// ALL SKIP STATEMENTS THAT AFFECT THIS SHADER!!! // defined $PIXELFOGTYPE && defined $WRITEWATERFOGTODESTALPHA && ( $PIXELFOGTYPE != 1 ) && $WRITEWATERFOGTODESTALPHA // defined $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && defined $FASTPATHENVMAPTINT && $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && $FASTPATHENVMAPTINT // defined $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && defined $FASTPATHENVMAPCONTRAST && $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && $FASTPATHENVMAPCONTRAST // defined $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && defined $FASTPATH && $LIGHTING_PREVIEW && $FASTPATH // ($FLASHLIGHT || $FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS) && $LIGHTING_PREVIEW #include "shaderlib/cshader.h" class floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_Static_Index { public: // CONSTRUCTOR floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_Static_Index( IShaderShadow *pShaderShadow, IMaterialVar **params ) { } int GetIndex() { // Asserts to make sure that we aren't using any skipped combinations. // Asserts to make sure that we are setting all of the combination vars. #ifdef _DEBUG #endif // _DEBUG return 0; } }; #define shaderStaticTest_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20 0 class floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_Dynamic_Index { public: // CONSTRUCTOR floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_Dynamic_Index( IShaderDynamicAPI *pShaderAPI ) { } int GetIndex() { // Asserts to make sure that we aren't using any skipped combinations. // Asserts to make sure that we are setting all of the combination vars. #ifdef _DEBUG #endif // _DEBUG return 0; } }; #define shaderDynamicTest_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20 0 static const ShaderComboSemantics_t floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_combos = { "floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20", NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }; class ConstructMe_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20 { public: ConstructMe_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20() { GetShaderDLL()->AddShaderComboInformation( &floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20_combos ); } }; static ConstructMe_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20 s_ConstructMe_floatcombine_autoexpose_ps20;