//====== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======= // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "vpc.h" #include "baseprojectdatacollector.h" #include "tier1/utlstack.h" #include "projectgenerator_xcode.h" extern bool g_bForceGenerate; static const char *g_pOption_OptimizerLevel = "$OptimizerLevel"; static const char *g_pOption_GameOutputFile = "$GameOutputFile"; static const char *g_pOption_SymbolVisibility = "$SymbolVisibility"; static const char *g_pOption_ConfigurationType = "$ConfigurationType"; static const char *g_pOption_PrecompiledHeader = "$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader"; static const char *g_pOption_UsePCHThroughFile = "$Create/UsePCHThroughFile"; static const char *g_pOption_PrecompiledHeaderFile = "$PrecompiledHeaderFile"; static const char *g_pOption_SystemLibraries = "$SystemLibraries"; static const char *g_pOption_SystemFrameworks = "$SystemFrameworks"; static const char *g_pOption_LocalFrameworks = "$LocalFrameworks"; static const char *g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags = "$GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags"; static const char *g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags = "$GCC_ExtraLinkerFlags"; static const char *g_pOption_ForceInclude = "$ForceIncludes"; static const char *g_pOption_LowerCaseFileNames = "$LowerCaseFileNames"; static const char *g_pOption_PostBuildEvent = "$PostBuildEvent"; static const char *g_pOption_CommandLine = "$CommandLine"; static const char *g_pOption_Description = "$Description"; static const char *g_pOption_Outputs = "$Outputs"; static const char *k_pszBase_Makefile = "$(SRCROOT)/devtools/makefile_base_posix.mak"; // These are the only properties we care about for makefiles. static const char *g_pRelevantProperties[] = { g_pOption_AdditionalIncludeDirectories, g_pOption_OptimizerLevel, g_pOption_OutputFile, g_pOption_GameOutputFile, g_pOption_SymbolVisibility, g_pOption_PreprocessorDefinitions, g_pOption_ConfigurationType, g_pOption_ImportLibrary, g_pOption_PrecompiledHeader, g_pOption_UsePCHThroughFile, g_pOption_PrecompiledHeaderFile, g_pOption_CommandLine, g_pOption_Outputs, g_pOption_Description, g_pOption_SystemLibraries, g_pOption_SystemFrameworks, g_pOption_LocalFrameworks, g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags, g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags, g_pOption_ForceInclude, }; CRelevantPropertyNames g_RelevantPropertyNames = { g_pRelevantProperties, Q_ARRAYSIZE( g_pRelevantProperties ) }; void MakeFriendlyProjectName( char *pchProject ); void V_MakeAbsoluteCygwinPath( char *pOut, int outLen, const char *pRelativePath ) { // While generating makefiles under Win32, we must translate drive letters like c:\ // to Cygwin-style paths like /cygdrive/c/ #ifdef _WIN32 char tmp[MAX_PATH]; V_MakeAbsolutePath( tmp, sizeof( tmp ), pRelativePath ); V_FixSlashes( tmp, '/' ); if ( tmp[0] != 0 && tmp[1] == ':' && tmp[2] == '/' ) { // Ok, this is an absolute path V_snprintf( pOut, outLen, "/cygdrive/%c/", tmp[0] ); V_strncat( pOut, &tmp[3], outLen ); } else #endif // _WIN32 { V_MakeAbsolutePath( pOut, outLen, pRelativePath ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( pOut ); } } static const char* UsePOSIXSlashes( const char *pStr ) { static char str[2048]; V_strncpy( str, pStr, sizeof( str ) ); V_FixSlashes( str, '/' ); return str; } // pExt should be the bare extension without the . in front. i.e. "h", "cpp", "lib". static inline bool CheckExtension( const char *pFilename, const char *pExt ) { Assert( pExt[0] != '.' ); int nFilenameLen = V_strlen( pFilename ); int nExtensionLen = V_strlen( pExt ); return (nFilenameLen > nExtensionLen && pFilename[nFilenameLen-nExtensionLen-1] == '.' && V_stricmp( &pFilename[nFilenameLen-nExtensionLen], pExt ) == 0 ); } static bool CheckExtensions( const char *pFilename, const char **ppExtensions ) { for ( int i=0; ppExtensions[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( CheckExtension( pFilename, ppExtensions[i] ) ) return true; } return false; } static void GetObjFilenameForFile( const char *pConfigName, const char *pFilename, char *pOut, int maxLen ) { char sBaseFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_FileBase( pFilename, sBaseFilename, sizeof( sBaseFilename ) ); //V_strlower( sBaseFilename ); const char *pObjExtension = (CheckExtension( pFilename, "cxx" ) ? "oxx" : "o"); V_snprintf( pOut, maxLen, "$(OBJ_DIR)/%s.%s", sBaseFilename, pObjExtension ); } // This class drastically accelerates looking up which file creates which precompiled header. class CPrecompiledHeaderAccel { public: void Setup( CUtlDict &files, CFileConfig *pBaseConfig ) { for ( int i=files.First(); i != files.InvalidIndex(); i=files.Next( i ) ) { CFileConfig *pFile = files[i]; for ( int iSpecific=pFile->m_Configurations.First(); iSpecific != pFile->m_Configurations.InvalidIndex(); iSpecific=pFile->m_Configurations.Next( iSpecific ) ) { CSpecificConfig *pSpecific = pFile->m_Configurations[iSpecific]; if ( pSpecific->m_bFileExcluded ) continue; // Does this file create a precompiled header? const char *pPrecompiledHeaderOption = pSpecific->GetOption( g_pOption_PrecompiledHeader ); if ( pPrecompiledHeaderOption && V_stristr( pPrecompiledHeaderOption, "Create" ) ) { // Ok, which header do we scan through? const char *pUsePCHThroughFile = pSpecific->GetOption( g_pOption_UsePCHThroughFile ); if ( !pUsePCHThroughFile ) { g_pVPC->VPCError( "File %s creates a precompiled header in config %s but no UsePCHThroughFile option specified.", pFile->m_Filename.String(), pSpecific->GetConfigName() ); } char sLookup[1024]; V_snprintf( sLookup, sizeof( sLookup ), "%s__%s", pSpecific->GetConfigName(), pUsePCHThroughFile ); if ( m_Lookup.Find( sLookup ) != m_Lookup.InvalidIndex() ) { g_pVPC->VPCError( "File %s has UsePCHThroughFile of %s but another file already does.", pFile->m_Filename.String(), pUsePCHThroughFile ); } m_Lookup.Insert( sLookup, pFile ); } } } } CFileConfig* FindFileThatCreatesPrecompiledHeader( const char *pConfigName, const char *pUsePCHThroughFile ) { char sLookup[1024]; V_snprintf( sLookup, sizeof( sLookup ), "%s__%s", pConfigName, pUsePCHThroughFile ); int i = m_Lookup.Find( sLookup ); if ( i == m_Lookup.InvalidIndex() ) return NULL; else return m_Lookup[i]; } private: // This indexes whatever file creates a certain precompiled header for a certain config. // These are indexed as _. // So an entry might look like release_cbase.h CUtlDict m_Lookup; }; class CProjectGenerator_Makefile : public CBaseProjectDataCollector { public: typedef CBaseProjectDataCollector BaseClass; CProjectGenerator_Makefile() : BaseClass( &g_RelevantPropertyNames ) { } virtual void Setup() { } virtual const char* GetProjectFileExtension() { return "mak"; } virtual void EndProject() { const char *pMakefileFilename = g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename(); CUtlString strProjectName = GetProjectName(); bool bProjectIsCurrent = g_pVPC->IsProjectCurrent( pMakefileFilename ); if ( g_pVPC->IsForceGenerate() || !bProjectIsCurrent ) { g_pVPC->VPCStatus( true, "Saving makefile project for: '%s' File: '%s'", strProjectName.String(), g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename() ); WriteMakefile( pMakefileFilename ); } const char *pTargetPlatformName = g_pVPC->GetTargetPlatformName(); if ( !pTargetPlatformName ) g_pVPC->VPCError( "GetTargetPlatformName failed." ); if ( !V_stricmp( pTargetPlatformName, "OSX32" ) || !V_stricmp( pTargetPlatformName, "OSX64" ) ) { if ( g_pVPC->IsForceGenerate() || !bProjectIsCurrent ) { // Write a XCode project as well. char sFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename(), sFilename, sizeof( sFilename ) ); CProjectGenerator_XCode xcodeGenerator; xcodeGenerator.GenerateXCodeProject( this, sFilename, pMakefileFilename ); } extern CUtlVector g_vecPGenerators; g_vecPGenerators.AddToTail( this ); extern IBaseProjectGenerator *g_pGenerator; g_pVPC->SetProjectGenerator( new CProjectGenerator_Makefile() ); } else { Term(); } } void WriteSourceFilesList( FILE *fp, const char *pListName, const char **pExtensions, const char *pConfigName ) { fprintf( fp, "%s= \\\n", pListName ); for ( int i=m_Files.First(); i != m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = m_Files[i]; if ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( pConfigName ) ) continue; const char *pFilename = m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String(); if ( CheckExtensions( pFilename, pExtensions ) ) { fprintf( fp, " %s \\\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( pFilename ) ); } } fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); } void WriteNonConfigSpecificStuff( FILE *fp ) { // NAME char szName[256]; V_strncpy( szName, m_ProjectName.String(), sizeof(szName) ); MakeFriendlyProjectName( szName ); fprintf( fp, "NAME=%s\n", szName ); // SRCDIR char sSrcRootRelative[MAX_PATH]; g_pVPC->ResolveMacrosInString( "$SRCDIR", sSrcRootRelative, sizeof( sSrcRootRelative ) ); fprintf( fp, "SRCROOT=%s\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( sSrcRootRelative ) ); // TargetPlatformName const char *pTargetPlatformName = g_pVPC->GetTargetPlatformName(); if ( !pTargetPlatformName ) g_pVPC->VPCError( "GetTargetPlatformName failed." ); fprintf( fp, "TARGET_PLATFORM=%s\n", pTargetPlatformName ); fprintf( fp, "PWD:=$(shell pwd)\n" ); // Select debug config if no config is specified. fprintf( fp, "# If no configuration is specified, \"release\" will be used.\n" ); fprintf( fp, "ifeq \"$(CFG)\" \"\"\n" ); fprintf( fp, "CFG=release\n" ); fprintf( fp, "endif\n\n" ); } void WriteConfigSpecificStuff( CSpecificConfig *pConfig, FILE *fp, CPrecompiledHeaderAccel *pAccel ) { KeyValues *pKV = pConfig->m_pKV; fprintf( fp, "#\n#\n# CFG=%s\n#\n#\n\n", pConfig->GetConfigName() ); fprintf( fp, "ifeq \"$(CFG)\" \"%s\"\n\n", pConfig->GetConfigName() ); // GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags // Hopefully, they don't ever need to use backslashes because we're turning them into forward slashes here. // If that does become a problem, we can put some token around the pathnames we need to be fixed up and leave the rest alone. fprintf( fp, "GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags=%s\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags, "" ) ) ); // GCC_ExtraLinkerFlags fprintf( fp, "GCC_ExtraLinkerFlags=%s\n", pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags, "" ) ); // SymbolVisibility fprintf( fp, "SymbolVisibility=%s\n", pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SymbolVisibility, "hidden" ) ); // OptimizerLevel fprintf( fp, "OptimizerLevel=%s\n", pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OptimizerLevel, "$(SAFE_OPTFLAGS_GCC_422)" ) ); // system libraries { fprintf( fp, "SystemLibraries=" ); { CSplitString libs( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < libs.Count(); i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "-l%s ", libs[i] ); } } if ( !V_stricmp( g_pVPC->GetTargetPlatformName(), "OSX32" ) || !V_stricmp( g_pVPC->GetTargetPlatformName(), "OSX64" ) ) { char rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags[1024]; rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags[0] = '\0'; CSplitString systemFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < systemFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "-framework %s ", systemFrameworks[i] ); } CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkName[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ), rgchFrameworkName, sizeof( rgchFrameworkName ) ); V_StripFilename( localFrameworks[i] ); fprintf( fp, "-F%s ", localFrameworks[i] ); fprintf( fp, "-framework %s ", rgchFrameworkName ); strcat( rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags, "-F" ); strcat( rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags, localFrameworks[i] ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); if ( rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags[0] ) // the colon here is important - and should probably get percolated to more places in our generated // makefiles - it means to perform the assignment once, rather than at evaluation time fprintf( fp, "GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags:=$(GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags) %s\n", rgchFrameworkCompilerFlags ); } else fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } macro_t *pMacro = g_pVPC->FindOrCreateMacro( "_DLL_EXT", false, NULL ); if ( pMacro ) fprintf( fp, "DLL_EXT=%s\n", pMacro->value.String() ); pMacro = g_pVPC->FindOrCreateMacro( "_SYM_EXT", false, NULL ); if ( pMacro ) fprintf( fp, "SYM_EXT=%s\n", pMacro->value.String() ); // ForceIncludes { CSplitString outStrings( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ForceInclude ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); fprintf( fp, "FORCEINCLUDES= " ); for ( int i=0; i < outStrings.Count(); i++ ) { if ( V_strlen( outStrings[i] ) > 2 ) fprintf( fp, "-include %s ", UsePOSIXSlashes( outStrings[i] ) ); } } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // DEFINES { CSplitString outStrings( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_PreprocessorDefinitions ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); fprintf( fp, "DEFINES= " ); for ( int i=0; i < outStrings.Count(); i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "-D%s ", outStrings[i] ); } } // Add VPC macros marked to become defines. CUtlVector< macro_t* > macroDefines; g_pVPC->GetMacrosMarkedForCompilerDefines( macroDefines ); for ( int i=0; i < macroDefines.Count(); i++ ) { macro_t *pMacro = macroDefines[i]; fprintf( fp, "-D%s=%s ", pMacro->name.String(), pMacro->value.String() ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // INCLUDEDIRS { CSplitString outStrings( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_AdditionalIncludeDirectories ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); fprintf( fp, "INCLUDEDIRS= " ); for ( int i=0; i < outStrings.Count(); i++ ) { char sDir[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( sDir, outStrings[i], sizeof( sDir ) ); if ( !V_stricmp( sDir, "$(IntDir)" ) ) V_strncpy( sDir, "$(OBJ_DIR)", sizeof( sDir ) ); V_FixSlashes( sDir, '/' ); fprintf( fp, "%s ", sDir ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } // CONFTYPE if ( V_stristr( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ConfigurationType ), "dll" ) ) { fprintf( fp, "CONFTYPE=dll\n" ); // Write ImportLibrary for dll (so) builds. const char *pRelative = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ImportLibrary, "" ); fprintf( fp, "IMPORTLIBRARY=%s\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( pRelative ) ); // GameOutputFile is where it copies OutputFile to. fprintf( fp, "GAMEOUTPUTFILE=%s\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ) ); } else if ( V_stristr( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ConfigurationType ), "lib" ) ) { fprintf( fp, "CONFTYPE=lib\n" ); } else if ( V_stristr( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ConfigurationType ), "exe" ) ) { fprintf( fp, "CONFTYPE=exe\n" ); } else { fprintf( fp, "CONFTYPE=***UNKNOWN***\n" ); } // OutputFile is where it builds to. char szFixedOutputFile[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szFixedOutputFile, pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile ), sizeof( szFixedOutputFile ) ); V_FixSlashes( szFixedOutputFile, '/' ); fprintf( fp, "OUTPUTFILE=%s\n", szFixedOutputFile ); fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); // post build event char rgchPostBuildCommand[2048]; rgchPostBuildCommand[0] = '\0'; if ( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_CommandLine, NULL ) ) { V_strncpy( rgchPostBuildCommand, pKV->GetString( g_pOption_CommandLine, NULL ), sizeof( rgchPostBuildCommand ) ); // V_StripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( rgchPostBuildCommand ); } if ( Q_strlen( rgchPostBuildCommand ) ) fprintf( fp, "POSTBUILDCOMMAND=%s\n", rgchPostBuildCommand ); else fprintf( fp, "POSTBUILDCOMMAND=true\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); // Write all the filenames. const char *sSourceFileExtensions[] = {"cpp","cxx","cc","c","mm","cc",NULL}; fprintf( fp, "\n" ); WriteSourceFilesList( fp, "CPPFILES", (const char**)sSourceFileExtensions, pConfig->GetConfigName() ); // LIBFILES char sImportLibraryFile[MAX_PATH]; const char *pRelative = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ImportLibrary, "" ); V_strncpy( sImportLibraryFile, UsePOSIXSlashes( pRelative ), sizeof( sImportLibraryFile ) ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( sImportLibraryFile ); fprintf( fp, "LIBFILES = \\\n" ); for ( int i=m_Files.First(); i != m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = m_Files[i]; if ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( pConfig->GetConfigName() ) ) continue; char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szFilename, UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileConfig->m_Filename.String() ), sizeof( szFilename ) ); const char *pFilename = szFilename; if ( IsLibraryFile( pFilename ) ) { char *pchFileName = (char*)Q_strrchr( pFilename, '/' ) + 1; if ( !sImportLibraryFile[0] || Q_stricmp( sImportLibraryFile, pFilename ) ) // only link this as a library if it isn't our own output! { char szExt[32]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( pFilename, szExt, sizeof(szExt) ); if ( IsLibraryFile( pFilename ) && (pchFileName-1) && pchFileName[0] == 'l' && pchFileName[1] == 'i' && pchFileName[2] == 'b' && szExt[0] != 'a' ) // its a lib ext but not an archive file, link like a library { *(pchFileName-1) = 0; // Cygwin import libraries use ".dll.a", so get rid of any file extensions here. char *pExt; while ( 1 ) { pExt = (char*)Q_strrchr( pchFileName, '.' ); if ( !pExt || Q_strrchr( pchFileName, '/' ) > pExt || Q_strrchr( pchFileName, '\\' ) > pExt ) break; *pExt = 0; } fprintf( fp, " -L%s -l%s \\\n", pFilename, pchFileName + 3 ); // +3 to dodge the lib ext } else { fprintf( fp, " %s \\\n", pFilename ); } } } } fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); fprintf( fp, "LIBFILENAMES = \\\n" ); for ( int i=m_Files.First(); i != m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = m_Files[i]; if ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( pConfig->GetConfigName() ) ) continue; const char *pFilename = pFileConfig->m_Filename.String(); if ( IsLibraryFile( pFilename ) ) { if ( !sImportLibraryFile[0] || Q_stricmp( sImportLibraryFile, pFilename ) ) // only link this as a library if it isn't our own output! { fprintf( fp, " %s \\\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( pFilename ) ); } } } fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); // Include the base makefile before the rules to build the .o files. fprintf( fp, "# Include the base makefile now.\n" ); if ( g_pVPC->FindOrCreateConditional( "POSIX", false, CONDITIONAL_NULL ) ) { fprintf( fp, "include %s\n\n\n", k_pszBase_Makefile ); } CUtlVector< CUtlString > otherDependencies; // Scan the list of files for any generated dependencies so we can pull them up front for ( int i=m_Files.First(); i != m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = m_Files[i]; CSpecificConfig *pFileSpecificData = pFileConfig->GetOrCreateConfig( pConfig->GetConfigName(), pConfig ); if ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( pConfig->GetConfigName() ) ) { continue; } const char *pCustomBuildCommandLine = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_CommandLine ); const char *pOutputFile = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_Outputs ); if ( pOutputFile && pCustomBuildCommandLine && V_strlen( pCustomBuildCommandLine ) > 0 ) { char szTempFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szTempFilename, UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileConfig->m_Filename.String() ), sizeof( szTempFilename ) ); const char *pFilename = szTempFilename; // This file uses a custom build step. char sFormattedOutputFile[MAX_PATH]; char szAbsPath[MAX_PATH]; V_MakeAbsolutePath( szAbsPath, sizeof(szAbsPath), pFilename ); DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( pOutputFile, szAbsPath, sFormattedOutputFile, sizeof( sFormattedOutputFile ) ); CSplitString outFiles( sFormattedOutputFile, ";" ); for ( int i = 0; i < outFiles.Count(); i ++ ) { // Remember this as a dependency so the executable will depend on it. if ( otherDependencies.Find( outFiles[i] ) == otherDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) otherDependencies.AddToTail( outFiles[i] ); } } } WriteOtherDependencies( fp, otherDependencies ); fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); // Now write the rules to build the .o files. // .o files go in [project dir]/obj/[config]/[base filename] for ( int i=m_Files.First(); i != m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = m_Files[i]; CSpecificConfig *pFileSpecificData = pFileConfig->GetOrCreateConfig( pConfig->GetConfigName(), pConfig ); if ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( pConfig->GetConfigName() ) ) { continue; } char szTempFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szTempFilename, UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileConfig->m_Filename.String() ), sizeof( szTempFilename ) ); const char *pFilename = szTempFilename; char sAbsFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( sAbsFilename, pFilename, sizeof( sAbsFilename ) ); // Custom build steps?? const char *pCustomBuildCommandLine = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_CommandLine ); const char *pOutputFile = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_Outputs ); if ( pOutputFile && pCustomBuildCommandLine && V_strlen( pCustomBuildCommandLine ) > 0 ) { // This file uses a custom build step. char sFormattedOutputFile[MAX_PATH]; char sFormattedCommandLine[8192]; char szAbsPath[MAX_PATH]; V_MakeAbsolutePath( szAbsPath, sizeof(szAbsPath), sAbsFilename ); DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( pCustomBuildCommandLine, szAbsPath, sFormattedCommandLine, sizeof( sFormattedCommandLine ) ); DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( pOutputFile, szAbsPath, sFormattedOutputFile, sizeof( sFormattedOutputFile ) ); CSplitString outFiles( sFormattedOutputFile, ";" ); for ( int i = 0; i < outFiles.Count(); i ++ ) { fprintf( fp, "%s ", outFiles[i] ); } fprintf( fp, ": %s\n", UsePOSIXSlashes( szAbsPath ) ); const char *pDescription = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_Description ); DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( pDescription, szAbsPath, sFormattedOutputFile, sizeof( sFormattedOutputFile ) ); fprintf( fp, "\t @echo \"%s\";mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR) 2> /dev/null;%s\n\n", sFormattedOutputFile, sFormattedCommandLine ); } else if ( CheckExtensions( pFilename, (const char**)sSourceFileExtensions ) ) { //V_strlower( sAbsFilename ); char sObjFilename[MAX_PATH]; GetObjFilenameForFile( pConfig->GetConfigName(), pFilename, sObjFilename, sizeof( sObjFilename ) ); // Get the base obj filename for the .P file. char sPFileBase[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( sObjFilename, sPFileBase, sizeof( sPFileBase ) ); // include the .P file which will include dependency information. fprintf( fp, "ifneq (clean, $(findstring clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n%s.P: %s $(PWD)/%s %s $(OTHER_DEPENDENCIES)\n", sPFileBase, UsePOSIXSlashes( sAbsFilename ), g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename(), g_pVPC->FindOrCreateConditional( "POSIX", false, CONDITIONAL_NULL ) == NULL ? "" : k_pszBase_Makefile ); fprintf( fp, "\t$(GEN_DEP_FILE)\n"); fprintf( fp, "\n-include %s.P\n", sPFileBase ); fprintf( fp, "endif\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n%s : $(PWD)/%s $(PWD)/%s %s\n", sObjFilename, sAbsFilename, g_pVPC->GetOutputFilename(), g_pVPC->FindOrCreateConditional( "POSIX", false, CONDITIONAL_NULL ) == NULL ? "" : k_pszBase_Makefile ); fprintf( fp, "\t$(PRE_COMPILE_FILE)\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\t$(COMPILE_FILE) $(POST_COMPILE_FILE)\n" ); } } fprintf( fp, "\n\nendif # (CFG=%s)\n\n", pConfig->GetConfigName() ); fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); } void WriteOtherDependencies( FILE *fp, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &otherDependencies ) { fprintf( fp, "\nOTHER_DEPENDENCIES = \\\n" ); for ( int i=0; i < otherDependencies.Count(); i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "\t%s%s\n", otherDependencies[i].String(), (i == otherDependencies.Count()-1) ? "" : " \\" ); } fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); } void WriteMakefile( const char *pFilename ) { FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "wt" ); CPrecompiledHeaderAccel accel; accel.Setup( m_Files, &m_BaseConfigData ); // Write all the non-config-specific stuff. WriteNonConfigSpecificStuff( fp ); // Write each config out. for ( int i=m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations.First(); i != m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations.InvalidIndex(); i=m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations.Next( i ) ) { CSpecificConfig *pConfig = m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[i]; WriteConfigSpecificStuff( pConfig, fp, &accel ); } fclose( fp ); } bool m_bForceLowerCaseFileName; }; static CProjectGenerator_Makefile g_ProjectGenerator_Makefile; IBaseProjectGenerator* GetMakefileProjectGenerator() { return &g_ProjectGenerator_Makefile; }