Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
9.8 KiB

//====== Copyright © 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// NOTE: This is a cut-and-paste hack job to get animation set construction
// working from a commandline tool. It came from tools/ifm/createsfmanimation.cpp
// This file needs to die almost immediately + be replaced with a better solution
// that can be used both by the sfm + sfmgen.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/UtlVector.h"
#include "tier1/UtlDict.h"
#include "tier1/UtlString.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"
#include "dme_controls/BaseAnimationSetEditorController.h"
// movieobjects
class CDmeCamera;
class CDmeFilmClip;
class CDmeGameModel;
class CDmeAnimationSet;
class CDmeGameModel;
class CDmeProjectedLight;
class CDmePresetGroup;
class CDmeChannelsClip;
class CDmeTransform;
class CDmeChannel;
class CDmeLog;
class CStudioHdr;
extern const char *g_pSuffix[];
extern DmAttributeType_t g_ChannelTypes[];
enum ControlType_t
enum LogPreviewChannelType_t
struct LogPreview_t;
struct Context_t
Context_t() :
m_bHighlight( false ),
m_bValid( false ),
m_bHasAncestorsBeingManipulated( false )
SetIdentityMatrix( m_InitialBoneToWorld );
SetIdentityMatrix( m_InitialWorldToBone );
SetIdentityMatrix( m_InitialBoneMatrix );
SetIdentityMatrix( m_InitialTranslationWorldToParent );
void InitContext( const LogPreview_t *lp );
void UpdatePosition( bool bInitialAndCurrent );
// from TxForm_t
CUtlString m_basename;
bool m_bHighlight : 1;
bool m_bValid : 1;
bool m_bHasAncestorsBeingManipulated : 1;
CDmeHandle< CDmeDag > m_hDrag;
// those originally used by DragContextList
matrix3x4_t m_InitialBoneToWorld;
matrix3x4_t m_InitialWorldToBone;
matrix3x4_t m_InitialBoneMatrix;
// those originally used by FullTransformList
Vector m_CurrentWorldPosition;
matrix3x4_t m_InitialTranslationWorldToParent;
struct LogPreview_t : public SelectionInfo_t
LogPreview_t() : SelectionInfo_t(), m_pTransformContext( NULL ) {}
LogPreview_t( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CDmElement *pControl, TransformComponent_t nComponentFlags );
bool IsEqual( const LogPreview_t& other ) const
if ( m_hControl != other.m_hControl )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < LOG_PREVIEW_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++i )
if ( m_hChannels[ i ] != other.m_hChannels[ i ] )
return false;
if ( m_hOwner != other.m_hOwner )
return false;
if ( m_nComponentFlags != other.m_nComponentFlags )
return false;
return true;
bool operator==( const LogPreview_t& other ) const
return IsEqual( other );
LogComponents_t GetLogComponentFlagsForChannel( int nChannel )
// If the control is a transform control convert the flags from transform component flags to log component flags
if ( m_pTransformContext )
return ConvertTransformFlagsToLogFlags( m_nComponentFlags, ( nChannel == LOG_PREVIEW_ORIENTATION ) );
// For all other controls consider all components selected
CDmeChannel *GetSelectedChannel( int nChannel )
return NULL;
// If the control is a transform control check the flags to determine if the specific channel is selected
if ( m_pTransformContext )
if ( ( nChannel == LOG_PREVIEW_POSITION ) && ( ( m_nComponentFlags & TRANSFORM_COMPONENT_POSITION ) == 0 ) )
return NULL;
if ( ( nChannel == LOG_PREVIEW_ORIENTATION ) && ( ( m_nComponentFlags & TRANSFORM_COMPONENT_ROTATION ) == 0 ) )
return NULL;
return m_hChannels[ nChannel ];
CDmeHandle< CDmeChannel > m_hChannels[ LOG_PREVIEW_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT ];
CDmeHandle< CDmeChannelsClip > m_hOwner;
Context_t *m_pTransformContext;
struct MDLSquenceLayer_t;
// Creates an animation set
CDmeAnimationSet *CreateEmptyAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pClip, const char *pSetName, CDmeChannelsClip **ppChannelsClip = NULL, CDmeControlGroup**ppControlGroup = NULL );
CDmeAnimationSet *CreateAnimationSetForDag( CDmeFilmClip *pClip, const char *pSetName, CDmeDag *pDag );
CDmeAnimationSet *CreateAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pClip, const char *pSetName, CDmeCamera *pCamera );
CDmeAnimationSet *CreateAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pClip, const char *pSetName, CDmeProjectedLight *pLight );
CDmeAnimationSet *CreateAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pMovie, CDmeFilmClip *pShot, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel, const char *pAnimationSetName, bool bAttachToGameRecording, CDmElement *pSharedPresetGroupSettings );
CDmeGameModel *CreateGameModel( CDmeFilmClip *pShot, const char *pRelativeName );
// building blocks for creating animationsets (don't contain undo scopes)
void AddFloatControlToAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeControlGroup *pControlGroup, CDmAttribute *pSrcAttr, float flMin = 0.0f, float flMax = 1.0f, float flDefault = -FLT_MAX );
void AddColorControlToAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeControlGroup *pControlGroup, CDmAttribute *pSrcAttr );
void AddTransformControlsToAnimationSet( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeControlGroup *pControlGroup, CDmeTransform *pTransform, const char *pControlName );
void AddLocalViewTargetControl( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
void AddEyeConvergenceControl( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
void AddViewTargetControl( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
void AddIllumPositionAttribute( CDmeGameModel *pGameModel );
void BuildGroupMappings( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet );
CDmeTrack *GetAnimationSetTrack( CDmeFilmClip *pFilmClip, bool bCreateIfMissing );
CDmeChannelsClip* CreateChannelsClip( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, CDmeFilmClip *pOwnerClip );
CDmeChannelsClip *FindChannelsClip( CDmeDag *pDag );
CDmeChannelsClip *FindChannelsClip( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet );
CDmeDag *GetAnimSetTargetDag( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet );
CDmeChannel *FindChannelTargetingTransform( CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip, CDmeTransform *pTransform, ControlType_t controlType );
void CreateTransformChannels( CDmeTransform *pTransform, const char *pBaseName, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
void CreateAnimationLogs( CDmeChannelsClip *channelsClip, CDmeGameModel *pModel, const CStudioHdr &hdr, int sequence, float flStartTime, float flDuration, float flTimeStep );
void ImportAnimationLogs( CUtlVector< KeyValues* > &importData, DmeTime_t &duration, DmeTime_t startTime, DmeFramerate_t framerate, CDmeFilmClip *pMovie, CDmeFilmClip *pShot, CUtlLinkedList< LogPreview_t* > &controls, CDmeGameModel *pModel, int sequence, const CUtlVector< float > *pPoseParameters = NULL, const CUtlVector< MDLSquenceLayer_t > *pLayers = NULL, bool bRootMotion = true );
void DestroyLayerData( CUtlVector< KeyValues* > &layerData );
void RetimeLogData( CDmeChannelsClip *pSrcChannelsClip, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeLog *pLog );
void TransferRemainingChannels( CDmeFilmClip *shot, CDmeChannelsClip *destClip, CDmeChannelsClip *srcClip );
template < class T >
CDmeChannel *CreateConstantValuedLog( CDmeChannelsClip *channelsClip, const char *pName, CDmElement *pToElement, const char *pToAttr, const T &value );
CDmeTransformControl *CreateTransformControlAndChannels( const char *pName, CDmeTransform *pTransform, CDmeChannelsClip *pSrcChannelsClip, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, bool bUseExistingLogData );
void SetupBoneTransform( CDmeChannelsClip *pSrcChannelsClip, CDmeChannelsClip *pDstChannelsClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel, const CStudioHdr &hdr, int bonenum, bool bUseExistingLogData );
// Finds a channel in the animation set to overwrite with import data
CDmeChannel* FindImportChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
// Transforms an imported channel, if necessary
void TransformBoneChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel, bool bImport );
bool ImportChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip );
void GetChannelsForControl( const CDmElement *control, CDmeChannel *channels[LOG_PREVIEW_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT] );
void GetChannelsForControl( const CDmElement *pControl, CUtlVector< CDmeChannel* > &channels );
void GetControlChannelsForAnimSet( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, CUtlVector< CDmeChannel* > &channels );
void ImportAnimation( CDmeChannelsClip *pImportedChannelsClip, CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimSet, int *pNumMatchingChannels, int *pNumMissingChannels, int *pNumSkippedChannels );