//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: implements various common send proxies // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "sendproxy.h" #include "basetypes.h" #include "baseentity.h" #include "team.h" #include "player.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" void SendProxy_Color32ToInt( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ) { color32 *pIn = (color32*)pData; *((unsigned int*)&pOut->m_Int) = ((unsigned int)pIn->r << 24) | ((unsigned int)pIn->g << 16) | ((unsigned int)pIn->b << 8) | ((unsigned int)pIn->a); } void SendProxy_EHandleToInt( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID) { CBaseHandle *pHandle = (CBaseHandle*)pVarData; if ( pHandle && pHandle->Get() ) { int iSerialNum = pHandle->GetSerialNumber() & (1 << NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS) - 1; pOut->m_Int = pHandle->GetEntryIndex() | (iSerialNum << MAX_EDICT_BITS); } else { pOut->m_Int = INVALID_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_VALUE; } } void SendProxy_IntAddOne( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID) { int *pInt = (int *)pVarData; pOut->m_Int = (*pInt) + 1; } void SendProxy_ShortAddOne( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID) { short *pInt = (short *)pVarData; pOut->m_Int = (*pInt) + 1; } SendProp SendPropBool( char *pVarName, int offset, int sizeofVar ) { Assert( sizeofVar == sizeof( bool ) ); return SendPropInt( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ); } SendProp SendPropEHandle( char *pVarName, int offset, int flags, int sizeofVar, SendVarProxyFn proxyFn ) { return SendPropInt( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED|flags, proxyFn ); } SendProp SendPropIntWithMinusOneFlag( char *pVarName, int offset, int sizeofVar, int nBits, SendVarProxyFn proxyFn ) { return SendPropInt( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, nBits, SPROP_UNSIGNED, proxyFn ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Proxy that only sends data to team members // Input : *pStruct - // *pData - // *pOut - // objectID - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void* SendProxy_OnlyToTeam( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, CSendProxyRecipients *pRecipients, int objectID ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity*)pStruct; if ( pEntity ) { CTeam *pTeam = pEntity->GetTeam(); if ( pTeam ) { pRecipients->ClearAllRecipients(); for ( int i=0; i < pTeam->GetNumPlayers(); i++ ) pRecipients->SetRecipient( pTeam->GetPlayer( i )->GetClientIndex() ); return (void*)pVarData; } } return NULL; } REGISTER_SEND_PROXY_NON_MODIFIED_POINTER( SendProxy_OnlyToTeam ); #define TIME_BITS 24 // This table encodes edict data. static void SendProxy_Time( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ) { float clock_base = floor( gpGlobals->curtime ); float t = *( float * )pVarData; float dt = t - clock_base; int addt = Floor2Int( 1000.0f * dt + 0.5f ); // TIME_BITS bits gives us TIME_BITS-1 bits plus sign bit int maxoffset = 1 << ( TIME_BITS - 1); addt = clamp( addt, -maxoffset, maxoffset ); pOut->m_Int = addt; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pVarName - // sizeofVar - // flags - // pId - // Output : SendProp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SendProp SendPropTime( char *pVarName, int offset, int sizeofVar ) { // return SendPropInt( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, TIME_BITS, 0, SendProxy_Time ); // FIXME: Re-enable above when it doesn't cause lots of deltas return SendPropFloat( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, -1, SPROP_NOSCALE ); } #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) && defined( USE_PREDICTABLEID ) #define PREDICTABLE_ID_BITS 31 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Converts a predictable Id to an integer // Input : *pStruct - // *pVarData - // *pOut - // iElement - // objectID - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void SendProxy_PredictableIdToInt( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ) { CPredictableId* pId = ( CPredictableId * )pVarData; if ( pId ) { pOut->m_Int = pId->GetRaw(); } else { pOut->m_Int = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pVarName - // sizeofVar - // flags - // pId - // Output : SendProp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SendProp SendPropPredictableId( char *pVarName, int offset, int sizeofVar ) { return SendPropInt( pVarName, offset, sizeofVar, PREDICTABLE_ID_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED, SendProxy_PredictableIdToInt ); } #endif void SendProxy_StringT_To_String( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pVarData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ) { string_t &str = *((string_t*)pVarData); pOut->m_pString = (char*)STRING( str ); } SendProp SendPropStringT( char *pVarName, int offset, int sizeofVar ) { // Make sure it's the right type. Assert( sizeofVar == sizeof( string_t ) ); return SendPropString( pVarName, offset, DT_MAX_STRING_BUFFERSIZE, 0, SendProxy_StringT_To_String ); } void CSendProxyRecipients::SetRecipient( int iClient ) { m_Bits.Set( iClient ); } void CSendProxyRecipients::ClearRecipient( int iClient ) { m_Bits.Clear( iClient ); } void CSendProxyRecipients::SetOnly( int iClient ) { m_Bits.ClearAll(); SetRecipient( iClient ); CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( iClient + 1 ); if ( pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast< CBasePlayer * >( pEntity ); if ( pPlayer->IsSplitScreenPlayer() ) { if ( pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerOwner() ) { SetRecipient( pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerOwner()->entindex() - 1 ); } else { AssertOnce( !"CSendProxyRecipients::SetOnly: NULL pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerOwner()" ); } } else { CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayer> > &list = pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayers(); for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { CBasePlayer *pSplitPlayer = list[ i ]; if ( !pSplitPlayer ) { continue; } int iEntIndex = pSplitPlayer->entindex(); SetRecipient( iEntIndex - 1 ); } } } } void CSendProxyRecipients::ExcludeOnly( int iClient ) { m_Bits.SetAll(); ClearRecipient( iClient ); CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( iClient + 1 ); if ( pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast< CBasePlayer * >( pEntity ); if ( pPlayer->IsSplitScreenPlayer() ) { if ( pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerOwner() ) { ClearRecipient( pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerOwner()->entindex() - 1 ); } } else { CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayer> > &list = pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayers(); for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { CBasePlayer *pSplitPlayer = list[ i ]; if ( !pSplitPlayer ) { continue; } int iEntIndex = pSplitPlayer->entindex(); ClearRecipient( iEntIndex - 1 ); } } } }