//===== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======// // // Purpose: encapsulates and implements all the accessing of the game dll from external // sources (only the engine at the time of writing) // This files ONLY contains functions and data necessary to build an interface // to external modules //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #if !defined (_GAMECONSOLE) #endif // _GAMECONSOLE #include "gamestringpool.h" #include "mapentities_shared.h" #include "game.h" #include "entityapi.h" #include "client.h" #include "saverestore.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "player.h" #include "server_class.h" #include "ai_node.h" #include "ai_link.h" #include "ai_saverestore.h" #include "ai_networkmanager.h" #include "ndebugoverlay.h" #include "ivoiceserver.h" #include #include "movehelper_server.h" #include "networkstringtable_gamedll.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "func_areaportalwindow.h" #include "igamesystem.h" #include "init_factory.h" #include "vstdlib/random.h" #include "env_wind_shared.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "ispatialpartition.h" #include "textstatsmgr.h" #include "bitbuf.h" #include "saverestoretypes.h" #include "physics_saverestore.h" #include "tier0/vprof.h" #include "effect_dispatch_data.h" #include "engine/IStaticPropMgr.h" #include "TemplateEntities.h" #include "ai_speech.h" #include "soundenvelope.h" #include "usermessages.h" #include "physics.h" #include "igameevents.h" #include "EventLog.h" #include "datacache/idatacache.h" #include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h" #include "shareddefs.h" #include "props.h" #include "timedeventmgr.h" #include "gameinterface.h" #include "eventqueue.h" #include "hltvdirector.h" #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replaydirector.h" #endif #include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h" #include "nav_mesh.h" #include "ai_responsesystem.h" #include "saverestore_stringtable.h" #include "util.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" #include "engine/iserverplugin.h" #include "env_debughistory.h" #include "util_shared.h" #include "player_voice_listener.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "ienginevgui.h" #include "vgui_gamedll_int.h" #include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h" #endif #include "ragdoll_shared.h" #include "toolframework/iserverenginetools.h" #include "sceneentity.h" #include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h" #include "scenefilecache/ISceneFileCache.h" #include "tier2/tier2.h" #include "particles/particles.h" #include "GameStats.h" #include "ixboxsystem.h" #include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h" #include "querycache.h" #include "particle_parse.h" #include "steam/steam_gameserver.h" #include "tier3/tier3.h" #include "serverbenchmark_base.h" #include "vscript/ivscript.h" #include "foundryhelpers_server.h" #include "entity_tools_server.h" #include "foundry/iserverfoundry.h" #include "point_template.h" #include "engine/iblackbox.h" #include "vstdlib/jobthread.h" #include "vscript_server.h" #include "tier2/tier2_logging.h" #include "fmtstr.h" #include "mathlib/aabb.h" #include "env_cascade_light.h" #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) #include "cstrike15/cs_player.h" #include "gametypes/igametypes.h" #include "cs_shareddefs.h" #endif #ifdef INFESTED_DLL #include "missionchooser/iasw_mission_chooser.h" #include "matchmaking/swarm/imatchext_swarm.h" #endif #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL // BOTPORT: TODO: move these ifdefs out #include "bot/bot.h" #endif #ifdef PORTAL #include "portal_base2d_shared.h" #include "portal_player.h" #endif #ifdef PORTAL2 #include "info_placement_helper.h" #include "paint_saverestore.h" #include "prop_portal_shared.h" #include "portal_shareddefs.h" #endif // PORTAL2 #ifdef DOTA_DLL #include "dota/dota_bot_commander.h" #endif #include "dedicated_server_ugc_manager.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "IGameUIFuncs.h" #endif #include "CegClientWrapper.h" extern IToolFrameworkServer *g_pToolFrameworkServer; extern IParticleSystemQuery *g_pParticleSystemQuery; extern ConVar commentary; extern ConVar game_type; extern ConVar game_mode; ConVar occlusion_test_shadow_length( "occlusion_test_shadow_length", "144", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Max length of completely occluded shadow to consider a player for occlusion test. If shadow provably stops at this distance, the player may be considered for occlusion test. For longer shadows, we just don't do occlusion because we are not likely to find full occlusion when one of the boxes is expanded too much." ); //ConVar occlusion_test_margins( "occlusion_test_margins", "36", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Amount by which the player bounding box is expanded for occlusion test. This margin should be large enough to accommodate player movement within a frame or two, and the longest weapon they might hold. Shadow does not take this into account." ); // default: 360 (max speed) / 30 ( give it a couple of frames) + however much the biggest weapon can stick out ConVar occlusion_test_camera_margins( "occlusion_test_camera_margins", "12", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Amount by which the camera (viewer's eye) is expanded for occlusion test. This should be large enough to accommodate eye's movement within a frame or two" ); // default: 360 (max speed) / 30 ( give it a couple of frames) ConVar occlusion_test_jump_margin( "occlusion_test_jump_margin", "12", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Amount by which the player bounding box is expanded up for occlusion test to account for jumping. This margin should be large enough to accommodate player movement within a frame or two. Affects both camera box and player box." ); // default: 360 (max speed) / 30 ( give it a couple of frames) + however much the biggest weapon can stick out //ConVar occlusion_test_shadow_max_distance( "occlusion_test_shadow_max_distance", "1500", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Max distance at which to consider shadows for occlusion computations" ); ConVar pvs_min_player_distance( "pvs_min_player_distance", "1500", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Min distance to player at which PVS is used. At closer distances, PVS assumes we can see a shadow or something else from the player, so it's safer to just always be \"Visible\"" ); bool ShouldHideAllPlayers() { return false; } // this context is not available on dedicated servers // WARNING! always check if interfaces are available before using #if !defined(NO_STEAM) static CSteamAPIContext s_SteamAPIContext; CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext = &s_SteamAPIContext; // this context is not available on a pure client connected to a remote server. // WARNING! always check if interfaces are available before using static CSteamGameServerAPIContext s_SteamGameServerAPIContext; CSteamGameServerAPIContext *steamgameserverapicontext = &s_SteamGameServerAPIContext; #endif IUploadGameStats *gamestatsuploader = NULL; // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" DEFINE_LOGGING_CHANNEL_NO_TAGS( LOG_CONSOLE, "Console" ); CTimedEventMgr g_NetworkPropertyEventMgr; ISaveRestoreBlockHandler *GetEventQueueSaveRestoreBlockHandler(); ISaveRestoreBlockHandler *GetCommentarySaveRestoreBlockHandler(); CUtlLinkedList g_MapEntityRefs; // Engine interfaces. IVEngineServer *engine = NULL; IVoiceServer *g_pVoiceServer = NULL; #if !defined(_STATIC_LINKED) IFileSystem *filesystem = NULL; #else extern IFileSystem *filesystem; #endif INetworkStringTableContainer *networkstringtable = NULL; IStaticPropMgrServer *staticpropmgr = NULL; IUniformRandomStream *random = NULL; IEngineSound *enginesound = NULL; ISpatialPartition *partition = NULL; IVModelInfo *modelinfo = NULL; IEngineTrace *enginetrace = NULL; IFileLoggingListener *filelogginglistener = NULL; IGameEventManager2 *gameeventmanager = NULL; IDataCache *datacache = NULL; IVDebugOverlay * debugoverlay = NULL; ISoundEmitterSystemBase *soundemitterbase = NULL; IServerPluginHelpers *serverpluginhelpers = NULL; #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI IEngineVGui *enginevgui = NULL; #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI IServerEngineTools *serverenginetools = NULL; IServerFoundry *serverfoundry = NULL; ISceneFileCache *scenefilecache = NULL; #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI IGameUIFuncs *gameuifuncs = NULL; #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI IXboxSystem *xboxsystem = NULL; // Xbox 360 only IScriptManager *scriptmanager = NULL; IBlackBox *blackboxrecorder = NULL; #ifdef INFESTED_DLL IASW_Mission_Chooser *missionchooser = NULL; IMatchExtSwarm *g_pMatchExtSwarm = NULL; #endif IGameSystem *SoundEmitterSystem(); void SoundSystemPreloadSounds( void ); bool ModelSoundsCacheInit(); void ModelSoundsCacheShutdown(); void SceneManager_ClientActive( CBasePlayer *player ); class IMaterialSystem; class IStudioRender; #ifdef _DEBUG static ConVar s_UseNetworkVars( "UseNetworkVars", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "For profiling, toggle network vars." ); #endif extern ConVar sv_noclipduringpause; ConVar sv_massreport( "sv_massreport", "0" ); ConVar sv_force_transmit_ents( "sv_force_transmit_ents", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Will transmit all entities to client, regardless of PVS conditions (will still skip based on transmit flags, however)." ); ConVar sv_autosave( "sv_autosave", "1", 0, "Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers." ); ConVar *sv_maxreplay = NULL; ConVar sv_comp_mode_allow_dc( "sv_comp_mode_allow_dc", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Set this to 1 to allow direct connects in Competitive mode" ); ConVar sv_dc_friends_reqd( "sv_dc_friends_reqd", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Set this to 0 to allow direct connects to a game in progress even if no presents are present" ); static ConVar *g_pcv_commentary = NULL; static ConVar *g_pcv_ThreadMode = NULL; #if !defined(NO_STEAM) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: singleton accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CSteam3Server s_Steam3Server; CSteam3Server &Steam3Server() { return s_Steam3Server; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSteam3Server::CSteam3Server() { m_bInitialized = false; } #endif // String tables INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableEffectDispatch = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableVguiScreen = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableMaterials = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableInfoPanel = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableClientSideChoreoScenes = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableExtraParticleFiles = NULL; INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableMovies = NULL; CStringTableSaveRestoreOps g_VguiScreenStringOps; // Holds global variables shared between engine and game. CGlobalVars *gpGlobals; static int g_nCommandClientIndex = -1; // The chapter number of the current static int g_nCurrentChapterIndex = -1; #ifdef _DEBUG static ConVar sv_showhitboxes( "sv_showhitboxes", "-1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Send server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE: this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only)." ); #endif static ClientPutInServerOverrideFn g_pClientPutInServerOverride = NULL; static void UpdateChapterRestrictions( const char *mapname ); CSharedEdictChangeInfo *g_pSharedChangeInfo = NULL; IChangeInfoAccessor *CBaseEdict::GetChangeAccessor() { return engine->GetChangeAccessor( (const edict_t *)this ); } const IChangeInfoAccessor *CBaseEdict::GetChangeAccessor() const { return engine->GetChangeAccessor( (const edict_t *)this ); } const char *GetHintTypeDescription( CAI_Hint *pHint ); void ClientPutInServerOverride( ClientPutInServerOverrideFn fn ) { g_pClientPutInServerOverride = fn; } ConVar ai_post_frame_navigation( "ai_post_frame_navigation", "0" ); class CPostFrameNavigationHook; extern CPostFrameNavigationHook *PostFrameNavigationSystem( void ); static bool g_bHeadTrackingEnabled = false; bool IsHeadTrackingEnabled() { #if defined( HL2_DLL ) return g_bHeadTrackingEnabled; #else return false; #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Also in cdll so linked libs can extern it //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool UTIL_IsDedicatedServer( void ) { return engine->IsDedicatedServer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex( void ) { // -1 == unknown,dedicated server console // 0 == player 1 // Convert to 1 based offset return (g_nCommandClientIndex+1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : CBasePlayer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBasePlayer *UTIL_GetCommandClient( void ) { int idx = UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex(); if ( idx > 0 ) { return UTIL_PlayerByIndex( idx ); } // HLDS console issued command return NULL; } extern void InitializeCvars( void ); float GetFloorZ(const Vector &origin); void UpdateAllClientData( void ); void DrawMessageEntities(); #include "ai_network.h" // For now just using one big AI network extern ConVar think_limit; #if 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draw output overlays for any measure sections // Input : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawMeasuredSections(void) { int row = 1; float rowheight = 0.025; CMeasureSection *p = CMeasureSection::GetList(); while ( p ) { char str[256]; Q_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%s",p->GetName()); NDebugOverlay::ScreenText( 0.01,0.51+(row*rowheight),str, 255,255,255,255, 0.0 ); Q_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%5.2f\n",p->GetTime().GetMillisecondsF()); //Q_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%3.3f\n",p->GetTime().GetSeconds() * 100.0 / Plat_FloatTime()); NDebugOverlay::ScreenText( 0.28,0.51+(row*rowheight),str, 255,255,255,255, 0.0 ); Q_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%5.2f\n",p->GetMaxTime().GetMillisecondsF()); //Q_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%3.3f\n",p->GetTime().GetSeconds() * 100.0 / Plat_FloatTime()); NDebugOverlay::ScreenText( 0.34,0.51+(row*rowheight),str, 255,255,255,255, 0.0 ); row++; p = p->GetNext(); } bool sort_reset = false; // Time to redo sort? if ( measure_resort.GetFloat() > 0.0 && Plat_FloatTime() >= CMeasureSection::m_dNextResort ) { // Redo it CMeasureSection::SortSections(); // Set next time CMeasureSection::m_dNextResort = Plat_FloatTime() + measure_resort.GetFloat(); // Flag to reset sort accumulator, too sort_reset = true; } // Iterate through the sections now p = CMeasureSection::GetList(); while ( p ) { // Update max p->UpdateMax(); // Reset regular accum. p->Reset(); // Reset sort accum less often if ( sort_reset ) { p->SortReset(); } p = p->GetNext(); } } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawAllDebugOverlays( void ) { NDebugOverlay::PurgeTextOverlays(); // If in debug select mode print the selection entities name or classname if (CBaseEntity::m_bInDebugSelect) { CBasePlayer* pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( CBaseEntity::m_nDebugPlayer ); if (pPlayer) { // First try to trace a hull to an entity CBaseEntity *pEntity = pPlayer->FindPickerEntity(); if ( pEntity ) { pEntity->DrawDebugTextOverlays(); pEntity->DrawBBoxOverlay(); pEntity->SendDebugPivotOverlay(); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Draw debug overlay lines // -------------------------------------------------------- UTIL_DrawOverlayLines(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // If in wc_edit mode draw a box to highlight which node I'm looking at // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (engine->IsInEditMode()) { CBasePlayer* pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( CBaseEntity::m_nDebugPlayer ); if (pPlayer) { if (g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_bLinkEditMode) { CAI_Link* pAILink = pPlayer->FindPickerAILink(); if (pAILink) { // For now just using one big AI network Vector startPos = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(pAILink->m_iSrcID)->GetPosition(g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_iHullDrawNum); Vector endPos = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(pAILink->m_iDestID)->GetPosition(g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_iHullDrawNum); Vector linkDir = startPos-endPos; float linkLen = VectorNormalize( linkDir ); // Draw in green if link that's been turned off if (pAILink->m_LinkInfo & bits_LINK_OFF) { NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(startPos, Vector(-4,-4,-4), Vector(-linkLen,4,4), linkDir, 0,255,0,40,0); } // Draw in a pukey yellowish green if link that's "bashable", which is off to everyone but a special door basher else if (pAILink->m_LinkInfo & bits_LINK_ASW_BASHABLE) { NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(startPos, Vector(-4,-4,-4), Vector(-linkLen,4,4), linkDir, 40,255,0,40,0); } else { NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(startPos, Vector(-4,-4,-4), Vector(-linkLen,4,4), linkDir, 255,0,0,40,0); } } } else { CAI_Node* pAINode; if (g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_bAirEditMode) { pAINode = pPlayer->FindPickerAINode(NODE_AIR); } else { pAINode = pPlayer->FindPickerAINode(NODE_GROUND); } if (pAINode) { Vector vecPos = pAINode->GetPosition(g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_iHullDrawNum); NDebugOverlay::Box( vecPos, Vector(-8,-8,-8), Vector(8,8,8), 255,0,0,40,0); if ( pAINode->GetHint() ) { CBaseEntity *pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)pAINode->GetHint(); if ( pEnt->GetEntityName() != NULL_STRING ) { NDebugOverlay::Text( vecPos + Vector(0,0,6), STRING(pEnt->GetEntityName()), false, 0 ); } NDebugOverlay::Text( vecPos, GetHintTypeDescription( pAINode->GetHint() ), false, 0 ); } } } // ------------------------------------ // If in air edit mode draw guide line // ------------------------------------ if (g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_bAirEditMode) { UTIL_DrawPositioningOverlay(g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->m_flAirEditDistance); } else { NDebugOverlay::DrawGroundCrossHairOverlay(); } } } // For not just using one big AI Network if ( g_pAINetworkManager ) { g_pAINetworkManager->GetEditOps()->DrawAINetworkOverlay(); } // PERFORMANCE: only do this in developer mode if ( g_pDeveloper->GetInt() ) { // iterate through all objects for debug overlays const CEntInfo *pInfo = gEntList.FirstEntInfo(); for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; // HACKHACK: to flag off these calls if ( ent->m_debugOverlays || ent->m_pTimedOverlay ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); ent->DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(); } } } if ( sv_massreport.GetInt() ) { // iterate through all objects for debug overlays const CEntInfo *pInfo = gEntList.FirstEntInfo(); for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if (!ent->VPhysicsGetObject()) continue; char tempstr[512]; Q_snprintf(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr),"%s: Mass: %.2f kg / %.2f lb (%s)", STRING(ent->GetModelName()), ent->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMass(), kg2lbs(ent->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMass()), GetMassEquivalent(ent->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMass())); ent->EntityText(0, tempstr, 0); } } // A hack to draw point_message entities w/o developer required DrawMessageEntities(); } // enable threading of init functions on x360 static ConVar sv_threaded_init("sv_threaded_init", IsGameConsole() ? "1" : "0"); CEG_NOINLINE static bool InitGameSystems( CreateInterfaceFn appSystemFactory ) { // The string system must init first + shutdown last IGameSystem::Add( GameStringSystem() ); // Physics must occur before the sound envelope manager IGameSystem::Add( PhysicsGameSystem() ); // Precache system must be next (requires physics game system) IGameSystem::Add( g_pPrecacheRegister ); // Used to service deferred navigation queries for NPCs IGameSystem::Add( (IGameSystem *) PostFrameNavigationSystem() ); // Add game log system IGameSystem::Add( GameLogSystem() ); // Add HLTV director IGameSystem::Add( HLTVDirectorSystem() ); #ifdef DOTA_DLL IGameSystem::Add( DOTAPlayerCommanderSystem() ); #endif #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) // Add Replay director IGameSystem::Add( ReplayDirectorSystem() ); #endif // Add sound emitter IGameSystem::Add( SoundEmitterSystem() ); #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI // Startup vgui if ( enginevgui ) { if(!VGui_Startup( appSystemFactory )) return false; } #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI // load Mod specific game events ( MUST be before InitAllSystems() so it can pickup the mod specific events) gameeventmanager->LoadEventsFromFile("resource/ModEvents.res"); #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL // BOTPORT: TODO: move these ifdefs out InstallBotControl(); #endif if ( !IGameSystem::InitAllSystems() ) return false; // Due to dependencies, these are not autogamesystems if ( !ModelSoundsCacheInit() ) { return false; } // Parse the particle manifest file & register the effects within it // ParseParticleEffects( false ); InvalidateQueryCache(); // create the Navigation Mesh interface TheNavMesh = NavMeshFactory(); // init the gamestatsupload connection gamestatsuploader->InitConnection(); return true; } CEG_PROTECT_FUNCTION( InitGameSystems ); CServerGameDLL g_ServerGameDLL; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CServerGameDLL, IServerGameDLL, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL, g_ServerGameDLL); bool CServerGameDLL::DLLInit( CreateInterfaceFn appSystemFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals) { COM_TimestampedLog( "ConnectTier1/2/3Libraries - Start" ); ConnectTier1Libraries( &appSystemFactory, 1 ); ConnectTier2Libraries( &appSystemFactory, 1 ); ConnectTier3Libraries( &appSystemFactory, 1 ); COM_TimestampedLog( "ConnectTier1/2/3Libraries - Finish" ); // Connected in ConnectTier1Libraries if ( cvar == NULL ) return false; #if !defined( SWDS ) && !defined(NO_STEAM) #ifndef _PS3 SteamAPI_InitSafe(); #endif s_SteamAPIContext.Init(); #endif #if !defined(NO_STEAM) s_SteamGameServerAPIContext.Init(); #endif COM_TimestampedLog( "Factories - Start" ); // init each (seperated for ease of debugging) if ( (engine = (IVEngineServer*)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if( !STEAMWORKS_INITCEGLIBRARY() ) { return false; } #if !defined(NO_STEAM) #ifndef _PS3 if( SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary( engine->GetAppID() ) ) { STEAMWORKS_TERMCEGLIBRARY(); return false; } #endif #endif STEAMWORKS_TESTSECRETALWAYS(); STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); if ( (g_pVoiceServer = (IVoiceServer*)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VOICESERVER, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (networkstringtable = (INetworkStringTableContainer *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACENAME_NETWORKSTRINGTABLESERVER,NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (staticpropmgr = (IStaticPropMgrServer *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_STATICPROPMGR_SERVER,NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (random = (IUniformRandomStream *)appSystemFactory(VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (enginesound = (IEngineSound *)appSystemFactory(IENGINESOUND_SERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (::partition = (ISpatialPartition *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_SPATIALPARTITION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (modelinfo = (IVModelInfo *)appSystemFactory(VMODELINFO_SERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER,NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (filelogginglistener = (IFileLoggingListener *)appSystemFactory(FILELOGGINGLISTENER_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (filesystem = (IFileSystem *)fileSystemFactory(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION,NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager2 *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER2,NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (datacache = (IDataCache*)appSystemFactory(DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) == NULL ) return false; if ( (soundemitterbase = (ISoundEmitterSystemBase *)appSystemFactory(SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (gamestatsuploader = (IUploadGameStats *)appSystemFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_UPLOADGAMESTATS, NULL )) == NULL ) return false; if ( !mdlcache ) return false; if ( (serverpluginhelpers = (IServerPluginHelpers *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (scenefilecache = (ISceneFileCache *)appSystemFactory( SCENE_FILE_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) == NULL ) return false; if ( (blackboxrecorder = (IBlackBox *)appSystemFactory(BLACKBOX_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (xboxsystem = (IXboxSystem *)appSystemFactory( XBOXSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) == NULL ) return false; if ( !CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-noscripting") ) { scriptmanager = (IScriptManager *)appSystemFactory( VSCRIPT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); } #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) if ( ( g_pGameTypes = (IGameTypes *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_GAMETYPES_VERSION, NULL )) == NULL ) return false; #endif #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI // If not running dedicated, grab the engine vgui interface if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() ) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ( ( enginevgui = ( IEngineVGui * )appSystemFactory(VENGINE_VGUI_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; // This interface is optional, and is only valid when running with -tools serverenginetools = ( IServerEngineTools * )appSystemFactory( VSERVERENGINETOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); gameuifuncs = (IGameUIFuncs * )appSystemFactory( VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION, NULL ); #endif } #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI #ifdef INFESTED_DLL if ( (missionchooser = (IASW_Mission_Chooser *)appSystemFactory(ASW_MISSION_CHOOSER_VERSION, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; if ( (g_pMatchExtSwarm = (IMatchExtSwarm *)appSystemFactory(IMATCHEXT_SWARM_INTERFACE, NULL)) == NULL ) return false; #endif if ( !g_pMatchFramework ) return false; if ( IMatchExtensions *pIMatchExtensions = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchExtensions() ) pIMatchExtensions->RegisterExtensionInterface( INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL, static_cast< IServerGameDLL * >( this ) ); COM_TimestampedLog( "Factories - Finish" ); COM_TimestampedLog( "soundemitterbase->Connect" ); // Yes, both the client and game .dlls will try to Connect, the soundemittersystem.dll will handle this gracefully if ( !soundemitterbase->Connect( appSystemFactory ) ) return false; if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-headtracking" ) ) g_bHeadTrackingEnabled = true; // cache the globals gpGlobals = pGlobals; g_pSharedChangeInfo = engine->GetSharedEdictChangeInfo(); COM_TimestampedLog( "MathLib_Init" ); MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f ); // save these in case other system inits need them factorylist_t factories; factories.engineFactory = appSystemFactory; factories.fileSystemFactory = fileSystemFactory; factories.physicsFactory = physicsFactory; FactoryList_Store( factories ); COM_TimestampedLog( "gameeventmanager->LoadEventsFromFile" ); // load used game events gameeventmanager->LoadEventsFromFile("resource/gameevents.res"); COM_TimestampedLog( "InitializeCvars" ); // init the cvar list first in case inits want to reference them InitializeCvars(); COM_TimestampedLog( "g_pParticleSystemMgr->Init" ); // Initialize the particle system bool bPrecacheParticles = IsPC() && !engine->IsCreatingXboxReslist(); if ( !g_pParticleSystemMgr->Init( g_pParticleSystemQuery, bPrecacheParticles ) ) { return false; } sv_cheats = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_cheats" ); if ( !sv_cheats ) return false; g_pcv_commentary = g_pCVar->FindVar( "commentary" ); g_pcv_ThreadMode = g_pCVar->FindVar( "host_thread_mode" ); sv_maxreplay = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_maxreplay" ); COM_TimestampedLog( "g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet" ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetEntitySaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetPhysSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetAISaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetTemplateSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetDefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetCommentarySaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetEventQueueSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetVScriptSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); #if defined( PORTAL2 ) g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetPaintSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); #endif bool bInitSuccess = false; if ( sv_threaded_init.GetBool() ) { CFunctorJob *pGameJob = new CFunctorJob( CreateFunctor( ParseParticleEffects, false ) ); g_pThreadPool->AddJob( pGameJob ); bInitSuccess = InitGameSystems( appSystemFactory ); // FIXME: This method is a bit of a hack. // Try to update the screen every .06 seconds while waiting. float flLastUpdateTime = -1.0f; while( !pGameJob->IsFinished() ) { float flTime = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( flTime - flLastUpdateTime > .06f ) { flLastUpdateTime = flTime; engine->RefreshScreenIfNecessary(); } ThreadSleep( 0 ); } pGameJob->Release(); } else { COM_TimestampedLog( "ParseParticleEffects" ); ParseParticleEffects( false ); COM_TimestampedLog( "InitGameSystems - Start" ); bInitSuccess = InitGameSystems( appSystemFactory ); COM_TimestampedLog( "InitGameSystems - Finish" ); } // try to get debug overlay, may be NULL if on HLDS debugoverlay = (IVDebugOverlay *)appSystemFactory( VDEBUG_OVERLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); // init the gamestatsupload connection gamestatsuploader->InitConnection(); #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) // Load the game types. g_pGameTypes->Initialize(); #endif return true; } void CServerGameDLL::PostInit() { IGameSystem::PostInitAllSystems(); Init_GCVs(); #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() && enginevgui ) { if ( VGui_PostInit() ) { // all good } } #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI } void CServerGameDLL::PostToolsInit() { if ( serverenginetools ) { serverfoundry = ( IServerFoundry * )serverenginetools->QueryInterface( VSERVERFOUNDRY_INTERFACE_VERSION ); } } void CServerGameDLL::DLLShutdown( void ) { // Due to dependencies, these are not autogamesystems ModelSoundsCacheShutdown(); #ifdef PORTAL2 g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetPaintSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); #endif g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetVScriptSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetCommentarySaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetEventQueueSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetDefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetTemplateSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetAISaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetPhysSaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->RemoveBlockHandler( GetEntitySaveRestoreBlockHandler() ); g_pParticleSystemMgr->Shutdown(); char *pFilename = g_TextStatsMgr.GetStatsFilename(); if ( !pFilename || !pFilename[0] ) { g_TextStatsMgr.SetStatsFilename( "stats.txt" ); } g_TextStatsMgr.WriteFile( filesystem ); IGameSystem::ShutdownAllSystems(); #ifdef SERVER_USES_VGUI if ( enginevgui ) { VGui_Shutdown(); } #endif // SERVER_USES_VGUI #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL // BOTPORT: TODO: move these ifdefs out RemoveBotControl(); #endif // destroy the Navigation Mesh interface if (TheNavMesh) { delete TheNavMesh; TheNavMesh = NULL; } #if !defined(NO_STEAM) s_SteamAPIContext.Clear(); // Steam API context shutdown s_SteamGameServerAPIContext.Clear(); // SteamAPI_Shutdown(); << Steam shutdown is controlled by engine #endif DisconnectTier3Libraries(); DisconnectTier2Libraries(); ConVar_Unregister(); DisconnectTier1Libraries(); STEAMWORKS_TERMCEGLIBRARY(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: See shareddefs.h for redefining this. Don't even think about it, though, for HL2. Or you will pay. ywb 9/22/03 // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CServerGameDLL::GetTickInterval( void ) const { float tickinterval = DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL; if ( engine->IsDedicatedServerForXbox() ) tickinterval = DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL_X360; else if ( engine->IsDedicatedServerForPS3() ) tickinterval = DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL_PS3; // Ignoring this for now, server ops are abusing it #if !defined( TF_DLL ) // override if tick rate specified in command line if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-tickrate" ) ) { float tickrate = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tickrate", 0.0f ); if ( tickrate > 0 ) { float fDesiredTickInterval = 1.0f / tickrate; // quantize tick intervals to the nearest N / 512 fraction float fNumerator = floorf(fDesiredTickInterval * 512.0f + 0.5f); tickinterval = fNumerator / 512.0f; } tickinterval = clamp(tickinterval, MINIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL, MAXIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL); } #endif return tickinterval; } // This is called when a new game is started. (restart, map) CEG_NOINLINE bool CServerGameDLL::GameInit( void ) { ResetGlobalState(); const char* szConfigName = "game.cfg"; if ( engine->IsDedicatedServerForXbox() || IsX360() ) szConfigName = "game360.cfg"; else if ( engine->IsDedicatedServerForPS3() || IsPS3() ) szConfigName = "gamePS3.cfg"; char szCommand[64]; V_snprintf(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "exec %s\n", szConfigName); engine->ServerCommand( szCommand ); engine->ServerExecute( ); CBaseEntity::sm_bAccurateTriggerBboxChecks = true; CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_GameInit ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "game_init" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } return true; } // This is called when a game ends (server disconnect, death, restart, load) // NOT on level transitions within a game CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::GameShutdown( void ) { CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_GameShutdown ); ResetGlobalState(); } static bool g_OneWayTransition = false; void Game_SetOneWayTransition( void ) { g_OneWayTransition = true; } static CUtlVector g_RestoredEntities; // just for debugging, assert that this is the only time this function is called static bool g_InRestore = false; void AddRestoredEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { Assert(g_InRestore); if ( !pEntity ) return; g_RestoredEntities.AddToTail( pEntity ); } void EndRestoreEntities() { if ( !g_InRestore ) return; // The entire hierarchy is restored, so we can call GetAbsOrigin again. //CBaseEntity::SetAbsQueriesValid( true ); // Call all entities' OnRestore handlers for ( int i = g_RestoredEntities.Count()-1; i >=0; --i ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = g_RestoredEntities[i].Get(); if ( pEntity && !pEntity->IsDormant() ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); pEntity->OnRestore(); } } g_RestoredEntities.Purge(); IGameSystem::OnRestoreAllSystems(); g_InRestore = false; gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); // HACKHACK: UNDONE: We need to redesign the main loop with respect to save/load/server activate g_ServerGameDLL.ServerActivate( NULL, 0, 0 ); CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( false ); } CEG_NOINLINE void BeginRestoreEntities() { if ( g_InRestore ) { DevMsg( "BeginRestoreEntities without previous EndRestoreEntities.\n" ); gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); } g_RestoredEntities.Purge(); g_InRestore = true; CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( true ); // No calls to GetAbsOrigin until the entire hierarchy is restored! //CBaseEntity::SetAbsQueriesValid( false ); } CEG_PROTECT_FUNCTION( BeginRestoreEntities ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: This prevents sv.tickcount/gpGlobals->tickcount from advancing during restore which // would cause a lot of the NPCs to fast forward their think times to the same // tick due to some ticks being elapsed during restore where there was no simulation going on //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CServerGameDLL::IsRestoring() { return g_InRestore; } bool CServerGameDLL::SupportsSaveRestore() { #ifdef INFESTED_DLL return false; #endif return true; } // Called any time a new level is started (after GameInit() also on level transitions within a game) CEG_NOINLINE bool CServerGameDLL::LevelInit( const char *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background ) { VPROF("CServerGameDLL::LevelInit"); ResetWindspeed(); UpdateChapterRestrictions( pMapName ); CEG_PROTECT_MEMBER_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_LevelInit ); // IGameSystem::LevelInitPreEntityAllSystems() is called when the world is precached // That happens either in LoadGameState() or in MapEntity_ParseAllEntities() if ( loadGame ) { if ( pOldLevel ) { gpGlobals->eLoadType = MapLoad_Transition; } else { gpGlobals->eLoadType = MapLoad_LoadGame; } BeginRestoreEntities(); if ( !engine->LoadGameState( pMapName, 1 ) ) { if ( pOldLevel ) { MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( pMapEntities ); } else { // Regular save load case return false; } } STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); if ( pOldLevel ) { engine->LoadAdjacentEnts( pOldLevel, pLandmarkName ); } #ifdef PORTAL g_OneWayTransition = true; #endif if ( g_OneWayTransition ) { engine->ClearSaveDirAfterClientLoad(); } if ( pOldLevel && sv_autosave.GetBool() == true && gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 ) { // This is a single-player style level transition. // Queue up an autosave one second into the level CBaseEntity *pAutosave = CBaseEntity::Create( "logic_autosave", vec3_origin, vec3_angle, NULL ); if ( pAutosave ) { g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pAutosave, "Save", 1.0, NULL, NULL ); g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pAutosave, "Kill", 1.1, NULL, NULL ); } } } else { if ( background ) { gpGlobals->eLoadType = MapLoad_Background; } else { gpGlobals->eLoadType = MapLoad_NewGame; } STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); // Clear out entity references, and parse the entities into it. g_MapEntityRefs.Purge(); CMapLoadEntityFilter filter; MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( pMapEntities, &filter ); g_pServerBenchmark->StartBenchmark(); // Now call the mod specific parse LevelInit_ParseAllEntities( pMapEntities ); } // Check low violence settings for this map g_RagdollLVManager.SetLowViolence( pMapName ); // Now that all of the active entities have been loaded in, precache any entities who need point_template parameters // to be parsed (the above code has loaded all point_template entities) PrecachePointTemplates(); STEAMWORKS_TESTSECRET(); // load MOTD from file into stringtable LoadMessageOfTheDay(); // Sometimes an ent will Remove() itself during its precache, so RemoveImmediate won't happen. // This makes sure those ents get cleaned up. gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); g_AIFriendliesTalkSemaphore.Release(); g_AIFoesTalkSemaphore.Release(); g_OneWayTransition = false; // clear any pending autosavedangerous m_fAutoSaveDangerousTime = 0.0f; m_fAutoSaveDangerousMinHealthToCommit = 0.0f; // ask for the latest game rules GameRules()->UpdateGameplayStatsFromSteam(); if ( gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Transition ) { static ConVarRef map_wants_save_disable( "map_wants_save_disable" ); map_wants_save_disable.SetValue( 0 ); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called after every level change and load game, iterates through all the // active entities and gives them a chance to fix up their state //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG bool g_bReceivedChainedActivate; bool g_bCheckForChainedActivate; #define BeginCheckChainedActivate() if (0) ; else { g_bCheckForChainedActivate = true; g_bReceivedChainedActivate = false; } #define EndCheckChainedActivate( bCheck ) \ if (0) ; else \ { \ if ( bCheck ) \ { \ char msg[ 1024 ]; \ Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Entity (%i/%s/%s) failed to call base class Activate()\n", pClass->entindex(), pClass->GetClassname(), STRING( pClass->GetEntityName() ) ); \ AssertMsg( g_bReceivedChainedActivate == true, msg ); \ } \ g_bCheckForChainedActivate = false; \ } #else #define BeginCheckChainedActivate() ((void)0) #define EndCheckChainedActivate( bCheck ) ((void)0) #endif CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax ) { // HACKHACK: UNDONE: We need to redesign the main loop with respect to save/load/server activate if ( g_InRestore ) return; if ( gEntList.ResetDeleteList() != 0 ) { Msg( "ERROR: Entity delete queue not empty on level start!\n" ); } for ( CBaseEntity *pClass = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pClass != NULL; pClass = gEntList.NextEnt(pClass) ) { if ( pClass && !pClass->IsDormant() ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); BeginCheckChainedActivate(); pClass->Activate(); // We don't care if it finished activating if it decided to remove itself. EndCheckChainedActivate( !( pClass->GetEFlags() & EFL_KILLME ) ); } } CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_ServerActivate ); IGameSystem::LevelInitPostEntityAllSystems(); // No more precaching after PostEntityAllSystems!!! CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( false ); // only display the think limit when the game is run with "developer" mode set if ( !g_pDeveloper->GetInt() ) { think_limit.SetValue( 0 ); } #ifndef _XBOX // load the Navigation Mesh for this map TheNavMesh->Load(); TheNavMesh->OnServerActivate(); #endif #if defined( CSTRIKE_DLL ) // BOTPORT: TODO: move these ifdefs out TheBots->ServerActivate(); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called after the steam API has been activated post-level startup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::GameServerSteamAPIActivated( bool bActive ) { if ( bActive ) { #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) steamgameserverapicontext->Init(); #endif #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR ) GCClientSystem()->Activate(); #endif //!defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR ) } else { #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR ) GCClientSystem()->Shutdown(); #endif //!defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR ) #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) steamgameserverapicontext->Clear(); #endif } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called at the start of every game frame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConVar trace_report( "trace_report", "0" ); void CServerGameDLL::GameFrame( bool simulating ) { VPROF( "CServerGameDLL::GameFrame" ); SNPROF( "CServerGameDLL::GameFrame" ); // Don't run frames until fully restored if ( g_InRestore ) return; #ifndef NO_STEAM // All the calls to us from the engine prior to gameframe (like LevelInit & ServerActivate) // are done before the engine has got the Steam API connected, so we have to wait until now to connect ourselves. if ( Steam3Server().CheckInitialized() ) { GameRules()->UpdateGameplayStatsFromSteam(); } #endif g_bIsLogging = engine->IsLogEnabled(); if ( CBaseEntity::IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks() ) { // only run simulation on even numbered ticks if ( gpGlobals->tickcount & 1 ) { UpdateAllClientData(); return; } // If we're skipping frames, then the frametime is 2x the normal tick gpGlobals->frametime *= 2.0f; } float oldframetime = gpGlobals->frametime; #ifdef _DEBUG // For profiling.. let them enable/disable the networkvar manual mode stuff. g_bUseNetworkVars = s_UseNetworkVars.GetBool(); #endif extern void GameStartFrame( void ); extern void ServiceEventQueue( void ); extern void Physics_RunThinkFunctions( bool simulating ); // Delete anything that was marked for deletion // outside of server frameloop (e.g., in response to concommand) gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); HandleFoundryEntitySpawnRecords(); { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); IGameSystem::FrameUpdatePreEntityThinkAllSystems(); GameStartFrame(); TheNavMesh->Update(); { VPROF( "gamestatsuploader->UpdateConnection" ); SNPROF( "gamestatsuploader->UpdateConnection" ); gamestatsuploader->UpdateConnection(); } { VPROF( "UpdateQueryCache" ); SNPROF( "UpdateQueryCache" ); UpdateQueryCache(); } { VPROF( "g_pServerBenchmark->UpdateBenchmark" ); SNPROF( "g_pServerBenchmark->UpdateBenchmark" ); g_pServerBenchmark->UpdateBenchmark(); } Physics_RunThinkFunctions( simulating ); IGameSystem::FrameUpdatePostEntityThinkAllSystems(); // UNDONE: Make these systems IGameSystems and move these calls into FrameUpdatePostEntityThink() // service event queue, firing off any actions whos time has come ServiceEventQueue(); } // free all ents marked in think functions gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); // FIXME: Should this only occur on the final tick? UpdateAllClientData(); if ( g_pGameRules ) { VPROF( "g_pGameRules->EndGameFrame" ); SNPROF( "g_pGameRules->EndGameFrame" ); g_pGameRules->EndGameFrame(); } if ( trace_report.GetBool() ) { int total = 0, totals[3]; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { totals[i] = enginetrace->GetStatByIndex( i, true ); if ( totals[i] > 0 ) { total += totals[i]; } } if ( total ) { Msg("Trace: %d, contents %d, enumerate %d\n", totals[0], totals[1], totals[2] ); } } // Any entities that detect network state changes on a timer do it here. g_NetworkPropertyEventMgr.FireEvents(); gpGlobals->frametime = oldframetime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called every frame even if not ticking // Input : simulating - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::PreClientUpdate( bool simulating ) { if ( !simulating ) return; /* if (game_speeds.GetInt()) { DrawMeasuredSections(); } */ //#ifdef _DEBUG - allow this in release for now DrawAllDebugOverlays(); //#endif IGameSystem::PreClientUpdateAllSystems(); #ifdef _DEBUG if ( sv_showhitboxes.GetInt() == -1 ) return; if ( sv_showhitboxes.GetInt() == 0 ) { // assume it's text CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; while (1) { pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, sv_showhitboxes.GetString() ); if ( !pEntity ) break; CBaseAnimating *anim = dynamic_cast< CBaseAnimating * >( pEntity ); if (anim) { anim->DrawServerHitboxes(); } } return; } CBaseAnimating *anim = dynamic_cast< CBaseAnimating * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( INDEXENT( sv_showhitboxes.GetInt() ) ) ); if ( !anim ) return; anim->DrawServerHitboxes(); #endif } void CServerGameDLL::Think( bool finalTick ) { if ( m_fAutoSaveDangerousTime != 0.0f && m_fAutoSaveDangerousTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { // The safety timer for a dangerous auto save has expired CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 ); if ( pPlayer && ( pPlayer->GetDeathTime() == 0.0f || pPlayer->GetDeathTime() > gpGlobals->curtime ) && !pPlayer->IsSinglePlayerGameEnding() ) { if( pPlayer->GetHealth() >= m_fAutoSaveDangerousMinHealthToCommit ) { // The player isn't dead, so make the dangerous auto save safe engine->ServerCommand( "autosavedangerousissafe\n" ); } } m_fAutoSaveDangerousTime = 0.0f; m_fAutoSaveDangerousMinHealthToCommit = 0.0f; } // TODO: would have liked this to be totally event driven... currently needs a tick. if ( engine->IsDedicatedServer() && steamgameserverapicontext->SteamHTTP() ) { DedicatedServerWorkshop().Update(); } } void CServerGameDLL::OnQueryCvarValueFinished( QueryCvarCookie_t iCookie, edict_t *pPlayerEntity, EQueryCvarValueStatus eStatus, const char *pCvarName, const char *pCvarValue ) { } // Called when a level is shutdown (including changing levels) void CServerGameDLL::LevelShutdown( void ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPreEntityAllSystems(); // YWB: // This entity pointer is going away now and is corrupting memory on level transitions/restarts CSoundEnt::ShutdownSoundEnt(); ClearDebugHistory(); gEntList.Clear(); InvalidateQueryCache(); STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); IGameSystem::LevelShutdownPostEntityAllSystems(); // In case we quit out during initial load CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( false ); // reset the Navigation Mesh if ( TheNavMesh ) { TheNavMesh->Reset(); } g_nCurrentChapterIndex = -1; CStudioHdr::CActivityToSequenceMapping::ResetMappings(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : ServerClass* //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ServerClass* CServerGameDLL::GetAllServerClasses() { return g_pServerClassHead; } const char *CServerGameDLL::GetGameDescription( void ) { return ::GetGameDescription(); } CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::CreateNetworkStringTables( void ) { CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_CreateNetworksStringTables ); // Create any shared string tables here (and only here!) // E.g.: xxx = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "SceneStrings", 512 ); g_pStringTableExtraParticleFiles = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "ExtraParticleFilesTable", MAX_PARTICLESYSTEMS_STRINGS, 0, 0, NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED ); g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "ParticleEffectNames", MAX_PARTICLESYSTEMS_STRINGS, 0, 0, NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED ); g_pStringTableEffectDispatch = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "EffectDispatch", MAX_EFFECT_DISPATCH_STRINGS ); g_pStringTableVguiScreen = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "VguiScreen", MAX_VGUI_SCREEN_STRINGS ); g_pStringTableMaterials = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "Materials", MAX_MATERIAL_STRINGS, 0, 0, NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED ); g_pStringTableInfoPanel = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "InfoPanel", MAX_INFOPANEL_STRINGS ); g_pStringTableClientSideChoreoScenes = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "Scenes", MAX_CHOREO_SCENES_STRINGS, 0, 0, NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED ); g_pStringTableMovies = networkstringtable->CreateStringTable( "Movies", MAX_MOVIE_STRINGS, 0, 0, NSF_DICTIONARY_ENABLED ); Assert( g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames && g_pStringTableEffectDispatch && g_pStringTableVguiScreen && g_pStringTableMaterials && g_pStringTableInfoPanel && g_pStringTableClientSideChoreoScenes && g_pStringTableExtraParticleFiles && g_pStringTableMovies ); // Need this so we have the error material always handy PrecacheMaterial( "debug/debugempty" ); Assert( GetMaterialIndex( "debug/debugempty" ) == 0 ); PrecacheParticleSystem( "error" ); // ensure error particle system is handy Assert( GetParticleSystemIndex( "error" ) == 0 ); PrecacheEffect( "error" ); // ensure error effect is handy Assert( GetEffectIndex( "error" ) == 0 ); CreateNetworkStringTables_GameRules(); // Set up save/load utilities for string tables g_VguiScreenStringOps.Init( g_pStringTableVguiScreen ); } CSaveRestoreData *CServerGameDLL::SaveInit( int size ) { return ::SaveInit(size); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Saves data from a struct into a saverestore object, to be saved to disk // Input : *pSaveData - the saverestore object // char *pname - the name of the data to write // *pBaseData - the struct into which the data is to be read // *pFields - pointer to an array of data field descriptions // fieldCount - the size of the array (number of field descriptions) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::SaveWriteFields( CSaveRestoreData *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, datamap_t *pMap, typedescription_t *pFields, int fieldCount ) { CSave saveHelper( pSaveData ); saveHelper.WriteFields( pname, pBaseData, pMap, pFields, fieldCount ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Reads data from a save/restore block into a structure // Input : *pSaveData - the saverestore object // char *pname - the name of the data to extract from // *pBaseData - the struct into which the data is to be restored // *pFields - pointer to an array of data field descriptions // fieldCount - the size of the array (number of field descriptions) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::SaveReadFields( CSaveRestoreData *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, datamap_t *pMap, typedescription_t *pFields, int fieldCount ) { CRestore restoreHelper( pSaveData ); restoreHelper.ReadFields( pname, pBaseData, pMap, pFields, fieldCount ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::SaveGlobalState( CSaveRestoreData *s ) { ::SaveGlobalState(s); } void CServerGameDLL::RestoreGlobalState(CSaveRestoreData *s) { ::RestoreGlobalState(s); } void CServerGameDLL::Save( CSaveRestoreData *s ) { CSave saveHelper( s ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->Save( &saveHelper ); } CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::Restore( CSaveRestoreData *s, bool b) { if ( engine->IsOverrideLoadGameEntsOn() ) FoundryHelpers_ClearEntityHighlightEffects(); CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_Restore ); CRestore restore(s); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->Restore( &restore, b ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->PostRestore(); if ( serverfoundry && engine->IsOverrideLoadGameEntsOn() ) serverfoundry->OnFinishedRestoreSavegame(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : msg_type - // *name - // size - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CStandardSendProxies* CServerGameDLL::GetStandardSendProxies() { return &g_StandardSendProxies; } int CServerGameDLL::CreateEntityTransitionList( CSaveRestoreData *s, int a) { CRestore restoreHelper( s ); // save off file base int base = restoreHelper.GetReadPos(); int movedCount = ::CreateEntityTransitionList(s, a); if ( movedCount ) { g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->CallBlockHandlerRestore( GetPhysSaveRestoreBlockHandler(), base, &restoreHelper, false ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->CallBlockHandlerRestore( GetAISaveRestoreBlockHandler(), base, &restoreHelper, false ); } GetPhysSaveRestoreBlockHandler()->PostRestore(); GetAISaveRestoreBlockHandler()->PostRestore(); return movedCount; } void CServerGameDLL::PreSave( CSaveRestoreData *s ) { g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->PreSave( s ); } #include "client_textmessage.h" // This little hack lets me marry BSP names to messages in titles.txt typedef struct { char *pBSPName; char *pTitleName; } TITLECOMMENT; // this list gets searched for the first partial match, so some are out of order static TITLECOMMENT gTitleComments[] = { #ifdef PORTAL { "testchmb_a_00", "#Portal_Chapter1_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_01", "#Portal_Chapter1_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_02", "#Portal_Chapter2_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_03", "#Portal_Chapter2_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_04", "#Portal_Chapter3_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_05", "#Portal_Chapter3_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_06", "#Portal_Chapter4_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_07", "#Portal_Chapter4_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_08_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter5_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_08", "#Portal_Chapter5_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_09_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter6_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_09", "#Portal_Chapter6_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_10_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter7_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_10", "#Portal_Chapter7_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_11_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter8_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_11", "#Portal_Chapter8_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_13_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter9_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_13", "#Portal_Chapter9_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_14_advanced", "#Portal_Chapter10_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_14", "#Portal_Chapter10_Title" }, { "testchmb_a_15", "#Portal_Chapter11_Title" }, { "escape_", "#Portal_Chapter11_Title" }, { "background2", "#Portal_Chapter12_Title" }, #else { "intro", "#HL2_Chapter1_Title" }, { "d1_trainstation_05", "#HL2_Chapter2_Title" }, { "d1_trainstation_06", "#HL2_Chapter2_Title" }, { "d1_trainstation_", "#HL2_Chapter1_Title" }, { "d1_canals_06", "#HL2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "d1_canals_07", "#HL2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "d1_canals_08", "#HL2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "d1_canals_09", "#HL2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "d1_canals_1", "#HL2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "d1_canals_0", "#HL2_Chapter3_Title" }, { "d1_eli_", "#HL2_Chapter5_Title" }, { "d1_town_", "#HL2_Chapter6_Title" }, { "d2_coast_09", "#HL2_Chapter8_Title" }, { "d2_coast_1", "#HL2_Chapter8_Title" }, { "d2_prison_01", "#HL2_Chapter8_Title" }, { "d2_coast_", "#HL2_Chapter7_Title" }, { "d2_prison_06", "#HL2_Chapter9a_Title" }, { "d2_prison_07", "#HL2_Chapter9a_Title" }, { "d2_prison_08", "#HL2_Chapter9a_Title" }, { "d2_prison_", "#HL2_Chapter9_Title" }, { "d3_c17_01", "#HL2_Chapter9a_Title" }, { "d3_c17_09", "#HL2_Chapter11_Title" }, { "d3_c17_1", "#HL2_Chapter11_Title" }, { "d3_c17_", "#HL2_Chapter10_Title" }, { "d3_citadel_", "#HL2_Chapter12_Title" }, { "d3_breen_", "#HL2_Chapter13_Title" }, { "credits", "#HL2_Chapter14_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_00", "#episodic_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_01", "#episodic_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_02b", "#episodic_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_02", "#episodic_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_03", "#episodic_Chapter2_Title" }, { "ep1_citadel_04", "#episodic_Chapter2_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_00a", "#episodic_Chapter3_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_00", "#episodic_Chapter3_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_01", "#episodic_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_02b", "#episodic_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_02", "#episodic_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_05", "#episodic_Chapter5_Title" }, { "ep1_c17_06", "#episodic_Chapter5_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_01a", "#ep2_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_01", "#ep2_Chapter1_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_02", "#ep2_Chapter2_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_03", "#ep2_Chapter2_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_04", "#ep2_Chapter2_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_05", "#ep2_Chapter3_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_06a", "#ep2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_06", "#ep2_Chapter3_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_07", "#ep2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_08", "#ep2_Chapter4_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_09", "#ep2_Chapter5_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_10a", "#ep2_Chapter5_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_10", "#ep2_Chapter5_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_11a", "#ep2_Chapter6_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_11", "#ep2_Chapter6_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_12a", "#ep2_Chapter7_Title" }, { "ep2_outland_12", "#ep2_Chapter6_Title" }, #endif }; void CServerGameDLL::GetSaveComment( char *text, int maxlength, float flMinutes, float flSeconds, bool bNoTime ) { char comment[64]; const char *pName; int i; char const *mapname = STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ); pName = NULL; // Try to find a matching title comment for this mapname for ( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(gTitleComments) && !pName; i++ ) { if ( !Q_strnicmp( mapname, gTitleComments[i].pBSPName, strlen(gTitleComments[i].pBSPName) ) ) { // found one int j; // Got a message, post-process it to be save name friendly Q_strncpy( comment, gTitleComments[i].pTitleName, sizeof( comment ) ); pName = comment; j = 0; // Strip out CRs while ( j < 64 && comment[j] ) { if ( comment[j] == '\n' || comment[j] == '\r' ) comment[j] = 0; else j++; } break; } } // If we didn't get one, use the designer's map name, or the BSP name itself if ( !pName ) { pName = mapname; } if ( bNoTime ) { Q_snprintf( text, maxlength, "%-64.64s", pName ); } else { int minutes = flMinutes; int seconds = flSeconds; // Wow, this guy/gal must suck...! if ( minutes >= 1000 ) { minutes = 999; seconds = 59; } int minutesAdd = ( seconds / 60 ); seconds %= 60; // add the elapsed time at the end of the comment, for the ui to parse out Q_snprintf( text, maxlength, "%-64.64s %03d:%02d", pName, (minutes + minutesAdd), seconds ); } } void CServerGameDLL::WriteSaveHeaders( CSaveRestoreData *s ) { CSave saveHelper( s ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->WriteSaveHeaders( &saveHelper ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->PostSave(); } CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::ReadRestoreHeaders( CSaveRestoreData *s ) { CRestore restoreHelper( s ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->PreRestore(); CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameDLL_ReadRestoreHeaders ); g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->ReadRestoreHeaders( &restoreHelper ); } void CServerGameDLL::PreSaveGameLoaded( char const *pSaveName, bool bInGame ) { #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE gamestats->Event_PreSaveGameLoaded( pSaveName, bInGame ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the game DLL wants the server not to be made public. // Used by commentary system to hide multiplayer commentary servers from the master. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CServerGameDLL::ShouldHideServer( void ) { if ( g_pcv_commentary && g_pcv_commentary->GetBool() ) return true; if ( gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Background ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::InvalidateMdlCache() { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating; for ( CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pEntity != NULL; pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt(pEntity) ) { pAnimating = dynamic_cast(pEntity); if ( pAnimating ) { pAnimating->InvalidateMdlCache(); } } CStudioHdr::CActivityToSequenceMapping::ResetMappings(); } static KeyValues * FindLaunchOptionByValue( KeyValues *pLaunchOptions, char const *szLaunchOption ) { if ( !pLaunchOptions || !szLaunchOption || !*szLaunchOption ) return NULL; for ( KeyValues *val = pLaunchOptions->GetFirstSubKey(); val; val = val->GetNextKey() ) { char const *szValue = val->GetString(); if ( szValue && *szValue && !Q_stricmp( szValue, szLaunchOption ) ) return val; } return NULL; } bool CServerGameDLL::ShouldPreferSteamAuth() { return true; } bool CServerGameDLL::ShouldAllowDirectConnect() { bool bAllowDC = true; DevMsg( "Not Valve ds: Direct-connect is allowed\n"); return bAllowDC; } bool CServerGameDLL::FriendsReqdForDirectConnect() { return sv_dc_friends_reqd.GetBool(); } bool CServerGameDLL::IsLoadTestServer() { if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-sv_load_test" ) ) { return true; } return false; } bool CServerGameDLL::IsValveDS() { return IsValveDedicated(); } KeyValues* CServerGameDLL::GetExtendedServerInfoForNewClient() { static KeyValues *s_pExtendedServerInfo = NULL; static char s_szExtendedHashKey[256] = {0}; int iGameType = g_pGameTypes->GetCurrentGameType(); int iGameMode = g_pGameTypes->GetCurrentGameMode(); int nNumSlots = g_pGameTypes->GetMaxPlayersForTypeAndMode( iGameType, iGameMode ); uint32 uiOfficialReservationGameType = 0; char szHashKey[256] = {0}; V_snprintf( szHashKey, sizeof( szHashKey ), "%u:%d:%d:%d:%s", uiOfficialReservationGameType, iGameType, iGameMode, nNumSlots, gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ); if ( Q_strcmp( s_szExtendedHashKey, szHashKey ) ) { V_strncpy( s_szExtendedHashKey, szHashKey, ARRAYSIZE( s_szExtendedHashKey ) ); if ( s_pExtendedServerInfo ) s_pExtendedServerInfo->deleteThis(); s_pExtendedServerInfo = new KeyValues( "ExtendedServerInfo" ); const char* mapGroupName = gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr(); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "map", gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "mapgroup", mapGroupName ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "requires_attr", g_pGameTypes->GetRequiredAttrForMap( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "requires_attr_value", g_pGameTypes->GetRequiredAttrValueForMap( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "requires_attr_reward", g_pGameTypes->GetRequiredAttrRewardForMap( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "reward_drop_list", g_pGameTypes->GetRewardDropListForMap( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) ); if ( IsValveDedicated() ) { s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "official", 1 ); } s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "numSlots", nNumSlots ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "c_game_type", iGameType ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "c_game_mode", iGameMode ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "default_game_type", g_pGameTypes->GetDefaultGameTypeForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetInt( "default_game_mode", g_pGameTypes->GetDefaultGameModeForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "ct_arms", g_pGameTypes->GetCTViewModelArmsForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->SetString( "t_arms", g_pGameTypes->GetTViewModelArmsForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ); if ( const CUtlStringList *pCTModelNames = g_pGameTypes->GetCTModelsForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( *pCTModelNames, iModel ) { const char *modelName = (*pCTModelNames)[iModel]; if ( modelName ) { KeyValues *val = new KeyValues( "" ); val->SetString( NULL, modelName ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->FindKey( "ct_models", true )->AddSubKey( val ); } } } if ( const CUtlStringList *pTModelNames = g_pGameTypes->GetTModelsForMap( gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr() ) ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( *pTModelNames, iModel ) { const char *modelName = (*pTModelNames)[iModel]; if ( modelName ) { KeyValues *val = new KeyValues( "" ); val->SetString( NULL, modelName ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->FindKey( "t_models", true )->AddSubKey( val ); } } } if ( const CUtlStringList* mapsInGroup = g_pGameTypes->GetMapGroupMapList( mapGroupName ) ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( *mapsInGroup, i ) { const char *sz = (*mapsInGroup)[i]; if ( sz ) { KeyValues *val = new KeyValues( "" ); val->SetString( NULL, sz ); s_pExtendedServerInfo->FindKey( "maplist", true )->AddSubKey( val ); } } } KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( s_pExtendedServerInfo, 1, 1 ); } return s_pExtendedServerInfo; } void CServerGameDLL::GetMatchmakingTags( char *buf, size_t bufSize ) { // Additional "tags" that matchmaking wants to know about // AssertMsg( false, "fixme" ); buf[0] = 0; if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-sv_load_test" ) ) { Q_strncat( buf, ",sv_load_test", bufSize); } } void CServerGameDLL::ServerHibernationUpdate( bool bHibernating ) { m_bIsHibernating = bHibernating; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called during a transition, to build a map adjacency list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameDLL::BuildAdjacentMapList( void ) { // retrieve the pointer to the save data CSaveRestoreData *pSaveData = gpGlobals->pSaveData; if ( pSaveData ) pSaveData->levelInfo.connectionCount = BuildChangeList( pSaveData->levelInfo.levelList, MAX_LEVEL_CONNECTIONS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sanity-check to verify that a path is a relative path inside the game dir // Taken From: engine/cmd.cpp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool IsValidPath( const char *pszFilename ) { if ( !pszFilename ) { return false; } if ( Q_strlen( pszFilename ) <= 0 || Q_IsAbsolutePath( pszFilename ) || // to protect absolute paths Q_strstr( pszFilename, ".." ) ) // to protect relative paths { return false; } return true; } static void ValidateMOTDFilename( IConVar *pConVar, const char *oldValue, float flOldValue ) { ConVarRef var( pConVar ); if ( !IsValidPath( var.GetString() ) ) { var.SetValue( var.GetDefault() ); } } static ConVar motdfile( "motdfile", "motd.txt", FCVAR_RELEASE, "The MOTD file to load.", ValidateMOTDFilename ); static ConVar hostfile( "hostfile", "host.txt", FCVAR_RELEASE, "The HOST file to load.", ValidateMOTDFilename ); void LoadMOTDFile( const char *stringname, ConVar *pConvarFilename ) { char data[2048]; int length = filesystem->Size( pConvarFilename->GetString(), "GAME" ); if ( length <= 0 || length >= (sizeof(data)-1) ) { DevMsg("Invalid file size for %s\n", pConvarFilename->GetString() ); return; } FileHandle_t hFile = filesystem->Open( pConvarFilename->GetString(), "rb", "GAME" ); if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return; filesystem->Read( data, length, hFile ); filesystem->Close( hFile ); data[length] = 0; g_pStringTableInfoPanel->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), stringname, length+1, data ); } extern ConVar sv_server_graphic1; extern ConVar sv_server_graphic2; void LoadServerImageFile( const char *stringname ) { char data[ 1 << 14 ]; // MAX_USERDATA_SIZE if ( stringname && stringname[0] ) { int length = filesystem->Size( stringname, "GAME" ); if ( length <= 0 || length >= ( sizeof( data )-1 ) ) { DevMsg( "Invalid file size for %s\n", stringname ); return; } FileHandle_t hFile = filesystem->Open( stringname, "rb", "GAME" ); if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return; filesystem->Read( data, length, hFile ); filesystem->Close( hFile ); g_pStringTableInfoPanel->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), stringname, length, data ); } } CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameDLL::LoadMessageOfTheDay() { STEAMWORKS_TESTSECRET(); LoadMOTDFile( "motd", &motdfile ); LoadMOTDFile( "hostfile", &hostfile ); LoadServerImageFile( sv_server_graphic1.GetString() ); LoadServerImageFile( sv_server_graphic2.GetString() ); } PublishedFileId_t CServerGameDLL::GetUGCMapFileID( const char* szMapPath ) { return DedicatedServerWorkshop().GetUGCMapPublishedFileID( szMapPath ); } bool CServerGameDLL::GetNewestSubscribedFiles( void ) { DedicatedServerWorkshop().GetNewestSubscribedFiles(); return true; } void CServerGameDLL::UpdateUGCMap( PublishedFileId_t id ) { DedicatedServerWorkshop().CheckForNewVersion( id ); } bool CServerGameDLL::HasPendingMapDownloads( void ) const { return DedicatedServerWorkshop().HasPendingMapDownloads(); } // keeps track of which chapters the user has unlocked ConVar sv_unlockedchapters( "sv_unlockedchapters", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates which chapters are unlocked //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEG_NOINLINE void UpdateChapterRestrictions( const char *mapname ) { // look at the chapter for this map char chapterTitle[64]; chapterTitle[0] = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(gTitleComments); i++ ) { if ( !Q_strnicmp( mapname, gTitleComments[i].pBSPName, strlen(gTitleComments[i].pBSPName) ) ) { // found Q_strncpy( chapterTitle, gTitleComments[i].pTitleName, sizeof( chapterTitle ) ); int j = 0; while ( j < 64 && chapterTitle[j] ) { if ( chapterTitle[j] == '\n' || chapterTitle[j] == '\r' ) chapterTitle[j] = 0; else j++; } break; } } if ( !chapterTitle[0] ) return; // make sure the specified chapter title is unlocked strlwr( chapterTitle ); // Get our active mod directory name char modDir[MAX_PATH]; if ( UTIL_GetModDir( modDir, sizeof(modDir) ) == false ) return; char chapterNumberPrefix[64]; Q_snprintf(chapterNumberPrefix, sizeof(chapterNumberPrefix), "#%s_chapter", modDir); const char *newChapterNumber = strstr( chapterTitle, chapterNumberPrefix ); if ( newChapterNumber ) { // cut off the front newChapterNumber += strlen( chapterNumberPrefix ); char newChapter[32]; Q_strncpy( newChapter, newChapterNumber, sizeof(newChapter) ); // cut off the end char *end = strstr( newChapter, "_title" ); if ( end ) { *end = 0; } int nNewChapter = atoi( newChapter ); // HACK: HL2 added a zany chapter "9a" which wreaks // havoc in this stupid atoi-based chapter code. if ( !Q_stricmp( modDir, "hl2" ) ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( newChapter, "9a" ) ) { nNewChapter = 10; } else if ( nNewChapter > 9 ) { nNewChapter++; } } // ok we have the string, see if it's newer const char *unlockedChapter = sv_unlockedchapters.GetString(); int nUnlockedChapter = atoi( unlockedChapter ); if ( nUnlockedChapter < nNewChapter ) { // ok we're at a higher chapter, unlock sv_unlockedchapters.SetValue( nNewChapter ); // HACK: Call up through a better function than this? 7/23/07 - jdw if ( IsGameConsole() ) { engine->ServerCommand( "host_writeconfig\n" ); } } g_nCurrentChapterIndex = nNewChapter; } } CEG_PROTECT_FUNCTION( UpdateChapterRestrictions ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Precaches a vgui screen overlay material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrecacheMaterial( const char *pMaterialName ) { Assert( pMaterialName && pMaterialName[0] ); g_pStringTableMaterials->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pMaterialName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached material into an index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetMaterialIndex( const char *pMaterialName ) { if (pMaterialName) { int nIndex = g_pStringTableMaterials->FindStringIndex( pMaterialName ); if (nIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { return nIndex; } else { DevMsg("Warning! GetMaterialIndex: couldn't find material %s\n ", pMaterialName ); return 0; } } // This is the invalid string index return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached material index into a string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetMaterialNameFromIndex( int nMaterialIndex ) { return g_pStringTableMaterials->GetString( nMaterialIndex ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Precaches a vgui screen overlay material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int PrecacheParticleSystem( const char *pParticleSystemName ) { Assert( pParticleSystemName && pParticleSystemName[0] ); return g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pParticleSystemName ); } void PrecacheParticleFileAndSystems( const char *pParticleSystemFile ) { g_pParticleSystemMgr->ShouldLoadSheets( true ); g_pParticleSystemMgr->ReadParticleConfigFile( pParticleSystemFile, true, false ); g_pParticleSystemMgr->DecommitTempMemory(); Assert( pParticleSystemFile && pParticleSystemFile[0] ); g_pStringTableExtraParticleFiles->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pParticleSystemFile ); CUtlVector systems; g_pParticleSystemMgr->GetParticleSystemsInFile( pParticleSystemFile, &systems ); int nCount = systems.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { PrecacheParticleSystem( systems[i] ); } } void CServerGameDLL::PrecacheParticleSystemFile( const char *pParticleSystemFile ) { PrecacheParticleFileAndSystems( pParticleSystemFile ); } // this appears to be DOTA specific and therefore bShouldPreload and bShouldAutocache are insignificant parameters void PrecacheGameSoundsFile( const char *pSoundFile ) { soundemitterbase->AddSoundsFromFile( pSoundFile, true, false ); SoundSystemPreloadSounds(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached material into an index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetParticleSystemIndex( const char *pParticleSystemName ) { if ( pParticleSystemName ) { int nIndex = g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames->FindStringIndex( pParticleSystemName ); if (nIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) return nIndex; DevWarning("Server: Missing precache for particle system \"%s\"!\n", pParticleSystemName ); } // This is the invalid string index return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached material index into a string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetParticleSystemNameFromIndex( int nMaterialIndex ) { if ( nMaterialIndex < g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames->GetMaxStrings() ) return g_pStringTableParticleEffectNames->GetString( nMaterialIndex ); return "error"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Precaches an effect (used by DispatchEffect) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrecacheEffect( const char *pEffectName ) { Assert( pEffectName && pEffectName[0] ); g_pStringTableEffectDispatch->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pEffectName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached effect into an index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetEffectIndex( const char *pEffectName ) { if ( pEffectName ) { int nIndex = g_pStringTableEffectDispatch->FindStringIndex( pEffectName ); if (nIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) return nIndex; DevWarning("Server: Missing precache for effect \"%s\"!\n", pEffectName ); } // This is the invalid string index return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached effect index into a string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetEffectNameFromIndex( int nEffectIndex ) { if ( nEffectIndex < g_pStringTableEffectDispatch->GetMaxStrings() ) return g_pStringTableEffectDispatch->GetString( nEffectIndex ); return "error"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Precaches a movie //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrecacheMovie( const char *pMovieName ) { Assert ( CBaseEntity::IsPrecacheAllowed() ); Assert( pMovieName && pMovieName[0] ); g_pStringTableMovies->AddString( CBaseEntity::IsServer(), pMovieName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached material into an index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetMovieIndex( const char *pMovieName ) { if ( pMovieName ) { int nIndex = g_pStringTableMovies->FindStringIndex( pMovieName ); if ( nIndex != INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { return nIndex; } else { DevMsg( "Warning! GetMovieIndex: couldn't find movie %s\n ", pMovieName ); return 0; } } // This is the invalid string index return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a previously precached movie index into a string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetMovieNameFromIndex( int nMovieIndex ) { return g_pStringTableMovies->GetString( nMovieIndex ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if host_thread_mode is set to non-zero (and engine is running in threaded mode) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsEngineThreaded() { if ( g_pcv_ThreadMode ) { return g_pcv_ThreadMode->GetBool(); } return false; } class CServerGameEnts : public IServerGameEnts { public: virtual void MarkEntitiesAsTouching( edict_t *e1, edict_t *e2 ); virtual void FreeContainingEntity( edict_t * ); virtual edict_t* BaseEntityToEdict( CBaseEntity *pEnt ); virtual CBaseEntity* EdictToBaseEntity( edict_t *pEdict ); virtual void CheckTransmit( CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo, const unsigned short *pEdictIndices, int nEdicts ); virtual void PrepareForFullUpdate( edict_t *pEdict ); }; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE(CServerGameEnts, IServerGameEnts, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Marks entities as touching // Input : *e1 - // *e2 - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameEnts::MarkEntitiesAsTouching( edict_t *e1, edict_t *e2 ) { CBaseEntity *entity = GetContainingEntity( e1 ); CBaseEntity *entityTouched = GetContainingEntity( e2 ); if ( entity && entityTouched ) { // HACKHACK: UNDONE: Pass in the trace here??!?!? trace_t tr; UTIL_ClearTrace( tr ); tr.endpos = (entity->GetAbsOrigin() + entityTouched->GetAbsOrigin()) * 0.5; entity->PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching( entityTouched, tr ); } } void CServerGameEnts::FreeContainingEntity( edict_t *e ) { ::FreeContainingEntity(e); } edict_t* CServerGameEnts::BaseEntityToEdict( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { if ( pEnt ) return pEnt->edict(); else return NULL; } CBaseEntity* CServerGameEnts::EdictToBaseEntity( edict_t *pEdict ) { if ( pEdict ) return CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); else return NULL; } /* Yuck.. ideally this would be in CServerNetworkProperty's header, but it requires CBaseEntity and // inlining it gives a nice speedup. inline void CServerNetworkProperty::CheckTransmit( CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ) { // If we have a transmit proxy, let it hook our ShouldTransmit return value. if ( m_pTransmitProxy ) { nShouldTransmit = m_pTransmitProxy->ShouldTransmit( pInfo, nShouldTransmit ); } if ( m_pOuter->ShouldTransmit( pInfo ) ) { m_pOuter->SetTransmit( pInfo ); } } */ ConVar sv_occlude_players( "sv_occlude_players", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE /*, "Do additional traces on the server to hide players occluded by large brushes from each other - anti-cheat"*/ ); // A bitmap which records whether players were occluded under sv_occlude_players // rules. This is so other code areas which are interested in player-player // PVS can also check what the occlusion rules said. static CBitVec< (MAX_PLAYERS+1)*(MAX_PLAYERS+1) > g_occludePlayersCacheBitVec; bool WasPlayerOccluded( int fromplayer, int toplayer ) { if ( fromplayer > MAX_PLAYERS || toplayer > MAX_PLAYERS ) { Error( "Player indexes too large: %d %d", fromplayer, toplayer ); return false; } const int index = fromplayer*( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 )+ toplayer; return g_occludePlayersCacheBitVec.IsBitSet(index) ; } void SetPlayerOccluded( int index, bool newvalue ) { if ( index > (MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) ) { Error( "Player indexes too large: %d %d", index % (MAX_PLAYERS+1), index / (MAX_PLAYERS+1) ); return; } g_occludePlayersCacheBitVec.Set( index, newvalue ); } /* AABB_t GetOcclusionBounds( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { AABB_t aabb; // does server run at 30 fps? can player run faster than 260 (when falling? when climbing ladders?) // what to do about falling? (if we always expand down, we'll miss a lot of cases due to looking from under floor) Vector vUncertainty = Vector( CS_PLAYER_SPEED_RUN / 30.0f, CS_PLAYER_SPEED_RUN / 30.0f, 0 ); if ( ( pPlayer->GetFlags() & ( FL_DUCKING | FL_ANIMDUCKING ) ) == ( FL_DUCKING | FL_ANIMDUCKING ) ) { aabb.m_vMinBounds = VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN - vUncertainty; aabb.m_vMaxBounds = VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX + vUncertainty; } else { aabb.m_vMinBounds = VEC_HULL_MIN - vUncertainty; aabb.m_vMaxBounds = VEC_HULL_MAX + vUncertainty; } return aabb; } */ AABB_t GetOcclusionBounds( CBaseEntity *pItem ) { AABB_t aabb; CCollisionProperty *pColl = pItem->CollisionProp(); pColl->WorldSpaceAABB( &aabb.m_vMinBounds, &aabb.m_vMaxBounds ); return aabb; } AABB_t GetCameraBounds( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { Assert( !pPlayer->IsDead() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() != OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM ); Vector vPlayerOrigin = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); // pPlayer->GetViewOffset() varies between VEC_DUC_VIEW and VEC_VIEW for an alive player AABB_t aabb; float flCameraMargin = occlusion_test_camera_margins.GetFloat(); float flJumpMargin = occlusion_test_jump_margin.GetFloat(); aabb.m_vMinBounds = vPlayerOrigin + VEC_DUCK_VIEW - Vector( flCameraMargin, flCameraMargin, 0 ); aabb.m_vMaxBounds = vPlayerOrigin + VEC_VIEW + Vector( flCameraMargin, flCameraMargin, flJumpMargin ); return aabb; } void CServerGameEnts::CheckTransmit( CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo, const unsigned short *pEdictIndices, int nEdicts ) { // NOTE: for speed's sake, this assumes that all networkables are CBaseEntities and that the edict list // is consecutive in memory. If either of these things change, then this routine needs to change, but // ideally we won't be calling any virtual from this routine. This speedy routine was added as an // optimization which would be nice to keep. edict_t *pBaseEdict = gpGlobals->pEdicts; CBaseEntity *pRecipientEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( pInfo->m_pClientEnt ); Assert( pRecipientEntity && pRecipientEntity->IsPlayer() ); if ( !pRecipientEntity ) return; MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); CBasePlayer *pRecipientPlayer = static_cast( pRecipientEntity ); int nRecipientPlayerEntIndexMulNumPlayers = pRecipientPlayer->entindex() * ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ); // If the player is freshly spawned then give it a small window in // which it sees all entities so that it gets their basic information. const bool bIsFreshlySpawned = pRecipientPlayer->GetInitialSpawnTime()+3.0f > gpGlobals->curtime; const int skyBoxArea = pRecipientPlayer->m_Local.m_skybox3d.area; #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE const bool bIsHLTV = pRecipientPlayer->IsHLTV(); #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) const bool bIsReplay = pRecipientPlayer->IsReplay(); #else const bool bIsReplay = false; #endif // m_pTransmitAlways must be set if HLTV client Assert( bIsHLTV == ( pInfo->m_pTransmitAlways != NULL) || bIsReplay == ( pInfo->m_pTransmitAlways != NULL) ); #endif IEngineTrace::CAutoSuspendOcclusionTests autoSuspender( enginetrace ); // suspend the async engine traces for the time being for ( int i=0; i < nEdicts; i++ ) { int iEdict = pEdictIndices[i]; #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE if ( i < nEdicts-1 ) { PREFETCH360(&pBaseEdict[pEdictIndices[i+1]],0); } #endif edict_t *pEdict = &pBaseEdict[iEdict]; int nFlags = pEdict->m_fStateFlags & (FL_EDICT_DONTSEND|FL_EDICT_ALWAYS|FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK|FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK); // entity needs no transmit if ( nFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) continue; PREFETCH360(pEdict->GetUnknown(),0); // entity is already marked for sending if ( pInfo->m_pTransmitEdict->Get( iEdict ) ) continue; if ( nFlags & FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) { // FIXME: Hey! Shouldn't this be using SetTransmit so as // to also force network down dependent entities? while ( true ) { // mark entity for sending pInfo->m_pTransmitEdict->Set( iEdict ); #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE if ( bIsHLTV || bIsReplay ) { pInfo->m_pTransmitAlways->Set( iEdict ); } #endif CServerNetworkProperty *pEnt = static_cast( pEdict->GetNetworkable() ); if ( !pEnt ) break; CServerNetworkProperty *pParent = pEnt->GetNetworkParent(); if ( !pParent ) break; pEdict = pParent->edict(); iEdict = pParent->entindex(); } continue; } // FIXME: Would like to remove all dependencies CBaseEntity *pEnt = ( CBaseEntity * )pEdict->GetUnknown(); Assert( dynamic_cast< CBaseEntity* >( pEdict->GetUnknown() ) == pEnt ); if ( pEnt->entindex() <= MAX_PLAYERS ) { SetPlayerOccluded( pEnt->entindex() + nRecipientPlayerEntIndexMulNumPlayers, false ); } if ( nFlags == FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK ) { // do a full ShouldTransmit() check, may return FL_EDICT_CHECKPVS nFlags = pEnt->ShouldTransmit( pInfo ); Assert( !(nFlags & FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK) ); if ( nFlags & FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) { pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); continue; } } // don't send this entity if ( !( nFlags & FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK ) ) continue; CServerNetworkProperty *netProp = static_cast( pEdict->GetNetworkable() ); #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE if ( bIsHLTV || bIsReplay ) { // for the HLTV/Replay we don't cull against PVS if ( netProp->AreaNum() == skyBoxArea ) { pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); } else { pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, false ); } continue; } #endif // Always send entities in the player's 3d skybox. // Sidenote: call of AreaNum() ensures that PVS data is up to date for this entity bool bSameAreaAsSky = netProp->AreaNum() == skyBoxArea; if ( bSameAreaAsSky ) { pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); continue; } CBasePlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer* >( pEnt ); #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) // Team Lead in gungame should be always visible in counter-strike. Yes, even if he's out of PVS. Yes, even if he's behind the wall. if ( pPlayer && static_cast< CCSPlayer* >( pPlayer )->m_isCurrentGunGameTeamLeader ) { // do not check PVS or occlusion for a gun game team leader pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, false ); continue; } #endif bool bInPVS; if ( pPlayer && ( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() - pRecipientPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr() < Sqr( pvs_min_player_distance.GetFloat() ) ) bInPVS = true; else bInPVS = netProp->IsInPVS( pInfo ); CServerNetworkProperty *check = netProp->GetNetworkParent(); if ( bInPVS && sv_occlude_players.GetBool() ) { if ( pPlayer ) { if ( pRecipientPlayer->ShouldCheckOcclusion( pPlayer ) ) { // if ( IsDebug() && ShouldHideAllPlayers() ) bInPVS = false; // the other player is from an opposing team, otherwise the iBaseResult would be "Always Transmit" AABB_t playerBounds = GetOcclusionBounds( pPlayer ); AABB_t recipientBounds = GetCameraBounds( pRecipientPlayer ); int nOcclusionKey = pPlayer->entindex() + nRecipientPlayerEntIndexMulNumPlayers; if ( enginetrace->IsFullyOccluded( nOcclusionKey, playerBounds, recipientBounds, g_pCascadeLight ? ( g_pCascadeLight->GetShadowDirection() * occlusion_test_shadow_length.GetFloat() ) : vec3_origin ) ) { bInPVS = false; // forget that the player is in PVS. If it's fully occluded, we just act as if he's outside of PVS. SetPlayerOccluded( nOcclusionKey, true ); } // if ( dump_occlusion_probes.GetBool() ) Msg( "Occlusion probe %s - %s: %s\n", pRecipientPlayer->GetPlayerName(), pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), bInPVS ? "miss" : "occluded" ); } } #if defined( CSTRIKE_DLL ) else if ( CServerNetworkProperty *pNetworkParent = check ) { do { if ( CBaseEntity *pParent = pNetworkParent->GetBaseEntity() ) { if ( pParent->IsPlayer() ) { // Is the parent-owner-player marked or not market for transmission? If not, let's not transmit its children if ( !pInfo->m_pTransmitEdict->Get( pParent->entindex() ) ) { bInPVS = false; check = NULL; // don't check anything, just don't transmit this entity } /* if ( CBasePlayer *pParentPlayer = dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer* >( pParent ) ) { if ( pRecipientPlayer->ShouldCheckOcclusion( pParentPlayer ) ) { AABB_t entityBounds = GetOcclusionBounds( pEnt ); AABB_t recipientBounds = GetCameraBounds( pRecipientPlayer ); if ( IsFullyOccluded_WithShadow( entityBounds, recipientBounds ) ) { bInPVS = false; // the weapon is fully occluded } if ( dump_occlusion_probes.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Occlusion probe %s - item %s of %s: %s\n", pRecipientPlayer->GetPlayerName(), pEnt->GetDebugName(), pParentPlayer->GetPlayerName(), bInPVS ? "miss" : "occluded" ); } } } */ break; } } pNetworkParent = pNetworkParent->GetNetworkParent(); } while ( pNetworkParent ); } #endif } // If a player has just been spawned, forcibly send it for a brief // window so that everyone gets its basic info. const bool bFreshlySpawnedTargetPlayer = pPlayer != NULL && pPlayer->GetInitialSpawnTime()+3.0f > gpGlobals->curtime; if ( bInPVS || bIsFreshlySpawned || bFreshlySpawnedTargetPlayer || sv_force_transmit_ents.GetBool() ) { // only send if entity is in PVS pEnt->SetTransmit( pInfo, false ); continue; } // If the entity is marked "check PVS" but it's in hierarchy, walk up the hierarchy looking for the // for any parent which is also in the PVS. If none are found, then we don't need to worry about sending ourself CBaseEntity *orig = pEnt; // BUG BUG: I think it might be better to build up a list of edict indices which "depend" on other answers and then // resolve them in a second pass. Not sure what happens if an entity has two parents who both request PVS check? while ( check ) { int checkIndex = check->entindex(); // Parent already being sent if ( pInfo->m_pTransmitEdict->Get( checkIndex ) ) { orig->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); break; } edict_t *checkEdict = check->edict(); int checkFlags = checkEdict->m_fStateFlags & (FL_EDICT_DONTSEND|FL_EDICT_ALWAYS|FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK|FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK); if ( checkFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) break; if ( checkFlags & FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) { orig->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); break; } if ( checkFlags == FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK ) { // do a full ShouldTransmit() check, may return FL_EDICT_CHECKPVS CBaseEntity *pCheckEntity = check->GetBaseEntity(); nFlags = pCheckEntity->ShouldTransmit( pInfo ); Assert( !(nFlags & FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK) ); if ( nFlags & FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) { pCheckEntity->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); orig->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); } break; } if ( checkFlags & FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK ) { // Check pvs check->RecomputePVSInformation(); bool bMoveParentInPVS = check->IsInPVS( pInfo ); if ( bMoveParentInPVS ) { orig->SetTransmit( pInfo, true ); break; } } // Continue up chain just in case the parent itself has a parent that's in the PVS... check = check->GetNetworkParent(); } } // Msg("A:%i, N:%i, F: %i, P: %i\n", always, dontSend, fullCheck, PVS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called before a full update, so the server can flush any custom PVS info, etc //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameEnts::PrepareForFullUpdate( edict_t *pEdict ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); Assert( pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() ); if ( !pEntity ) return; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast( pEntity ); pPlayer->PrepareForFullUpdate(); } CServerGameClients g_ServerGameClients; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CServerGameClients, IServerGameClients, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS, g_ServerGameClients ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when a player tries to connect to the server // Input : *pEdict - the new player // char *pszName - the players name // char *pszAddress - the IP address of the player // reject - output - fill in with the reason why // maxrejectlen -- sizeof output buffer // the player was not allowed to connect. // Output : Returns TRUE if player is allowed to join, FALSE if connection is denied. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEG_NOINLINE bool CServerGameClients::ClientConnect( edict_t *pEdict, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen ) { CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameClient_ClientConnect ); if ( !g_pGameRules ) return false; return g_pGameRules->ClientConnected( pEdict, pszName, pszAddress, reject, maxrejectlen ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when a player is fully active (i.e. ready to receive messages) // Input : *pEntity - the player //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEG_NOINLINE void CServerGameClients::ClientActive( edict_t *pEdict, bool bLoadGame ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); ::ClientActive( pEdict, bLoadGame ); // If we just loaded from a save file, call OnRestore on valid entities EndRestoreEntities(); if ( gpGlobals->eLoadType != MapLoad_LoadGame ) { // notify all entities that the player is now in the game for ( CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pEntity != NULL; pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt(pEntity) ) { pEntity->PostClientActive(); } } CEG_PROTECT_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION( CServerGameClients_ClientActive ); // Tell the sound controller to check looping sounds CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().CheckLoopingSoundsForPlayer( pPlayer ); SceneManager_ClientActive( pPlayer ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when a player is fully connect ( initial baseline entities have been received ) // Input : *pEntity - the player //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientFullyConnect( edict_t *pEdict ) { ::ClientFullyConnect( pEdict ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when a player disconnects from a server // Input : *pEdict - the player //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEdict ) { extern bool g_fGameOver; CBasePlayer *player = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if ( player ) { if ( !g_fGameOver ) { player->SetMaxSpeed( 0.0f ); CSound *pSound; pSound = CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex( CSoundEnt::ClientSoundIndex( pEdict ) ); { // since this client isn't around to think anymore, reset their sound. if ( pSound ) { pSound->Reset(); } } // since the edict doesn't get deleted, fix it so it doesn't interfere. player->RemoveFlag( FL_AIMTARGET ); // don't attract autoaim player->AddFlag( FL_DONTTOUCH ); // stop it touching anything player->AddFlag( FL_NOTARGET ); // stop NPCs noticing it player->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); // nonsolid if ( g_pGameRules ) { g_pGameRules->ClientDisconnected( pEdict ); #ifndef _GAMECONSOLE gamestats->Event_PlayerDisconnected( player ); #endif } } // Make sure all Untouch()'s are called for this client leaving CBaseEntity::PhysicsRemoveTouchedList( player ); CBaseEntity::PhysicsRemoveGroundList( player ); #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) // Make sure anything we "own" is simulated by the server from now on player->ClearPlayerSimulationList(); #endif } } void CServerGameClients::ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity, const char *playername ) { if ( g_pClientPutInServerOverride ) g_pClientPutInServerOverride( pEntity, playername ); else ::ClientPutInServer( pEntity, playername ); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetContainingEntity( pEntity ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { bool bIsSplitScreenPlayer = engine->IsSplitScreenPlayer( pPlayer->entindex() ); CBasePlayer *pAttachedTo = NULL; if ( bIsSplitScreenPlayer ) { pAttachedTo = (CBasePlayer *)::GetContainingEntity( engine->GetSplitScreenPlayerAttachToEdict( pPlayer->entindex() ) ); } pPlayer->SetSplitScreenPlayer( bIsSplitScreenPlayer, pAttachedTo ); pPlayer->SetCrossPlayPlatform( engine->GetClientCrossPlayPlatform( pPlayer->entindex() ) ); } } void CServerGameClients::ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity, const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetContainingEntity( pEntity ) ); ::ClientCommand( pPlayer, args ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called after the player changes userinfo - gives dll a chance to modify // it before it gets sent into the rest of the engine-> // Input : *pEdict - the player // *infobuffer - their infobuffer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientSettingsChanged( edict_t *pEdict ) { // Is the client spawned yet? if ( !pEdict->GetUnknown() ) return; CBasePlayer *player = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if ( !player ) return; bool bAllowNetworkingClientSettingsChange = g_pGameRules->IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( player ); if ( bAllowNetworkingClientSettingsChange ) { #define QUICKGETCVARVALUE(v) (engine->GetClientConVarValue( player->entindex(), v )) // get network setting for prediction & lag compensation // Unfortunately, we have to duplicate the code in cdll_bounded_cvars.cpp here because the client // doesn't send the virtualized value up (because it has no way to know when the virtualized value // changes). Possible todo: put the responsibility on the bounded cvar to notify the engine when // its virtualized value has changed. // // Most important part in this code is to keep server computations same as client // side evaluation of convar string values. That is why the server parses values // as floats, then casts them to int to ensure that it yields the same result as // when the client sets convar string value and later checks it with GetInt or // GetBool accessors that at the moment of fixing this code were parsing original // string value as a float and then casting it to an int. // float flUpdateRateValue = Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_updaterate") ); if ( !player->IsHLTV() ) { static const ConVar *pMinUpdateRate = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_minupdaterate" ); static const ConVar *pMaxUpdateRate = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_maxupdaterate" ); if ( pMinUpdateRate && pMaxUpdateRate ) flUpdateRateValue = clamp( flUpdateRateValue, pMinUpdateRate->GetFloat(), pMaxUpdateRate->GetFloat() ); } player->m_nUpdateRate = ( int ) flUpdateRateValue; bool useInterpolation = !player->IsBot() || ( int( Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_interpolate") ) ) != 0 ); if ( useInterpolation ) { float flLerpRatio = Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_interp_ratio") ); if ( flLerpRatio == 0 ) flLerpRatio = 1.0f; float flLerpAmount = Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_interp") ); static const ConVar *pMin = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_client_min_interp_ratio" ); static const ConVar *pMax = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_client_max_interp_ratio" ); if ( pMin && pMax && pMin->GetFloat() != -1 ) { flLerpRatio = clamp( flLerpRatio, pMin->GetFloat(), pMax->GetFloat() ); } else { if ( flLerpRatio == 0 ) flLerpRatio = 1.0f; } // #define FIXME_INTERP_RATIO player->m_fLerpTime = MAX( flLerpAmount, flLerpRatio / flUpdateRateValue ); } else { player->m_fLerpTime = 0.0f; } #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) bool usePrediction = ( int( Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_predict")) ) != 0 ); if ( usePrediction ) { player->m_bPredictionEnabled = usePrediction; player->m_bPredictWeapons = ( int( Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_predictweapons")) ) != 0 ); player->m_bLagCompensation = ( int( Q_atof( QUICKGETCVARVALUE("cl_lagcompensation")) ) != 0 ); } else #endif { player->m_bPredictionEnabled = false; player->m_bPredictWeapons = false; player->m_bLagCompensation = false; } //HACKHACK: There's a bug in portal 2 splitscreen where the primary player will be set to non-predictive and the secondary player will be set to predictive. // It's probably a better idea in the long run to have CBaseClient::ProcessSetConVar() in engine better handle splitscreen. But for now we're going for a surgical fix { //stomp attached splitscreen players to have the same prediction settings as the primary player CUtlVector< CHandle > &splitscreenPlayers = player->GetSplitScreenPlayers(); for( int i = 0; i < splitscreenPlayers.Count(); ++i ) { CBasePlayer *pAttachedPlayer = splitscreenPlayers[i]; if( pAttachedPlayer ) { pAttachedPlayer->m_bPredictionEnabled = player->m_bPredictionEnabled; pAttachedPlayer->m_bPredictWeapons = player->m_bPredictWeapons; pAttachedPlayer->m_bLagCompensation = player->m_bLagCompensation; } } } #undef QUICKGETCVARVALUE } g_pGameRules->ClientSettingsChanged( player ); } #ifdef PORTAL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Runs CFuncAreaPortalBase::UpdateVisibility on each portal // Input : pAreaPortal - The Area portal to test for visibility from portals // Output : int - 1 if any portal needs this area portal open, 0 otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TestAreaPortalVisibilityThroughPortals ( CFuncAreaPortalBase* pAreaPortal, edict_t *pViewEntity, unsigned char *pvs, int pvssize ) { int iPortalCount = CPortal_Base2D_Shared::AllPortals.Count(); if( iPortalCount == 0 ) return 0; CPortal_Base2D **pPortals = CPortal_Base2D_Shared::AllPortals.Base(); for ( int i = 0; i != iPortalCount; ++i ) { CPortal_Base2D* pLocalPortal = pPortals[ i ]; if ( pLocalPortal && pLocalPortal->IsActive() ) { CPortal_Base2D* pRemotePortal = pLocalPortal->m_hLinkedPortal.Get(); // Make sure this portal's linked portal is in the PVS before we add what it can see if ( pRemotePortal && pRemotePortal->IsActive() && pRemotePortal->NetworkProp() && pRemotePortal->NetworkProp()->IsInPVS( pViewEntity, pvs, pvssize ) ) { bool bIsOpenOnClient = true; float fovDistanceAdjustFactor = 1.0f; Vector portalOrg = pLocalPortal->GetAbsOrigin(); CUtlVector< Vector > orgs; orgs.AddToTail( portalOrg ); int iPortalNeedsThisPortalOpen = pAreaPortal->UpdateVisibility( orgs, fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bIsOpenOnClient ); // Stop checking on success, this portal needs to be open if ( iPortalNeedsThisPortalOpen ) { return iPortalNeedsThisPortalOpen; } } } } return 0; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A client can have a separate "view entity" indicating that his/her view should depend on the origin of that // view entity. If that's the case, then pViewEntity will be non-NULL and will be used. Otherwise, the current // entity's origin is used. Either is offset by the m_vecViewOffset to get the eye position. // From the eye position, we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client. At this point, we could // override the actual PAS or PVS values, or use a different origin. // NOTE: Do not cache the values of pas and pvs, as they depend on reusable memory in the engine, they are only good for this one frame // Input : *pViewEntity - // *pClient - // **pvs - // **pas - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientSetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char *pvs, int pvssize ) { Vector org; // Reset the PVS!!! engine->ResetPVS( pvs, pvssize ); g_pToolFrameworkServer->PreSetupVisibility(); // Find the client's PVS CBaseEntity *pVE = NULL; if ( pViewEntity ) { pVE = GetContainingEntity( pViewEntity ); // If we have a viewentity, it overrides the player's origin if ( pVE ) { org = pVE->EyePosition(); engine->AddOriginToPVS( org ); } } float fovDistanceAdjustFactor = 1; CUtlVector< Vector > areaPortalOrigins; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )GetContainingEntity( pClient ); if ( pPlayer ) { if ( !pVE ) { org = pPlayer->EyePosition(); } pPlayer->SetupVisibility( pVE, pvs, pvssize ); UTIL_SetClientVisibilityPVS( pClient, pvs, pvssize ); fovDistanceAdjustFactor = pPlayer->GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactorForNetworking(); areaPortalOrigins.AddToTail( org ); // Merge in areaportal "window" states from from split screen players by passing in the extra PVS origins!!! CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayer > > &list = pPlayer->GetSplitScreenAndPictureInPicturePlayers(); for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { CBasePlayer *pl = list[ i ]; if ( !pl ) { continue; } org = pl->EyePosition(); areaPortalOrigins.AddToTail( org ); } } else { Warning( "ClientSetupVisibility: No entity for edict!\n" ); areaPortalOrigins.AddToTail( org ); } unsigned char portalBits[MAX_AREA_PORTAL_STATE_BYTES]; memset( portalBits, 0, sizeof( portalBits ) ); int portalNums[512]; int isOpen[512]; int iOutPortal = 0; for( unsigned short i = g_AreaPortals.Head(); i != g_AreaPortals.InvalidIndex(); i = g_AreaPortals.Next(i) ) { CFuncAreaPortalBase *pCur = g_AreaPortals[i]; bool bIsOpenOnClient = true; // Update our array of which portals are open and flush it if necessary. portalNums[iOutPortal] = pCur->m_portalNumber; isOpen[iOutPortal] = pCur->UpdateVisibility( areaPortalOrigins, fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bIsOpenOnClient ); #ifdef PORTAL // If the client doesn't need this open, test if portals might need this area portal open if ( isOpen[iOutPortal] == 0 ) { isOpen[iOutPortal] = TestAreaPortalVisibilityThroughPortals( pCur, pViewEntity, pvs, pvssize ); bIsOpenOnClient |= ( isOpen[iOutPortal] != 0 ); } #endif ++iOutPortal; if ( iOutPortal >= ARRAYSIZE( portalNums ) ) { engine->SetAreaPortalStates( portalNums, isOpen, iOutPortal ); iOutPortal = 0; } // Version 0 portals (ie: shipping Half-Life 2 era) are always treated as open // for purposes of the m_chAreaPortalBits array on the client. if ( pCur->m_iPortalVersion == 0 ) bIsOpenOnClient = true; if ( bIsOpenOnClient ) { if ( pCur->m_portalNumber < 0 ) continue; else if ( pCur->m_portalNumber >= sizeof( portalBits ) * 8 ) Error( "ClientSetupVisibility: portal number (%d) too large", pCur->m_portalNumber ); else portalBits[pCur->m_portalNumber >> 3] |= (1 << (pCur->m_portalNumber & 7)); } } // Flush the remaining areaportal states. engine->SetAreaPortalStates( portalNums, isOpen, iOutPortal ); // Update the area bits that get sent to the client. Assert( pPlayer ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->m_Local.UpdateAreaBits( pPlayer, portalBits ); } #ifdef PORTAL // *After* the player's view has updated its area bits, add on any other areas seen by portals CPortal_Player* pPortalPlayer = dynamic_cast( pPlayer ); if ( pPortalPlayer ) { pPortalPlayer->UpdatePortalViewAreaBits( pvs, pvssize ); } #endif //PORTAL } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *player - // *buf - // numcmds - // totalcmds - // dropped_packets - // ignore - // paused - // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CMD_MAXBACKUP 64 static ConVar sv_max_usercmd_move_magnitude( "sv_max_usercmd_move_magnitude", "1000", 0, "Maximum move magnitude that can be requested by client." ); float CServerGameClients::ProcessUsercmds( edict_t *player, bf_read *buf, int numcmds, int totalcmds, int dropped_packets, bool ignore, bool paused ) { int i; CUserCmd *from, *to; // We track last three command in case we drop some // packets but get them back. CUserCmd cmds[ CMD_MAXBACKUP ]; CUserCmd cmdNull; // For delta compression Assert( numcmds >= 0 ); Assert( ( totalcmds - numcmds ) >= 0 ); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL; CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance(player); if ( pEnt && pEnt->IsPlayer() ) { pPlayer = static_cast< CBasePlayer * >( pEnt ); } // Too many commands? if ( totalcmds < 0 || totalcmds >= ( CMD_MAXBACKUP - 1 ) || numcmds < 0 || numcmds > totalcmds ) { const char *name = "unknown"; if ( pPlayer ) { name = pPlayer->GetPlayerName(); } Msg("CBasePlayer::ProcessUsercmds: too many cmds %i sent for player %s\n", totalcmds, name ); // FIXME: Need a way to drop the client from here //SV_DropClient ( host_client, false, "CMD_MAXBACKUP hit" ); buf->SetOverflowFlag(); return 0.0f; } // Initialize for reading delta compressed usercmds cmdNull.Reset(); from = &cmdNull; for ( i = totalcmds - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { to = &cmds[ i ]; ReadUsercmd( buf, to, from ); from = to; // Validate UserCmd that we parsed: if ( !to->viewangles.IsValid() ) { to->viewangles.Init(); } if ( !IsEntityQAngleReasonable( to->viewangles ) ) { // Make sure we don't crash the server even if we ban the dude to->viewangles.Init(); } if ( !IsFinite( to->forwardmove ) || !IsFinite( to->sidemove ) || !IsFinite( to->upmove ) ) { to->forwardmove = 0; to->sidemove = 0; to->upmove = 0; } if ( ( fabs( to->forwardmove ) > sv_max_usercmd_move_magnitude.GetFloat() ) || ( fabs( to->sidemove ) > sv_max_usercmd_move_magnitude.GetFloat() ) || ( fabs( to->upmove ) > sv_max_usercmd_move_magnitude.GetFloat() ) ) { to->forwardmove = 0; to->sidemove = 0; to->upmove = 0; } } // Client not fully connected or server has gone inactive or is paused, just ignore if ( ignore || !pPlayer ) { return 0.0f; } MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); pPlayer->ProcessUsercmds( cmds, numcmds, totalcmds, dropped_packets, paused ); return TICK_INTERVAL; } void CServerGameClients::PostClientMessagesSent( void ) { VPROF("CServerGameClients::PostClient"); SNPROF("CServerGameClients::PostClient"); gEntList.PostClientMessagesSent(); } // Sets the client index for the client who typed the command into his/her console void CServerGameClients::SetCommandClient( int index ) { g_nCommandClientIndex = index; } int CServerGameClients::GetReplayDelay( edict_t *pEdict, int &entity ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if ( !pPlayer ) return 0; entity = pPlayer->GetReplayEntity(); return pPlayer->GetDelayTicks(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The client's userinfo data lump has changed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientEarPosition( edict_t *pEdict, Vector *pEarOrigin ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if (pPlayer) { *pEarOrigin = pPlayer->EarPosition(); } else { // Shouldn't happen Assert(0); *pEarOrigin = vec3_origin; } } bool CServerGameClients::ClientReplayEvent( edict_t *pEdict, const ClientReplayEventParams_t ¶ms ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ( CCSPlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if ( pPlayer ) { return pPlayer->StartHltvReplayEvent( params ); } else { return 0.0f; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *player - // Output : CPlayerState //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPlayerState *CServerGameClients::GetPlayerState( edict_t *player ) { // Is the client spawned yet? if ( !player || !player->GetUnknown() ) return NULL; CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( player ); if ( !pBasePlayer ) return NULL; return &pBasePlayer->pl; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Anything this game .dll wants to add to the bug reporter text (e.g., the entity/model under the picker crosshair) // can be added here // Input : *buf - // buflen - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::GetBugReportInfo( char *buf, int buflen ) { recentNPCSpeech_t speech[ SPEECH_LIST_MAX_SOUNDS ]; int num; int i; buf[ 0 ] = 0; if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 ) { CBaseEntity *ent = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1) ? UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1)->FindPickerEntity() : NULL; if ( ent ) { Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "Picker %i/%s - ent %s model %s\n", ent->entindex(), ent->GetClassname(), STRING( ent->GetEntityName() ), STRING(ent->GetModelName()) ); } // get any sounds that were spoken by NPCs recently num = GetRecentNPCSpeech( speech ); if ( num > 0 ) { Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%sRecent NPC speech:\n", buf ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%s time: %6.3f sound name: %s scene: %s\n", buf, speech[ i ].time, speech[ i ].name, speech[ i ].sceneName ); } Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%sCurrent time: %6.3f\n", buf, gpGlobals->curtime ); } } #if defined ( PORTAL2 ) int iPortalCount = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Count(); if( iPortalCount != 0 ) { CProp_Portal **pPortals = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Base(); Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%sPortal Locations:\n", buf ); for( int i = 0; i != iPortalCount; ++i ) { CProp_Portal *pTempPortal = pPortals[i]; Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%slinkid:%d loc: %f %f %f\n", buf, pTempPortal->GetLinkageGroup(), XYZ( pTempPortal->GetAbsOrigin() ) ); } } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A player sent a voice packet //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameClients::ClientVoice( edict_t *pEdict ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->OnVoiceTransmit(); // Notify the voice listener that we've spoken PlayerVoiceListener().AddPlayerSpeakTime( pPlayer ); } } int CServerGameClients::GetMaxSplitscreenPlayers() { return MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; } int CServerGameClients::GetMaxHumanPlayers() { if ( g_pGameRules ) { return g_pGameRules->GetMaxHumanPlayers(); } return -1; } // The client has submitted a keyvalues command void CServerGameClients::ClientCommandKeyValues( edict_t *pEntity, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { if ( !pKeyValues ) return; g_pGameRules->ClientCommandKeyValues( pEntity, pKeyValues ); char const *szCommand = pKeyValues->GetName(); if ( FStrEq( szCommand, "OnPlayerAward" ) ) { // Player received an award // On server, send to all connected clients UTIL_SendClientCommandKVToPlayer( pKeyValues->MakeCopy() ); } } // Server override for supplied client name (implemented in cs_gameinterface) // const char * CServerGameClients::ClientNameHandler( uint64 xuid, const char *pchName ) // { // return pchName; // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bf_write *g_pMsgBuffer = NULL; void EntityMessageBegin( CBaseEntity * entity, bool reliable /*= false*/ ) { Assert( !g_pMsgBuffer ); Assert ( entity ); g_pMsgBuffer = engine->EntityMessageBegin( entity->entindex(), entity->GetServerClass(), reliable ); } void MessageEnd( void ) { Assert( g_pMsgBuffer ); engine->MessageEnd(); g_pMsgBuffer = NULL; } void MessageWriteByte( int iValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WRITE_BYTE called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteByte( iValue ); } void MessageWriteChar( int iValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WRITE_CHAR called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteChar( iValue ); } void MessageWriteShort( int iValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WRITE_SHORT called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteShort( iValue ); } void MessageWriteWord( int iValue ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WRITE_WORD called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteWord( iValue ); } void MessageWriteLong( int iValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteLong called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteLong( iValue ); } void MessageWriteFloat( float flValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteFloat called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteFloat( flValue ); } void MessageWriteAngle( float flValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteAngle called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitAngle( flValue, 8 ); } void MessageWriteCoord( float flValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteCoord called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitCoord( flValue ); } void MessageWriteVec3Coord( const Vector& rgflValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteVec3Coord called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitVec3Coord( rgflValue ); } void MessageWriteVec3Normal( const Vector& rgflValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteVec3Normal called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitVec3Normal( rgflValue ); } void MessageWriteBitVecIntegral( const Vector& vecValue ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "MessageWriteBitVecIntegral called with no active message\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitCoordMP( vecValue[ i ], kCW_Integral ); } } void MessageWriteAngles( const QAngle& rgflValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteVec3Normal called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBitAngles( rgflValue ); } void MessageWriteString( const char *sz ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteString called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteString( sz ); } void MessageWriteEntity( int iValue) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteEntity called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteShort( iValue ); } void MessageWriteEHandle( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteEHandle called with no active message\n" ); long iEncodedEHandle; if( pEntity ) { EHANDLE hEnt = pEntity; int iSerialNum = hEnt.GetSerialNumber() & (1 << NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS) - 1; iEncodedEHandle = hEnt.GetEntryIndex() | (iSerialNum << MAX_EDICT_BITS); } else { iEncodedEHandle = INVALID_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_VALUE; } g_pMsgBuffer->WriteLong( iEncodedEHandle ); } // bitwise void MessageWriteBool( bool bValue ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteBool called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteOneBit( bValue ? 1 : 0 ); } void MessageWriteUBitLong( unsigned int data, int numbits ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteUBitLong called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteUBitLong( data, numbits ); } void MessageWriteSBitLong( int data, int numbits ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteSBitLong called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteSBitLong( data, numbits ); } void MessageWriteBits( const void *pIn, int nBits ) { if (!g_pMsgBuffer) Error( "WriteBits called with no active message\n" ); g_pMsgBuffer->WriteBits( pIn, nBits ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SendUserMessage( IRecipientFilter& filter, int message, const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg ) { engine->SendUserMessage( filter, message, msg ); } class CServerDLLSharedAppSystems : public IServerDLLSharedAppSystems { public: CServerDLLSharedAppSystems() { AddAppSystem( "soundemittersystem", SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); AddAppSystem( "scenefilecache", SCENE_FILE_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION ); #ifdef INFESTED_DLL AddAppSystem( "missionchooser", ASW_MISSION_CHOOSER_VERSION ); #endif } virtual int Count() { return m_Systems.Count(); } virtual char const *GetDllName( int idx ) { return m_Systems[ idx ].m_pModuleName; } virtual char const *GetInterfaceName( int idx ) { return m_Systems[ idx ].m_pInterfaceName; } private: void AddAppSystem( char const *moduleName, char const *interfaceName ) { AppSystemInfo_t sys; sys.m_pModuleName = moduleName; sys.m_pInterfaceName = interfaceName; m_Systems.AddToTail( sys ); } CUtlVector< AppSystemInfo_t > m_Systems; }; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE( CServerDLLSharedAppSystems, IServerDLLSharedAppSystems, SERVER_DLL_SHARED_APPSYSTEMS ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CServerGameTags::GetTaggedConVarList( KeyValues *pCvarTagList ) { if ( pCvarTagList && g_pGameRules ) { g_pGameRules->GetTaggedConVarList( pCvarTagList ); } } #if defined(PORTAL2) CON_COMMAND_F( give_promo_helmet, "Gives the gamestop promo helmets for coop bots. Requires a respawn or changelevel to start showing.", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { g_nPortal2PromoFlags |= PORTAL2_PROMO_HELMETS; } #endif