Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_basetempentity.h"
#include "iefx.h"
#include "fx.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "functionproxy.h"
#include "imaterialproxydict.h"
#include "precache_register.h"
#include "econ/econ_item_schema.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "playerdecals_signature.h"
#include "tier1/callqueue.h"
#include "engine/decal_flags.h"
#include "cstrike15/Scaleform/HUD/sfhud_rosettaselector.h"
#include "c_cs_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
PRECACHE( MATERIAL, "decals/playerlogo01" )
void QcCreatePreviewDecal( uint32 nStickerKitDefinition, uint32 nTintID, const trace_t& trace, const Vector* pRight );
// Purpose: Player Decal TE
class C_TEPlayerDecal : public C_BaseTempEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( C_TEPlayerDecal, C_BaseTempEntity );
C_TEPlayerDecal( void );
virtual ~C_TEPlayerDecal( void );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void Precache( void );
int m_nPlayer;
Vector m_vecOrigin;
Vector m_vecStart;
Vector m_vecRight;
int m_nEntity;
int m_nHitbox;
int g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey = ( 8 << 24 ) | 0x1FFFF; // used for preview (model panel and in-game)
// there's a rendering batching approach that uses only low 16-bits of the proxy data for splitting decals into batches, this is sufficient for now, but
// eventually we might want to find all places that use only 16-bits and upgrade them to full proxy data value comparison, e.g. patterns like this:
// ( unPlayerDecalStickerKitID && ( pDecal->flags & FDECAL_PLAYERSPRAY ) && ( uint16( reinterpret_cast< uintp >( pDecal->userdata ) ) != unPlayerDecalStickerKitID ) )
inline int MakeKey( int nUniqueId )
return ( 1 << 24 ) | nUniqueId;
// This whole thing exists so we can shunt data from the main thread to the material thread.
// We will queue calls to create decal data and DeleteDecalData so that the material thread doesn't
// have to grab a mutex to examine s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.
struct DecalData_t
ITexture* m_pTex;
int m_nRarity;
int m_nTintID;
float m_flCreationTime;
static CUtlMap< int, DecalData_t, int, CDefLess< int > > s_mapUniqueId2DecalData;
void CreateDecalData( int nKey, ITexture* pTex, int nRarity, int nTintID, float flCreateTime )
Assert( pTex );
if ( !pTex )
int itExisting = s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.Find( nKey );
if ( itExisting != s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.InvalidIndex() )
DecalData_t &ddata = s_mapUniqueId2DecalData[ itExisting ];
// Release the old texture
Assert( ddata.m_pTex );
ddata.m_pTex = NULL;
// Overwrite the data for the new item.
ddata.m_pTex = pTex;
ddata.m_nRarity = nRarity;
ddata.m_nTintID = nTintID;
ddata.m_flCreationTime = flCreateTime;
// It wasn't already in the map, so add it.
DecalData_t dd = { pTex, nRarity, nTintID, flCreateTime };
s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.Insert( nKey, dd );
void DeleteDecalData( int nKey )
int it = s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.Find( nKey );
Assert ( ( nKey == g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey )
|| ( it != s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.InvalidIndex() ) );
if ( it == s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.InvalidIndex() )
Assert( s_mapUniqueId2DecalData[ it ].m_pTex );
s_mapUniqueId2DecalData[ it ].m_pTex->DecrementReferenceCount();
s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.RemoveAt( it );
bool ReadDecalData( int nKey, DecalData_t* pOutDD )
if ( !pOutDD )
return false;
int it = s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.Find( nKey );
if ( it == s_mapUniqueId2DecalData.InvalidIndex() )
return false;
( *pOutDD ) = s_mapUniqueId2DecalData[ it ];
return true;
inline bool BShouldHaveDrips( const Vector& normal )
return fabs( normal.z ) < 0.8;
class C_FEPlayerDecal;
typedef CUtlMap< int, C_FEPlayerDecal *, int, CDefLess< int > > PlayerDecalsByUniqueId_t;
static PlayerDecalsByUniqueId_t s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll; // All client-side player decals entities
static PlayerDecalsByUniqueId_t s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply; // Player decals entities that should still be applied to the world
static CUtlMap< int, bool, int, CDefLess< int > > s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating; // Player decals entities that were temporarily destroyed and getting recreated ID->bReapplyPending
void OnPlayerDecalsLevelShutdown()
{ // we purge and re-apply decals here
// so add all client-side decals that we know about into the IDs to apply map
FOR_EACH_MAP( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll, i )
DevMsg( "DECAL: schedule for reapply ( %d )\n", s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Key( i ) );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.InsertOrReplace( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Key( i ), s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Element( i ) );
class C_FEPlayerDecal : public C_BaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( C_FEPlayerDecal, C_BaseEntity );
C_FEPlayerDecal( void ) {
m_nUniqueID = 0;
m_unAccountID = 0;
m_unTraceID = 0;
m_rtGcTime = 0;
m_nPlayer = 0;
m_nEntity = 0;
m_nHitbox = 0;
m_nTintID = 0;
m_flCreationTime = 0;
m_nVersion = 0;
V_memset( m_ubSignature, 0, sizeof( m_ubSignature ) );
m_bDecalReadyToApplyToWorld = false;
virtual ~C_FEPlayerDecal( void )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
ICallQueue* pCQ = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue();
if ( pCQ )
pCQ->QueueCall( DeleteDecalData, MakeKey( m_nUniqueID ) );
DeleteDecalData( MakeKey( m_nUniqueID ) );
if ( m_nUniqueID )
DevMsg( "DECAL: entity removed ( %d ): %s %s %s\n",
( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Find( m_nUniqueID ) == s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.InvalidIndex() ) ? "" : "{was scheduled for application}" ),
( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Find( m_nUniqueID ) == s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.InvalidIndex() ) ? "[NOT REGISTERED IN MAP]" : "" ),
( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Find( m_nUniqueID ) == s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.InvalidIndex() ) ? "" : ( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Element( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Find( m_nUniqueID ) ) ? "{recreate and reapply pending}" : "{recreating, but already applied}" ) ) ) );
Assert( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Find( m_nUniqueID ) == s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.InvalidIndex() ) ||
( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Element( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Find( m_nUniqueID ) ) == this ) );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Remove( m_nUniqueID );
Assert( ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Find( m_nUniqueID ) != s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.InvalidIndex() ) &&
( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Element( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Find( m_nUniqueID ) ) == this ) );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Remove( m_nUniqueID );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void SetDestroyedOnRecreateEntities( void ) OVERRIDE;
bool BMakeDecalReadyToApplyToWorld();
void ApplyDecalDataToWorld();
void MakeDecalReady( int nKey );
int m_nUniqueID;
uint32 m_unAccountID;
uint32 m_unTraceID;
uint32 m_rtGcTime;
Vector m_vecEndPos;
Vector m_vecStart;
Vector m_vecRight;
Vector m_vecNormal;
int m_nPlayer;
int m_nEntity;
int m_nHitbox;
int m_nTintID;
float m_flCreationTime;
uint8 m_nVersion;
bool m_bDecalReadyToApplyToWorld;
// Purpose:
C_TEPlayerDecal::C_TEPlayerDecal( void )
m_nPlayer = 0;
m_nEntity = 0;
m_nHitbox = 0;
// Purpose:
C_TEPlayerDecal::~C_TEPlayerDecal( void )
// Purpose:
void C_TEPlayerDecal::Precache( void )
// Purpose:
void TE_PlayerDecal( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
const Vector* pos, const Vector* start, const Vector* right, int nPlayerAndStickerKitID, int entity, int hitbox, int nAdditionalDecalFlags )
// Special case for world entity with hitbox:
trace_t tr;
if ( ( entity == 0 ) && ( hitbox != 0 ) )
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( *start, *pos );
staticpropmgr->AddDecalToStaticProp( *start, *pos, hitbox - 1, nPlayerAndStickerKitID, false, tr, ( void * ) nPlayerAndStickerKitID, right, EDF_PLAYERSPRAY | nAdditionalDecalFlags );
// Only decal the world + brush models
// Here we deal with decals on entities.
C_BaseEntity* ent;
if ( ( ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( entity ) ) == NULL )
ent->AddDecal( *start, *pos, *pos, hitbox,
nPlayerAndStickerKitID, false, tr, ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS, right, EDF_PLAYERSPRAY | nAdditionalDecalFlags );
void C_FEPlayerDecal::SetDestroyedOnRecreateEntities()
if ( m_nUniqueID )
{ // Remeber that we are going to be recreating this decal entity
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.InsertOrReplace( m_nUniqueID,
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Find( m_nUniqueID ) != s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.InvalidIndex() );
void C_FEPlayerDecal::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
if ( m_nUniqueID )
if ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.Find( m_nUniqueID ) == s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.InvalidIndex() )
int idxRecreate = s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Find( m_nUniqueID );
bool bApplyImmediate = true;
bool bRecreating = ( idxRecreate != s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.InvalidIndex() );
if ( bRecreating )
bApplyImmediate = s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Element( idxRecreate );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.RemoveAt( idxRecreate );
DevMsg( "DECAL: PostDataUpdate %s decal ( %d ) %s\n", bRecreating ? "recreating" : "new", m_nUniqueID, bApplyImmediate ? "apply" : "already applied, skipping application" );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsAll.InsertOrReplace( m_nUniqueID, this );
if ( bApplyImmediate )
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.InsertOrReplace( m_nUniqueID, this );
// Make sure that we push render data to QMS thread every time we get data update about the decal
m_bDecalReadyToApplyToWorld = BMakeDecalReadyToApplyToWorld();
DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_CONVAR( cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_force, 0 );
// Checks if the local player has an equipped spray and is aiming in a sprayable area with the rosetta menu up and if cooldown is ready
// Note: rosetta menu code is using this check to determine if we're passing all the validity checks to spray.
bool Helper_CanShowPreviewDecal( CEconItemView **ppOutEconItemView = NULL, trace_t* pOutSprayTrace = NULL, Vector *pOutVecPlayerRight = NULL, uint32* pOutUnStickerKitID = NULL )
if ( !Helper_CanUseSprays() )
return false;
C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer();
if ( !pLocalPlayer )
return false;
if ( !cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_force.GetInt() )
// Check if UI is visible
SFHudRosettaSelector* pRosetta = ( SFHudRosettaSelector* ) ( GetHud( 0 ).FindElement( "SFHudRosettaSelector" ) );
if ( !pRosetta || !pRosetta->Visible() || !pRosetta->ShouldDraw() )
return false;
// Check player spray cooldown
if ( pLocalPlayer->GetNextDecalTime() > gpGlobals->curtime )
return false;
Vector playerRight;
trace_t sprayTrace;
if ( pLocalPlayer->IsAbleToApplySpray( &sprayTrace, NULL, &playerRight ) )
return false;
if ( pOutSprayTrace )
*pOutSprayTrace = sprayTrace;
if ( pOutVecPlayerRight )
*pOutVecPlayerRight = playerRight;
CCSPlayerInventory* pPlayerInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetLocalCSInventory();
if ( !pPlayerInv )
return false;
CEconItemView* pEconItem = pPlayerInv->GetItemInLoadout( 0, LOADOUT_POSITION_SPRAY0 );
if ( !pEconItem || !pEconItem->IsValid() )
return false;
if ( ppOutEconItemView )
*ppOutEconItemView = pEconItem;
uint32 unStickerKitID = pEconItem->GetStickerAttributeBySlotIndexInt( 0, k_EStickerAttribute_ID, 0 );
if ( !unStickerKitID )
return false;
if ( pOutUnStickerKitID )
*pOutUnStickerKitID = unStickerKitID;
return true;
void UpdatePreviewDecal()
uint32 unStickerKitID;
trace_t sprayTrace;
Vector playerRight;
CEconItemView *pEconItem;
if ( !Helper_CanShowPreviewDecal( &pEconItem, &sprayTrace, &playerRight, &unStickerKitID ) )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle hAttrSprayTintID( "spray tint id" );
uint32 unTintID = 0;
if ( !hAttrSprayTintID || !pEconItem->FindAttribute( hAttrSprayTintID, &unTintID ) )
unTintID = 0;
QcCreatePreviewDecal( unStickerKitID, unTintID, sprayTrace, &playerRight );
void OnPlayerDecalsUpdate()
FOR_EACH_MAP( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply, i )
DevMsg( "DECAL: ApplyDecalDataToWorld( %d )\n", s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Key( i ) );
s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsToApply.Element( i )->ApplyDecalDataToWorld();
if ( s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Count() )
DevMsg( "DECAL: Was recreating %d decals, cleared recreate cache\n", s_mapPlayerDecalsUniqueIDsRecreating.Count() );
bool C_FEPlayerDecal::BMakeDecalReadyToApplyToWorld()
VPROF( "C_FEPlayerDecal::BMakeDecalReadyToApplyToWorld" );
// Validate the signature before applying on the client
PlayerDecalDigitalSignature data;
data.set_accountid( m_unAccountID );
data.set_trace_id( m_unTraceID );
data.set_rtime( m_rtGcTime );
for ( int k = 0; k < 3; ++ k ) data.add_endpos( m_vecEndPos[k] );
for ( int k = 0; k < 3; ++ k ) data.add_startpos( m_vecStart[k] );
for ( int k = 0; k < 3; ++ k ) data.add_right( m_vecRight[k] );
for ( int k = 0; k < 3; ++ k ) data.add_normal( m_vecNormal[k] );
data.set_tx_defidx( m_nPlayer );
data.set_entindex( m_nEntity );
data.set_hitbox( m_nHitbox );
data.set_tint_id( m_nTintID );
data.set_creationtime( m_flCreationTime );
data.set_signature( &m_ubSignature[0], PLAYERDECALS_SIGNATURE_BYTELEN );
#ifdef _DEBUG
float flendpos[ 3 ] = { data.endpos( 0 ), data.endpos( 1 ), data.endpos( 2 ) };
float flstartpos[ 3 ] = { data.startpos( 0 ), data.startpos( 1 ), data.startpos( 2 ) };
float flright[ 3 ] = { data.right( 0 ), data.right( 1 ), data.right( 2 ) };
float flnormal[ 3 ] = { data.normal( 0 ), data.normal( 1 ), data.normal( 2 ) };
DevMsg( "Client signature #%u e(%08X,%08X,%08X) s(%08X,%08X,%08X) r(%08X,%08X,%08X) n(%08X,%08X,%08X)\n", data.trace_id(),
*reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flendpos[ 0 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flendpos[ 1 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flendpos[ 2 ] ),
*reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flstartpos[ 0 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flstartpos[ 1 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flstartpos[ 2 ] ),
*reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flright[ 0 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flright[ 1 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flright[ 2 ] ),
*reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flnormal[ 0 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flnormal[ 1 ] ), *reinterpret_cast< uint32 * >( &flnormal[ 2 ] )
if ( !BValidateClientPlayerDecalSignature( data ) )
return false;
// Make the decal ready.
const int nKey = MakeKey( m_nUniqueID );
MakeDecalReady( nKey );
return true;
void C_FEPlayerDecal::ApplyDecalDataToWorld()
if ( !m_bDecalReadyToApplyToWorld )
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
const int nKey = MakeKey( m_nUniqueID );
TE_PlayerDecal( filter, 0.0f, &m_vecEndPos, &m_vecStart, &m_vecRight, nKey, m_nEntity, m_nHitbox, 0 );
void QcCreateDecalData( int nKey, int nStickerKitDefinition, int nTintID, bool bDrips, float flCreationTime )
const CStickerKit *pStickerKit = GetItemSchema()->GetStickerKitDefinition( nStickerKitDefinition );
if ( pStickerKit && !pStickerKit->sMaterialPath.IsEmpty() )
// TODO: We should convert this to be an async texture load once texture streaming is in.
CFmtStr fmtTextureName( "decals/sprays/%s", bDrips ? pStickerKit->sMaterialPath.Get() : pStickerKit->sMaterialPathNoDrips.Get() );
ITexture* texture = materials->FindTexture( fmtTextureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL, false );
if ( !texture || texture->IsError() )
Assert( !"Failed to find a texture for this decal. We're never going to see it." );
Warning( "Failed to find spray '%s', this is never going to render.\n", fmtTextureName.Access() );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
ICallQueue* pCQ = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue();
if ( pCQ )
pCQ->QueueCall( CreateDecalData, nKey, texture, pStickerKit->nRarity, nTintID, flCreationTime );
CreateDecalData( nKey, texture, pStickerKit->nRarity, nTintID, flCreationTime );
void QcCreatePreviewDecal( uint32 nStickerKitDefinition, uint32 nTintID, const trace_t& trace, const Vector* pRight )
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
ICallQueue* pCQ = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue();
if ( pCQ )
pCQ->QueueCall( DeleteDecalData, g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey );
DeleteDecalData( g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey );
bool bHasDrips = BShouldHaveDrips( trace.plane.normal );
// Matches code in CCSPlayer::SprayPaint. Update that if you touch this.
Vector startPos = trace.endpos + trace.plane.normal;
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
QcCreateDecalData( g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey, nStickerKitDefinition, nTintID, bHasDrips, gpGlobals->curtime - PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_APPLY );
TE_PlayerDecal( filter, 0.0f, &trace.endpos, &startPos, pRight, g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey, trace.GetEntityIndex(), trace.hitbox, EDF_IMMEDIATECLEANUP );
IMaterial * QcCreateDecalDataForModelPreviewPanel( int nStickerKitDefinition, int nTintID )
IMaterial *pMatStickerOverride = NULL;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
ICallQueue* pCQ = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue();
if ( pCQ )
pCQ->QueueCall( DeleteDecalData, g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey );
DeleteDecalData( g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey );
if ( nStickerKitDefinition > 0 && GetItemSchema() && GetItemSchema()->GetStickerKitDefinition( nStickerKitDefinition ) )
char const *szDesiredPreviewMaterialPath = "decals/playerlogo01_modelpreview.vmt";
pMatStickerOverride = materials->FindMaterial( szDesiredPreviewMaterialPath, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
if ( pMatStickerOverride->IsErrorMaterial() )
KeyValues *pSpecificStickerMaterialKeyValues = new KeyValues( "vmt" );
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pSpecificStickerMaterialKeyValues( pSpecificStickerMaterialKeyValues );
if ( pSpecificStickerMaterialKeyValues->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szDesiredPreviewMaterialPath, "GAME" ) )
pMatStickerOverride = materials->CreateMaterial( szDesiredPreviewMaterialPath, pSpecificStickerMaterialKeyValues );
if ( !pMatStickerOverride || pMatStickerOverride->IsErrorMaterial() )
return NULL;
QcCreateDecalData( g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey, nStickerKitDefinition, nTintID, true, gpGlobals->curtime - PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_APPLY );
return pMatStickerOverride;
// Purpose:
// Input : bool -
void C_FEPlayerDecal::MakeDecalReady( int nKey )
QcCreateDecalData( nKey, m_nPlayer, m_nTintID, BShouldHaveDrips( m_vecNormal ), m_flCreationTime );
// Purpose:
// Input : bool -
void C_TEPlayerDecal::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
VPROF( "C_TEPlayerDecal::PostDataUpdate" );
// Decals disabled?
if ( !r_decals.GetBool() )
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
TE_PlayerDecal( filter, 0.0f, &m_vecOrigin, &m_vecStart, &m_vecRight, m_nPlayer, m_nEntity, m_nHitbox, 0 );
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecOrigin)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecStart)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecRight)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nEntity)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nPlayer)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nHitbox)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_nUniqueID ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_unAccountID ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_unTraceID ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_rtGcTime ) ),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecEndPos)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecStart)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecRight)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecNormal)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nEntity)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nPlayer)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nHitbox)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nTintID)),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_flCreationTime ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nVersion)),
RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY( m_ubSignature ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_ubSignature[0] ) ) ),
// Purpose: material proxy
class CPlayerLogoProxy : public IMaterialProxy
virtual bool Init( IMaterial* pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
virtual void OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity );
virtual void Release()
if ( m_pDefaultTexture )
delete this;
virtual IMaterial *GetMaterial();
virtual bool CanBeCalledAsync() const { return true; }
virtual void OnLogoBindInternal( const DecalData_t& decalData, bool bPreviewMaterial );
bool m_bInspectInModelPreviewWindow;
bool m_bVertexLitMaterial;
IMaterialVar *m_pAlphaVar;
IMaterialVar *m_pColorVar;
IMaterialVar *m_pDetailBlendFactorVar;
IMaterialVar *m_pBaseTextureVar;
ITexture *m_pDefaultTexture;
m_bInspectInModelPreviewWindow = false;
m_bVertexLitMaterial = false;
m_pAlphaVar = NULL;
m_pColorVar = NULL;
m_pDetailBlendFactorVar = NULL;
m_pBaseTextureVar = NULL;
m_pDefaultTexture = NULL;
bool CPlayerLogoProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
bool found = false;
m_pAlphaVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$alpha", &found );
if ( !found )
return false;
if ( !m_pAlphaVar )
return false;
m_bVertexLitMaterial = pMaterial->IsVertexLit();
// m_pColorVar = pMaterial->FindVar( pMaterial->IsVertexLit() ? "$color2" : "$color", &found );
m_pColorVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$color", &found );
if ( !found )
return false;
if ( !m_pColorVar )
return false;
m_pDetailBlendFactorVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$detailblendfactor", &found );
if ( !found )
return false;
if ( !m_pDetailBlendFactorVar )
return false;
m_pBaseTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$basetexture", &found );
if ( !found )
return false;
if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )
return false;
m_pDefaultTexture = m_pBaseTextureVar->GetTextureValue();
if ( !m_pDefaultTexture )
return false;
return true;
void CPlayerLogoProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity )
if ( !pC_BaseEntity )
return; // dummy bind from mesh init
if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )
DecalData_t dd;
if ( ReadDecalData( ( int )( intp ) pC_BaseEntity, &dd ) )
bool bPreviewMaterial = ( g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey == ( int )( intp ) pC_BaseEntity );
OnLogoBindInternal( dd, bPreviewMaterial );
m_pBaseTextureVar->SetTextureValue( m_pDefaultTexture );
m_pAlphaVar->SetFloatValue( 0.0f );
m_pColorVar->SetVecValue( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
m_pDetailBlendFactorVar->SetFloatValue( 0.0f );
DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_CONVAR( cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_timescale, 0.6 );
DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_CONVAR( cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_alpha_low, 0.125 );
DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_CONVAR( cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_alpha_fraction, 1.0 );
void Helper_TintColorSpaceToRGBf( uint8 unHSVID, float arrFlcs[3], float flRenderRGB[3] )
// Tint processing
// see: csgo_english.txt and econ_item_schema.cpp Helper_ExtractIntegerFromValueStringEntry for tint color names
struct CHSVSprayTintDefinition_t
// Based on the hue value the correct lerped bucket will be used
int m_hue[3]; // HUE low-mid-hi
int m_slo[3]; // SAT low low-mid-hi
int m_shi[3]; // SAT high low-mid-hi
int m_vlo[3]; // VAL low low-mid-hi
int m_vhi[3]; // VAL high low-mid-hi
const arrSprayTintDefinitions[] =
{ // zero-index: all white
{ 180, 180, 180 }, // hue
{ 0, 0, 0 }, // sat low
{ 0, 0, 0 }, // sat high
{ 100, 100, 100 }, // val low
{ 100, 100, 100 }, // val high
{ // index #1 - Aqua
{ 158, 174, 190 }, // hue
{ 50, 60, 40 }, // sat low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // sat high
{ 60, 60, 60 }, // val low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // val high
{ // index #2 - Red
{ 348, 358, 368 }, // hue
{ 78, 80, 70 }, // sat low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // sat high
{ 48, 50, 50 }, // val low
{ 82, 80, 80 }, // val high
{ // index #3 - Orange
{ 18, 28, 38 }, // hue
{ 74, 72, 70 }, // sat low
{ 94, 92, 90 }, // sat high
{ 58, 78, 74 }, // val low
{ 84, 92, 98 }, // val high
{ // index #4 - Yellow
{ 48, 54, 61 }, // hue
{ 40, 40, 40 }, // sat low
{ 92, 92, 92 }, // sat high
{ 82, 82, 82 }, // val low
{ 98, 98, 98 }, // val high
{ // index #5 - Green
{ 108, 129, 150 }, // hue
{ 40, 50, 54 }, // sat low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // sat high
{ 60, 60, 58 }, // val low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // val high
{ // index #6 - Blue
{ 207, 223, 238 }, // hue
{ 70, 40, 50 }, // sat low
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // sat high
{ 60, 50, 70 }, // val low
{ 100, 80, 100 }, // val high
{ // index #7 - Purple
{ 258, 272, 289 }, // hue
{ 50, 40, 40 }, // sat low
{ 90, 80, 80 }, // sat high
{ 60, 60, 60 }, // val low
{ 100, 90, 80 }, // val high
{ // index #8 - Pink
{ 308, 340, 372 }, // hue
{ 20, 20, 20 }, // sat low
{ 67, 50, 64 }, // sat high
{ 84, 80, 86 }, // val low
{ 98, 98, 98 }, // val high
{ // index #9 - Lime
{ 68, 78, 94 }, // hue
{ 50, 50, 50 }, // sat low
{ 92, 90, 90 }, // sat high
{ 62, 70, 80 }, // val low
{ 98, 98, 98 }, // val high
{ // index #10 - White
{ 0, 180, 360 }, // hue
{ 2, 2, 2 }, // sat low
{ 7, 7, 7 }, // sat high
{ 90, 90, 90 }, // val low
{ 97, 97, 97 }, // val high
if ( ( unHSVID > 0 ) && ( unHSVID <= NUM_SPRAY_TINT_IDS_SUPPORTED ) )
CHSVSprayTintDefinition_t const &tintdef = arrSprayTintDefinitions[unHSVID];
// Hue percentage value
float flHuePct = arrFlcs[0]*2.0f;
int nHueIdx = 0; // 0 when in first half, 1 when in second half
if ( flHuePct > 1.0f )
nHueIdx = 1;
flHuePct -= 1.0f;
// Actual HSV interpolated value
float flHue = Lerp<float>( flHuePct, tintdef.m_hue[nHueIdx], tintdef.m_hue[nHueIdx+1] );
float flSat = Lerp<float>( arrFlcs[1],
Lerp<float>( flHuePct, tintdef.m_slo[nHueIdx], tintdef.m_slo[nHueIdx+1] ),
Lerp<float>( flHuePct, tintdef.m_shi[nHueIdx], tintdef.m_shi[nHueIdx+1] ) ) / 100.0f;
float flVal = Lerp<float>( arrFlcs[2],
Lerp<float>( flHuePct, tintdef.m_vlo[nHueIdx], tintdef.m_vlo[nHueIdx+1] ),
Lerp<float>( flHuePct, tintdef.m_vhi[nHueIdx], tintdef.m_vhi[nHueIdx+1] ) ) / 100.0f;
if ( flHue >= 360.0f )
flHue -= 360.0f; // rotate into [0:360) range if needed overlapping area for lerps
// Now we just need to convert HSV->RGB
float hh = flHue/60.0f;
int numhh = int( hh );
float ff = hh - numhh;
float xp = flVal * ( 1.0f - flSat );
float xq = flVal * ( 1.0f - ( flSat * ff ) );
float xt = flVal * ( 1.0f - ( flSat * ( 1.0f - ff ) ) );
switch ( numhh )
case 0:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = flVal; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = xt; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = xp;
case 1:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = xq; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = flVal; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = xp;
case 2:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = xp; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = flVal; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = xt;
case 3:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = xp; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = xq; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = flVal;
case 4:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = xt; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = xp; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = flVal;
case 5:
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = flVal; flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = xp; flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = xq;
void CPlayerLogoProxy::OnLogoBindInternal( const DecalData_t& decalData, bool bPreviewMaterial )
Assert( decalData.m_pTex );
m_pBaseTextureVar->SetTextureValue( decalData.m_pTex );
// Drive alpha to expiration (but not outside of creation time)
float flRenderAlpha = 0;
float flDetailBlendFactor = 0;
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= decalData.m_flCreationTime )
float flDecalTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
#if 0 // quick decals fading code
flDecalTime = decalData.m_flCreationTime + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_SOLID - 5;
flDecalTime = flDecalTime + ( gpGlobals->curtime - decalData.m_flCreationTime ) * 4;
if ( !m_bInspectInModelPreviewWindow && bPreviewMaterial )
flRenderAlpha = flDecalTime * cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_timescale.GetFloat(); // make the full cycle longer than 1 second
flRenderAlpha -= floorf( flRenderAlpha ); // [0..1)[0..1)
flRenderAlpha = fabsf( flRenderAlpha - 0.5f ); // 0.5..0..0.5..0..0.5
flRenderAlpha = cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_alpha_low.GetFloat() + flRenderAlpha/cl_playerspray_debug_pulse_alpha_fraction.GetFloat(); // 12.5% ... 63% opacity cycle over 0.85 sec
else if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= decalData.m_flCreationTime + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_APPLY )
float flFadeStart = decalData.m_flCreationTime + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_SOLID;
float flFadeEnd = flFadeStart + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_FADE2;
float flFadeAlphaStart = flFadeEnd - PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_FADE1;
flDetailBlendFactor = RemapValClamped( flDecalTime, flFadeStart, flFadeEnd, 0.0f, 1.0f );
flRenderAlpha = RemapValClamped( flDecalTime, flFadeAlphaStart, flFadeEnd, 1.0f, 0.0f );
float flFadeStart = decalData.m_flCreationTime;
float flFadeEnd = flFadeStart + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_APPLY;
float flFadeAlphaStart = flFadeStart + PLAYERDECALS_DURATION_APPLY/2;
flDetailBlendFactor = RemapValClamped( flDecalTime, flFadeStart, flFadeEnd, 1.0f, 0.0f );
flRenderAlpha = RemapValClamped( flDecalTime, flFadeStart, flFadeAlphaStart, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// Convert tint HSV to RGB
float flRenderRGB[ 3 ] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
uint8 unRenderHSVID = CombinedTintIDGetHSVID( decalData.m_nTintID );
if ( unRenderHSVID )
float arrFlcs[ 3 ] = { CombinedTintIDGetHSVc( decalData.m_nTintID, 0 ), CombinedTintIDGetHSVc( decalData.m_nTintID, 1 ), CombinedTintIDGetHSVc( decalData.m_nTintID, 2 ) };
Helper_TintColorSpaceToRGBf( unRenderHSVID, arrFlcs, flRenderRGB );
if ( const CEconGraffitiTintDefinition *pDef = GEconItemSchema().GetGraffitiTintDefinitionByID( unRenderHSVID ) )
uint32 uiRGB = pDef->GetHexColorRGB();
flRenderRGB[ 0 ] = float( ( uiRGB >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) / float( 0xFF );
flRenderRGB[ 1 ] = float( ( uiRGB >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) / float( 0xFF );
flRenderRGB[ 2 ] = float( ( uiRGB ) & 0xFF ) / float( 0xFF );
// Do srgb color transform when applied to brush models via lightmapped generic
if ( !m_bVertexLitMaterial && !m_bInspectInModelPreviewWindow )
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
flRenderRGB[ j ] = SrgbGammaToLinear( flRenderRGB[ j ] );
m_pColorVar->SetVecValue( flRenderRGB[ 0 ], flRenderRGB[ 1 ], flRenderRGB[ 2 ], 1.0f );
m_pAlphaVar->SetFloatValue( flRenderAlpha );
m_pDetailBlendFactorVar->SetFloatValue( flDetailBlendFactor );
IMaterial *CPlayerLogoProxy::GetMaterial()
return m_pBaseTextureVar->GetOwningMaterial();
EXPOSE_MATERIAL_PROXY( CPlayerLogoProxy, PlayerLogo );
class CPlayerLogoProxyForModelWeaponPreviewPanel : public CPlayerLogoProxy
m_bInspectInModelPreviewWindow = true;
virtual void OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity ) OVERRIDE
CPlayerLogoProxy::OnBind( ( void * ) ( intp ) g_nPlayerLogoProxyForPreviewKey );
EXPOSE_MATERIAL_PROXY( CPlayerLogoProxyForModelWeaponPreviewPanel, PlayerLogoModelPreview );