//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Contains entities for implementing/changing game rules dynamically within each BSP. // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "datamap.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "maprules.h" #include "player.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "ai_hull.h" #include "entityoutput.h" #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) #include "weapon_csbase.h" #include "cs_weapon_parse.h" #include "cs_shareddefs.h" #include "cs_gamerules.h" #include "cs_player.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" BEGIN_DATADESC( CRuleEntity ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszMaster, FIELD_STRING, "master" ), END_DATADESC() void CRuleEntity::Spawn( void ) { SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); } bool CRuleEntity::CanFireForActivator( CBaseEntity *pActivator ) { if ( m_iszMaster != NULL_STRING ) { if ( UTIL_IsMasterTriggered( m_iszMaster, pActivator ) ) return true; else return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Save/Restore //--------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_DATADESC( CRulePointEntity ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_Score, FIELD_INTEGER ), END_DATADESC() void CRulePointEntity::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); SetModelName( NULL_STRING ); m_Score = 0; } // // CRuleBrushEntity -- base class for all rule "brush" entities (not brushes) // Default behavior is to set up like a trigger, invisible, but keep the model for volume testing // class CRuleBrushEntity : public CRuleEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CRuleBrushEntity, CRuleEntity ); void Spawn( void ); private: }; void CRuleBrushEntity::Spawn( void ) { SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) ); BaseClass::Spawn(); } // CGameScore / game_score -- award points to player / team // Points +/- total // Flag: Allow negative scores SF_SCORE_NEGATIVE // Flag: Award points to team in teamplay SF_SCORE_TEAM #define SF_SCORE_NEGATIVE 0x0001 #define SF_SCORE_TEAM 0x0002 class CGameScore : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGameScore, CRulePointEntity ); DECLARE_DATADESC(); void Spawn( void ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); inline int Points( void ) { return m_Score; } inline bool AllowNegativeScore( void ) { return m_spawnflags & SF_SCORE_NEGATIVE; } inline int AwardToTeam( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_SCORE_TEAM); } inline void SetPoints( int points ) { m_Score = points; } void InputApplyScore( inputdata_t &inputdata ); #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) void InputAddScoreTerrorist( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddScoreCT( inputdata_t &inputdata ); #endif private: }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_score, CGameScore ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameScore ) // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "ApplyScore", InputApplyScore ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "AddScoreTerrorist", InputAddScoreTerrorist ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "AddScoreCT", InputAddScoreCT ), END_DATADESC() void CGameScore::Spawn( void ) { int iScore = Points(); BaseClass::Spawn(); SetPoints( iScore ); } bool CGameScore::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "points")) { SetPoints( atoi(szValue) ); } else return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); return true; } void CGameScore::InputApplyScore( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { CBaseEntity *pActivator = inputdata.pActivator; if ( pActivator == NULL ) return; if ( CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) == false ) return; // Only players can use this if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { if ( AwardToTeam() ) { pActivator->AddPointsToTeam( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); } else { pActivator->AddPoints( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); } } } #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) void CGameScore::InputAddScoreTerrorist( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { CCSMatch* match = CSGameRules()->GetMatch(); if ( match ) { match->AddTerroristScore( Points() ); } } void CGameScore::InputAddScoreCT( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { CCSMatch* match = CSGameRules()->GetMatch(); if ( match ) { match->AddCTScore( Points() ); } } #endif void CGameScore::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) ) return; // Only players can use this if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { if ( AwardToTeam() ) { pActivator->AddPointsToTeam( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); } else { pActivator->AddPoints( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); } } } BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CGameCoopMissionManager, CBaseEntity, "game_coopmission_manager" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetWaveNumber, "GetWaveNumber", "Get the number of waves the players have completed" ) END_SCRIPTDESC() LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_coopmission_manager, CGameCoopMissionManager ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameCoopMissionManager ) // inputs //DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "EndRound_Draw", InputEndRound_Draw ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnWaveCompleted, "OnWaveCompleted" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnRoundReset, "OnRoundReset" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnSpawnsReset, "OnSpawnsReset" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnRoundLostKilled, "OnRoundLostKilled" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnRoundLostTime, "OnRoundLostTime" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnMissionCompleted, "OnMissionCompleted" ), END_DATADESC() void CGameCoopMissionManager::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); } bool CGameCoopMissionManager::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); } int CGameCoopMissionManager::GetWaveNumber( void ) { if ( !CSGameRules() ) return 0; return CSGameRules()->GetCoopWaveNumber(); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetWaveCompleted( void ) { // send output m_OnWaveCompleted.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetRoundReset( void ) { // send output m_OnRoundReset.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetSpawnsReset( void ) { // send output m_OnSpawnsReset.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetRoundLostKilled( void ) { // send output m_OnRoundLostKilled.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetRoundLostTime( void ) { // send output m_OnRoundLostTime.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } void CGameCoopMissionManager::SetMissionCompleted( void ) { // send output m_OnMissionCompleted.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } // void CGameCoopMissionManager::InputApplyScore( inputdata_t &inputdata ) // { // CBaseEntity *pActivator = inputdata.pActivator; // // if ( pActivator == NULL ) // return; // // if ( CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) == false ) // return; // // // Only players can use this // if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) // { // if ( AwardToTeam() ) // { // pActivator->AddPointsToTeam( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); // } // else // { // pActivator->AddPoints( Points(), AllowNegativeScore() ); // } // } // } #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) // CGameMoney / game_money -- award money to player / team class CGameMoney : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGameMoney, CRulePointEntity ); DECLARE_DATADESC(); void Spawn( void ); inline int Money( void ) { return m_nMoney; } void InputSetMoneyAmount( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetTeamMoneyTerrorist( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetTeamMoneyCT( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddTeamMoneyTerrorist( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddTeamMoneyCT( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddMoneyPlayer( inputdata_t &inputdata ); private: int m_nMoney; string_t m_strAwardText; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_money, CGameMoney ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameMoney ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nMoney, FIELD_INTEGER, "Money" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_strAwardText, FIELD_STRING, "AwardText" ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetMoneyAmount", InputSetMoneyAmount ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "AddTeamMoneyTerrorist", InputAddTeamMoneyTerrorist ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "AddTeamMoneyCT", InputAddTeamMoneyCT ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "AddMoneyPlayer", InputAddMoneyPlayer ), END_DATADESC() void CGameMoney::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); } void CGameMoney::InputSetMoneyAmount( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { int nMoney = inputdata.value.Int(); m_nMoney = nMoney; } void CGameMoney::InputAddMoneyPlayer( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { CBaseEntity *pActivator = inputdata.pActivator; if ( pActivator == NULL ) return; // if ( CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) == false ) // return; // Only players can use this if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { int nMoney = clamp( m_nMoney, 0, CSGameRules()->GetMaxMoney() ); CCSPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast( inputdata.pActivator ); pPlayer->AddAccount( nMoney, true, false ); } } void CGameMoney::InputAddTeamMoneyTerrorist( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { int nMoney = clamp( m_nMoney, 0, CSGameRules()->GetMaxMoney() ); CSGameRules()->AddTeamAccount( TEAM_TERRORIST, TeamCashAward::CUSTOM_AWARD, nMoney, STRING(m_strAwardText) ); } void CGameMoney::InputAddTeamMoneyCT( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { int nMoney = clamp( m_nMoney, 0, CSGameRules()->GetMaxMoney() ); CSGameRules()->AddTeamAccount( TEAM_CT, TeamCashAward::CUSTOM_AWARD, nMoney, STRING(m_strAwardText) ); } #endif // CGameEnd / game_end -- Ends the game in MP class CGameEnd : public CRulePointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CGameEnd, CRulePointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); void InputGameEnd( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); private: }; BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameEnd ) // inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "EndGame", InputGameEnd ), END_DATADESC() LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_end, CGameEnd ); void CGameEnd::InputGameEnd( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { g_pGameRules->EndMultiplayerGame(); } void CGameEnd::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) ) return; g_pGameRules->EndMultiplayerGame(); } #if defined( CSTRIKE15 ) // CGameEnd / game_round_end -- Ends the round in MP class CGameRoundEnd : public CRulePointEntity , public CGameEventListener { DECLARE_CLASS( CGameRoundEnd, CRulePointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); CGameRoundEnd(); virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); void InputEndRound_Draw( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEndRound_TerroristsWin( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEndRound_CounterTerroristsWin( inputdata_t &inputdata ); private: COutputEvent m_OnRoundEnded; //m_OnForcedInteractionFinished.FireOutput( this, this ); }; BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameRoundEnd ) // inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "EndRound_Draw", InputEndRound_Draw ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "EndRound_TerroristsWin", InputEndRound_TerroristsWin ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "EndRound_CounterTerroristsWin", InputEndRound_CounterTerroristsWin ), DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnRoundEnded, "OnRoundEnded" ), END_DATADESC() LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_round_end, CGameRoundEnd ); CGameRoundEnd::CGameRoundEnd() { ListenForGameEvent( "round_end" ); } void CGameRoundEnd::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *name = event->GetName(); if ( Q_strcmp( name, "round_end" ) == 0 ) { m_OnRoundEnded.FireOutput( NULL, NULL ); } } void CGameRoundEnd::InputEndRound_Draw( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { float flDelay = inputdata.value.Float(); CSGameRules()->IncrementAndTerminateRound( flDelay, Round_Draw ); } void CGameRoundEnd::InputEndRound_TerroristsWin( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { float flDelay = inputdata.value.Float(); CSGameRules()->IncrementAndTerminateRound( flDelay, Terrorists_Win ); } void CGameRoundEnd::InputEndRound_CounterTerroristsWin( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { float flDelay = inputdata.value.Float(); CSGameRules()->IncrementAndTerminateRound( flDelay, CTs_Win ); } #endif // // CGameText / game_text -- NON-Localized HUD Message (use env_message to display a titles.txt message) // Flag: All players SF_ENVTEXT_ALLPLAYERS // #define SF_ENVTEXT_ALLPLAYERS 0x0001 class CGameText : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGameText, CRulePointEntity ); bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); DECLARE_DATADESC(); inline bool MessageToAll( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_ENVTEXT_ALLPLAYERS); } inline void MessageSet( const char *pMessage ) { m_iszMessage = AllocPooledString(pMessage); } inline const char *MessageGet( void ) { return STRING( m_iszMessage ); } void InputDisplay( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void Display( CBaseEntity *pActivator ); void InputSetText ( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetText( const char* pszStr ); void InputSetPosX( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetPosX( float flPosX ); void InputSetPosY( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetPosY( float flPosY ); void InputSetTextColor( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetTextColor( color32 color ); void InputSetTextColor2( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetTextColor2( color32 color ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { Display( pActivator ); } private: string_t m_iszMessage; hudtextparms_t m_textParms; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_text, CGameText ); // Save parms as a block. Will break save/restore if the structure changes, but this entity didn't ship with Half-Life, so // it can't impact saved Half-Life games. BEGIN_DATADESC( CGameText ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszMessage, FIELD_STRING, "message" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.channel, FIELD_INTEGER, "channel" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.x, FIELD_FLOAT, "x" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.y, FIELD_FLOAT, "y" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.effect, FIELD_INTEGER, "effect" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.fadeinTime, FIELD_FLOAT, "fadein" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.fadeoutTime, FIELD_FLOAT, "fadeout" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.holdTime, FIELD_FLOAT, "holdtime" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_textParms.fxTime, FIELD_FLOAT, "fxtime" ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_textParms, FIELD_CHARACTER, sizeof(hudtextparms_t) ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Display", InputDisplay ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "SetText", InputSetText ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "SetPosX", InputSetPosX ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "SetPosY", InputSetPosY ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_COLOR32, "SetTextColor", InputSetTextColor ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_COLOR32, "SetTextColor2", InputSetTextColor2 ), END_DATADESC() bool CGameText::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "color")) { int color[4]; V_StringToIntArray( color, 4, szValue ); m_textParms.r1 = color[0]; m_textParms.g1 = color[1]; m_textParms.b1 = color[2]; m_textParms.a1 = color[3]; } else if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "color2")) { int color[4]; V_StringToIntArray( color, 4, szValue ); m_textParms.r2 = color[0]; m_textParms.g2 = color[1]; m_textParms.b2 = color[2]; m_textParms.a2 = color[3]; } else return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); return true; } void CGameText::InputDisplay( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Display( inputdata.pActivator ); } void CGameText::Display( CBaseEntity *pActivator ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) ) return; if ( MessageToAll() ) { UTIL_HudMessageAll( m_textParms, MessageGet() ); } else { // If we're in singleplayer, show the message to the player. if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); UTIL_HudMessage( pPlayer, m_textParms, MessageGet() ); } // Otherwise show the message to the player that triggered us. else if ( pActivator && pActivator->IsNetClient() ) { UTIL_HudMessage( ToBasePlayer( pActivator ), m_textParms, MessageGet() ); } } } void CGameText::InputSetText( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetText( inputdata.value.String() ); } void CGameText::SetText( const char* pszStr ) { m_iszMessage = AllocPooledString( pszStr ); } void CGameText::InputSetPosX( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetPosX( inputdata.value.Float() ); } void CGameText::SetPosX( float flPosX ) { m_textParms.x = flPosX; } void CGameText::InputSetPosY( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetPosY( inputdata.value.Float() ); } void CGameText::SetPosY( float flPosY ) { m_textParms.y = flPosY; } void CGameText::InputSetTextColor( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetTextColor( inputdata.value.Color32() ); } void CGameText::SetTextColor( color32 color ) { m_textParms.r1 = color.r; m_textParms.g1 = color.g; m_textParms.b1 = color.b; m_textParms.a1 = color.a; } void CGameText::InputSetTextColor2( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetTextColor2( inputdata.value.Color32() ); } void CGameText::SetTextColor2( color32 color ) { m_textParms.r2 = color.r; m_textParms.g2 = color.g; m_textParms.b2 = color.b; m_textParms.a2 = color.a; } /* TODO: Replace with an entity I/O version // // CGameTeamSet / game_team_set -- Changes the team of the entity it targets to the activator's team // Flag: Fire once // Flag: Clear team -- Sets the team to "NONE" instead of activator #define SF_TEAMSET_FIREONCE 0x0001 #define SF_TEAMSET_CLEARTEAM 0x0002 class CGameTeamSet : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGameTeamSet, CRulePointEntity ); inline bool RemoveOnFire( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_TEAMSET_FIREONCE) ? true : false; } inline bool ShouldClearTeam( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_TEAMSET_CLEARTEAM) ? true : false; } void InputTrigger( inputdata_t &inputdata ); private: COutputEvent m_OnTrigger; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_team_set, CGameTeamSet ); void CGameTeamSet::InputTrigger( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( inputdata.pActivator ) ) return; if ( ShouldClearTeam() ) { // clear the team of our target } else { // set the team of our target to our activator's team } m_OnTrigger.FireOutput(pActivator, this); if ( RemoveOnFire() ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } } */ // // CGamePlayerZone / game_player_zone -- players in the zone fire my target when I'm fired // // Needs master? class CGamePlayerZone : public CRuleBrushEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGamePlayerZone, CRuleBrushEntity ); void InputCountPlayersInZone( inputdata_t &inputdata ); DECLARE_DATADESC(); private: COutputEvent m_OnPlayerInZone; COutputEvent m_OnPlayerOutZone; COutputInt m_PlayersInCount; COutputInt m_PlayersOutCount; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_zone_player, CGamePlayerZone ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGamePlayerZone ) // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "CountPlayersInZone", InputCountPlayersInZone), // Outputs DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnPlayerInZone, "OnPlayerInZone"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnPlayerOutZone, "OnPlayerOutZone"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_PlayersInCount, "PlayersInCount"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_PlayersOutCount, "PlayersOutCount"), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Counts all the players in the zone. Fires one output per player // in the zone, one output per player out of the zone, and outputs // with the total counts of players in and out of the zone. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGamePlayerZone::InputCountPlayersInZone( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { int playersInCount = 0; int playersOutCount = 0; if ( !CanFireForActivator( inputdata.pActivator ) ) return; CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pPlayer ) { trace_t trace; Hull_t hullType; hullType = HULL_HUMAN; if ( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) { hullType = HULL_SMALL_CENTERED; } UTIL_TraceModel( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), NAI_Hull::Mins(hullType), NAI_Hull::Maxs(hullType), this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace ); if ( trace.startsolid ) { playersInCount++; m_OnPlayerInZone.FireOutput(pPlayer, this); } else { playersOutCount++; m_OnPlayerOutZone.FireOutput(pPlayer, this); } } } m_PlayersInCount.Set(playersInCount, inputdata.pActivator, this); m_PlayersOutCount.Set(playersOutCount, inputdata.pActivator, this); } /* // Disable. Eventually will be replace by new activator filter entities. (LHL) // // CGamePlayerHurt / game_player_hurt -- Damages the player who fires it // Flag: Fire once #define SF_PKILL_FIREONCE 0x0001 class CGamePlayerHurt : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGamePlayerHurt, CRulePointEntity ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); inline bool RemoveOnFire( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_PKILL_FIREONCE) ? true : false; } DECLARE_DATADESC(); private: float m_flDamage; // Damage to inflict, negative values give health. COutputEvent m_OnUse; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_player_hurt, CGamePlayerHurt ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGamePlayerHurt ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flDamage, FIELD_FLOAT, "dmg" ), END_DATADESC() void CGamePlayerHurt::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) ) return; if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { if ( m_flDamage < 0 ) { pActivator->TakeHealth( -m_flDamage, DMG_GENERIC ); } else { pActivator->TakeDamage( this, this, m_flDamage, DMG_GENERIC ); } } SUB_UseTargets( pActivator, useType, value ); m_OnUse.FireOutput(pActivator, this); // dvsents2: handle useType and value here - they are passed through if ( RemoveOnFire() ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } } */ // // CGamePlayerEquip / game_playerequip -- Sets the default player equipment // Flag: USE Only LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_player_equip, CGamePlayerEquip ); //--------------------------------------------------------- // Save/Restore //--------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_DATADESC( CGamePlayerEquip ) DEFINE_AUTO_ARRAY( m_weaponNames, FIELD_STRING ), DEFINE_AUTO_ARRAY( m_weaponCount, FIELD_INTEGER ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "TriggerForAllPlayers", InputTriggerForAllPlayers), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_STRING, "TriggerForActivatedPlayer", InputTriggerForActivatedPlayer), END_DATADESC() void CGamePlayerEquip::InputTriggerForAllPlayers( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { TriggerForAllPlayers(); } void CGamePlayerEquip::InputTriggerForActivatedPlayer( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast( inputdata.pActivator ); if ( pPlayer ) TriggerForActivatedPlayer( pPlayer, inputdata.value.String() ); } bool CGamePlayerEquip::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( !BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIP; i++ ) { if ( !m_weaponNames[i] ) { char tmp[128]; UTIL_StripToken( szKeyName, tmp ); m_weaponNames[i] = AllocPooledString(tmp); m_weaponCount[i] = atoi(szValue); m_weaponCount[i] = MAX(0,m_weaponCount[i]); return true; } } } return false; } void CGamePlayerEquip::TriggerForAllPlayers( void ) { for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CBasePlayer *pToPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pToPlayer ) { if ( CanFireForActivator( pToPlayer ) ) { EquipPlayer( pToPlayer ); } } } } void CGamePlayerEquip::TriggerForActivatedPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *szWeapon ) { if ( pPlayer ) { if ( CanFireForActivator( pPlayer ) ) { EquipPlayer( pPlayer, szWeapon ); } } } void CGamePlayerEquip::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pOther ) ) return; if ( UseOnly() ) return; EquipPlayer( pOther ); } void CGamePlayerEquip::EquipPlayer( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *szWeapon ) { if ( !pEntity ) return; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL; if ( pEntity->IsPlayer() ) { pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pEntity; } if ( !pPlayer ) return; if ( StripFirst() ) { // remove all our weapons and armor pPlayer->RemoveAllItems( true ); } const char *weaponName = szWeapon; int nMaxLoop = MAX_EQUIP; if ( szWeapon != NULL ) nMaxLoop = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIP; i++ ) { if ( szWeapon == NULL && !m_weaponNames[i] ) break; if ( szWeapon == NULL ) weaponName = STRING( m_weaponNames[i] ); CSWeaponID weaponID = WeaponIdFromString( weaponName ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = static_cast( pPlayer ); // if it's a grenade and we don't have it, give it // if we do have it, don't do anything because you can only carry one of each grenade // TODO: if we change how many grenades you can carry, this code needs to cover that, this is poor code otherwise if ( pCSPlayer && IsGrenadeWeapon( weaponID ) ) { if ( !pCSPlayer->Weapon_OwnsThisType( weaponName ) ) { AcquireResult::Type acquireResult = pCSPlayer->CanAcquire( weaponID, AcquireMethod::PickUp, NULL ); if ( acquireResult == AcquireResult::Allowed ) pCSPlayer->GiveNamedItem( weaponName ); } } else { if ( OnlyStripSameWeaponType() ) { if ( weaponID == WEAPON_NONE ) { for ( int i = GGLIST_PISTOLS_START; i < ( GGLIST_SNIPERS_LAST ); i++ ) { const char *item_name = weaponName; if ( IsWeaponClassname( item_name ) ) { item_name += WEAPON_CLASSNAME_PREFIX_LENGTH; } if ( V_strcmp( ggWeaponAliasNameList[i].aliasName, item_name ) == 0 ) { weaponID = ggWeaponAliasNameList[i].id; break; } } } if ( IsPrimaryWeapon( weaponID ) ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pPrimary = pPlayer->Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ); if ( pPrimary ) pPlayer->RemoveWeaponOnPlayer( pPrimary ); } else if ( IsSecondaryWeapon( weaponID ) ) { CBaseCombatWeapon *pSecondary = pPlayer->Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_PISTOL ); if ( pSecondary ) pPlayer->RemoveWeaponOnPlayer( pSecondary ); } } pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( weaponName ); if ( const CCSWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo = GetWeaponInfo( weaponID ) ) { int nType = pWeaponInfo->GetPrimaryAmmoType(); pPlayer->GiveAmmo( m_weaponCount[ i ], nType ); } } } } void CGamePlayerEquip::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { EquipPlayer( pActivator ); // note: pActivator may sometimes be NULL } // // CGamePlayerTeam / game_player_team -- Changes the team of the player who fired it // Flag: Fire once // Flag: Kill Player // Flag: Gib Player #define SF_PTEAM_FIREONCE 0x0001 #define SF_PTEAM_KILL 0x0002 #define SF_PTEAM_GIB 0x0004 class CGamePlayerTeam : public CRulePointEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CGamePlayerTeam, CRulePointEntity ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); private: inline bool RemoveOnFire( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_PTEAM_FIREONCE) ? true : false; } inline bool ShouldKillPlayer( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_PTEAM_KILL) ? true : false; } inline bool ShouldGibPlayer( void ) { return (m_spawnflags & SF_PTEAM_GIB) ? true : false; } const char *TargetTeamName( const char *pszTargetName, CBaseEntity *pActivator ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_player_team, CGamePlayerTeam ); const char *CGamePlayerTeam::TargetTeamName( const char *pszTargetName, CBaseEntity *pActivator ) { CBaseEntity *pTeamEntity = NULL; while ((pTeamEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pTeamEntity, pszTargetName, NULL, pActivator )) != NULL) { if ( FClassnameIs( pTeamEntity, "game_team_master" ) ) return pTeamEntity->TeamID(); } return NULL; } void CGamePlayerTeam::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( !CanFireForActivator( pActivator ) ) return; if ( pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { const char *pszTargetTeam = TargetTeamName( STRING(m_target), pActivator ); if ( pszTargetTeam ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pActivator; g_pGameRules->ChangePlayerTeam( pPlayer, pszTargetTeam, ShouldKillPlayer(), ShouldGibPlayer() ); } } if ( RemoveOnFire() ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } }