// NextBotBodyInterface.h // Control and information about the bot's body state (posture, animation state, etc) // Author: Michael Booth, April 2006 // Copyright (c) 2006 Turtle Rock Studios, Inc. - All Rights Reserved #ifndef _NEXT_BOT_BODY_INTERFACE_H_ #define _NEXT_BOT_BODY_INTERFACE_H_ #include "animation.h" #include "NextBotComponentInterface.h" class INextBot; struct animevent_t; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The interface for control and information about the bot's body state (posture, animation state, etc) */ class IBody : public INextBotComponent { public: IBody( INextBot *bot ) : INextBotComponent( bot ) { } virtual ~IBody() { } virtual void Reset( void ) { INextBotComponent::Reset(); } // reset to initial state virtual void Update( void ) { } // update internal state /** * Move the bot to a new position. * If the body is not currently movable or if it * is in a motion-controlled animation activity * the position will not be changed and false will be returned. */ virtual bool SetPosition( const Vector &pos ); virtual const Vector &GetEyePosition( void ) const; // return the eye position of the bot in world coordinates virtual const Vector &GetViewVector( void ) const; // return the view unit direction vector in world coordinates enum LookAtPriorityType { BORING, INTERESTING, // last known enemy location, dangerous sound location IMPORTANT, // a danger CRITICAL, // an active threat to our safety MANDATORY // nothing can interrupt this look at - two simultaneous look ats with this priority is an error }; virtual void AimHeadTowards( const Vector &lookAtPos, LookAtPriorityType priority = BORING, float duration = 0.0f, INextBotReply *replyWhenAimed = NULL, const char *reason = NULL ); // aim the bot's head towards the given goal virtual void AimHeadTowards( CBaseEntity *subject, LookAtPriorityType priority = BORING, float duration = 0.0f, INextBotReply *replyWhenAimed = NULL, const char *reason = NULL ); // continually aim the bot's head towards the given subject virtual bool IsHeadAimingOnTarget( void ) const; // return true if the bot's head has achieved its most recent lookat target virtual bool IsHeadSteady( void ) const; // return true if head is not rapidly turning to look somewhere else virtual float GetHeadSteadyDuration( void ) const; // return the duration that the bot's head has not been rotating virtual float GetHeadAimSubjectLeadTime( void ) const; // return how far into the future we should predict our moving subject's position to aim at when tracking subject look-ats virtual float GetMaxHeadAngularVelocity( void ) const; // return max turn rate of head in degrees/second enum ActivityType { MOTION_CONTROLLED_XY = 0x0001, // XY position and orientation of the bot is driven by the animation. MOTION_CONTROLLED_Z = 0x0002, // Z position of the bot is driven by the animation. ACTIVITY_UNINTERRUPTIBLE= 0x0004, // activity can't be changed until animation finishes ACTIVITY_TRANSITORY = 0x0008, // a short animation that takes over from the underlying animation momentarily, resuming it upon completion ENTINDEX_PLAYBACK_RATE = 0x0010, // played back at different rates based on entindex }; /** * Begin an animation activity, return false if we cant do that right now. */ virtual bool StartActivity( Activity act, unsigned int flags = 0 ); virtual int SelectAnimationSequence( Activity act ) const; // given an Activity, select and return a specific animation sequence within it virtual Activity GetActivity( void ) const; // return currently animating activity virtual bool IsActivity( Activity act ) const; // return true if currently animating activity matches the given one virtual bool HasActivityType( unsigned int flags ) const; // return true if currently animating activity has any of the given flags enum PostureType { STAND, CROUCH, SIT, CRAWL, LIE }; virtual void SetDesiredPosture( PostureType posture ) { } // request a posture change virtual PostureType GetDesiredPosture( void ) const; // get posture body is trying to assume virtual bool IsDesiredPosture( PostureType posture ) const; // return true if body is trying to assume this posture virtual bool IsInDesiredPosture( void ) const; // return true if body's actual posture matches its desired posture virtual PostureType GetActualPosture( void ) const; // return body's current actual posture virtual bool IsActualPosture( PostureType posture ) const; // return true if body is actually in the given posture virtual bool IsPostureMobile( void ) const; // return true if body's current posture allows it to move around the world virtual bool IsPostureChanging( void ) const; // return true if body's posture is in the process of changing to new posture /** * "Arousal" is the level of excitedness/arousal/anxiety of the body. * Is changes instantaneously to avoid complex interactions with posture transitions. */ enum ArousalType { NEUTRAL, ALERT, INTENSE }; virtual void SetArousal( ArousalType arousal ) { } // arousal level change virtual ArousalType GetArousal( void ) const; // get arousal level virtual bool IsArousal( ArousalType arousal ) const; // return true if body is at this arousal level virtual float GetHullWidth( void ) const; // width of bot's collision hull in XY plane virtual float GetHullHeight( void ) const; // height of bot's current collision hull based on posture virtual float GetStandHullHeight( void ) const; // height of bot's collision hull when standing virtual float GetCrouchHullHeight( void ) const; // height of bot's collision hull when crouched virtual const Vector &GetHullMins( void ) const; // return current collision hull minimums based on actual body posture virtual const Vector &GetHullMaxs( void ) const; // return current collision hull maximums based on actual body posture virtual unsigned int GetSolidMask( void ) const; // return the bot's collision mask (hack until we get a general hull trace abstraction here or in the locomotion interface) }; inline bool IBody::IsHeadSteady( void ) const { return true; } inline float IBody::GetHeadSteadyDuration( void ) const { return 0.0f; } inline float IBody::GetHeadAimSubjectLeadTime( void ) const { return 0.0f; } inline float IBody::GetMaxHeadAngularVelocity( void ) const { return 100.0f; } inline bool IBody::StartActivity( Activity act, unsigned int flags ) { return false; } inline int IBody::SelectAnimationSequence( Activity act ) const { return 0; } inline Activity IBody::GetActivity( void ) const { return ACT_INVALID; } inline bool IBody::IsActivity( Activity act ) const { return false; } inline bool IBody::HasActivityType( unsigned int flags ) const { return false; } inline IBody::PostureType IBody::GetDesiredPosture( void ) const { return IBody::STAND; } inline bool IBody::IsDesiredPosture( PostureType posture ) const { return true; } inline bool IBody::IsInDesiredPosture( void ) const { return true; } inline IBody::PostureType IBody::GetActualPosture( void ) const { return IBody::STAND; } inline bool IBody::IsActualPosture( PostureType posture ) const { return true; } inline bool IBody::IsPostureMobile( void ) const { return true; } inline bool IBody::IsPostureChanging( void ) const { return false; } inline IBody::ArousalType IBody::GetArousal( void ) const { return IBody::NEUTRAL; } inline bool IBody::IsArousal( ArousalType arousal ) const { return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Width of bot's collision hull in XY plane */ inline float IBody::GetHullWidth( void ) const { return 26.0f; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Height of bot's current collision hull based on posture */ inline float IBody::GetHullHeight( void ) const { switch( GetActualPosture() ) { case LIE: return 16.0f; case SIT: case CROUCH: return GetCrouchHullHeight(); case STAND: default: return GetStandHullHeight(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Height of bot's collision hull when standing */ inline float IBody::GetStandHullHeight( void ) const { return 68.0f; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Height of bot's collision hull when crouched */ inline float IBody::GetCrouchHullHeight( void ) const { return 32.0f; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return current collision hull minimums based on actual body posture */ inline const Vector &IBody::GetHullMins( void ) const { static Vector hullMins; hullMins.x = -GetHullWidth()/2.0f; hullMins.y = hullMins.x; hullMins.z = 0.0f; return hullMins; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return current collision hull maximums based on actual body posture */ inline const Vector &IBody::GetHullMaxs( void ) const { static Vector hullMaxs; hullMaxs.x = GetHullWidth()/2.0f; hullMaxs.y = hullMaxs.x; hullMaxs.z = GetHullHeight(); return hullMaxs; } inline unsigned int IBody::GetSolidMask( void ) const { return MASK_NPCSOLID; } #endif // _NEXT_BOT_BODY_INTERFACE_H_