//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $


	#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500

#include "gameuischeme.h"
#include "gameuisystemsurface.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "gameuisystemmgr.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "vgui_surfacelib/fontmanager.h"
#include "vgui/isurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/controls.h"  // has system() 

#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"


CGameUISchemeManager g_GameUISchemeManager;
CGameUISchemeManager *g_pGameUISchemeManager = &g_GameUISchemeManager;

// Helper function for getting the language the game ui should use.
static void HelperGetLanguage( char *pLanguageBuf, int bufSize )
	bool bValid = false;
	if ( IsPC() )
		bValid = vgui::system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\Language", pLanguageBuf, bufSize - 1 );	
		Q_strncpy( pLanguageBuf, XBX_GetLanguageString(), bufSize );
		bValid = true;

	if ( !bValid )
		Q_strncpy( pLanguageBuf, "english", bufSize );

// Constructor
	// 0th element is null, since that would be an invalid handle
	CGameUIScheme *nullScheme = new CGameUIScheme();
	Assert( g_pGameUISystemSurface );

// Purpose: Destructor
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < m_Schemes.Count(); i++ )
		delete m_Schemes[i];
		m_Schemes[i] = NULL;

	Shutdown( false );

// Purpose: Reloads the schemes from the files
void CGameUISchemeManager::ReloadSchemes()
	int count = m_Schemes.Count();
	Shutdown( false );
	// reload the scheme
	for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
		LoadSchemeFromFile( m_Schemes[i]->GetFileName(), m_Schemes[i]->GetName() );

// Purpose: Reload the fonts in all schemes
void CGameUISchemeManager::ReloadFonts( int inScreenTall )
	for (int i = 1; i < m_Schemes.Count(); i++)
		m_Schemes[i]->ReloadFontGlyphs( inScreenTall );

// Purpose: 
void CGameUISchemeManager::Shutdown( bool full )
	// Full shutdown kills the null scheme
	for( int i = full ? 0 : 1; i < m_Schemes.Count(); i++ )
		m_Schemes[i]->Shutdown( full );

	if ( full )

// Purpose: Find an already loaded scheme
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISchemeManager::FindLoadedScheme( const char *pFilename )
	// Find the scheme in the list of already loaded schemes
	for ( int i = 1; i < m_Schemes.Count(); i++ )
		char const *schemeFileName = m_Schemes[i]->GetFileName();
		if ( !stricmp( schemeFileName, pFilename ) )
			return m_Schemes[i];

	return NULL;

// First scheme loaded becomes the default scheme, 
// and all subsequent loaded scheme are derivatives of that
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISchemeManager::LoadSchemeFromFileEx( const char *pFilename, const char *tag )
	// Look to see if we've already got this scheme...
	CGameUIScheme * hScheme = ( CGameUIScheme * ) FindLoadedScheme( pFilename );
	if ( hScheme )
		if ( hScheme->IsActive() )
			if ( IsPC() )
			return hScheme;
		hScheme = new CGameUIScheme();
		m_Schemes.AddToTail( hScheme );

	KeyValues *data;
	data = new KeyValues("Scheme");

	data->UsesEscapeSequences( true );	// VGUI uses this
	// look first in skins directory
	bool result = data->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFilename, "SKIN" );
	if (!result)
		result = data->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFilename, "GAME" );
		if ( !result )
			// look in any directory
			result = data->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFilename, NULL );

	if (!result)
		return 0;
	if ( IsPC() )
		ConVarRef cl_hud_minmode( "cl_hud_minmode", true );
		if ( cl_hud_minmode.IsValid() && cl_hud_minmode.GetBool() )
			data->ProcessResolutionKeys( "_minmode" );

	hScheme->SetActive( true );
	hScheme->LoadFromFile( pFilename, tag, data );

	return hScheme;

// Purpose: loads a scheme from disk
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISchemeManager::LoadSchemeFromFile( const char *fileName, const char *tag )
	return LoadSchemeFromFileEx( fileName, tag );

// Purpose: returns a handle to the default (first loaded) scheme
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISchemeManager::GetDefaultScheme()
	if ( m_Schemes.Count() >= 2 )
		return m_Schemes[1];
	else if ( m_Schemes.Count() > 0 )
		return m_Schemes[0];
		return NULL;

// Purpose: returns a handle to the scheme identified by "tag"
IGameUIScheme * CGameUISchemeManager::GetScheme( const char *tag )
	for ( int i=1; i<m_Schemes.Count(); i++ )
		if ( !stricmp( tag, m_Schemes[i]->GetName() ) )
			return m_Schemes[i];
	return GetDefaultScheme(); // default scheme

// gets the proportional coordinates for doing screen-size independant panel layouts
// use these for font, image and panel size scaling (they all use the pixel height of the display for scaling)
int CGameUISchemeManager::GetProportionalScaledValueEx( CGameUIScheme *pScheme, int normalizedValue, int screenTall )
	return GetProportionalScaledValue( normalizedValue, screenTall );

// Purpose: converts a value into proportional mode
int CGameUISchemeManager::GetProportionalScaledValue( int normalizedValue, int screenTall )
	int tall;
	if (  screenTall == -1 ) 
		g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetScreenHeightForFontLoading( tall );
		tall = screenTall;
	return GetProportionalScaledValue_( tall, normalizedValue );

int CGameUISchemeManager::GetProportionalScaledValue_( int screenTall, int normalizedValue )
	int baseWide, baseTall;
	g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetProportionalBase( baseWide, baseTall );
	double scale = (double)screenTall / (double)baseTall;

	return (int)( normalizedValue * scale );

void CGameUISchemeManager::SpewFonts( void )
	for ( int i = 1; i < m_Schemes.Count(); i++ )

void CGameUISchemeManager::SetLanguage( const char *pLanguage )
	g_pGameUISystemSurface->SetLanguage( pLanguage );

const char *CGameUISchemeManager::GetLanguage()
	return g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetLanguage();

// Constructor
	m_pFileName = "";
	m_pTag = "";
	m_pData = NULL;
	SetActive( false );


// Purpose: loads a scheme from from disk into memory
void CGameUIScheme::LoadFromFile( const char *pFilename, const char *inTag, KeyValues *inKeys )
	COM_TimestampedLog( "CScheme::LoadFromFile( %s )", pFilename );

	m_pFileName = pFilename;
	m_pData = inKeys;

	// override the scheme name with the tag name
	KeyValues *name = m_pData->FindKey( "Name", true );
	name->SetString("Name", inTag);

	if ( inTag )
		m_pTag = inTag;
		Error( "You need to name the scheme (%s)!", m_pFileName.Get() );
		m_pTag = "default";


// Purpose: Set the range of character values this font can be used on
bool CGameUIScheme::GetFontRange( const char *fontname, int &nMin, int &nMax )
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_FontRanges.Count() ; i++ )
		if ( Q_stricmp( m_FontRanges[i]._fontName.String(), fontname ) == 0 )
			nMin = m_FontRanges[i]._min;
			nMax = m_FontRanges[i]._max;
			return true;

	return false;

// Purpose: Get the range of character values this font can be used on
void CGameUIScheme::SetFontRange( const char *fontname, int nMin, int nMax )
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_FontRanges.Count() ; i++ )
		if ( Q_stricmp( m_FontRanges[i]._fontName.String(), fontname ) == 0 )
			m_FontRanges[i]._min = nMin;
			m_FontRanges[i]._max = nMax;


	// not already in our list
	int iIndex = m_FontRanges.AddToTail();
	m_FontRanges[iIndex]._fontName = fontname;
	m_FontRanges[iIndex]._min = nMin;
	m_FontRanges[iIndex]._max = nMax;

// Purpose: adds all the font specifications to the surface
void CGameUIScheme::LoadFonts()
	// get our language
	const char *pLanguage = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetLanguage();

	// add our custom fonts
	for ( KeyValues *kv = m_pData->FindKey("CustomFontFiles", true)->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey() )
		const char *fontFile = kv->GetString();
		if (fontFile && *fontFile)
			g_pGameUISystemSurface->AddCustomFontFile( fontFile );
			// we have a block to read
			int nRangeMin = 0, nRangeMax = 0;
			const char *pszName = NULL;
			bool bUseRange = false;

			for ( KeyValues *pData = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() )
				const char *pszKey = pData->GetName();
				if ( !Q_stricmp( pszKey, "font" ) )
					fontFile = pData->GetString();
				else if ( !Q_stricmp( pszKey, "name" ) )
					pszName = pData->GetString();
					// we must have a language
					if ( Q_stricmp( pLanguage, pszKey ) == 0 ) // matches the language we're running?
						// get the range
						KeyValues *pRange = pData->FindKey( "range" );
						if ( pRange )
							bUseRange = true;
							sscanf( pRange->GetString(), "%x %x", &nRangeMin, &nRangeMax );

							if ( nRangeMin > nRangeMax )
								int nTemp = nRangeMin;
								nRangeMin = nRangeMax;
								nRangeMax = nTemp;

			if ( fontFile && *fontFile )
				g_pGameUISystemSurface->AddCustomFontFile( fontFile );

				if ( bUseRange )
					SetFontRange( pszName, nRangeMin, nRangeMax );

	// add bitmap fonts
	for ( KeyValues *kv = m_pData->FindKey("BitmapFontFiles", true)->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey() )
		const char *fontFile = kv->GetString();
		if (fontFile && *fontFile)
			bool bSuccess = g_pGameUISystemSurface->AddBitmapFontFile( fontFile );
			if ( bSuccess )
				// refer to the font by a user specified symbol
				g_pGameUISystemSurface->SetBitmapFontName( kv->GetName(), fontFile );

	// create the fonts
	for (KeyValues *kv = m_pData->FindKey("Fonts", true)->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey())
		for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
			// create the base font
			bool proportionalFont = i ? true : false;
			const char *fontName = GetMungedFontName( kv->GetName(), m_pTag.Get(), proportionalFont ); // first time it adds a normal font, and then a proportional one
			FontHandle_t font = g_pGameUISystemSurface->CreateFont();
			int j = m_FontAliases.AddToTail();
			m_FontAliases[j]._fontName = fontName;
			m_FontAliases[j]._trueFontName = kv->GetName();
			m_FontAliases[j]._font = font;
			m_FontAliases[j].m_bProportional = proportionalFont;

	// load in the font glyphs

// Purpose: Reloads all scheme fonts
// Supply a language if you don't want to use the one in the registry.
void CGameUIScheme::ReloadFontGlyphs( int inScreenTall )
	int screenTall;
	// get our current resolution
	if ( inScreenTall == -1 )
		//int screenWide;
		g_pGameUISystemMgrImpl->GetScreenHeightForFontLoading( screenTall );
	else // this will make fonts be the correct size in the editor, where the stage size is the screen size.
		screenTall = inScreenTall;
	// check our language; some have minimum sizes
	int minimumFontHeight = GetMinimumFontHeightForCurrentLanguage( g_GameUISchemeManager.GetLanguage() );

	// add the data to all the fonts
	KeyValues *fonts = m_pData->FindKey( "Fonts", true );
	for (int i = 0; i < m_FontAliases.Count(); i++)
		KeyValues *kv = fonts->FindKey( m_FontAliases[i]._trueFontName.String(), true );
		// walk through creating adding the first matching glyph set to the font
		for ( KeyValues *fontdata = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); fontdata != NULL; fontdata = fontdata->GetNextKey() )
			// skip over fonts not meant for this resolution
			int fontYResMin = 0, fontYResMax = 0;
			sscanf( fontdata->GetString( "yres", "" ), "%d %d", &fontYResMin, &fontYResMax );
			if ( fontYResMin )
				if ( !fontYResMax )
					fontYResMax = fontYResMin;
				// check the range
				if ( screenTall < fontYResMin || screenTall > fontYResMax )

			int flags = 0;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "italic" ))
				flags |= FONTFLAG_ITALIC;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "underline" ))
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "strikeout" ))
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "symbol" ))
				flags |= FONTFLAG_SYMBOL;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "antialias" ) && g_pGameUISystemSurface->SupportsFontFeature( FONT_FEATURE_ANTIALIASED_FONTS ) )
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "dropshadow" ) && g_pGameUISystemSurface->SupportsFontFeature( FONT_FEATURE_DROPSHADOW_FONTS ) )
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "outline" ) && g_pGameUISystemSurface->SupportsFontFeature( FONT_FEATURE_OUTLINE_FONTS ) )
				flags |= FONTFLAG_OUTLINE;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "custom" ))
				flags |= FONTFLAG_CUSTOM;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "bitmap" ))
				flags |= FONTFLAG_BITMAP;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "rotary" ))
				flags |= FONTFLAG_ROTARY;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "additive" ))

			int fontTall = fontdata->GetInt( "tall" );
			int blur = fontdata->GetInt( "blur" );
			int scanlines = fontdata->GetInt( "scanlines" );
			float scalex = fontdata->GetFloat( "scalex", 1.0f );
			float scaley = fontdata->GetFloat( "scaley", 1.0f );

			// only grow this font if it doesn't have a resolution filter specified
			if ( ( !fontYResMin && !fontYResMax ) && m_FontAliases[i].m_bProportional )
				fontTall = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, fontTall, screenTall );
				blur = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, blur );
				scanlines = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, scanlines ); 
				scalex = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, scalex * 10000.0f ) * 0.0001f;
				scaley = g_GameUISchemeManager.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, scaley * 10000.0f ) * 0.0001f;

			// clip the font size so that fonts can't be too big
			if ( fontTall > 127 )
				fontTall = 127;

			// check our minimum font height
			if ( fontTall < minimumFontHeight )
				fontTall = minimumFontHeight;
			if ( flags & FONTFLAG_BITMAP )
				// add the new set
					g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetBitmapFontName( fontdata->GetString( "name" ) ), 
				int nRangeMin, nRangeMax;
				if ( GetFontRange( fontdata->GetString( "name" ), nRangeMin, nRangeMax ) )
					// add the new set
						m_FontAliases[i]._font, fontdata->GetString( "name" ), 
						fontTall, fontdata->GetInt( "weight" ), blur, scanlines, flags, nRangeMin, nRangeMax);					
					// add the new set
					g_pGameUISystemSurface->SetFontGlyphSet( m_FontAliases[i]._font, fontdata->GetString( "name" ), 
						fontTall, fontdata->GetInt( "weight" ), blur, scanlines, flags);

			// don't add any more

void CGameUIScheme::SpewFonts( void )
	Msg( "Game UI Scheme: %s (%s)\n", GetName(), GetFileName() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_FontAliases.Count(); i++ )
		Msg( "  %2d: HFont:0x%8.8x, %s, %s, font:%s, tall:%d\n", 
			g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontName( m_FontAliases[i]._font ), 
			g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontTall( m_FontAliases[i]._font ) );

// Purpose: Kills the scheme
void CGameUIScheme::Shutdown( bool full )
	SetActive( false );


	if (m_pData)
		m_pData = NULL;

	if ( full )
		delete this;

// Finds a font in the alias list
FontHandle_t CGameUIScheme::FindFontInAliasList( const char *fontName )
	// FIXME: Slow!!!
	for (int i = m_FontAliases.Count(); --i >= 0; )
		if ( !strnicmp( fontName, m_FontAliases[i]._fontName.String(), FONT_ALIAS_NAME_LENGTH ) )
			return m_FontAliases[i]._font;

	// No dice
	return 0;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : font - 
// Output : char const
char const *CGameUIScheme::GetFontName( const FontHandle_t &font )
	for (int i = m_FontAliases.Count(); --i >= 0; )
		FontHandle_t fnt = ( FontHandle_t )m_FontAliases[i]._font;
		if ( fnt == font )
			return m_FontAliases[i]._trueFontName.String();

	return "<Unknown font>";

// material Setting methods 
FontHandle_t CGameUIScheme::GetFont( const char *fontName, bool proportional )
	// First look in the list of aliases...
	return FindFontInAliasList( GetMungedFontName( fontName, m_pTag.Get(), proportional ) );

// Return the vgui name of the font that is the same truefont name and one size up.
// bUp is if true you want the next size up or the next size down.
FontHandle_t CGameUIScheme::GetFontNextSize( bool bUp, const char *fontName, bool proportional )
	FontHandle_t currentFontHandle = GetFont( fontName, proportional );
	// Current font name wasn't found.
	if ( currentFontHandle == 0 )
		return currentFontHandle;

	int currentFontTall = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontTall( currentFontHandle );
	const char* pCurrentFontName = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontName( currentFontHandle );

	// Now find the closest font with this name that is the smallest size up
	int sizeDifference = INT_MAX;
	FontHandle_t closestFontHandle = 0;
	for (int i = m_FontAliases.Count(); --i > 0; )
		if ( proportional != m_FontAliases[i].m_bProportional )

		FontHandle_t testFontHandle = m_FontAliases[i]._font;
		const char* pTestFontName = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontName( testFontHandle );
		if ( currentFontHandle != testFontHandle ) 
			if ( !Q_stricmp( pCurrentFontName, pTestFontName ) ) // font name is the same.
				int thisFontTall = g_pGameUISystemSurface->GetFontTall( testFontHandle );
				int diff;
				if ( bUp ) // get next size up
					diff = thisFontTall - currentFontTall;	
				else // get next size down.
					diff = currentFontTall - thisFontTall;

				if ( diff > 0 && diff < sizeDifference )
					sizeDifference = diff;
					closestFontHandle = testFontHandle;

	if ( closestFontHandle != 0 )
		return closestFontHandle;
		return currentFontHandle;

// Purpose: returns a char string of the munged name this font is stored as in the font manager
const char *CGameUIScheme::GetMungedFontName( const char *fontName, const char *scheme, bool proportional )
	static char mungeBuffer[ 64 ];
	if ( scheme )
		Q_snprintf( mungeBuffer, sizeof( mungeBuffer ), "%s%s-%s", fontName, scheme, proportional ? "p" : "no" );
		Q_snprintf( mungeBuffer, sizeof( mungeBuffer ), "%s-%s", fontName, proportional ? "p" : "no" ); // we don't want the "(null)" snprintf appends
	return mungeBuffer;

// Purpose: gets the minimum font height for the current language
int CGameUIScheme::GetMinimumFontHeightForCurrentLanguage( const char *pLanguage )
	char language[64];
	bool bValid;
	if ( IsPC() )
		if ( pLanguage )
			Q_strncpy( language, pLanguage, sizeof(language)-1 );
			bValid = true;
			bValid = vgui::system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\Language", language, sizeof(language)-1 );
		Q_strncpy( language, XBX_GetLanguageString(), sizeof( language ) );
		bValid = true;

	if ( bValid )
		if (!stricmp(language, "korean")
			|| !stricmp(language, "koreana")
			|| !stricmp(language, "tchinese")
			|| !stricmp(language, "schinese")
			|| !stricmp(language, "japanese"))
			// the bitmap-based fonts for these languages simply don't work with a pt. size of less than 9 (13 pixels)
			return 13;

		if ( !stricmp(language, "thai" ) )
			// thai has problems below 18 pts
			return 18;

	// no special minimum height required
	return 0;

void CGameUIScheme::SetActive( bool bActive )
	m_bActive = bActive;

bool CGameUIScheme::IsActive() const
	return m_bActive;