// DX9AsmToGL2.h

#ifndef DX9_ASM_TO_GL_2_H
#define DX9_ASM_TO_GL_2_H
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"

#define DISASM_OK      0
#define DISASM_ERROR   1



#define HEXCODE_HEADER		"// Hex: "

// Option bits
#define D3DToGL_OptionUseEnvParams				0x001
#define D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupZ					0x002		// Add instructions to put Z in the right interval for GL
#define D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupY					0x004		// Add instructions to flip the Y over for GL
#define D3DToGL_OptionDoUserClipPlanes			0x008		// ARB mode: Include OPTION vertex_program_2 and append DP4's to write into oCLP[0] and oCLP[1]
															// GLSL mode: generate code to write gl_ClipVertex
#define D3DToGL_OptionGLSL						0x010		// Output GLSL, rather than ASM
#define D3DToGL_AddHexComments					0x020		// Include hex comments in the code for debugging
#define D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAfterLines		0x040		// If D3DToGL_AddHexComments is set, this puts the codes to the right, rather than on separate lines
#define D3DToGL_GeneratingDebugText				0x080		// This tells it that we're just getting info for debugging so go easy on asserts and errors
#define D3DToGL_OptionAllowStaticControlFlow	0x100
#define D3DToGL_OptionUseBindableUniforms		0x200		// add "bindable" in front of "vc" / "pc" constant arrays (GLSL only)
#define D3DToGL_OptionSRGBWriteSuffix			0x400		// Tack sRGB conversion suffix on to pixel shaders
#define D3DToGL_OptionSpew						0x80000000

// Code for which component of the "dummy" address register is needed by an instruction
#define ARL_DEST_NONE		-1
#define ARL_DEST_X			 0
#define ARL_DEST_Y			 1
#define ARL_DEST_Z			 2
#define ARL_DEST_W			 3

class D3DToGL
	// Pointers for dwToken stream management
	uint32* m_pdwBaseToken;
	uint32* m_pdwNextToken;

	// Vertex shader or pixel shader, and version (necessary because some opcodes alias)
	bool m_bVertexShader;
	uint32 m_dwMinorVersion;
	uint32 m_dwMajorVersion;

	// Option flags
	bool	m_bUseEnvParams;			// set D3DToGL_OptionUseEnvParams in 'options' to use
	bool	m_bDoFixupZ;				// set D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupZ
	bool	m_bDoFixupY;				// set D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupZ
	bool	m_bDoUserClipPlanes;		// set D3DToGL_OptionDoUserClipPlanes
	bool	m_bSpew;					// set D3DToGL_OptionSpew
	bool	m_bUseBindableUniforms;		// set D3DToGL_OptionUseBindableUniforms
	bool	m_bGenerateSRGBWriteSuffix;	// set D3DToGL_OptionSRGBWriteSuffix

	// Default: false
	// If you set this to true, it'll convert to GLSL instead of GL ASM.
	bool m_bGLSL;					// set D3DToGL_OptionGLSL

	// Default: false
	bool m_bAllowStaticControlFlow;	// set D3DToGL_OptionAllowStaticControlFlow

	// Counter for dealing with nested loops
	int m_nLoopDepth;

	// Add "// Hex: 0xFFEEF00"-type statements after each instruction is parsed.
	bool m_bAddHexCodeComments;		// set D3DToGL_AddHexComments

	// Only applicable if m_bAddHexCodeComments is true. 
	// If this is true, then it puts the hex code comments to the right of the instructions in a comment
	// rather than preceding the instructions.
	// Defaults to FALSE.
	bool m_bPutHexCodesAfterLines;	// set D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAtEnd

	// This tells it that we're just getting info for debugging so go easy on asserts and errors.
	// Defaults to FALSE.
	bool m_bGeneratingDebugText;

	// Various scratch temps needed to handle mis-matches in instruction sets between D3D and OpenGL
	bool m_bNeedsD2AddTemp;
	bool m_bNeedsNRMTemp;
	bool m_bDeclareAddressReg;
	bool m_bNeedsLerpTemp;
	bool m_bNeedsSinCosDeclarations;

	// Keep track of which vs outputs are used so we can declare them
	bool m_bDeclareVSOPos;
	bool m_bDeclareVSOFog;
	uint32 m_dwTexCoordOutMask;
	// Mask of varyings which need centroid decoration
	uint32 m_nCentroidMask;

	// Keep track of which temps are used so they can be declared
	uint32 m_dwTempUsageMask;
	bool m_bOutputColorRegister[2];
	bool m_bOutputDepthRegister;

	// Declaration of integer and bool constants
	uint32 m_dwConstIntUsageMask;
	uint32 m_dwConstBoolUsageMask;
	// Did we use atomic_temp_var?
	bool m_bUsedAtomicTempVar;
	// Track constants so we know how to declare them
	bool m_bConstantRegisterDefined[MAX_SHADER_CONSTANTS];

	// Track sampler types when declared so we can properly decorate TEX instructions
	uint32 m_dwSamplerTypes[32];
	// Track sampler usage
	uint32 m_dwSamplerUsageMask;

	// Track shadow sampler usage
	int m_nShadowDepthSampler;
	bool m_bDeclareShadowOption;

	// Track attribute references
	// init to 0xFFFFFFFF (unhit)
	// index by (dwRegToken & D3DSP_REGNUM_MASK) in VS DCL insns
	// fill with (usage<<4) | (usage index).
	uint32 m_dwAttribMap[16];	

	// Register high water mark
	uint32 m_nHighestRegister;
	// GLSL does indentation for readability
	int m_NumIndentTabs;

	// Output buffers.
	CUtlBuffer *m_pBufHeaderCode;
	CUtlBuffer *m_pBufAttribCode;
	CUtlBuffer *m_pBufParamCode;
	CUtlBuffer *m_pBufALUCode;

	char *m_pFinalAssignmentsCode;
	int m_nFinalAssignmentsBufSize;

	// Recorded positions for debugging.
	uint32* m_pRecordedInputTokenStart;
	int m_nRecordedParamCodeStrlen;
	int m_nRecordedALUCodeStrlen;
	int m_nRecordedAttribCodeStrlen;

	// In GLSL mode, these store the semantic attached to each oN register.
	// They are the values that you pass to GetUsageIndexAndString.
	uint32 m_DeclaredOutputs[MAX_DECLARED_OUTPUTS];

	// Have they used the tangent input semantic (i.e. is g_pTangentAttributeName declared)?
	bool m_bTangentInputUsed;

	// Utilities to aid in decoding token stream
	uint32 GetNextToken( void );
	void SkipTokens( uint32 numToSkip );
	uint32 Opcode( uint32 dwToken );
	uint32 OpcodeSpecificData( uint32 dwToken );
	uint32 TextureType ( uint32 dwToken );
	uint32 GetRegType( uint32 dwRegToken );

	// Write to the different buffers.
	void StrcatToHeaderCode( const char *pBuf );
	void StrcatToALUCode( const char *pBuf );
	void StrcatToParamCode( const char *pBuf );
	void StrcatToAttribCode( const char *pBuf );

	// This helps write the token hex codes into the output stream for debugging.
	void AddTokenHexCodeToBuffer( char *pBuffer, int nSize, int nLastStrlen );
	void RecordInputAndOutputPositions();
	void AddTokenHexCode();

	// Utilities for decoding tokens in to strings according to ASM syntax
	void PrintOpcode( uint32 inst, char* buff, int nBufLen );

	void PrintUsageAndIndexToString( uint32 dwToken, char* strUsageUsageIndexName, int nBufLen, int fSemanticFlags );
	CUtlString GetUsageAndIndexString( uint32 dwToken, int fSemanticFlags );
	CUtlString GetParameterString( uint32 dwToken, uint32 dwSourceOrDest, bool bForceScalarSource, int *pARLDestReg );
	const char* GetGLSLOperatorString( uint32 inst );

	void PrintParameterToString ( uint32 dwToken, uint32 dwSourceOrDest, char *pRegisterName, int nBufLen, bool bForceScalarSource, int *pARLDestReg );

	void InsertMoveFromAddressRegister( CUtlBuffer *pCode, int nARLComp0, int nARLComp1, int nARLComp2 = ARL_DEST_NONE );
	void InsertMoveInstruction( CUtlBuffer *pCode, int nARLComponent );
	void FlagIndirectRegister( uint32 dwToken, int *pARLDestReg );

	// Utilities for decoding tokens in to strings according to GLSL syntax
	bool OpenIntrinsic( uint32 inst, char* buff, int nBufLen, uint32 destDimension, uint32 nArgumentDimension );
	void PrintIndentation( char *pBuf, int nBufLen );

	uint32 MaintainAttributeMap( uint32 dwToken, uint32 dwRegToken );

	CUtlString FixGLSLSwizzle( const char *pDestRegisterName, const char *pSrcRegisterName );
	void WriteGLSLCmp( const char *pDestReg, const char *pSrc0Reg, const char *pSrc1Reg, const char *pSrc2Reg );
	void WriteGLSLSamplerDefinitions();
	void WriteGLSLOutputVariableAssignments();
	void NoteTangentInputUsed();

	void Handle_DCL();
	void Handle_DEF();
	void Handle_MAD( uint32 nInstruction );
	void Handle_DP2ADD();
	void Handle_SINCOS();
	void Handle_LRP( uint32 nInstruction );
	void Handle_TEX( uint32 dwToken, bool bIsTexLDL );
	void Handle_TexLDD( uint32 nInstruction );
	void Handle_TexCoord();
	void Handle_UnaryOp( uint32 nInstruction );
	void HandleBinaryOp_GLSL( uint32 nInstruction );
	void HandleBinaryOp_ASM( uint32 nInstruction );
	void Handle_CMP();
	void Handle_NRM();
	void Handle_DeclarativeNonDclOp( uint32 nInstruction );


	int TranslateShader( uint32* code, CUtlBuffer *pBufDisassembledCode, bool *bVertexShader, uint32 options, int32 nShadowDepthSampler, uint32 nCentroidMask, char *debugLabel );

#endif // DX9_ASM_TO_GL_2_H