//========= Copyright © 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==== // // A tree of checkable items. Can have multiple root-level items. Supports drag and drop // and posts a registered Windows message to the tree's parent window when items // are checked, unchecked, dragged & dropped, and when selection changes. // //============================================================================= #include "stdafx.h" #include "treelist.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include // // Timer IDs. // enum { TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL = 1, }; // TODO: Make these messages unique per instance so a window can contain more than one of these controls static const unsigned int g_uToggleStateMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TREELIST_MSG_TOGGLE_STATE); static const unsigned int g_uLeftDragDropMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TREELIST_MSG_LEFT_DRAG_DROP); static const unsigned int g_uRightDragDropMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TREELIST_MSG_RIGHT_DRAG_DROP); static const unsigned int g_uSelChangeMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TREELIST_MSG_SEL_CHANGE); static const unsigned int g_uKeyDownMsg = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TREELIST_MSG_KEY_DOWN); BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTreeList, CTreeCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGroupList) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_BEGINDRAG, OnBegindrag) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_ENDLABELEDIT, OnEndLabelEdit) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_SELCHANGED, OnSelChange) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_KEYDOWN, OnKeyDown) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_TIMER() ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTreeList::CTreeList() { m_pDragImageList = NULL; m_hDragItem = NULL; m_bRButtonDown = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTreeList::~CTreeList() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::EnableChecks() { if (!m_cNormalImageList.GetSafeHandle()) { // TODO: pass the image list in? #define IDB_TREELISTCHECKS 223 m_cNormalImageList.Create(IDB_TREELISTCHECKS, 16, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255)); m_cNormalImageList.SetOverlayImage(1, 1); m_cNormalImageList.SetOverlayImage(2, 2); } CTreeCtrl::SetImageList(&m_cNormalImageList, TVSIL_STATE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::AddItem(void *pItem, void *pParent, const char *pText, bool bHasCheckBox ) { HTREEITEM hParent = TVI_ROOT; if (pParent) { // FIXME: recursive lookup for every add is sucky hParent = FindHTreeItem(pParent); } HTREEITEM hItem = InsertItem(pText, hParent, TVI_LAST); if (hItem != NULL) { SetItemData(hItem, (DWORD)pItem); m_Items.AddToTail(pItem); if ( bHasCheckBox ) { SetItemState( hItem, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK( 1 ), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK ); } else { SetItemState( hItem, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK( 0 ), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void UnsetItemData_R( CTreeCtrl *pCtrl, HTREEITEM hItem ) { pCtrl->SetItemData( hItem, 0 ); HTREEITEM hChildItem = pCtrl->GetChildItem( hItem ); while( hChildItem != NULL ) { UnsetItemData_R( pCtrl, hChildItem ); hChildItem = pCtrl->GetNextItem(hChildItem, TVGN_NEXT); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::DeleteAllItems() { // Un-set all item data because sometimes during a delete it'll trigger selection change notifications // which might crash things later. if ( GetSafeHwnd() && m_Items.Count() > 0 ) { UnsetItemData_R( this, TVI_ROOT ); } DeleteItem(TVI_ROOT); m_Items.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::EnsureVisible(void *pItem) { //DBG("EnsureVisible: %s\n", pVisGroup->GetName()); HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { CTreeCtrl::EnsureVisible(hItem); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::ExpandRecursive(HTREEITEM hItem) { if (hItem) { Expand(hItem, TVE_EXPAND); if (ItemHasChildren(hItem)) { HTREEITEM hChildItem = GetChildItem(hItem); while (hChildItem != NULL) { ExpandRecursive(hChildItem); hChildItem = GetNextItem(hChildItem, TVGN_NEXT); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::ExpandAll() { HTREEITEM hItem = GetRootItem(); while (hItem) { ExpandRecursive(hItem); hItem = GetNextItem(hItem, TVGN_NEXT); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::ExpandItem(void *pItem) { HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { Expand(hItem, TVE_EXPAND); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::CollapseItem(void *pItem) { HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { Expand(hItem, TVE_COLLAPSE); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the HTREEITEM in the given subtree associated with the given // item pointer, NULL if none. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTREEITEM CTreeList::FindHTreeItemRecursive(HTREEITEM hItem, void *pItem) { if (hItem) { void *pItemCheck = (void *)GetItemData(hItem); if (pItemCheck == pItem) { return hItem; } if (ItemHasChildren(hItem)) { HTREEITEM hChildItem = GetChildItem(hItem); while (hChildItem != NULL) { HTREEITEM hFoundItem = FindHTreeItemRecursive(hChildItem, pItem); if (hFoundItem) { return hFoundItem; } hChildItem = GetNextItem(hChildItem, TVGN_NEXT); } } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the HTREEITEM associated with the given item pointer, NULL if none. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTREEITEM CTreeList::FindHTreeItem(void *pItem) { HTREEITEM hItem = GetRootItem(); while (hItem) { HTREEITEM hFound = FindHTreeItemRecursive(hItem, pItem); if (hFound) { return hFound; } hItem = GetNextItem(hItem, TVGN_NEXT); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void *CTreeList::GetSelectedItem() { HTREEITEM hItem = CTreeCtrl::GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem) { return (void *)GetItemData(hItem); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTreeList::GetSelectedIndex() { int nItem = -1; void *pItem = GetSelectedItem(); if ( pItem ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Items.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_Items[i] == pItem ) { nItem = i; break; } } } return nItem; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { unsigned int uFlags; HTREEITEM hItemHit = HitTest(point, &uFlags); if (hItemHit != NULL) { if (uFlags & TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) { // Don't forward to the base if they clicked on the check box. // This prevents undesired expansion/collapse of tree. return; } } CTreeCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { KillTimer(TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL); ReleaseCapture(); if (!m_hDragItem) { unsigned int uFlags; HTREEITEM hItemHit = HitTest(point, &uFlags); if (hItemHit != NULL) { if (uFlags & TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) { // // Notify our parent window that this item's state has changed. // CWnd *pwndParent = GetParent(); if (pwndParent != NULL) { // TODO: might need a way to cycle through three states: on, off, grey int nCheckState = GetCheck(hItemHit); if (!nCheckState) { nCheckState = 1; } else { nCheckState = 0; } void *pItem = (void *)GetItemData(hItemHit); pwndParent->PostMessage(g_uToggleStateMsg, (WPARAM)pItem, nCheckState); } // Don't forward to the base if they clicked on the check box. // This prevents undesired expansion/collapse of tree. return; } } CTreeCtrl::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); return; } Drop(DROP_LEFT, nFlags, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { unsigned int uFlags; HTREEITEM hItemHit = HitTest(point, &uFlags); if (hItemHit != NULL) { if (uFlags & TVHT_ONITEMICON) { // Don't forward to the base if they clicked on the check box. // This prevents undesired expansion/collapse of tree. return; } } CTreeCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forwards selection change notifications to our parent window. // pNMHDR - // pResult - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnSelChange(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { CWnd *pwndParent = GetParent(); if (pwndParent != NULL) { pwndParent->PostMessage( g_uSelChangeMsg, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), 0 ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnEndLabelEdit(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { NMTVDISPINFO *pInfo = (NMTVDISPINFO *)pNMHDR; if (!pInfo->item.pszText) return; void *pItem = (void *)GetItemData(pInfo->item.hItem); Assert(pItem); if (!pItem) return; OnRenameItem(pItem, pInfo->item.pszText); pResult[0] = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Begins dragging an item in the tree list. The drag image is // created and anchored relative to the mouse cursor. // pNMHDR - // pResult - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnBegindrag(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { NMTREEVIEW *ptv = (NMTREEVIEW *)pNMHDR; BeginDrag(ptv->ptDrag, ptv->itemNew.hItem); *pResult = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnKeyDown( NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult ) { NMTVKEYDOWN *pKeyDown = (NMTVKEYDOWN *)pNMHDR; CWnd *pwndParent = GetParent(); if (pwndParent != NULL) { pwndParent->PostMessage(g_uKeyDownMsg, (WPARAM)pKeyDown->wVKey, (LPARAM)pKeyDown->flags); } *pResult = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::BeginDrag(CPoint point, HTREEITEM hItem) { m_hDragItem = hItem; if (m_hDragItem) { m_pDragImageList = CreateDragImage(m_hDragItem); if (m_pDragImageList) { CPoint ptHotSpot(0, 0); m_pDragImageList->BeginDrag(0, ptHotSpot); m_pDragImageList->DragEnter(this, point); SelectDropTarget(NULL); } // Timer handles scrolling the list control when dragging outside the window bounds. SetTimer(TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL, 300, NULL); SetCapture(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { m_bRButtonDown = true; m_ptRButtonDown = point; m_hDragItem = NULL; SetCapture(); // Chaining to the base class causes us never to receive the button up message // for a right click without drag, so we don't do that. //CTreeCtrl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnContextMenu(CWnd *pWnd, CPoint point) { KillTimer(TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL); ReleaseCapture(); m_bRButtonDown = false; if (!m_hDragItem) { // TODO: Need to invoke the correct context menu for this tree list. Currently no one uses this. CTreeCtrl::OnContextMenu(pWnd, point); return; } Drop(DROP_RIGHT, 0, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : nFlags - // point - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { KillTimer(TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL); ReleaseCapture(); m_bRButtonDown = false; if (!m_hDragItem) { CTreeCtrl::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); return; } Drop(DROP_RIGHT, nFlags, point); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : eDropType - // nFlags - // point - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::Drop(DropType_t eDropType, UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { SelectDropTarget(NULL); HTREEITEM hDragItem = m_hDragItem; m_hDragItem = NULL; // // We are dragging. Drop! // if (m_pDragImageList) { m_pDragImageList->DragLeave(this); m_pDragImageList->EndDrag(); delete m_pDragImageList; m_pDragImageList = NULL; } // // Get the group that we were dragging. // void *pDragItem = (void *)GetItemData(hDragItem); // // Determine what group was dropped onto. // HTREEITEM hDropItem = HitTest(point); if (hDropItem == hDragItem) { return; } void *pDropItem = NULL; if (hDropItem) { pDropItem = (void *)GetItemData(hDropItem); } if (pDragItem == pDropItem) { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case. return; } CWnd *pwndParent = GetParent(); if (pwndParent != NULL) { if (eDropType == DROP_LEFT) { pwndParent->PostMessage(g_uLeftDragDropMsg, (WPARAM)pDragItem, (LPARAM)pDropItem); } else { pwndParent->PostMessage(g_uRightDragDropMsg, (WPARAM)pDragItem, (LPARAM)pDropItem); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : nIDEvent - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { //DBG("OnTimer\n"); switch (nIDEvent) { case TIMER_GROUP_DRAG_SCROLL: { CPoint point; GetCursorPos(&point); CRect rect; GetWindowRect(&rect); if (!rect.PtInRect(point)) { if (point.y > rect.bottom) { // scroll down int nCount = GetVisibleCount(); HTREEITEM hItem = GetFirstVisibleItem(); for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) { hItem = GetNextVisibleItem(hItem); } hItem = GetNextVisibleItem(hItem); if (hItem) { CTreeCtrl::EnsureVisible(hItem); } } else if (point.y < rect.top) { HTREEITEM hItem = GetFirstVisibleItem(); HTREEITEM hPrevVisible = this->GetPrevVisibleItem(hItem); if (hPrevVisible) { // scroll up CTreeCtrl::EnsureVisible(hPrevVisible); } } } break; } default: { CTreeCtrl::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : nFlags - // point - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CTreeCtrl::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); if (m_bRButtonDown && !m_hDragItem && (point.x != m_ptRButtonDown.x) && (point.y != m_ptRButtonDown.y)) { // First mouse move since a right button down. Start dragging. HTREEITEM hItem = HitTest(m_ptRButtonDown); BeginDrag(point, hItem); } if (!m_hDragItem) { return; } if (m_pDragImageList) { m_pDragImageList->DragMove(point); } // // Highlight the item we hit. // HTREEITEM hItem = HitTest(point); if (hItem == GetDropHilightItem()) { return; } // hide image first if (m_pDragImageList) { m_pDragImageList->DragLeave(this); m_pDragImageList->DragShowNolock(FALSE); } SelectDropTarget(hItem); if (m_pDragImageList) { m_pDragImageList->DragEnter(this, point); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::SelectItem(void *pItem) { //DBG("SelectTreeListItem: %s\n", pVisGroup->GetName()); HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { Select(hItem, TVGN_CARET); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::SelectNearestItem( int nItem ) { if ( ( m_Items.Count() > 0 ) && ( m_Items.Count() <= nItem ) ) { nItem = m_Items.Count() - 1; } if ( m_Items.IsValidIndex( nItem ) ) { SelectItem( m_Items[nItem] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::EnsureVisible( int nItem ) { if ( ( m_Items.Count() > 0 ) && ( m_Items.Count() <= nItem ) ) { nItem = m_Items.Count() - 1; } if ( m_Items.IsValidIndex( nItem ) ) { EnsureVisible( m_Items[nItem] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the check status for the given item. // pItem - // nCheckState - 0=not checked, 1=checked, -1=gray check (undefined) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::SetCheck(void *pItem, int nCheckState) { HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { UINT uState = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(1); if (nCheckState == 1) { uState = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(2); } else if (nCheckState != 0) { uState = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(3); } SetItemState(hItem, uState, TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the check state for the given item. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTreeList::GetCheck(void *pItem) { HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { return GetCheck(hItem); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTreeList::GetCheck(HTREEITEM hItem) { UINT uState = (GetItemState(hItem, TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) & TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK); if (uState == INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(2)) { return 1; } else if (uState == INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(1)) { return 0; } return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the number of visgroups in the whole tree. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTreeList::GetItemCount() { return m_Items.Count(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void *CTreeList::GetItem(int nIndex) { return m_Items.Element(nIndex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the tree control item text with the new group name. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::UpdateItem(void *pItem, const char *pszText) { HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem(pItem); if (hItem) { SetItemText(hItem, pszText); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stores the expanded/collapsed state into a data member for retrieval later. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::SaveTreeListExpandStates() { for ( int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++ ) { void *pItem = GetItem(i); TreeListItemState_t newState; for ( int j = 0; j < m_ItemState.Count(); j++ ) { TreeListItemState_t thisPair = m_ItemState.Element( j ); if ( pItem == thisPair.pItem ) { m_ItemState.Remove( j ); break; } } HTREEITEM hItem = FindHTreeItem( pItem ); newState.pItem = pItem; newState.bExpanded = false; if ( hItem && (GetItemState( hItem, TVIS_EXPANDED) & TVIS_EXPANDED) ) { newState.bExpanded = true; } m_ItemState.AddToTail( newState ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTreeList::RestoreTreeListExpandStates() { ExpandAll(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_ItemState.Count(); i++ ) { TreeListItemState_t thisPair = m_ItemState.Element( i ); HTREEITEM thisItem = FindHTreeItem( thisPair.pItem ); if ( thisItem ) { if ( thisPair.bExpanded ) { Expand(thisItem, TVE_EXPAND); } else { Expand( thisItem, TVE_COLLAPSE ); } } } }