//========== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========// // STATIC: "WIDEN_TIPS" "0..1" // DYNAMIC: "COMPRESSED_VERTS" "0..1" // Includes #include "common_vs_fxc.h" // Globals const float4 g_flWidthParams : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0 ); #define g_flWidthExp g_flWidthParams.x #define g_flWidthScale g_flWidthParams.y #define g_flWidthBias g_flWidthParams.z #define g_flUVScale g_flWidthParams.w const float3 g_vEyePos : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_1 ); //#define g_flUVScale 0.05 /* #define g_flWidthExp 4 #define g_flWidthScale 5 #define g_flWidthBias 0.2 */ /* #define g_flWidthExp 0.5 #define g_flWidthScale 1.0 #define g_flWidthBias 0.0 */ // Structs struct VS_INPUT { float4 vTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; // distance to arm root, V texcoord, rel. position along arm, and t float4 vBezierCage0 : TEXCOORD1; // Bezier positions. 4th position in w coords of the first 3 float4 vBezierCage1 : TEXCOORD2; float4 vBezierCage2 : TEXCOORD3; float4 vColor : TEXCOORD4; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 vProjPosition : POSITION; // Projection-space position float4 vWorldNormal : TEXCOORD0; // w is proj. z coord (for depth stuff) float3 vWorldTangent : TEXCOORD1; float3 vWorldBinormal : TEXCOORD2; float3 vWorldPos : TEXCOORD3; float3 vUV : TEXCOORD4; // z is normalized dist from root float4 vColor : TEXCOORD5; }; // Main VS_OUTPUT main( const VS_INPUT i ) { VS_OUTPUT o; float3 vBezierCage3 = float3( i.vBezierCage0.w, i.vBezierCage1.w, i.vBezierCage2.w ); // bezier evaluation float3 v0 = lerp( i.vBezierCage0.xyz, i.vBezierCage1.xyz, i.vTexCoord0.w ); float3 v1 = lerp( i.vBezierCage1.xyz, i.vBezierCage2.xyz, i.vTexCoord0.w ); float3 v2 = lerp( i.vBezierCage2.xyz, vBezierCage3.xyz, i.vTexCoord0.w ); v0 = lerp( v0, v1, i.vTexCoord0.w ); v1 = lerp( v1, v2, i.vTexCoord0.w ); float3 vWorldPos = lerp( v0, v1, i.vTexCoord0.w ); // world position // eval bezier derivative to get a tangent v0 = lerp( i.vBezierCage1.xyz - i.vBezierCage0.xyz, i.vBezierCage2.xyz - i.vBezierCage1.xyz, i.vTexCoord0.w ); v1 = lerp( i.vBezierCage2.xyz - i.vBezierCage1.xyz, vBezierCage3.xyz - i.vBezierCage2.xyz, i.vTexCoord0.w ); v0 = lerp( v0, v1, i.vTexCoord0.w ); float3 vWorldTan = normalize( v0 ); float flDistAlongArm = i.vTexCoord0.z; //float flTotalArmLength = i.vTexCoord0.x / ( i.vTexCoord0.z - 1.0 ); float flWidthScale = g_flWidthScale + i.vColor.a * 0.5; #if WIDEN_TIPS == 1 float flWidth = g_flWidthBias + flWidthScale * pow( 1.0 - flDistAlongArm, g_flWidthExp ); #else // regular tapering float flWidth = g_flWidthBias + flWidthScale * pow( flDistAlongArm, g_flWidthExp ); #endif //flWidth = flDistAlongArm; // quad expansion float3 vView = normalize( g_vEyePos - vWorldPos ); float3 vSpan = cross( vView, vWorldTan ); vWorldPos += vSpan * flWidth * 2.0 * ( i.vTexCoord0.y - 0.5 ); // Transform into projection space float4 vProjPosition = mul( float4( vWorldPos, 1.0f ), cViewProj ); o.vProjPosition = vProjPosition; o.vColor = i.vColor; o.vWorldPos.xyz = vWorldPos.xyz; o.vWorldNormal.xyz = normalize( vView - dot( vView, vWorldTan ) * vWorldTan ); o.vWorldTangent.xyz = vWorldTan; o.vWorldBinormal.xyz = vSpan; o.vWorldNormal.w = vProjPosition.z; o.vUV.xy = i.vTexCoord0.xy * float2( g_flUVScale, 1.0 ); o.vUV.x = 1.0 - flDistAlongArm; o.vUV.z = flDistAlongArm; return o; }