//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======= // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef C_TEAM_OBJECTIVERESOURCE_H #define C_TEAM_OBJECTIVERESOURCE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "shareddefs.h" #include "const.h" #include "c_baseentity.h" #include #define TEAM_ARRAY( index, team ) (index + (team * MAX_CONTROL_POINTS)) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: An entity that networks the state of the game's objectives. // May contain data for objectives that aren't used by your mod, but // the extra data will never be networked as long as it's zeroed out. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource : public C_BaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource, C_BaseEntity ); public: DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource(); virtual ~C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource(); public: virtual void ClientThink(); virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); void UpdateControlPoint( const char *pszEvent, int index = -1 ); float GetCPCapPercentage( int index ); int GetNumControlPoints( void ) { return m_iNumControlPoints; } int GetNumControlPointsOwned( void ); void SetOwningTeam( int index, int team ); virtual void SetCappingTeam( int index, int team ); void SetCapLayout( const char *pszLayout ); // Is the point visible in the objective display bool IsCPVisible( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_bCPIsVisible[index]; } bool IsCPBlocked( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_bBlocked[index]; } // Get the world location of this control point Vector& GetCPPosition( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_vCPPositions[index]; } int GetOwningTeam( int index ) { if ( index >= m_iNumControlPoints ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED; return m_iOwner[index]; } int GetCappingTeam( int index ) { if ( index >= m_iNumControlPoints ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED; return m_iCappingTeam[index]; } int GetTeamInZone( int index ) { if ( index >= m_iNumControlPoints ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED; return m_iTeamInZone[index]; } // Icons int GetCPCurrentOwnerIcon( int index, int iOwner ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return GetIconForTeam( index, iOwner ); } int GetCPCappingIcon( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); int iCapper = GetCappingTeam(index); Assert( iCapper != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); return GetIconForTeam( index, iCapper );; } // Icon for the specified team int GetIconForTeam( int index, int team ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iTeamIcons[ TEAM_ARRAY(index,team) ]; } // Overlay for the specified team int GetOverlayForTeam( int index, int team ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iTeamOverlays[ TEAM_ARRAY(index,team) ]; } // Number of players in the area int GetNumPlayersInArea( int index, int team ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iNumTeamMembers[ TEAM_ARRAY(index,team) ]; } // get the required cappers for the passed team int GetRequiredCappers( int index, int team ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iTeamReqCappers[ TEAM_ARRAY(index,team) ]; } // Base Icon for the specified team int GetBaseIconForTeam( int team ) { Assert( team < MAX_TEAMS ); return m_iTeamBaseIcons[ team ]; } int GetBaseControlPointForTeam( int iTeam ) { Assert( iTeam < MAX_TEAMS ); return m_iBaseControlPoints[iTeam]; } int GetPreviousPointForPoint( int index, int team, int iPrevIndex ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); Assert( iPrevIndex >= 0 && iPrevIndex < MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS ); int iIntIndex = iPrevIndex + (index * MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS) + (team * MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS); return m_iPreviousPoints[ iIntIndex ]; } bool TeamCanCapPoint( int index, int team ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_bTeamCanCap[ TEAM_ARRAY( index, team ) ]; } const char *GetCapLayoutInHUD( void ) { return m_pszCapLayoutInHUD; } bool PlayingMiniRounds( void ){ return m_bPlayingMiniRounds; } bool IsInMiniRound( int index ) { return m_bInMiniRound[index]; } int GetCapWarningLevel( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iWarnOnCap[index]; } const char *GetWarnSound( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_iszWarnSound[index]; } virtual const char *GetGameSpecificCPCappingSwipe( int index, int iCappingTeam ) { // You need to implement this in your game's objective resource. Assert(0); return NULL; } virtual const char *GetGameSpecificCPBarFG( int index, int iOwningTeam ) { // You need to implement this in your game's objective resource. Assert(0); return NULL; } virtual const char *GetGameSpecificCPBarBG( int index, int iCappingTeam ) { // You need to implement this in your game's objective resource. Assert(0); return NULL; } bool CapIsBlocked( int index ); int GetTimerToShowInHUD( void ) { return m_iTimerToShowInHUD; } int GetStopWatchTimer( void ) { return m_iStopWatchTimer; } float GetPathDistance( int index ) { Assert( index < m_iNumControlPoints ); return m_flPathDistance[index]; } protected: int m_iTimerToShowInHUD; int m_iStopWatchTimer; int m_iNumControlPoints; int m_iPrevNumControlPoints; bool m_bPlayingMiniRounds; bool m_bControlPointsReset; bool m_bOldControlPointsReset; int m_iUpdateCapHudParity; int m_iOldUpdateCapHudParity; // data variables Vector m_vCPPositions[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; bool m_bCPIsVisible[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; float m_flLazyCapPerc[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; float m_flOldLazyCapPerc[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; int m_iTeamIcons[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS]; int m_iTeamOverlays[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS]; int m_iTeamReqCappers[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS]; float m_flTeamCapTime[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS]; int m_iPreviousPoints[ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS * MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS ]; bool m_bTeamCanCap[ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS ]; int m_iTeamBaseIcons[MAX_TEAMS]; int m_iBaseControlPoints[MAX_TEAMS]; bool m_bInMiniRound[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; int m_iWarnOnCap[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; char m_iszWarnSound[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS][255]; float m_flPathDistance[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; // state variables int m_iNumTeamMembers[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS * MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS]; int m_iCappingTeam[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; int m_iTeamInZone[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; bool m_bBlocked[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; int m_iOwner[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; // client calculated state float m_flCapTimeLeft[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; float m_flCapLastThinkTime[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; bool m_bWarnedOnFinalCap[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; float m_flLastCapWarningTime[MAX_CONTROL_POINTS]; char m_pszCapLayoutInHUD[MAX_CAPLAYOUT_LENGTH]; }; extern C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource *g_pObjectiveResource; inline C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource *ObjectiveResource() { return g_pObjectiveResource; } #endif // C_TEAM_OBJECTIVERESOURCE_H