//========= Copyright c 2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// #ifndef TIER1_MINIPROFILER_HASH_HDR #define TIER1_MINIPROFILER_HASH_HDR #include "tier0/miniprofiler.h" #if ENABLE_HARDWARE_PROFILER extern CLinkedMiniProfiler *HashMiniProfiler( const char *pString ); // may be defined in tier1; not very elegant, but it seems overkill to move this to a new tier1 header extern CLinkedMiniProfiler *HashMiniProfilerF( const char *pFormat, ... ); // may be defined in tier1; not very elegant, but it seems overkill to move this to a new tier1 header #define MINI_PROFILE(NAME) CMiniProfilerGuard miniProfilerGuard##__LINE__(HashMiniProfiler(NAME)) #define MINI_PROFILE_F(PRINT,...) CMiniProfilerGuard miniProfilerGuard##__LINE__(HashMiniProfilerF(PRINT,__VA_ARGS__)) #define MINI_PROFILE_CALLS(NAME,NUM_CALLS) CMiniProfilerGuard miniProfilerGuard##__LINE__(HashMiniProfiler(NAME),(NUM_CALLS)) #else #define MINI_PROFILE(NAME) #define MINI_PROFILE_F(PRINT,...) #define MINI_PROFILE_CALLS(NAME,NUM_CALLS) #endif #endif