//========= Copyright © 1996-2012, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Client side interactive, shootable chicken // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "c_chicken.h" #include "c_breakableprop.h" #include "c_cs_player.h" // NOTE: This has to be the last file included! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #undef CChicken IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_CChicken, DT_CChicken, CChicken ) RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_jumpedThisFrame ), 0, C_CChicken::RecvProxy_Jumped ), RecvPropEHandle( RECVINFO( m_leader ) ), END_RECV_TABLE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C_CChicken::C_CChicken() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C_CChicken::~C_CChicken() { SetClientSideHolidayHatAddon( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_CChicken::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); SetClientSideHolidayHatAddon( false ); SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_CChicken::RecvProxy_Jumped( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { // C_CHostage *pHostage = ( C_CHostage * ) pStruct; // // bool jumped = pData->m_Value.m_Int != 0; // // if ( jumped ) // { // // hostage jumped // pHostage->m_PlayerAnimState->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP ); // pHostage->SetNextClientThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); // } // // pHostage->m_jumpedThisFrame = jumped; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_CChicken::ClientThink() { BaseClass::ClientThink(); Activity currentActivity = GetSequenceActivity( GetSequence() ); if ( m_lastActivity != currentActivity ) { if ( currentActivity == ACT_CLIMB_UP ) SetCycle( 0 ); m_lastActivity = currentActivity; } bool bEnableHolidayHat = false; #if CSGO_CLIENT_CHICKEN_ANTLERS_IN_FREEZE_CAM // // This code was enabling chicken antlers in freezecam // // Client-side only addons are required for the duration of the freeze shot { static ConVarRef ref_cl_disablefreezecam( "cl_disablefreezecam" ); static ConVarRef ref_sv_disablefreezecam( "sv_disablefreezecam" ); extern bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot( void ); if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() && !ref_cl_disablefreezecam.GetBool() && !ref_sv_disablefreezecam.GetBool() ) { C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() && ( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() != pLocalPlayer ) ) { bEnableHolidayHat = true; } } } #endif SetClientSideHolidayHatAddon( bEnableHolidayHat ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_CChicken::SetClientSideHolidayHatAddon( bool bEnable ) { /* if ( bEnable && !m_hHolidayHatAddon.Get() ) { // Create the hat C_BreakableProp *pEnt = new C_BreakableProp; pEnt->InitializeAsClientEntity( "models/antlers/antlers.mdl", false ); pEnt->FollowEntity( this ); pEnt->SetLocalOrigin( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ); pEnt->SetLocalAngles( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) ); pEnt->SetUseParentLightingOrigin( true );// This will make it so the weapons get lit with the same ambient cube that the player gets lit with. m_hHolidayHatAddon.Set( pEnt ); } if ( !bEnable && m_hHolidayHatAddon.Get() ) { // Remove the hat m_hHolidayHatAddon->Release(); m_hHolidayHatAddon.Term(); } */ }