//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "fx_cs_shared.h" #include "weapon_csbase.h" #include "rumble_shared.h" #ifndef CLIENT_DLL #include "ilagcompensationmanager.h" #endif ConVar weapon_accuracy_logging( "weapon_accuracy_logging", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar steam_controller_haptics( "steam_controller_haptics", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE ); ConVar weapon_near_empty_sound( "weapon_near_empty_sound", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar weapon_debug_max_inaccuracy( "weapon_debug_max_inaccuracy", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Force all shots to have maximum inaccuracy" ); ConVar weapon_debug_inaccuracy_only_up( "weapon_debug_inaccuracy_only_up", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT, "Force weapon inaccuracy to be in exactly the up direction" ); ConVar snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy("snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy", "0.08", 0); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "fx_impact.h" #include "c_rumble.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" // NOTE: This has to be the last file included! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // this is a cheap ripoff from CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponSound(): void FX_WeaponSound( int iPlayerIndex, uint16 nItemDefIndex, WeaponSound_t sound_type, const Vector &vOrigin, const CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo, float flSoundTime, int nPitch ) { // If we have some sounds from the weapon classname.txt file, play a random one of them const char *shootsound = pWeaponInfo->aShootSounds[ sound_type ]; // Get the item definition const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = ( nItemDefIndex > 0 ) ? GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( nItemDefIndex ) : NULL; if ( pDef ) { const char *pszTempSound = pDef->GetWeaponReplacementSound( sound_type ); if ( pszTempSound ) { shootsound = pszTempSound; } } if ( !shootsound || !shootsound[0] ) return; CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; // this is client side only if ( !te->CanPredict() ) return; EmitSound_t params; params.m_pSoundName = shootsound; params.m_flSoundTime = flSoundTime; params.m_pOrigin = &vOrigin; params.m_pflSoundDuration = nullptr; params.m_bWarnOnDirectWaveReference = true; params.m_nPitch = nPitch; if (nPitch != PITCH_NORM) { params.m_nFlags = params.m_nFlags | SND_OVERRIDE_PITCH; } CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, iPlayerIndex, params ); } class CGroupedSound { public: string_t m_SoundName; Vector m_vPos; }; CUtlVector g_GroupedSounds; // Called by the ImpactSound function. void ShotgunImpactSoundGroup( const char *pSoundName, const Vector &vEndPos ) { int i; // Don't play the sound if it's too close to another impact sound. for ( i=0; i < g_GroupedSounds.Count(); i++ ) { CGroupedSound *pSound = &g_GroupedSounds[i]; if ( vEndPos.DistToSqr( pSound->m_vPos ) < 300*300 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pSound->m_SoundName, pSoundName ) == 0 ) return; } } // Ok, play the sound and add it to the list. CLocalPlayerFilter filter; C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, NULL, pSoundName, &vEndPos ); i = g_GroupedSounds.AddToTail(); g_GroupedSounds[i].m_SoundName = pSoundName; g_GroupedSounds[i].m_vPos = vEndPos; } void StartGroupingSounds() { Assert( g_GroupedSounds.Count() == 0 ); SetImpactSoundRoute( ShotgunImpactSoundGroup ); } void EndGroupingSounds() { g_GroupedSounds.Purge(); SetImpactSoundRoute( NULL ); } #else #include "te_shotgun_shot.h" // Server doesn't play sounds anyway. void StartGroupingSounds() {} void EndGroupingSounds() {} void FX_WeaponSound ( int iPlayerIndex, uint16 nItemDefIndex, WeaponSound_t sound_type, const Vector &vOrigin, const CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo, float flSoundTime, int nPitch ) {}; #endif ConVar debug_aim_angle("debug_aim_angle", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY); // This runs on both the client and the server. // On the server, it only does the damage calculations. // On the client, it does all the effects. void FX_FireBullets( int iPlayerIndex, uint16 nItemDefIndex, const Vector &vOrigin, const QAngle &vAngles, CSWeaponID iWeaponID, int iMode, int iSeed, float fInaccuracy, float fSpread, float fAccuracyFishtail, float flSoundTime, WeaponSound_t sound_type, float flRecoilIndex ) { bool bDoEffects = true; if ( fInaccuracy > 1.0f ) fInaccuracy = 1.0f; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( iPlayerIndex ) ); #else CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex) ); #endif if ( !pPlayer || iPlayerIndex < 0 ) { // probably an env_gunfire const CCSWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo = GetWeaponInfo( iWeaponID ); FX_WeaponSound( iPlayerIndex, nItemDefIndex, sound_type, vOrigin, pWeaponInfo, flSoundTime, PITCH_NORM ); #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // if this is server code, send the effect over to client as temp entity // Dispatch one message for all the bullet impacts and sounds. TE_FireBullets( -1, nItemDefIndex, vOrigin, vAngles, iWeaponID, iMode, iSeed, fInaccuracy, fSpread, fAccuracyFishtail, sound_type, flRecoilIndex ); #endif return; } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL CWeaponCSBase* pClientWeapon = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetActiveCSWeapon() : NULL; if ( pClientWeapon ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime - pClientWeapon->m_flLastClientFireBulletTime > 0.02f ) // this should be enough even for the negev, at ~1000 rof { pClientWeapon->m_flLastClientFireBulletTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } else { return; // we already traced this shot on the client! } } #endif QAngle adjustedAngles = vAngles; adjustedAngles.y += fAccuracyFishtail; if ( pPlayer && debug_aim_angle.GetBool() ) { QAngle old = pPlayer->EyeAngles() + pPlayer->GetAimPunchAngle(); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL DevMsg("Client "); #else DevMsg("Server "); #endif DevMsg("old: %f %f new: %f %f\n", old[YAW], old[PITCH], vAngles[YAW], vAngles[PITCH] ); if ( debug_aim_angle.GetInt() == 2 ) { adjustedAngles = old; } } const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( nItemDefIndex ); if ( !pItemDef ) { DevMsg( "FX_FireBullets: GetItemDefinition failed for defindex %d\n", nItemDefIndex ); return; } #if !defined(CLIENT_DLL) if ( weapon_accuracy_logging.GetBool() ) { char szFlags[256]; V_strcpy(szFlags, " "); // #if defined(CLIENT_DLL) // V_strcat(szFlags, "CLIENT ", sizeof(szFlags)); // #else // V_strcat(szFlags, "SERVER ", sizeof(szFlags)); // #endif // if ( pPlayer->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_LADDER ) V_strcat(szFlags, "LADDER ", sizeof(szFlags)); if ( FBitSet( pPlayer->GetFlags(), FL_ONGROUND ) ) V_strcat(szFlags, "GROUND ", sizeof(szFlags)); if ( FBitSet( pPlayer->GetFlags(), FL_DUCKING) ) V_strcat(szFlags, "DUCKING ", sizeof(szFlags)); float fVelocity = pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D(); Msg("FireBullets @ %10f [ %s ]: inaccuracy=%f spread=%f max dispersion=%f mode=%2i vel=%10f seed=%3i %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, pItemDef->GetItemBaseName(), fInaccuracy, fSpread, fInaccuracy + fSpread, iMode, fVelocity, iSeed, szFlags); } #endif WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE hWpnInfo = LookupWeaponInfoSlot( pItemDef->GetItemClass() ); if ( hWpnInfo == GetInvalidWeaponInfoHandle() ) { DevMsg("FX_FireBullets: LookupWeaponInfoSlot failed for weapon %s\n", pItemDef->GetItemBaseName() ); return; } CCSWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = static_cast< CCSWeaponInfo* >( GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle( hWpnInfo ) ); if ( !pWeaponInfo ) { DevMsg( "FX_FireBullets: GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle failed for weapon %s\n", pItemDef->GetItemBaseName() ); return; } // Do the firing animation event. #ifndef CLIENT_DLL if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsDormant() ) { if ( iMode == Primary_Mode ) pPlayer->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY ); else pPlayer->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY ); } #endif // CLIENT_DLL #ifdef CLIENT_DLL if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->m_bUseNewAnimstate ) { pPlayer->ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent(); } #endif #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // if this is server code, send the effect over to client as temp entity // Dispatch one message for all the bullet impacts and sounds. TE_FireBullets( iPlayerIndex, nItemDefIndex, vOrigin, vAngles, iWeaponID, iMode, iSeed, fInaccuracy, fSpread, fAccuracyFishtail, sound_type, flRecoilIndex ); // Let the player remember the usercmd he fired a weapon on. Assists in making decisions about lag compensation. if ( pPlayer ) pPlayer->NoteWeaponFired(); bDoEffects = false; // no effects on server #endif iSeed++; CWeaponCSBase* pWeapon = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetActiveCSWeapon() : NULL; CEconItemView* pItem = pWeapon ? pWeapon->GetEconItemView() : NULL; int iDamage = pWeaponInfo->GetDamage( pItem ); float flRange = pWeaponInfo->GetRange( pItem ); float flPenetration = pWeaponInfo->GetPenetration( pItem ); float flRangeModifier = pWeaponInfo->GetRangeModifier( pItem ); int iAmmoType = pWeaponInfo->GetPrimaryAmmoType( pItem ); if ( bDoEffects) { static const float MaxPitchShiftInaccuracy = 0.05f; float flPitchShift = pWeaponInfo->GetInaccuracyPitchShift() * (fInaccuracy < MaxPitchShiftInaccuracy ? fInaccuracy : MaxPitchShiftInaccuracy); if ( sound_type == SINGLE && pWeaponInfo->GetInaccuracyAltSoundThreshhold() > 0.0f && fInaccuracy < pWeaponInfo->GetInaccuracyAltSoundThreshhold() ) { sound_type = SINGLE_ACCURATE; flPitchShift = 0.0f; } FX_WeaponSound( iPlayerIndex, nItemDefIndex, sound_type, vOrigin, pWeaponInfo, flSoundTime, PITCH_NORM + int(flPitchShift) ); // If the gun's nearly empty, also play a subtle "nearly-empty" sound, since the weapon // is lighter and acoustically different when weighed down by fewer bullets. // But really it's so you get a fun low ammo warning from an audio cue. if ( weapon_near_empty_sound.GetBool() && pWeapon && pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() > 1 && // not a single-shot weapon (((float)pWeapon->m_iClip1) / ((float)pWeapon->GetMaxClip1()) <= 0.2) ) // 20% or fewer bullets remaining { FX_WeaponSound( iPlayerIndex, nItemDefIndex, NEARLYEMPTY, vOrigin, pWeaponInfo, flSoundTime, PITCH_NORM ); } } // Fire bullets, calculate impacts & effects if ( !pPlayer ) return; StartGroupingSounds(); #ifdef GAME_DLL pPlayer->StartNewBulletGroup(); #endif #if !defined (CLIENT_DLL) // Move other players back to history positions based on local player's lag lagcompensation->StartLagCompensation( pPlayer, LAG_COMPENSATE_HITBOXES_ALONG_RAY, vOrigin, vAngles, flRange ); #endif // [sbodenbender] rumble when shooting // since we are handling bullet fx in CS differently than other titles, call // rumble effect directly instead of Player::RumbleEffect //============================================================================= #if defined (CLIENT_DLL) if (pPlayer && pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer() && pWeaponInfo && pWeaponInfo->GetBullets() > 0) { int rumbleEffect = pWeaponInfo->iRumbleEffect; if( rumbleEffect != RUMBLE_INVALID ) { RumbleEffect( XBX_GetUserId( pPlayer->GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ), rumbleEffect, 0, RUMBLE_FLAG_RESTART ); } if ( rumbleEffect != RUMBLE_INVALID && rumbleEffect <= 6 && steam_controller_haptics.GetBool() && g_pInputSystem->IsSteamControllerActive() && steamapicontext->SteamController() ) { ControllerHandle_t handles[MAX_STEAM_CONTROLLERS]; int nControllers = steamapicontext->SteamController()->GetConnectedControllers( handles ); for ( int i = 0; i < nControllers; ++i ) { steamapicontext->SteamController()->TriggerHapticPulse( handles[ i ], k_ESteamControllerPad_Right, (2000*rumbleEffect)/5 ); steamapicontext->SteamController()->TriggerHapticPulse( handles[ i ], k_ESteamControllerPad_Left, (2000*rumbleEffect)/5 ); } } } #endif bool bForceMaxInaccuracy = weapon_debug_max_inaccuracy.GetBool(); bool bForceInaccuracyDirection = weapon_debug_inaccuracy_only_up.GetBool(); RandomSeed( iSeed ); // init random system with this seed // Accuracy curve density adjustment FOR R8 REVOLVER SECONDARY FIRE, NEGEV WILD BEAST float flRadiusCurveDensity = RandomFloat(); if ( nItemDefIndex == 64 && iMode == Secondary_Mode ) /*R8 REVOLVER SECONDARY FIRE*/ { flRadiusCurveDensity = 1.0f - flRadiusCurveDensity*flRadiusCurveDensity; } if ( nItemDefIndex == 28 && flRecoilIndex < 3 ) /*NEGEV WILD BEAST*/ { for ( int j = 3; j > flRecoilIndex; -- j ) { flRadiusCurveDensity *= flRadiusCurveDensity; } flRadiusCurveDensity = 1.0f - flRadiusCurveDensity; } if ( bForceMaxInaccuracy ) flRadiusCurveDensity = 1.0f; // Get accuracy displacement float fTheta0 = RandomFloat(0.0f, 2.0f * M_PI); if ( bForceInaccuracyDirection ) fTheta0 = M_PI * 0.5f; float fRadius0 = flRadiusCurveDensity * fInaccuracy; float x0 = fRadius0 * cosf(fTheta0); float y0 = fRadius0 * sinf(fTheta0); const int kMaxBullets = 16; float x1[kMaxBullets], y1[kMaxBullets]; Assert(pWeaponInfo->GetBullets() <= kMaxBullets); // the RNG can be desynchronized by FireBullet(), so pre-generate all spread offsets for ( int iBullet=0; iBullet < pWeaponInfo->GetBullets(); iBullet++ ) { // Spread curve density adjustment for R8 REVOLVER SECONDARY FIRE, NEGEV WILD BEAST float flSpreadCurveDensity = RandomFloat(); if ( nItemDefIndex == 64 && iMode == Secondary_Mode ) { flSpreadCurveDensity = 1.0f - flSpreadCurveDensity*flSpreadCurveDensity; } if ( nItemDefIndex == 28 && flRecoilIndex < 3 ) /*NEGEV WILD BEAST*/ { for ( int j = 3; j > flRecoilIndex; --j ) { flSpreadCurveDensity *= flSpreadCurveDensity; } flSpreadCurveDensity = 1.0f - flSpreadCurveDensity; } if ( bForceMaxInaccuracy ) flSpreadCurveDensity = 1.0f; float fTheta1 = RandomFloat(0.0f, 2.0f * M_PI); if ( bForceInaccuracyDirection ) fTheta1 = M_PI * 0.5f; float fRadius1 = flSpreadCurveDensity * fSpread; x1[iBullet] = fRadius1 * cosf(fTheta1); y1[iBullet] = fRadius1 * sinf(fTheta1); } #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) { /// Make sure take damage listener stays in scope only for the duration of FireBullet loop below! class CFireBulletTakeDamageListener : public CCSPlayer::ITakeDamageListener { public: CFireBulletTakeDamageListener( CCSPlayer *pPlayerShooting ) : m_pPlayerShooting(pPlayerShooting), m_bEnemyHit( false ), m_bShotFiredAndOnTargetRecorded( false ) {} virtual void OnTakeDamageListenerCallback( CCSPlayer *pVictim, CTakeDamageInfo &infoTweakable ) OVERRIDE { if ( m_pPlayerShooting && pVictim->IsOtherEnemy( m_pPlayerShooting ) ) { m_bEnemyHit = true; if ( infoTweakable.GetDamageType() & DMG_HEADSHOT ) { m_rbHsPlayers.InsertIfNotFound( pVictim ); // remember that at least one pellet hit a headshot } else if ( m_rbHsPlayers.Find( pVictim ) != m_rbHsPlayers.InvalidIndex() ) { #if 0 DevMsg( "DMG: Pellet modified for headshot visualization %s -> %s = (0x%08X +hs)\n", m_pPlayerShooting ? m_pPlayerShooting->GetPlayerName() : "[unknown]", pVictim->GetPlayerName(), infoTweakable.GetDamageType() ); #endif infoTweakable.SetDamageType( infoTweakable.GetDamageType() | DMG_HEADSHOT ); // since previous pellets hit a headshot we visualize it as a headshot } // Since we know that bullet was fired and that we hit the target // we should record the accuracy stats right now, otherwise we may TerminateRound // based on a kill from this bullet and not have this data recorded RecordShotFiredAndOnTargetData(); } } void BulletBurstCompleted() { RecordShotFiredAndOnTargetData(); } private: void RecordShotFiredAndOnTargetData() { if ( m_bShotFiredAndOnTargetRecorded ) return; m_bShotFiredAndOnTargetRecorded = true; if ( m_pPlayerShooting && CSGameRules() && !CSGameRules()->IsWarmupPeriod() && !m_pPlayerShooting->IsBot() ) { // Track in QMM total number of shots that connected with an opponent if ( CCSGameRules::CQMMPlayerData_t *pQMM = CSGameRules()->QueuedMatchmakingPlayersDataFind( m_pPlayerShooting->GetHumanPlayerAccountID() ) ) { ++pQMM->m_numShotsFiredTotal; if ( m_bEnemyHit ) ++pQMM->m_numShotsOnTargetTotal; } } } private: CCSPlayer *m_pPlayerShooting; bool m_bEnemyHit; bool m_bShotFiredAndOnTargetRecorded; CUtlRBTree< CCSPlayer *, int, CDefLess< CCSPlayer * > > m_rbHsPlayers; // players who were dinked in the head as part of this bullet batch } fbtdl( pPlayer ); #endif for ( int iBullet=0; iBullet < pWeaponInfo->GetBullets(); iBullet++ ) { if ( !pPlayer ) break; int nPenetrationCount = 4; pPlayer->FireBullet( vOrigin, adjustedAngles, flRange, flPenetration, nPenetrationCount, iAmmoType, iDamage, flRangeModifier, pPlayer, bDoEffects, x0 + x1[iBullet], y0 + y1[iBullet] ); } #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) fbtdl.BulletBurstCompleted(); } /// Closes the lifetime scope of take damage listener in scope only for the duration of FireBullet loop above. #endif #if !defined (CLIENT_DLL) lagcompensation->FinishLagCompensation( pPlayer ); #endif EndGroupingSounds(); } // This runs on both the client and the server. // On the server, it dispatches a TE_PlantBomb to visible clients. // On the client, it plays the planting animation. void FX_PlantBomb( int iPlayerIndex, const Vector &vOrigin, PlantBombOption_t option ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( iPlayerIndex ) ); #else CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex) ); #endif // Do the firing animation event. if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsDormant() ) { switch ( option ) { case PLANTBOMB_PLANT: { pPlayer->DoAnimStateEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY ); } break; case PLANTBOMB_ABORT: { pPlayer->DoAnimStateEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_CLEAR_FIRING ); } break; } } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // if this is server code, send the effect over to client as temp entity // Dispatch one message for all the bullet impacts and sounds. TE_PlantBomb( iPlayerIndex, vOrigin, option ); #endif }