//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Normal HUD mode // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "clientmode_shared.h" #include "iinput.h" #include "view_shared.h" #include "iviewrender.h" #include "hud_basechat.h" #include "weapon_selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include #include #include "vgui_int.h" #include "hud_macros.h" #include "hltvcamera.h" #include "hud.h" #include "hud_element_helper.h" #include "Scaleform/HUD/sfhud_chat.h" #include "Scaleform/HUD/sfhudfreezepanel.h" #include "Scaleform/HUD/sfhud_teamcounter.h" #include "Scaleform/mapoverview.h" #include "hltvreplaysystem.h" #include "netmessages.h" #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replaycamera.h" #endif #include "particlemgr.h" #include "c_vguiscreen.h" #include "c_team.h" #include "c_rumble.h" #include "fmtstr.h" #include "c_playerresource.h" #include #include "gameui_interface.h" #include "menu.h" // CHudMenu #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_console.h" #endif #include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h" #include "clientmode_csnormal.h" #ifdef PORTAL2 #include "c_basehlplayer.h" #endif // PORTAL2 #ifdef CSTRIKE15 #include "c_cs_playerresource.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" class CHudWeaponSelection; class CHudChat; static vgui::HContext s_hVGuiContext = DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT; ConVar cl_drawhud( "cl_drawhud", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable the rendering of the hud" ); ConVar hud_takesshots( "hud_takesshots", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map." ); ConVar spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds( "spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "If set to 1, map voting and spectator view use the raw number keys instead of the weapon binds (slot1, slot2, etc)." ); ConVar spec_cameraman_ui( "spec_cameraman_ui", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, "If a cameraman is active then use their UI commands (scoreboard, overview, etc.)" ); ConVar spec_cameraman_xray( "spec_cameraman_xray", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, "If a cameraman is active then use their Xray state." ); ConVar spec_cameraman_disable_with_user_control( "spec_cameraman_disable_with_user_control", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, "Disable cameraman UI control when user controls camera." ); extern ConVar v_viewmodel_fov; extern ConVar spec_show_xray; extern ConVar spec_hide_players; extern bool IsInCommentaryMode( void ); CON_COMMAND( hud_reloadscheme, "Reloads hud layout and animation scripts." ) { g_pFullFileSystem->SyncDvdDevCache(); for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD_VGUI( hh ); ClientModeShared *mode = ( ClientModeShared * )GetClientModeNormal(); if ( mode ) { mode->ReloadScheme(); } } ClientModeShared *mode = ( ClientModeShared * )GetFullscreenClientMode(); if ( mode ) { mode->ReloadSchemeWithRoot( VGui_GetFullscreenRootVPANEL() ); } } #if 0 CON_COMMAND_F( crash, "Crash the client. Optional parameter -- type of crash:\n 0: read from NULL\n 1: write to NULL\n 2: DmCrashDump() (xbox360 only)", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { int crashtype = 0; int dummy; if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { crashtype = Q_atoi( args[1] ); } switch (crashtype) { case 0: dummy = *((int *) NULL); Msg("Crashed! %d\n", dummy); // keeps dummy from optimizing out break; case 1: *((int *)NULL) = 42; break; #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) case 2: XBX_CrashDump( false ); break; case 3: XBX_CrashDumpFullHeap( true ); break; #endif default: Msg("Unknown variety of crash. You have now failed to crash. I hope you're happy.\n"); break; } } #endif // _DEBUG static bool __MsgFunc_Rumble( const CCSUsrMsg_Rumble &msg ) { unsigned char waveformIndex; unsigned char rumbleData; unsigned char rumbleFlags; waveformIndex = msg.index(); rumbleData = msg.data(); rumbleFlags = msg.flags(); int userID = XBX_GetActiveUserId(); RumbleEffect( userID, waveformIndex, rumbleData, rumbleFlags ); return true; } static bool __MsgFunc_VGUIMenu( const CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu &msg ) { bool bShow = msg.show(); ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); KeyValues *keys = NULL; if ( msg.subkeys_size() > 0 ) { keys = new KeyValues("data"); for (int i = 0; i < msg.subkeys_size(); i ++ ) { const CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu::Subkey& subkey = msg.subkeys( i ); keys->SetString( subkey.name().c_str(), subkey.str().c_str() ); } } GetViewPortInterface()->ShowPanel( msg.name().c_str(), bShow, keys, true ); // Don't do this since ShowPanel auto-deletes the keys // keys->deleteThis(); // is the server telling us to show the scoreboard (at the end of a map)? if ( Q_stricmp( msg.name().c_str(), "scores" ) == 0 ) { if ( hud_takesshots.GetBool() == true ) { GetHud().SetScreenShotTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0 ); // take a screenshot in 1 second } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClientModeShared::ClientModeShared() { m_pViewport = NULL; m_pChatElement = NULL; m_pWeaponSelection = NULL; m_nRootSize[ 0 ] = m_nRootSize[ 1 ] = -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClientModeShared::~ClientModeShared() { // VGui_Shutdown() should have deleted/NULL'd Assert( !m_pViewport ); } void ClientModeShared::ReloadScheme( void ) { ReloadSchemeWithRoot( VGui_GetClientDLLRootPanel() ); } void ClientModeShared::ReloadSchemeWithRoot( vgui::VPANEL pRoot ) { if ( pRoot ) { int wide, tall; vgui::ipanel()->GetSize(pRoot, wide, tall); m_nRootSize[ 0 ] = wide; m_nRootSize[ 1 ] = tall; } m_pViewport->ReloadScheme( "resource/ClientScheme.res" ); if ( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() == 0 ) { ClearKeyValuesCache(); } // Msg( "Reload scheme [%d]\n", GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::Init() { InitChatHudElement(); InitWeaponSelectionHudElement(); // Derived ClientMode class must make sure m_Viewport is instantiated Assert( m_pViewport ); m_pViewport->LoadHudLayout(); ListenForGameEvent( "player_connect_full" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_connect" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_disconnect" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_team" ); ListenForGameEvent( "server_cvar" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_changename" ); ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_broadcast_audio" ); ListenForGameEvent( "achievement_earned" ); #if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( CSTRIKE_CLIENT_DLL ) ListenForGameEvent( "item_found" ); ListenForGameEvent( "items_gifted" ); #endif #if defined( INFESTED_DLL ) ListenForGameEvent( "player_fullyjoined" ); #endif HLTVCamera()->Init(); #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) ReplayCamera()->Init(); #endif m_CursorNone = vgui::dc_none; HOOK_MESSAGE( VGUIMenu ); HOOK_MESSAGE( Rumble ); } void ClientModeShared::InitChatHudElement() { m_pChatElement = CBaseHudChat::GetHudChat(); Assert( m_pChatElement ); } void ClientModeShared::InitWeaponSelectionHudElement() { m_pWeaponSelection = ( CBaseHudWeaponSelection * )GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudWeaponSelection ); Assert( m_pWeaponSelection ); } void ClientModeShared::InitViewport() { } void ClientModeShared::VGui_Shutdown() { delete m_pViewport; m_pViewport = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::Shutdown() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : frametime - // *cmd - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd ) { // Let the player override the view. C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if(!pPlayer) return true; // Let the player at it return pPlayer->CreateMove( flInputSampleTime, cmd ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pSetup - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup ) { QAngle camAngles; // Let the player override the view. C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if(!pPlayer) return; pPlayer->OverrideView( pSetup ); if( ::input->CAM_IsThirdPerson() ) { Vector cam_ofs; ::input->CAM_GetCameraOffset( cam_ofs ); camAngles[ PITCH ] = cam_ofs[ PITCH ]; camAngles[ YAW ] = cam_ofs[ YAW ]; camAngles[ ROLL ] = 0; Vector camForward, camRight, camUp; AngleVectors( camAngles, &camForward, &camRight, &camUp ); float flSavedZ = pSetup->origin.z; pSetup->origin = pPlayer->GetThirdPersonViewPosition(); pSetup->origin.z -= (pSetup->origin.z - flSavedZ); VectorMA( pSetup->origin, -cam_ofs[ ROLL ], camForward, pSetup->origin ); static ConVarRef c_thirdpersonshoulder( "c_thirdpersonshoulder" ); if ( c_thirdpersonshoulder.GetBool() ) { static ConVarRef c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset( "c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset" ); static ConVarRef c_thirdpersonshoulderheight( "c_thirdpersonshoulderheight" ); static ConVarRef c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist( "c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist" ); // add the shoulder offset to the origin in the cameras right vector VectorMA( pSetup->origin, c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset.GetFloat(), camRight, pSetup->origin ); // add the shoulder height to the origin in the cameras up vector VectorMA( pSetup->origin, c_thirdpersonshoulderheight.GetFloat(), camUp, pSetup->origin ); // adjust the yaw to the aim-point camAngles[ YAW ] += RAD2DEG( atan(c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset.GetFloat() / (c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist.GetFloat() + cam_ofs[ ROLL ])) ); // adjust the pitch to the aim-point camAngles[ PITCH ] += RAD2DEG( atan(c_thirdpersonshoulderheight.GetFloat() / (c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist.GetFloat() + cam_ofs[ ROLL ])) ); } // Override angles from third person camera VectorCopy( camAngles, pSetup->angles ); } else if (::input->CAM_IsOrthographic()) { pSetup->m_bOrtho = true; float w, h; ::input->CAM_OrthographicSize( w, h ); w *= 0.5f; h *= 0.5f; pSetup->m_OrthoLeft = -w; pSetup->m_OrthoTop = -h; pSetup->m_OrthoRight = w; pSetup->m_OrthoBottom = h; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawEntity(C_BaseEntity *pEnt) { return true; } bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawParticles( ) { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Allow weapons to override mouse input (for binoculars) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::OverrideMouseInput( float *x, float *y ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() : NULL;; if ( pWeapon ) { pWeapon->OverrideMouseInput( x, y ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawViewModel() { return true; } bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawDetailObjects( ) { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawCrosshair( void ) { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Don't draw the current view entity if we are not in 3rd person //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawLocalPlayer( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer ) { if ( pPlayer->IsViewEntity() && !pPlayer->ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The mode can choose to not draw fog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ClientModeShared::ShouldDrawFog( void ) { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::PreRender( CViewSetup *pSetup ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::PostRender() { // Let the particle manager simulate things that haven't been simulated. ParticleMgr()->PostRender(); } void ClientModeShared::PostRenderVGui() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::Update() { if ( m_pViewport->IsVisible() != cl_drawhud.GetBool() ) { m_pViewport->SetVisible( cl_drawhud.GetBool() ); } UpdateRumbleEffects( XBX_GetActiveUserId() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This processes all input before SV Move messages are sent //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::ProcessInput(bool bActive) { GetHud().ProcessInput( bActive ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: We've received a keypress from the engine. Return 1 if the engine is allowed to handle it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ClientModeShared::KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { if ( engine->Con_IsVisible() ) return 1; // Should we start typing a message? if ( pszCurrentBinding && ( Q_strcmp( pszCurrentBinding, "messagemode" ) == 0 || Q_strcmp( pszCurrentBinding, "say" ) == 0 ) ) { if ( down ) { StartMessageMode( MM_SAY ); } return 0; } else if ( pszCurrentBinding && ( Q_strcmp( pszCurrentBinding, "messagemode2" ) == 0 || Q_strcmp( pszCurrentBinding, "say_team" ) == 0 ) ) { if ( down ) { StartMessageMode( MM_SAY_TEAM ); } return 0; } C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( IsJoystickCode( keynum ) ) { keynum = GetBaseButtonCode( keynum ); } // If SourceMod menu is open (they use CHudMenu), give it input priority. bool bIsHudMenuOpen = false; CHudMenu *pHudMenu = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudMenu ); bIsHudMenuOpen = ( pHudMenu && pHudMenu->IsMenuOpen() ); if ( bIsHudMenuOpen && !HudElementKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) ) { return 0; } // if ingame spectator mode, let spectator input intercept key event here if( pPlayer && ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() > OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM ) && !HandleSpectatorKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) ) { return 0; } // Let game-specific hud elements get a crack at the key input if ( !HudElementKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) ) { return 0; } C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() : NULL; if ( pWeapon ) { return pWeapon->KeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ); } return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper to find if a binding exists in a possible chain of bindings //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ContainsBinding( const char *pszBindingString, const char *pszBinding, bool bSearchAliases /*= false*/ ) { if ( !strchr( pszBindingString, ';' ) && !bSearchAliases ) { return !Q_stricmp( pszBindingString, pszBinding ); } else { // Tokenize the binding name CUtlVectorAutoPurge< char *> cmdStrings; V_SplitString( pszBindingString, ";", cmdStrings ); FOR_EACH_VEC( cmdStrings, i ) { char* szCmd = cmdStrings[ i ]; if ( bSearchAliases ) { // Search for command in any contained aliases. const char* szAliasCmd = engine->AliasToCommandString( szCmd ); // NOTE: we could use some kind of recursion guard, but recursive aliases already infinite loop // when being processed by the cmd system. if ( szAliasCmd ) { CUtlString strCmd( szAliasCmd ); V_StripTrailingWhitespace( strCmd.Access() ); // Alias adds trailing spaces to commands, strip it here so the compare works if ( ContainsBinding( strCmd.Get(), pszBinding, true ) ) return true; } } if ( !Q_stricmp( pszBinding, szCmd ) ) { return true; } } return false; } } void ClientModeShared::UpdateCameraManUIState( int iType, int nOptionalParam, uint64 xuid ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ } void SendCameraManUIStateChange( HltvUiType_t eventType, int nOptionalParam ) { // this sends a client command to the server which will then change the server side states and propagate that out to everyone C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsActiveCameraMan() ) { char szTemp[ 256 ]; V_sprintf_safe( szTemp, "cameraman_ui_state %d %d", eventType, nOptionalParam ); engine->ClientCmd( szTemp ); } } void ClientModeShared::ScoreboardOff() { //SendCameraManUIStateChange( HLTV_UI_SCOREBOARD_OFF ); } void ClientModeShared::GraphPageChanged() { /* Removed for partner depot */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: See if spectator input occurred. Return 0 if the key is swallowed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ClientModeShared::HandleSpectatorKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: See if hud elements want key input. Return 0 if the key is swallowed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ClientModeShared::HudElementKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { if ( GetFullscreenClientMode() && GetFullscreenClientMode() != this && !GetFullscreenClientMode()->HudElementKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) ) return 0; if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsEndMatchVotingForNextMap() ) { // this looks messy, but essentially, if the convar is set to true, use the bindings, if not use the raw keys if ( down && (( spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds.GetBool() == false && pszCurrentBinding && ( ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot1" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot2" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot3" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot4" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot5" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot6" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot7" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot8" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot9" ) || ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "slot10" ) ) ) || ( spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds.GetBool() == true && ( keynum == KEY_1 || keynum == KEY_2 || keynum == KEY_3 || keynum == KEY_4 || keynum == KEY_5 || keynum == KEY_6 || keynum == KEY_7 || keynum == KEY_8 || keynum == KEY_9 || keynum == KEY_0 ) ) ) ) { int slotnum = 0; if ( spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds.GetBool() ) { slotnum = ( keynum - KEY_0 ) - 1; } else { char* slotnumberchar = ( char * )pszCurrentBinding + strlen( pszCurrentBinding ) - 1; slotnum = atoi( slotnumberchar ) - 1; } if ( slotnum < 0 ) slotnum = 10 + slotnum; char commandBuffer[32]; V_snprintf( commandBuffer, sizeof( commandBuffer ), "endmatch_votenextmap %d", slotnum ); engine->ClientCmd( commandBuffer ); return 0; } } if ( down && pszCurrentBinding && ContainsBinding( pszCurrentBinding, "radio1" ) ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ return 0; } if ( m_pWeaponSelection ) { if ( !m_pWeaponSelection->KeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) ) { return 0; } } return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : vgui::Panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vgui::Panel *ClientModeShared::GetMessagePanel() { if ( m_pChatElement && m_pChatElement->GetInputPanel() && m_pChatElement->GetInputPanel()->IsVisible() ) return m_pChatElement->GetInputPanel(); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The player has started to type a message //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::StartMessageMode( int iMessageModeType ) { // Can only show chat UI in multiplayer!!! if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 ) { return; } SFHudChat* pChat = GET_HUDELEMENT( SFHudChat ); if ( pChat ) { pChat->StartMessageMode( iMessageModeType ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *newmap - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::LevelInit( const char *newmap ) { m_pViewport->GetAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence("LevelInit"); // Tell the Chat Interface if ( m_pChatElement ) { m_pChatElement->LevelInit( newmap ); } // we have to fake this event clientside, because clients connect after that IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "game_newmap" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString("mapname", newmap ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } // Create a vgui context for all of the in-game vgui panels... if ( s_hVGuiContext == DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ) { s_hVGuiContext = vgui::ivgui()->CreateContext(); } // Reset any player explosion/shock effects CLocalPlayerFilter filter; enginesound->SetPlayerDSP( filter, 0, true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::LevelShutdown( void ) { if ( m_pChatElement ) { m_pChatElement->LevelShutdown(); } if ( s_hVGuiContext != DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ) { vgui::ivgui()->DestroyContext( s_hVGuiContext ); s_hVGuiContext = DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT; } // Reset any player explosion/shock effects CLocalPlayerFilter filter; enginesound->SetPlayerDSP( filter, 0, true ); } void ClientModeShared::Enable() { vgui::VPANEL pRoot = VGui_GetClientDLLRootPanel(); EnableWithRootPanel( pRoot ); } void ClientModeShared::EnableWithRootPanel( vgui::VPANEL pRoot ) { // Add our viewport to the root panel. if( pRoot != NULL ) { m_pViewport->SetParent( pRoot ); } // All hud elements should be proportional // This sets that flag on the viewport and all child panels m_pViewport->SetProportional( true ); m_pViewport->SetCursor( m_CursorNone ); vgui::surface()->SetCursor( m_CursorNone ); m_pViewport->SetVisible( true ); if ( m_pViewport->IsKeyBoardInputEnabled() ) { m_pViewport->RequestFocus(); } Layout(); } void ClientModeShared::Disable() { vgui::VPANEL pRoot; // Remove our viewport from the root panel. if( ( pRoot = VGui_GetClientDLLRootPanel() ) != NULL ) { m_pViewport->SetParent( (vgui::VPANEL)NULL ); } m_pViewport->SetVisible( false ); } void ClientModeShared::Layout( bool bForce /*= false*/) { vgui::VPANEL pRoot; int wide, tall; // Make the viewport fill the root panel. if( ( pRoot = m_pViewport->GetVParent() ) != NULL ) { vgui::ipanel()->GetSize(pRoot, wide, tall); bool changed = wide != m_nRootSize[ 0 ] || tall != m_nRootSize[ 1 ]; m_pViewport->SetBounds(0, 0, wide, tall); if ( changed || bForce ) { ReloadSchemeWithRoot( pRoot ); } } } #ifdef IRONSIGHT #ifdef DEBUG ConVar ironsight_scoped_viewmodel_fov( "ironsight_scoped_viewmodel_fov", "54", FCVAR_CHEAT, "The fov of the viewmodel when ironsighted" ); #else #define IRONSIGHT_SCOPED_FOV 54.0f #endif #endif float ClientModeShared::GetViewModelFOV( void ) { #ifdef IRONSIGHT C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { CWeaponCSBase *pIronSightWeapon = (CWeaponCSBase*)pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon(); if ( pIronSightWeapon ) { CIronSightController* pIronSightController = pIronSightWeapon->GetIronSightController(); if ( pIronSightController && pIronSightController->IsInIronSight() ) { return FLerp( v_viewmodel_fov.GetFloat(), #ifdef DEBUG ironsight_scoped_viewmodel_fov.GetFloat(), #else IRONSIGHT_SCOPED_FOV, #endif pIronSightController->GetIronSightAmount() ); } } } #endif return v_viewmodel_fov.GetFloat(); } vgui::Panel *ClientModeShared::GetPanelFromViewport( const char *pchNamePath ) { char szTagetName[ 256 ]; Q_strncpy( szTagetName, pchNamePath, sizeof(szTagetName) ); char *pchName = szTagetName; char *pchEndToken = strchr( pchName, ';' ); if ( pchEndToken ) { *pchEndToken = '\0'; } char *pchNextName = strchr( pchName, '/' ); if ( pchNextName ) { *pchNextName = '\0'; pchNextName++; } // Comma means we want to count to a specific instance by name int nInstance = 0; char *pchInstancePos = strchr( pchName, ',' ); if ( pchInstancePos ) { *pchInstancePos = '\0'; pchInstancePos++; nInstance = atoi( pchInstancePos ); } // Find the child int nCurrentInstance = 0; vgui::Panel *pPanel = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < GetViewport()->GetChildCount(); i++ ) { Panel *pChild = GetViewport()->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue; if ( stricmp( pChild->GetName(), pchName ) == 0 ) { nCurrentInstance++; if ( nCurrentInstance > nInstance ) { pPanel = pChild; break; } } } pchName = pchNextName; while ( pPanel ) { if ( !pchName || pchName[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { break; } pchNextName = strchr( pchName, '/' ); if ( pchNextName ) { *pchNextName = '\0'; pchNextName++; } // Comma means we want to count to a specific instance by name nInstance = 0; pchInstancePos = strchr( pchName, ',' ); if ( pchInstancePos ) { *pchInstancePos = '\0'; pchInstancePos++; nInstance = atoi( pchInstancePos ); } // Find the child nCurrentInstance = 0; vgui::Panel *pNextPanel = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < pPanel->GetChildCount(); i++ ) { Panel *pChild = pPanel->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue; if ( stricmp( pChild->GetName(), pchName ) == 0 ) { nCurrentInstance++; if ( nCurrentInstance > nInstance ) { pNextPanel = pChild; break; } } } pPanel = pNextPanel; pchName = pchNextName; } return pPanel; } class CHudChat; bool PlayerNameNotSetYet( const char *pszName ) { if ( pszName && pszName[0] ) { // Don't show "unconnected" if we haven't got the players name yet if ( StringHasPrefix( pszName, "unconnected" ) ) return true; if ( StringHasPrefix( pszName, "NULLNAME" ) ) return true; } return false; } void ClientModeShared::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ); CBaseHudChat *hudChat = CBaseHudChat::GetHudChat(); const char *eventname = event->GetName(); if ( Q_strcmp( "player_connect", eventname ) == 0 ) { #ifdef PORTAL2 // dont show these message on the console at all if ( IsGameConsole() ) return; #endif if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; if ( !hudChat ) return; if ( PlayerNameNotSetYet(event->GetString("name")) ) return; if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() ) { wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString("name"), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_connecting" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_JOINLEAVE, "%s", szLocalized ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_connect_full", eventname ) == 0 ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Music.StopMenuMusic" ); GameUI().SetBackgroundMusicDesired( false ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_disconnect", eventname ) == 0 ) { #ifdef PORTAL2 // dont show these message on the console at all if ( IsGameConsole() ) return; #endif if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; int userID = event->GetInt("userid"); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( userID ); // don't show disconnects for bots in coop if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCooperativeGametype() && (pPlayer && pPlayer->IsBot()) ) return; if ( !hudChat || !pPlayer ) return; if ( PlayerNameNotSetYet(event->GetString("name")) ) return; if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() ) { #ifdef CSTRIKE15 wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; C_CS_PlayerResource *pCSPR = ( C_CS_PlayerResource* )GameResources(); pCSPR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( pPlayer->entindex(), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), ( EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_t) ( k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontUseNameOfControllingPlayer | k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontUseAssassinationTargetName ) ); #else wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); #endif wchar_t wszReasonBuf[64]; wchar_t const *wszReason = wszReasonBuf; char const *szReasonToken = event->GetString("reason"); static bool s_bPerfectWorld = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-perfectworld" ); // we don't localize reasons in Perfect World because they are supplied by server if ( s_bPerfectWorld && !( szReasonToken && szReasonToken[0] == '#' ) ) wszReason = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Disconnect_Title" ); else g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString( "reason" ), wszReasonBuf, sizeof( wszReasonBuf ) ); wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; if ( IsPC() ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_left_game" ), 2, wszPlayerName, wszReason ); } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_left_game" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); } char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_JOINLEAVE, "%s", szLocalized ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_fullyjoined", eventname ) == 0 ) { #ifdef PORTAL2 // dont show these message on the console at all if ( IsGameConsole() ) return; #endif if ( !hudChat ) return; if ( PlayerNameNotSetYet(event->GetString("name")) ) return; wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString("name"), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_joined_game" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_JOINLEAVE, "%s", szLocalized ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_team", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( event->GetInt("userid") ); if ( !hudChat ) return; if ( !pPlayer ) return; bool bDisconnected = event->GetBool("disconnect"); if ( bDisconnected ) return; int team = event->GetInt( "team" ); bool bAutoTeamed = event->GetBool( "autoteam", false ); bool bSilent = event->GetBool( "silent", false ); const char *pszName = pPlayer->GetPlayerName(); if ( PlayerNameNotSetYet(pszName) ) return; if ( !bSilent ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszName, wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); wchar_t wszTeam[64]; C_Team *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( team ); if ( pTeam ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pTeam->Get_Name(), wszTeam, sizeof(wszTeam) ); } else { Q_snwprintf ( wszTeam, sizeof( wszTeam ) / sizeof( wchar_t ), L"%d", team ); } if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() ) { wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; if ( bAutoTeamed ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_joined_autoteam" ), 2, wszPlayerName, wszTeam ); } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_joined_team" ), 2, wszPlayerName, wszTeam ); } char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_TEAMCHANGE, "%s", szLocalized ); } } if ( C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pPlayer ) ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD_ENT( pPlayer ); // that's me pPlayer->TeamChange( team ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_changename", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; if ( !hudChat ) return; const char *pszOldName = event->GetString("oldname"); if ( PlayerNameNotSetYet(pszOldName) ) return; wchar_t wszOldName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszOldName, wszOldName, sizeof(wszOldName) ); wchar_t wszNewName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString( "newname" ), wszNewName, sizeof(wszNewName) ); wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_player_changed_name" ), 2, wszOldName, wszNewName ); char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_NAMECHANGE, "%s", szLocalized ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_broadcast_audio", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; int team = event->GetInt( "team" ); bool bValidTeam = false; if ( (GetLocalTeam() && GetLocalTeam()->GetTeamNumber() == team) ) { bValidTeam = true; } //If we're in the spectator team then we should be getting whatever messages the person I'm spectating gets. if ( bValidTeam == false ) { CBasePlayer *pSpectatorTarget = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( GetSpectatorTarget() ); if ( pSpectatorTarget && (GetSpectatorMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || GetSpectatorMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE) ) { if ( pSpectatorTarget->GetTeamNumber() == team ) { bValidTeam = true; } } } if ( team == 0 && GetLocalTeam() > 0 ) { bValidTeam = false; } if ( team == 255 ) { bValidTeam = true; } if ( bValidTeam == true ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; const char *pszSoundName = event->GetString("sound"); C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, pszSoundName ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_broadcast_audio", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; int team = event->GetInt( "team" ); if ( !team || (GetLocalTeam() && GetLocalTeam()->GetTeamNumber() == team) ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; const char *pszSoundName = event->GetString("sound"); C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, pszSoundName ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "server_cvar", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( (IsGameConsole() && IsCert()) || (IsGameConsole() && developer.GetInt() < 2) ) return; if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; static bool s_bPerfectWorld = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-perfectworld" ); if ( s_bPerfectWorld ) return; // Perfect World cvars are not printed in client char const *szCvarName = event->GetString("cvarname"); char const * arrIgnoredCvars[] = { "nextlevel" }; bool bIgnoredCvar = false; for ( int ii = 0; ii < Q_ARRAYSIZE( arrIgnoredCvars ); ++ ii ) { if ( !V_stricmp( szCvarName, arrIgnoredCvars[ii] ) ) { bIgnoredCvar = true; break; } } if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() && !bIgnoredCvar ) { wchar_t wszCvarName[64]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString("cvarname"), wszCvarName, sizeof(wszCvarName) ); wchar_t wszCvarValue[16]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( event->GetString("cvarvalue"), wszCvarValue, sizeof(wszCvarValue) ); wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#game_server_cvar_changed" ), 2, wszCvarName, wszCvarValue ); char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); hudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, "%s", szLocalized ); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "achievement_earned", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); int iAchievement = event->GetInt( "achievement" ); if ( !hudChat || !pPlayer ) return; if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() ) { char const *szAchievementName = NULL; // should arrive as part of event instead of achievement ID if ( szAchievementName ) { if ( !pPlayer->IsDormant() ) { // no particle effect if the local player is the one with the achievement or the player is dead if ( !C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pPlayer ) && pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { //tagES using the "head" attachment won't work for CS and DoD pPlayer->ParticleProp()->Create( "achieved", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "head" ); } pPlayer->OnAchievementAchieved( iAchievement ); } if ( g_PR ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex ), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) ); const wchar_t *pchLocalizedAchievement = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#%s_T", szAchievementName ) ); if ( pchLocalizedAchievement ) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[128]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Achievement_Earned" ), 2, wszPlayerName, pchLocalizedAchievement ); char szLocalized[128]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedString, szLocalized, sizeof( szLocalized ) ); hudChat->ChatPrintf( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, "%s", szLocalized ); } } } } } #if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( CSTRIKE_CLIENT_DLL ) else if ( Q_strcmp( "item_found", eventname ) == 0 ) { int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); //entityquality_t iItemQuality = event->GetInt( "quality" ); int iMethod = event->GetInt( "method" ); int iItemDef = event->GetInt( "itemdef" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDefinition = dynamic_cast( GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( iItemDef ) ); if ( !pPlayer || !pItemDefinition ) return; if ( g_PR ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex ), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) ); if ( iMethod < 0 || iMethod >= ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings ) ) { iMethod = 0; } const char *pszLocString = g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings[iMethod]; if ( pszLocString ) { wchar_t wszItemFound[256]; V_swprintf_safe( wszItemFound, L"%ls", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszLocString ) ); wchar_t *colorMarker = wcsstr( wszItemFound, L"::" ); if ( colorMarker ) { //const char *pszQualityColorString = EconQuality_GetColorString( (EEconItemQuality)iItemQuality ); //if ( pszQualityColorString ) //{ // hudChat->SetCustomColor( pszQualityColorString ); // *(colorMarker+1) = COLOR_CUSTOM; //} *(colorMarker+1) = wszItemFound[ 0 ]; } // TODO: Update the localization strings to only have two format parameters since that's all we need. wchar_t wszLocalizedString[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszItemFound, 3, wszPlayerName, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pItemDefinition->GetItemBaseName() ), L"" ); char szLocalized[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedString, szLocalized, sizeof( szLocalized ) ); hudChat->ChatPrintf( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, "%s", szLocalized ); } } } #endif else { DevMsg( 2, "Unhandled GameEvent in ClientModeShared::FireGameEvent - %s\n", event->GetName() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In-game VGUI context //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientModeShared::ActivateInGameVGuiContext( vgui::Panel *pPanel ) { vgui::ivgui()->AssociatePanelWithContext( s_hVGuiContext, pPanel->GetVPanel() ); vgui::ivgui()->ActivateContext( s_hVGuiContext ); } void ClientModeShared::DeactivateInGameVGuiContext() { vgui::ivgui()->ActivateContext( DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ); } int ClientModeShared::GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() const { int nSplitScreenUserSlot = vgui::ipanel()->GetMessageContextId( m_pViewport->GetVPanel() ); Assert( nSplitScreenUserSlot != -1 ); return nSplitScreenUserSlot; }