//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======// // // Purpose: This is an example of a material that modifies vertex data // in the shader. NOTE: Every pass is given a clean set of vertex data. // Modifications made in the first pass are *not* carried over to the next pass // Modifications must take place during the DYNAMIC_STATE block. // Use the function MeshBuilder() to build the mesh // // Also note: Using thie feature is *really expensive*! It makes a copy of // the vertex data *per pass!* If you wish to modify vertex data to be used // with all passes, your best bet is to construct a dynamic mesh instead. // // $Header: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "shaderlib/CShader.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" BEGIN_SHADER_FLAGS( DebugModifyVertex, "Help for DebugModifyVertex", SHADER_NOT_EDITABLE ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_PARAM( WAVE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, "1.0", "wave amplitude" ) END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT { LoadTexture( BASETEXTURE ); } SHADER_DRAW { if( g_pHardwareConfig->GetSamplerCount() >= 2 ) { // lightmap SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableVertexDataPreprocess( true ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, false, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); float amp = params[WAVE]->GetFloatValue(); float currTime = pShaderAPI->CurrentTime(); for (int i = 0; i < MeshBuilder()->NumVertices(); ++i) { float const* pPos = MeshBuilder()->Position(); MeshBuilder()->Position3f( pPos[0] + amp * sin( currTime + pPos[2] / 4 ), pPos[1] + amp * sin( currTime + pPos[2] / 4 + 2 * 3.14 / 3 ), pPos[2] + amp * sin( currTime + pPos[2] / 4 + 4 * 3.14 / 3 ) ); MeshBuilder()->AdvanceVertex(); } } Draw(); // base * vertex color SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD0 ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, false, BASETEXTURE, FRAME ); // Notice here that since we didn't modify the position, and this is a second // pass, the position has been reset to it's initial, unmodified position float currTime = pShaderAPI->CurrentTime(); for (int i = 0; i < MeshBuilder()->NumVertices(); ++i) { float const* pPos = MeshBuilder()->Position(); MeshBuilder()->Color3f( ( sin( currTime + pPos[0] ) + 1.0F) * 0.5, ( sin( currTime + pPos[1] ) + 1.0F) * 0.5, ( sin( currTime + pPos[2] ) + 1.0F) * 0.5 ); MeshBuilder()->AdvanceVertex(); } } Draw(); } else { ShaderWarning( "DebugModifyVertex: not " "implemented for single-texturing hardware\n" ); } } END_SHADER