//========= Copyright © 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=====================================================================================// #ifndef _X360 #include "xbox/xboxstubs.h" #endif #include "mm_framework.h" #include "fmtstr.h" // NOTE: This has to be the last file included! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifndef SWDS #pragma warning (disable : 4355 ) static ConVar mm_player_search_requests_limit( "mm_player_search_requests_limit", "-1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "How many friend requests are displayed." ); static ConVar mm_player_search_update_interval( "mm_player_search_update_interval", "10", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Interval between players searches." ); static ConVar mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval( "mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval", "0.2", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Interval between LAN discovery pings." ); static ConVar mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration( "mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration", "0.6", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Duration of LAN discovery ping phase." ); PlayerManager::PlayerManager() : #if defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( NO_STEAM ) m_CallbackOnPS3PSNStatusChange( this, &PlayerManager::Steam_OnPS3PSNStatusChange ), #endif m_bUpdateEnabled( true ), m_flNextUpdateTime( 0.0f ), m_searchesPending( 0 ), m_bRequestStoreStats( false ) { memset( mLocalPlayer, 0, sizeof( mLocalPlayer ) ); memset( m_searchData, 0, sizeof( m_searchData ) ); } PlayerManager::~PlayerManager() { #ifdef _X360 for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_searchData ); ++i ) { delete m_searchData[i].mFriendBuffer; } #endif memset( mLocalPlayer, 0, sizeof( mLocalPlayer ) ); memset( m_searchData, 0, sizeof( m_searchData ) ); m_bUpdateEnabled = false; m_searchesPending = 0; // We are leaking player objects here, but it's during destruction of a global (app shutdown). // We don't want to Destroy() because doing so may call into Xbox libs that have already shutdown. mFriendsList.Purge(); } static PlayerManager g_PlayerManager; PlayerManager *g_pPlayerManager = &g_PlayerManager; IPlayerLocal * PlayerManager::GetLocalPlayer(int playerIndex) { if( ( playerIndex >= 0 ) && ( playerIndex < ARRAYSIZE(mLocalPlayer) ) && mLocalPlayer[ playerIndex ] ) { return mLocalPlayer[ playerIndex ]; } return NULL; } int PlayerManager::GetNumFriends() { return mFriendsList.Count(); } IPlayerFriend * PlayerManager::GetFriendByIndex( int index ) { return mFriendsList.IsValidIndex( index ) ? mFriendsList[ index ] : NULL; } IPlayerFriend * PlayerManager::GetFriendByXUID( XUID xuid ) { return FindPlayerFriend( xuid ); } IPlayer * PlayerManager::FindPlayer( XUID xuid ) { if ( IPlayer *player = FindPlayerLocal( xuid ) ) return player; if ( IPlayer *player = FindPlayerFriend( xuid ) ) return player; return NULL; } PlayerFriend * PlayerManager::FindPlayerFriend( XUID xuid ) { for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < mFriendsList.Count(); ++ iIndex ) { PlayerFriend *player = mFriendsList[iIndex]; if ( player && player->GetXUID() == xuid ) return player; } return NULL; } PlayerLocal * PlayerManager::FindPlayerLocal( XUID xuid ) { for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ iIndex ) { PlayerLocal *player = mLocalPlayer[iIndex]; if ( player && player->GetXUID() == xuid ) return player; } return NULL; } void PlayerManager::MarkOldFriends() { for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < mFriendsList.Count(); iIndex++ ) { PlayerFriend &player = * mFriendsList[iIndex]; player.SetIsStale( true ); player.SetFriendMark( 0 ); } } void PlayerManager::RemoveOldFriends() { #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) static bool bPerfectWorld = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-perfectworld" ); CUtlMap< int, PlayerFriend*, int, CDefLess< int > > mapFriendRequests; #endif for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < mFriendsList.Count(); iIndex++ ) { PlayerFriend &player = * mFriendsList[iIndex]; if ( player.GetIsStale() || !player.GetFriendMark() ) { mFriendsList.FastRemove( iIndex -- ); player.Destroy(); } else if ( !bPerfectWorld && ( player.GetTitleID() == uint64( -3 ) || player.GetTitleID() == uint64( -2 ) ) ) { int nLevel = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendSteamLevel( player.GetXUID() ); mapFriendRequests.Insert( nLevel, &player ); #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) if ( !nLevel ) // force the information to be downloaded steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->RequestUserInformation( player.GetXUID(), false ); #endif } } #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) int nLimit = mm_player_search_requests_limit.GetInt(); if ( !bPerfectWorld && ( nLimit >= 0 ) ) { while ( mapFriendRequests.Count() > nLimit ) { int iMap = mapFriendRequests.FirstInorder(); PlayerFriend *pCullFriendRequest = mapFriendRequests.Element( iMap ); mapFriendRequests.RemoveAt( iMap ); if ( mFriendsList.FindAndFastRemove( pCullFriendRequest ) ) pCullFriendRequest->Destroy(); } } #endif } void PlayerManager::OnLocalPlayerDisconnectedFromLive( int iCtrlr ) { for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < mFriendsList.Count(); iIndex++ ) { PlayerFriend &player = * mFriendsList[iIndex]; uint uiMask = player.GetFriendMark(); uiMask &=~ (1 << iCtrlr ); if ( !uiMask ) { mFriendsList.FastRemove( iIndex -- ); player.Destroy(); } else { player.SetFriendMark( uiMask ); } } } void PlayerManager::Update() { if ( m_searchesPending ) { for ( int i = 0; i < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++i ) { SFriendSearchData &data = m_searchData[ i ]; if( data.mSearchInProgress ) { #ifdef _X360 if( XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( & data.mFriendsOverlapped ) ) { // Local users CUtlVectorFixed< XUID, XUSER_MAX_COUNT > arrLocalXuids; for ( int k = 0; k < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++ k ) { XUSER_SIGNIN_INFO xsi; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XUserGetSigninInfo( k, XUSER_GET_SIGNIN_INFO_ONLINE_XUID_ONLY, &xsi ) || !xsi.xuid ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XUserGetXUID( k, &xsi.xuid ) ) xsi.xuid = NULL; } if ( xsi.xuid ) arrLocalXuids.AddToTail( xsi.xuid ); } // Check if the user is the same int iCtrlr = i; XUID xuidNow = 0ull; XUserGetXUID( iCtrlr, &xuidNow ); if ( !IsEqualXUID( xuidNow, data.mXuid ) ) xuidNow = 0ull; if ( XBX_GetSlotByUserId( iCtrlr ) < 0 ) xuidNow = 0ull; DWORD result = 0; if( XGetOverlappedResult( & data.mFriendsOverlapped, & result, false ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && xuidNow && XUserGetSigninState( iCtrlr ) == eXUserSigninState_SignedInToLive ) // Search for friends succeeded and the user is still signed in { XONLINE_FRIEND * friendBuffer = ( XONLINE_FRIEND * )data.mFriendBuffer; for( DWORD index = 0; index < result ; ++index ) { XUID xuidFriend = friendBuffer[ index ].xuid; static const DWORD dwTitlesSupported[2] = { g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleID(), g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleID() }; // 0x45410830 }; // TODO: add another supported titles if ( ( friendBuffer[ index ].dwTitleID == dwTitlesSupported[0] || friendBuffer[ index ].dwTitleID == dwTitlesSupported[1] ) && arrLocalXuids.Find( xuidFriend ) == arrLocalXuids.InvalidIndex() ) #elif !defined( NO_STEAM ) if ( 1 ) // XHasOverlappedIoCompleted { if ( 1 ) // XUserGetSigninState { uint64 ullTitleFlags = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleSettingsFlags(); bool bFetchAllFriends = !!( ullTitleFlags & MATCHTITLE_PLAYERMGR_ALLFRIENDS ); bool bManageFriendRequests = !!( ullTitleFlags & MATCHTITLE_PLAYERMGR_FRIENDREQS ); int nSteamFriendsQueryMask = k_EFriendFlagImmediate; if ( bManageFriendRequests ) nSteamFriendsQueryMask |= ( k_EFriendFlagFriendshipRequested | k_EFriendFlagRequestingFriendship ); int iCtrlr = 0; int numFriends = steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ? steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendCount( nSteamFriendsQueryMask ) : 0; uint64 uiAppID = steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetAppID(); for ( int index = 0; index < numFriends; ++ index ) { CSteamID steamIDFriend = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendByIndex( index, nSteamFriendsQueryMask ); XUID xuidFriend = steamIDFriend.ConvertToUint64(); FriendGameInfo_t fgi; bool bInGame = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( xuidFriend, &fgi ); EFriendRelationship eRelationship = bManageFriendRequests ? steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendRelationship( xuidFriend ) : k_EFriendRelationshipFriend; EPersonaState ePersonaState = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaState( steamIDFriend ); static bool bPerfectWorld = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-perfectworld" ); if ( ( bInGame && fgi.m_gameID.AppID() == uiAppID ) || ( eRelationship == k_EFriendRelationshipRequestRecipient ) || ( eRelationship == k_EFriendRelationshipRequestInitiator ) || ( bFetchAllFriends && ( ( ePersonaState != k_EPersonaStateOffline ) || bPerfectWorld ) ) ) #else if ( 1 ) // XHasOverlappedIoCompleted { if ( 1 ) // XUserGetSigninState { int iCtrlr = 0; int numFriends = 0; uint64 uiAppID = 0; for ( int index = 0; index < numFriends; ++ index ) { XUID xuidFriend = 0ull; bool bInGame = false; if ( bInGame ) #endif { PlayerFriend * player = FindPlayerFriend( xuidFriend ); if( ! player ) { player = new PlayerFriend( xuidFriend ); mFriendsList.AddToTail( player ); } player->SetIsStale( false ); PlayerFriend::FriendInfo_t fi = {0}; #ifdef _X360 fi.m_szName = friendBuffer[ index ].szGamertag; fi.m_wszRichPresence = friendBuffer[ index ].wszRichPresence; fi.m_uiTitleID = friendBuffer[ index ].dwTitleID; fi.m_xSessionID = friendBuffer[ index ].sessionID; #elif !defined( NO_STEAM ) uint64 uiLobbyIdFriend = fgi.m_steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64(); fi.m_uiTitleID = bInGame ? fgi.m_gameID.AppID() : 0; if ( bInGame && fgi.m_gameID.AppID() == uiAppID ) { fi.m_xSessionID = ( const XNKID & ) uiLobbyIdFriend; fi.m_uiGameServerIP = fgi.m_unGameIP; } fi.m_szName = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( xuidFriend ); fi.m_wszRichPresence = L""; switch ( ePersonaState ) { case k_EPersonaStateOffline: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"Offline"; fi.m_uiTitleID = uint64( -1 ); break; case k_EPersonaStateOnline: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"Online"; break; case k_EPersonaStateBusy: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"Busy"; break; case k_EPersonaStateAway: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"Away"; break; case k_EPersonaStateSnooze: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"Snooze"; break; case k_EPersonaStateLookingToTrade: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"LookingToTrade"; break; case k_EPersonaStateLookingToPlay: fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"LookingToPlay"; break; } if ( bManageFriendRequests ) { // When trying to manage friend requests, pass the status via rich presence if ( eRelationship == k_EFriendRelationshipRequestInitiator ) { fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"AwaitingRemoteAccept"; fi.m_uiTitleID = uint64( -2 ); } else if ( eRelationship == k_EFriendRelationshipRequestRecipient ) { fi.m_wszRichPresence = L"AwaitingLocalAccept"; fi.m_uiTitleID = uint64( -3 ); } } #else uint64 uiLobbyIdFriend = 0ull; fi.m_szName = ""; fi.m_wszRichPresence = L""; fi.m_xSessionID = ( const XNKID & ) uiLobbyIdFriend; #endif player->UpdateFriendInfo( &fi ); unsigned uiMask = player->GetFriendMark(); uiMask |= ( 1 << iCtrlr ); player->SetFriendMark( uiMask ); } } } // This search has completed --m_searchesPending; data.mSearchInProgress = false; #ifdef _X360 CloseHandle( data.mFriendEnumHandle ); data.mFriendEnumHandle = NULL; #endif } } } UpdateLanSearch(); if ( !m_searchesPending ) // Have all searches completed? { //we are done searching for friends, remove any that are still marked as old RemoveOldFriends(); // Signal that we are finished with a search MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnMatchPlayerMgrUpdate", "update", "searchfinished" ) ); // If nobody request an immediate update, then nudge the next update time if ( m_flNextUpdateTime ) { m_flNextUpdateTime = Plat_FloatTime() + mm_player_search_update_interval.GetFloat(); } } } else if( m_bUpdateEnabled && Plat_FloatTime() > m_flNextUpdateTime && #ifndef NO_STEAM steamapicontext->SteamFriends() && #endif !IsLocalClientConnectedToServer() ) { MarkOldFriends(); #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++i ) { CreateFriendEnumeration( XBX_GetUserId( i ) ); } #else CreateFriendEnumeration( 0 ); #endif CreateLanSearch(); // Signal that we are starting a search MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnMatchPlayerMgrUpdate", "update", "searchstarted" ) ); // Nudge the next update time to indicate that update has started m_flNextUpdateTime = Plat_FloatTime() + mm_player_search_update_interval.GetFloat(); } // // Let all the player classes run the update loop // for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ iIndex ) { PlayerLocal *player = mLocalPlayer[iIndex]; if ( player ) player->Update(); } for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < mFriendsList.Count(); ++ iIndex ) { PlayerFriend *player = mFriendsList[iIndex]; if ( player ) player->Update(); } ExecuteStoreStatsRequest(); } void PlayerManager::UpdateLanSearch() { if ( !m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress ) return; if ( m_lanSearchData.m_flStartTime && m_lanSearchData.m_flLastBroadcastTime ) { if ( Plat_FloatTime() > m_lanSearchData.m_flStartTime + mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration.GetFloat() ) { m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress = false; -- m_searchesPending; return; } if ( Plat_FloatTime() < m_lanSearchData.m_flLastBroadcastTime + mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval.GetFloat() ) { // waiting out interval between pings return; } } else { // Initialize the start time of the lan broadcast m_lanSearchData.m_flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); } // // Send the packet // m_lanSearchData.m_flLastBroadcastTime = Plat_FloatTime(); MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); g_pConnectionlessLanMgr->SendPacket( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( "LanSearch" ) ) ); } enum SyncKeyValueDirection_t { KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT, KVSTAT_READ_STAT }; static void SyncKeyValueWithStatField( KeyValues *kvValue, IPlayerLocal *pPlayerLocal, TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField, SyncKeyValueDirection_t eOp ) { switch( pField->m_eDataType ) { case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_BITFIELD: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetBit( pField, pPlayerLocal, !!kvValue->GetInt( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetInt( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetBit( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint8: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal, (uint8)kvValue->GetInt( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetInt( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break; case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint16: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal, (uint16)kvValue->GetInt( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetInt( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break; case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint32: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal, (uint32)kvValue->GetInt( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetInt( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break; case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_float: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal, (float)kvValue->GetFloat( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetInt( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break; case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint64: if ( eOp == KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal, (uint64)kvValue->GetUint64( "" ) ); else kvValue->SetUint64( "", TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break; } } void PlayerManager::OnEvent( KeyValues *pEvent ) { char const *szName = pEvent->GetName(); if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnNetLanConnectionlessPacket" ) ) { if ( IsPC() && !m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress ) return; if ( IsLocalClientConnectedToServer() ) return; if ( KeyValues *pFriendGame = pEvent->FindKey( "GameDetailsPlayer" ) ) { // Incoming data: // // Options // sessioninfo // Player // xuid // xuidonline // name // binary // ptr -> QOS block XUID xuid = pFriendGame->GetUint64( "player/xuidOnline", 0ull ); if ( !xuid ) xuid = pFriendGame->GetUint64( "player/xuid", 0ull ); if ( !xuid ) return; // Check if this is not our local client for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { if ( !mLocalPlayer[k] ) continue; XUID xuidLocal = mLocalPlayer[k]->GetXUID(); if ( xuidLocal == xuid ) return; } // Unpack the QOS data block MM_GameDetails_QOS_t gd = { pFriendGame->GetPtr( "binary/ptr" ), pFriendGame->GetInt( "binary/size" ), 0 }; KeyValues *pGameDetails = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchNetworkMsgController()->UnpackGameDetailsFromQOS( &gd ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pGameDetails ); // On X360 do NOT let through unsolicited packets unless they are system link info if ( IsX360() && !m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress && Q_stricmp( "lan", pGameDetails->GetString( "system/network" ) ) ) return; // Find or create the player friend that these game details belong to PlayerFriend *player = FindPlayerFriend( xuid ); if ( !player ) { player = new PlayerFriend( xuid ); mFriendsList.AddToTail( player ); } player->SetIsStale( false ); player->SetFriendMark( ~0u ); if ( pGameDetails ) { // Append "player" and "options" subkeys if ( KeyValues *kvSubkey = pFriendGame->FindKey( "options" ) ) pGameDetails->FindKey( "options", true )->MergeFrom( kvSubkey, KeyValues::MERGE_KV_UPDATE ); if ( KeyValues *kvSubkey = pFriendGame->FindKey( "player" ) ) pGameDetails->FindKey( "player", true )->MergeFrom( kvSubkey, KeyValues::MERGE_KV_UPDATE ); } // // Set friend data // PlayerFriend::FriendInfo_t fi = {0}; fi.m_szName = pFriendGame->GetString( "player/name", "" ); fi.m_pGameDetails = pGameDetails; fi.m_uiTitleID = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleID(); fi.m_uiGameServerIP = ~0u; player->UpdateFriendInfo( &fi ); } } else if( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnSysSigninChange" ) ) { OnSigninChange( pEvent ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnProfilesChanged" ) ) { OnGameUsersChanged(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnUnlockArcadeTitle" ) ) { #if defined ( _X360 ) for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { if ( mLocalPlayer[k] ) { SignalXWriteOpportunity( MMXWO_SETTINGS ); mLocalPlayer[k]->WriteTitleData(); } } #endif } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnSysProfileSettingsChanged" ) ) { for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { if ( mLocalPlayer[k] && pEvent->GetInt( CFmtStr( "user%d", k ) ) ) { DevMsg( "Reloading player profile data for ctrlr%d (%s)\n", k, mLocalPlayer[k]->GetName() ); mLocalPlayer[k]->LoadPlayerProfileData(); } } } #ifdef _X360 else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnSysStorageDlcInstalled" ) ) { // New content requires users to sign in again, // the sender of the notification guarantees that there // is new content available for this game and requires // a search path update. g_pMatchFramework->CloseSession(); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnMatchPlayerMgrReset", "reason", "OnSysStorageDlcInstalled" ) ); XBX_SetNumGameUsers( 0 ); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfilesChanged", "numProfiles", int(0) ) ); } #endif else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnProfilesWriteOpportunity" ) ) { char const *szReason = pEvent->GetString( "reason" ); MM_XWriteOpportunity mmxwo = MMXWO_NONE; if ( !Q_stricmp( "checkpoint", szReason ) ) mmxwo = MMXWO_CHECKPOINT; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sessionstart", szReason ) ) mmxwo = MMXWO_SESSION_STARTED; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sessionend", szReason ) ) mmxwo = MMXWO_SESSION_FINISHED; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "settings", szReason ) ) mmxwo = MMXWO_SETTINGS; else if ( !Q_stricmp( "deactivation", szReason ) ) { // The controllers are about to be deactivated, but // the actual signed in users at the controllers indices // are not changing. // Use this opportunity to write profile data if // XWriteOpportunity is allowing to do so. // This is the last chance to use currently signed in // players before they will be deactivated and destroyed. for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { if ( mLocalPlayer[k] ) mLocalPlayer[k]->WriteTitleData(); } ExecuteStoreStatsRequest(); return; } else return; // Signal a write opportunity SignalXWriteOpportunity( mmxwo ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "Client::CmdKeyValues" ) ) { KeyValues *pCmd = pEvent->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); if ( !pCmd ) return; int nSlot = pEvent->GetInt( "slot" ); int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserId( nSlot ); IPlayerLocal *pPlayerLocal = GetLocalPlayer( iCtrlr ); char const *szCmd = pCmd->GetName(); if ( !Q_stricmp( "write_awards", szCmd ) ) { if ( pPlayerLocal ) { pPlayerLocal->UpdateAwardsData( pCmd ); } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->write_awards UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "read_awards", szCmd ) ) { KeyValues *kvReply = pCmd->MakeCopy(); if ( pPlayerLocal ) { pPlayerLocal->GetAwardsData( kvReply ); } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->read_awards UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } // Send the reply to server int nActiveSlot = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot(); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nSlot ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->ServerCmdKeyValues( kvReply ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nActiveSlot ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "write_stats", szCmd ) ) { if ( pPlayerLocal ) { TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pFields = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->DescribeTitleDataStorage(); for ( KeyValues *kvValue = pCmd->GetFirstValue(); kvValue; kvValue = kvValue->GetNextValue() ) { char const *szStatName = kvValue->GetName(); // Try to find the stat to write if ( TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, szStatName ) ) { // Found the stat to write DevMsg( "pPlayerLocal(%s)->write_stat(%s)\n", pPlayerLocal->GetName(), pField->m_szFieldName ); SyncKeyValueWithStatField( kvValue, pPlayerLocal, pField, KVSTAT_WRITE_STAT ); szStatName = NULL; } if ( szStatName ) { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(%s)->write_stat(%s) UNKNOWN STAT!\n", pPlayerLocal->GetName(), szStatName ); } } } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->write_stat UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "read_stats", szCmd ) ) { KeyValues *kvReply = pCmd->MakeCopy(); if ( pPlayerLocal ) { TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pFields = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->DescribeTitleDataStorage(); for ( KeyValues *kvValue = kvReply->GetFirstValue(); kvValue; kvValue = kvValue->GetNextValue() ) { char const *szStatName = kvValue->GetName(); // Try to find the stat to read if ( TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, szStatName ) ) { // Found the stat to read SyncKeyValueWithStatField( kvValue, pPlayerLocal, pField, KVSTAT_READ_STAT ); szStatName = NULL; } if ( szStatName ) { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(%s)->read_stat(%s) UNKNOWN STAT!\n", pPlayerLocal->GetName(), szStatName ); } } } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->read_stats UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } // Send the reply to server int nActiveSlot = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot(); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nSlot ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->ServerCmdKeyValues( kvReply ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nActiveSlot ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "write_leaderboard", szCmd ) ) { if ( pPlayerLocal ) { pPlayerLocal->UpdateLeaderboardData( pCmd ); } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->write_leaderboard UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "read_leaderboard", szCmd ) ) { KeyValues *kvReply = pCmd->MakeCopy(); if ( pPlayerLocal ) { pPlayerLocal->GetLeaderboardData( kvReply ); } else { DevWarning( "pPlayerLocal(#%d)->read_leaderboard UNKNOWN SLOT!\n", nSlot ); } // Send the reply to server int nActiveSlot = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot(); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nSlot ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->ServerCmdKeyValues( kvReply ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nActiveSlot ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( szName, "OnProfileLeaderboardData" ) ) { if ( !g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->IsConnected() ) return; #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE int iController = pEvent->GetInt( "iController" ); int iPlayerSlot = XBX_GetSlotByUserId( iController ); #else int iPlayerSlot = 0; #endif // Send the leaderboard data to server int nActiveSlot = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot(); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iPlayerSlot ); KeyValues *kvForServer = pEvent->MakeCopy(); kvForServer->SetName( "read_leaderboard" ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->ServerCmdKeyValues( kvForServer ); g_pMatchExtensions->GetIVEngineClient()->SetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( nActiveSlot ); } } bool IsUserSignedInProperly( int iCtrlr ) { #ifdef _X360 XUSER_SIGNIN_INFO xsi; if ( iCtrlr >= 0 && iCtrlr < XUSER_MAX_COUNT && XUserGetSigninState( iCtrlr ) != eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn && ERROR_SUCCESS == XUserGetSigninInfo( iCtrlr, XUSER_GET_SIGNIN_INFO_ONLINE_XUID_ONLY, &xsi ) && !(xsi.dwInfoFlags & XUSER_INFO_FLAG_GUEST) ) return true; else return false; #else return true; #endif } void PlayerManager::OnSigninChange( KeyValues *pEvent ) { #ifdef _X360 char const *szAction = pEvent->GetString( "action" ); int numUsers = pEvent->GetInt( "numUsers" ); bool bCommittedSignOutExplicitNotification = false; if ( !Q_stricmp( "signout", szAction ) ) { for ( int iSignedOut = 0; iSignedOut < numUsers; ++ iSignedOut ) { int iCtrlrSignedOut = pEvent->GetInt( CFmtStr( "user%d", iSignedOut ) ); XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( iCtrlrSignedOut, XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID ); for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k ) { int iController = XBX_GetUserId( k ); if ( iCtrlrSignedOut == iController && !XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() ) { bCommittedSignOutExplicitNotification = true; } } } } // To maintain a list of selected storage devices, walk the list of // currently signed in users and drop ones that are no longer signed in for ( int k = 0; k < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++ k ) { XUSER_SIGNIN_INFO xsi; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XUserGetSigninInfo( k, XUSER_GET_SIGNIN_INFO_OFFLINE_XUID_ONLY, &xsi ) || !xsi.xuid ) { XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( k, XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID ); } } // // Check if either of the committed ctrlrs signed out // bool bCommittedCtrlrSignedOut = false; bool bLiveChangeDetected = false; // // Now handle users signing in and out // if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 && !XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() && !bCommittedSignOutExplicitNotification ) { for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k ) { int iController = XBX_GetUserId( k ); uint state = XUserGetSigninState( iController ); if( state == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) { bCommittedCtrlrSignedOut = true; break; } else if ( PlayerLocal *player = ( PlayerLocal * ) GetLocalPlayer( iController ) ) { IPlayer::OnlineState_t eOnlineState = player->GetOnlineState(); player->DetectOnlineState(); if ( eOnlineState == IPlayer::STATE_ONLINE && player->GetOnlineState() != IPlayer::STATE_ONLINE ) { bLiveChangeDetected = true; OnLocalPlayerDisconnectedFromLive( iController ); } } } } // // Check the invited user // bool bInviteAbandon = false; if ( XBX_INVALID_USER_ID != XBX_GetInvitedUserId() ) { int iController = XBX_GetInvitedUserId(); uint state = XUserGetSigninState( iController ); if( state == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) { bInviteAbandon = true; } else { bool bLiveEnabled = false; if ( state == eXUserSigninState_SignedInToLive ) { BOOL bValue = false; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == XUserCheckPrivilege( iController, XPRIVILEGE_MULTIPLAYER_SESSIONS, &bValue ) ) bLiveEnabled = bValue ? true : false; } if ( !bLiveEnabled ) { bInviteAbandon = true; } } } // if ( bInviteAbandon ) // { // if ( s_pbInviteApproved ) // { // // Was still waiting for approval // s_nInviteApprovalConf = -2; // will decline invite acceptance next frame // } // else // { // // On the way into the invite game // bCommittedCtrlrSignedOut = true; // } // DevMsg( "[L4DMM] InviteCancel due to abandoned user.\n" ); // matchmaking->InviteCancel(); // } // A guest just signed in mid-game, so kick them! if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 && !Q_stricmp( "signin", szAction ) && XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() ) { for ( int iSignedIn = 0; iSignedIn < numUsers; ++ iSignedIn ) { int iCtrlrSignedIn = pEvent->GetInt( CFmtStr( "user%d", iSignedIn ) ); if ( (unsigned int) iCtrlrSignedIn == XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() ) { if ( IsUserSignedInProperly( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() ) ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); IMatchSession *pIMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession(); KeyValues *pSessionSettings = pIMatchSession ? pIMatchSession->GetSessionSettings() : NULL; KeyValues *kvGuestSignedInEvent = new KeyValues( "OnMatchPlayerMgrReset", "reason", "GuestSignedIn" ); if ( pSessionSettings ) kvGuestSignedInEvent->AddSubKey( pSessionSettings->MakeCopy() ); g_pMatchFramework->CloseSession(); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( kvGuestSignedInEvent ); XBX_SetNumGameUsers( 0 ); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfilesChanged", "numProfiles", int(0) ) ); return; } } } } if( ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 && bCommittedSignOutExplicitNotification ) || bCommittedCtrlrSignedOut ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); g_pMatchFramework->CloseSession(); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnMatchPlayerMgrReset", "reason", "GameUserSignedOut" ) ); XBX_SetNumGameUsers( 0 ); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfilesChanged", "numProfiles", int(0) ) ); return; } if ( bLiveChangeDetected ) { OnLostConnectionToConsoleNetwork(); } #endif } void PlayerManager::OnLostConnectionToConsoleNetwork() { EnableFriendsUpdate( m_bUpdateEnabled ); if ( IMatchSession *pIMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() ) { char const *szNetwork = pIMatchSession->GetSessionSettings()->GetString( "system/network", "LIVE" ); if ( !Q_stricmp( szNetwork, "LIVE" ) ) { // There is an active LIVE session g_pMatchFramework->CloseSession(); g_pMatchEventsSubscription->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnEngineDisconnectReason", "reason", "Lost connection to LIVE" ) ); } } } #if defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( NO_STEAM ) void PlayerManager::Steam_OnPS3PSNStatusChange( PS3PSNStatusChange_t *pParam ) { if ( !pParam->m_bPSNOnline ) { OnLostConnectionToConsoleNetwork(); } } #endif void PlayerManager::OnGameUsersChanged() { DevMsg( "PlayerManager::OnGameUsersChanged\n" ); // // Cleanup all players currently created // for ( int k = 0; k < mFriendsList.Count(); ++ k ) { PlayerFriend *&player = mFriendsList[ k ]; if ( player ) player->Destroy(); player = NULL; } mFriendsList.RemoveAll(); for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { PlayerLocal *&player = mLocalPlayer[k]; if ( player ) player->Destroy(); player = NULL; } #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE DWORD dwPresenceValue[ XUSER_MAX_COUNT ] = {0}; for ( int idx = 0; idx < (int) XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ idx ) { int iController = XBX_GetUserId( idx ); PlayerLocal *player = new PlayerLocal( iController ); mLocalPlayer[ iController ] = player; dwPresenceValue[ iController ] = !XBX_GetUserIsGuest( idx ); } // Set all players rich presence to idle (0) or main menu (1) for ( int iCtrlr = 0; iCtrlr < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++ iCtrlr ) { #ifdef _X360 XUserSetContextEx( iCtrlr, X_CONTEXT_PRESENCE, dwPresenceValue[iCtrlr], MMX360_NewOverlappedDormant() ); #endif } #else #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) if ( !steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) return; #endif PlayerLocal * player = new PlayerLocal( 0 ); mLocalPlayer[0] = player; #endif // Start a search when the sign-on changes EnableFriendsUpdate( true ); #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) Update(); // Update immediately to start friends search Update(); // Update one more time to actually pick up friends #endif } void PlayerManager::RecomputePlayerXUIDs( char const *szNetwork ) { for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( mLocalPlayer ); ++ k ) { PlayerLocal *player = mLocalPlayer[k]; if ( player ) { player->RecomputeXUID( szNetwork ); } } } void PlayerManager::RequestStoreStats() { m_bRequestStoreStats = true; } void PlayerManager::ExecuteStoreStatsRequest() { if ( !m_bRequestStoreStats ) return; m_bRequestStoreStats = false; #ifndef NO_STEAM if ( steamapicontext->SteamUserStats() ) { steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->StoreStats(); } #endif } void PlayerManager::EnableFriendsUpdate( bool bEnable ) { if ( bEnable && !IsX360() && ( g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleSettingsFlags() & MATCHTITLE_PLAYERMGR_DISABLED ) ) // On X360 system link games still must use lan probes bEnable = false; m_bUpdateEnabled = bEnable; m_flNextUpdateTime = 0.0f; m_lanSearchData.m_flStartTime = 0.0f; m_lanSearchData.m_flLastBroadcastTime = 0.0f; // If enabled the search, then we'll pick it up next frame if ( bEnable ) return; // Otherwise searches are disabled, cancel everything // TODO: cancel } void PlayerManager::CreateLanSearch() { if ( !IsX360() && ( g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleSettingsFlags() & MATCHTITLE_PLAYERMGR_DISABLED ) ) return; if ( !m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress ) { m_lanSearchData.m_bSearchInProgress = true; ++ m_searchesPending; } m_lanSearchData.m_flStartTime = 0.0f; m_lanSearchData.m_flLastBroadcastTime = 0.0f; } void PlayerManager::CreateFriendEnumeration( int iCtrlr ) { SFriendSearchData &data = m_searchData[ iCtrlr ]; if ( g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->GetTitleSettingsFlags() & MATCHTITLE_PLAYERMGR_DISABLED ) return; #ifdef _X360 // Check if we are still doing the previous search - it this // case we will just search again later if ( data.mFriendEnumHandle ) return; DWORD bufferSize = 0; data.mFriendsStartIndex = 0; XUserGetXUID( iCtrlr, &data.mXuid ); const uint numFriendsRequest = 100; DWORD ret = g_pMatchExtensions->GetIXOnline()->XFriendsCreateEnumerator( iCtrlr, data.mFriendsStartIndex, numFriendsRequest, &bufferSize, &data.mFriendEnumHandle ); if ( ret == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //we are good to start the enumeration if ( bufferSize > (DWORD)data.mFriendBufferSize ) { delete data.mFriendBuffer; data.mFriendBuffer = new char[bufferSize]; data.mFriendBufferSize = bufferSize; } ret = XEnumerate( data.mFriendEnumHandle, data.mFriendBuffer, data.mFriendBufferSize, NULL, &data.mFriendsOverlapped ); if ( ret == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { data.mSearchInProgress = true; ++m_searchesPending; } else { CloseHandle( data.mFriendEnumHandle ); data.mFriendEnumHandle = NULL; } } else { ExecuteNTimes( 5, DevWarning( "XFriendsCreateEnumerator failed (code = 0x%08X)!\n", ret ) ); data.mFriendEnumHandle = NULL; } #else if ( data.mSearchInProgress ) return; // We need to look at all friends #if !defined( NO_STEAM ) if ( !steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ) return; #endif data.mSearchInProgress = true; ++ m_searchesPending; #endif } #else // SWDS class PlayerManager *g_pPlayerManager = NULL; #endif