObject newClass; if (CreateClass(v,newClass,(SQUserPointer)ClassType<T>::type(),scriptClassName,baseScriptClassName)) { #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
setupClassHierarchy(newClass); #endif
} // if
sq_settop(v,top); return newClass; } // RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor
// === Define and register a C++ class and its members for use with Squirrel ===
// Constructors+destructors are automatically created. Custom constructors must use the
// standard SQFUNCTION signature if variable argument types are required (overloads).
// See testSqPlus2.cpp for examples.
// <NOTE> Do not use SQClassDefBase<> directly, use SQClassDef<> or SQClassDefNoConstructor<>, below.
template<typename TClassType> struct SQClassDefBase { HSQUIRRELVM v; const SQChar * name; SquirrelObject newClass;
const SQChar * base; // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDefBase(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : v(_v), name(_name), base(_base) {} // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDefBase(const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), name(_name), base(_base) {} #else
SQClassDefBase(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name) : v(_v), name(_name) {} SQClassDefBase(const SQChar * _name) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), name(_name) {} #endif
// Register a member function.
template<typename Func> SQClassDefBase & func(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) { RegisterInstance(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name); return *this; } // func
// Register a variable-argument member function (supports variable+multiple return values).
// typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
// All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
template<typename Func> SQClassDefBase & funcVarArgs(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_T("*")) { RegisterInstanceVarArgs(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name,typeMask); return *this; } // funcVarArgs
// === BEGIN static-member+global function registration ===
// === This version is for static member functions only, such as custom constructors where 'this' is not yet valid ===
// typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
// All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
template<typename Func> SQClassDefBase & staticFuncVarArgs(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_T("*")) { SquirrelVM::PushObject(newClass); SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(pfunc,name,typeMask); SquirrelVM::Pop(1); return *this; } // staticFuncVarArgs
// Register a standard global function (effectively embedding a global function in TClassType's script namespace: does not need or use a 'this' pointer).
template<typename Func> SQClassDefBase & staticFunc(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) { Register(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),pfunc,name); return *this; } // staticFunc
// Register a function to a pre-allocated class/struct member function: will use callee's 'this' (effectively embedding a global function in TClassType's script namespace).
template<typename Callee,typename Func> SQClassDefBase & staticFunc(Callee & callee,Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) { Register(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),callee,pfunc,name); return *this; } // staticFunc
// === END static+global function registration ===
// Register a member variable.
template<typename VarType> SQClassDefBase & var(VarType TClassType::* pvar,const SQChar * name,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { struct CV { VarType TClassType::* var; } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
cv.var = pvar; RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(VarType **)&cv,name,access); return *this; } // var
// Register a member variable as a UserPointer (read only).
template<typename VarType> SQClassDefBase & varAsUserPointer(VarType TClassType::* pvar,const SQChar * name) { struct CV { VarType TClassType::* var; } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
cv.var = pvar; RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(SQAnything **)&cv,name,VAR_ACCESS_READ_ONLY); return *this; } // varAsUserPointer
template<typename VarType> SQClassDefBase & staticVar(VarType * pvar,const SQChar * name,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) { struct CV { VarType * var; } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
cv.var = pvar; RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(VarType **)&cv,name,VarAccessType(access|VAR_ACCESS_STATIC)); return *this; } // staticVar
#include "SqPlusConst.h"
// Register a constant (read-only in script, passed by value (only INT, FLOAT, or BOOL types)).
template<typename ConstantType> SQClassDefBase & constant(ConstantType constant,const SQChar * name) { RegisterInstanceConstant(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),constant,name); return *this; } // constant
// Register an enum as an integer (read-only in script).
SQClassDefBase & enumInt(int constant,const SQChar * name) { RegisterInstanceConstant(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),constant,name); return *this; } // enumInt
template<typename TClassType> struct SQClassDef : public SQClassDefBase<TClassType> { #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
// Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDef(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_v,_name,_base) { this->newClass = RegisterClassType<TClassType>(this->v,this->name,this->base); } // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDef(const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_name,_base) { this->newClass = RegisterClassType<TClassType>(this->v,this->name,this->base); } #else
SQClassDef(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_v,_name) { this->newClass = RegisterClassType<TClassType>(this->v,this->name); } SQClassDef(const SQChar * _name) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_name) { this->newClass = RegisterClassType<TClassType>(this->v,this->name); } #endif
template<typename TClassType> struct SQClassDefNoConstructor : public SQClassDefBase<TClassType> { #ifdef SQ_USE_CLASS_INHERITANCE
// Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDefNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_v,_name,_base) { this->newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(this->v,this->name,this->base); } // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
SQClassDefNoConstructor(const SQChar * _name,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_name,_base) { this->newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(this->v,this->name,this->base); } #else
SQClassDefNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_v,_name) { this->newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(this->v,this->name); } SQClassDefNoConstructor(const SQChar * _name) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType>(_name) { this->newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(this->v,this->name); } #endif
// === BEGIN Function Call Handlers ===
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,char value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,unsigned char value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,short value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,unsigned short value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,int value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,unsigned int value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,long value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,unsigned long value) { sq_pushinteger(v,value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,double value) { sq_pushfloat(v,(FLOAT)value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,float value) { sq_pushfloat(v,(FLOAT)value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * value) { sq_pushstring(v,value,-1); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SquirrelNull &) { sq_pushnull(v); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,SQFUNCTION value) { sq_pushuserpointer(v,(void*)value); } inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,SQAnythingPtr value) { sq_pushuserpointer(v,(void*)value); } // Cast to SQAnythingPtr instead of void * if USE_ARGUMENT_DEPENDANT_OVERLOADS can't be used by your compiler.
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,SquirrelObject & so) { sq_pushobject(v,so.GetObjectHandle()); }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable:4675) // Disable warning: "resolved overload was found by argument-dependent lookup" when class/struct pointers are used as function arguments.
// === BEGIN Argument Dependent Overloads ===
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,bool value) { sq_pushbool(v,value); } // Pass bool as int if USE_ARGUMENT_DEPENDANT_OVERLOADS can't be used by your compiler.
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const void * value) { sq_pushuserpointer(v,(void*)value); } // Pass SQAnythingPtr instead of void * " "
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQUserPointer & value) { sq_pushuserpointer(v,(void*)value); } // === END Argument Dependent Overloads ===
#define SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(res) if (!SQ_SUCCEEDED(res)) throw SquirrelError(_T("sq_get*() failed (type error)"))
inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<bool>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_BOOL; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<char>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned char>,HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<short>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned short>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<int>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned int>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<long>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned long>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_INTEGER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<float>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { int type = sq_gettype(v,idx); return type == OT_FLOAT; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<double>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { int type = sq_gettype(v,idx); return type == OT_FLOAT; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<const SQChar *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_STRING; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<HSQUIRRELVM>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return true; } // See Get() for HSQUIRRELVM below (v is always present).
inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<void*>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_USERPOINTER; } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<SquirrelObject>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return true; } // See sq_getstackobj(): always returns true.
inline void Get(TypeWrapper<void>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int) {} inline bool Get(TypeWrapper<bool>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { SQBool b; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getbool(v,idx,&b)); return b != 0; } inline char Get(TypeWrapper<char>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<char>(i); } inline unsigned char Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned char>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<unsigned char>(i); } inline short Get(TypeWrapper<short>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<short>(i); } inline unsigned short Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned short>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<unsigned short>(i); } inline int Get(TypeWrapper<int>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return i; } inline unsigned int Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned int>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<unsigned int>(i); } inline long Get(TypeWrapper<long>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<long>(i); } inline unsigned long Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned long>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { intp i; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getinteger(v,idx,&i)); return static_cast<unsigned long>(i); } inline float Get(TypeWrapper<float>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { SQFloat f; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getfloat(v,idx,&f)); return f; } inline double Get(TypeWrapper<double>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { SQFloat f; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getfloat(v,idx,&f)); return static_cast<double>(f); } inline const SQChar * Get(TypeWrapper<const SQChar *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { const SQChar * s; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getstring(v,idx,&s)); return s; } inline SquirrelNull Get(TypeWrapper<SquirrelNull>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { (void)v, (void)idx; return SquirrelNull(); } inline void * Get(TypeWrapper<void *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { SQUserPointer p; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getuserpointer(v,idx,&p)); return p; } inline HSQUIRRELVM Get(TypeWrapper<HSQUIRRELVM>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*idx*/) { sq_poptop(v); return v; } // sq_poptop(v): remove UserData from stack so GetParamCount() matches normal behavior.
inline SquirrelObject Get(TypeWrapper<SquirrelObject>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { HSQOBJECT o; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getstackobj(v,idx,&o)); return SquirrelObject(o); }
inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const std::string& value) { sq_pushstring(v,value.c_str(),-1); } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<const std::string&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_STRING; } inline std::string Get(TypeWrapper<const std::string&>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { const SQChar * s; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getstring(v,idx,&s)); return std::string(s); } #endif
// Added jflanglois suggestion, 8/20/06. jcs
typedef std::basic_string<SQChar> sq_std_string; inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const sq_std_string & value) { sq_pushstring(v,value.c_str(),-1); } inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<const sq_std_string &>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx) { return sq_gettype(v,idx) == OT_STRING; } inline sq_std_string Get(TypeWrapper<const sq_std_string &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { const SQChar * s; SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(sq_getstring(v,idx,&s)); return sq_std_string(s); } #endif
// GetRet() restores the stack for SquirrelFunction<>() calls.
template<typename RT> inline RT GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { RT ret = Get(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,idx); sq_pop(v,2); return ret; } // sq_pop(v,2): restore stack after function call.
// Specialization to support void return type.
inline void GetRet(TypeWrapper<void>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { sq_pop(v,2); }
// === END Function Call Handlers ===
// === Example SQClassDef usage (see testSqPlus2.cpp): ===
#if 0
SQClassDef<NewTestObj> sqClass(_T("NewTestObj"); sqClass.func(NewTestObj::newtestR1,_T("newtestR1")); sqClass.var(&NewTestObj::val,_T("val")); sqClass.var(&NewTestObj::s1,_T("s1")); sqClass.var(&NewTestObj::s2,_T("s2")); sqClass.funcVarArgs(&NewTestObj::multiArgs,_T("multiArgs"));
// Shorthand form:
SQClassDef<NewTestObj>(_T("NewTestObj"). func(NewTestObj::newtestR1,_T("newtestR1")). var(&NewTestObj::val,_T("val")). var(&NewTestObj::s1,_T("s1")). var(&NewTestObj::s2,_T("s2")). funcVarArgs(NewTestObj::multiArgs,_T("multiArgs")); #endif
// === Macros for old style registration. SQClassDef registration is now easier to use (SQ_DECLARE_CLASS() is not needed) ===
static int _##CLASSNAME##_release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { \ if (up) { \ CLASSNAME * self = (CLASSNAME *)up; \ delete self; \ } \ return 0; \ } \ static int _##CLASSNAME##_constructor(HSQUIRRELVM v) { \ CLASSNAME * pc = new CLASSNAME(); \ sq_setinstanceup(v,1,pc); \ sq_setreleasehook(v,1,_##CLASSNAME##_release); \ return 1; \ }
RegisterInstance(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),NEWSQCLASS.GetObjectHandle(),*(CCLASS *)0,&CCLASS::FUNCNAME,_T(#FUNCNAME));
RegisterInstanceVarArgs(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),NEWSQCLASS.GetObjectHandle(),*(CCLASS *)0,&CCLASS::FUNCNAME,_T(#FUNCNAME));
RegisterInstanceVariable(NEWSQCLASS,&((CCLASS *)0)->VARNAME,_T(#VARNAME));
#pragma warning (default:4675)
}; // namespace SqPlus
// this include depends on SqPlus::Push(), and can't compile before that's declared in gcc
#include "SquirrelObjectImpl.h"
#endif //_SQ_PLUS_H_