Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//========= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include "paint_blobs_shared.h"
#include "debugoverlay_shared.h"
#include "portal_base2d_shared.h"
#include "paint_cleanser_manager.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "paintable_entity.h"
#include "portal_player_shared.h"
#include "vprof.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "raytrace.h"
#include "prop_portal_shared.h"
#include "mathlib/ssequaternion.h"
// define this when we want to prefetch blob data in PaintBlobUpdate()
// define this to debug blob SIMD update
#define BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR 1.f
#include "cache_hints.h"
#include "c_trigger_paint_cleanser.h"
#include "c_paintblob.h"
#include "c_world.h"
const Color g_BlobDebugColor( 0, 255, 255 );
ConVar debug_paint_client_blobs( "debug_paint_client_blobs", "0" );
#include "trigger_paint_cleanser.h"
#include "cpaintblob.h"
#include "world.h"
ConVar debug_paint_server_blobs( "debug_paint_server_blobs", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
ConVar debug_paintblobs_streaking( "debug_paintblobs_streaking", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
extern ConVar phys_pushscale;
const Color g_BlobDebugColor( 255, 0, 255 );
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar paintblob_collision_box_size("paintblob_collision_box_size", "60.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY);
ConVar paintblob_gravity_scale( "paintblob_gravity_scale", "1.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The gravity scale of the paint blobs." );
ConVar paintblob_air_drag( "paintblob_air_drag", "0.1f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The air drag applied to the paint blobs." );
ConVar paintblob_minimum_portal_exit_velocity( "paintblob_minimum_portal_exit_velocity", "225.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The minimum velocity of the paint blobs on exiting portals." );
// Blobulator radius scale
ConVar paintblob_min_radius_scale("paintblob_min_radius_scale", "0.7f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_max_radius_scale("paintblob_max_radius_scale", "1.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
// streak
ConVar paintblob_radius_while_streaking( "paintblob_radius_while_streaking", "0.3f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_streak_angle_threshold( "paintblob_streak_angle_threshold", "45.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The angle of impact below which the paint blobs will streak paint." );
ConVar paintblob_streak_trace_range( "paintblob_streak_trace_range", "20.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The range of the trace for the paint blobs while streaking." );
ConVar paintblob_streak_particles_enabled("paintblob_streak_particles_enabled", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_REPLICATED );
//Tractor beam
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_accel( "paintblob_tbeam_accel", "200.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The acceleration of the paint blobs while in a tractor beam to get up to tractor beam speed" );
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_vortex_circulation( "paintblob_tbeam_vortex_circulation", "30000.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_portal_vortex_circulation( "paintblob_tbeam_portal_vortex_circulation", "60000.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_vortex_radius_rate( "paintblob_tbeam_vortex_radius_rate", "100.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_vortex_accel( "paintblob_tbeam_vortex_accel", "300.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar paintblob_tbeam_vortex_distance( "paintblob_tbeam_vortex_distance", "50.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT , "Blob will do vortex if blob's distance from start or end point of the beam is within this distance");
//Limited range for blobs
ConVar paintblob_limited_range( "paintblob_limited_range", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If the paintblobs have a limited range." );
ConVar paintblob_lifetime( "paintblob_lifetime", "1.5f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The lifetime of the paintblobs if they have a limited range." );
#ifdef _X360
ConVar paintblob_update_per_second( "paintblob_update_per_second", "30.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The number of times the blobs movement code is run per second." );
ConVar paintblob_update_per_second( "paintblob_update_per_second", "60.0f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "The number of times the blobs movement code is run per second." );
ConVar debug_beam_badsection( "debug_beam_badsection", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
extern ConVar sv_gravity;
extern ConVar player_can_use_painted_power;
extern ConVar player_paint_effects_enabled;
ConVar paintblob_beam_radius_offset("paintblob_beam_radius_offset", "15.f", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
float UTil_Blob_BeamRadiusOffset( float flBeamRadius )
float flOutput = flBeamRadius - paintblob_beam_radius_offset.GetFloat();
Assert( flOutput > 0.f );
return ( flOutput > 0.f ) ? flOutput : 1.f;
float UTil_Blob_TBeamLinearForce( float flLinearForce )
// motion controller of the beam moves other entities half speed of the blobs
return 0.5f * fabs( flLinearForce );
CBasePaintBlob::CBasePaintBlob() : m_flDestVortexRadius( 0.f ),
m_flCurrentVortexRadius( 0.f ),
m_flCurrentVortexSpeed( 0.f ),
m_flVortexDirection(1.f), // -1.f or 1.f
// positions & velocities
m_vecTempEndPosition( vec3_origin ),
m_vecTempEndVelocity( vec3_origin ),
m_vecPosition( vec3_origin ),
m_vecPrevPosition( vec3_origin ),
m_vecVelocity( vec3_origin ),
// normal for particles effect
m_vContactNormal( vec3_origin ),
m_paintType( NO_POWER ),
m_hOwner( NULL ),
// life time
m_flLifeTime( 0.f ),
m_vecStreakDir( vec3_origin ),
m_bStreakDirChanged( false ),
m_flStreakTimer( 0.f ),
m_flStreakSpeedDampenRate( 0.f ),
//Tractor beam
m_bInTractorBeam( false ),
m_bDeleteFlag( false ),
// update time
m_flAccumulatedTime( 0.0 ),
m_flLastUpdateTime( 0.0 ),
m_flRadiusScale( 0.f ),
m_bShouldPlayEffect( false ),
m_bSilent( false ),
// ghost blob!!!
m_hPortal( NULL ),
// optimize trace
m_vCollisionBoxCenter( vec3_origin ),
m_bCollisionBoxHitSolid( false ),
m_bDrawOnly( false ),
// num teleported
m_bTeleportedThisFrame( false ),
m_nTeleportationCount( 0 )
void CBasePaintBlob::Init( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecVelocity, int paintType, float flMaxStreakTime, float flStreakSpeedDampenRate, CBaseEntity* pOwner, bool bSilent, bool bDrawOnly )
m_vecPosition = vecOrigin;
m_vecPrevPosition = vecOrigin;
SetVelocity( vecVelocity );
m_paintType = static_cast<PaintPowerType>( paintType );
//Set up the streaking properties of the blob
m_flStreakTimer = flMaxStreakTime;
m_flStreakSpeedDampenRate = flStreakSpeedDampenRate;
m_vecStreakDir = vec3_origin;
//Set the default move state for the blob
// set values when blobs hit tbeam
m_bInTractorBeam = false;
m_flVortexDirection = Sign( RandomFloat(-1.f, 1.f) );
m_flDestVortexRadius = RandomFloat( 0.1, 1.f );
m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = 0.f;
m_flAccumulatedTime = 0.f;
m_flLastUpdateTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
//Set up the radius for the blob
m_flRadiusScale = RandomFloat( paintblob_min_radius_scale.GetFloat(), paintblob_max_radius_scale.GetFloat() );
m_bShouldPlayEffect = false;
m_bSilent = bSilent;
m_vCollisionBoxCenter = vecOrigin;
m_bCollisionBoxHitSolid = CheckCollisionBoxAgainstWorldAndStaticProps();
m_hOwner = pOwner;
m_bShouldPlaySound = false;
m_bDrawOnly = bDrawOnly;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetTempEndPosition( void ) const
return m_vecTempEndPosition;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetTempEndPosition( const Vector &vecTempEndPosition )
m_vecTempEndPosition = vecTempEndPosition;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetTempEndVelocity( void ) const
return m_vecTempEndVelocity;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetTempEndVelocity( const Vector &vecTempEndVelocity )
m_vecTempEndVelocity = vecTempEndVelocity;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetPosition( void ) const
return m_vecPosition;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetPosition( const Vector &vecPosition )
m_vecPrevPosition = m_vecPosition;
m_vecPosition = vecPosition;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetPrevPosition() const
return m_vecPrevPosition;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetPrevPosition( const Vector& vPrevPosition )
m_vecPrevPosition = vPrevPosition;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetVelocity( void ) const
return m_vecVelocity;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetVelocity( const Vector &vecVelocity )
m_vecVelocity = vecVelocity;
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetStreakDir() const
return m_vecStreakDir;
PaintPowerType CBasePaintBlob::GetPaintPowerType( void ) const
return m_paintType;
PaintBlobMoveState CBasePaintBlob::GetMoveState( void ) const
return m_MoveState;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetMoveState( PaintBlobMoveState moveState )
m_MoveState = moveState;
float CBasePaintBlob::GetVortexDirection() const
return m_flVortexDirection;
bool CBasePaintBlob::ShouldDeleteThis() const
return m_bDeleteFlag;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetDeletionFlag( bool bDelete )
m_bDeleteFlag = bDelete;
bool CBasePaintBlob::IsStreaking( void ) const
return m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE;
float CBasePaintBlob::GetLifeTime() const
return m_flLifeTime;
void CBasePaintBlob::UpdateLifeTime( float flLifeTime )
m_flLifeTime += flLifeTime;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetRadiusScale( float flRadiusScale )
m_flRadiusScale = flRadiusScale;
float CBasePaintBlob::GetRadiusScale( void ) const
if( m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE )
return paintblob_radius_while_streaking.GetFloat();
return m_flRadiusScale;
void CBasePaintBlob::GetGhostMatrix( VMatrix& matGhostTransform )
CProp_Portal *pPortal = assert_cast< CProp_Portal* >( m_hPortal.Get() );
Assert( pPortal );
if ( pPortal )
matGhostTransform = pPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
CTrigger_TractorBeam* CBasePaintBlob::GetCurrentBeam() const
if ( m_beamHistory.m_beams.Count() == 0 )
return NULL;
return assert_cast< CTrigger_TractorBeam* >( m_beamHistory.m_beams[0].m_hBeamHandle.Get() );
class BlobTraceEnum : public ICountedPartitionEnumerator
BlobTraceEnum( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax, int contentMask );
virtual IterationRetval_t EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity );
virtual int GetCount() const;
bool AddToList( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
CBaseEntity** m_pList;
int m_listMax;
int m_count;
int m_contentMask;
BlobTraceEnum::BlobTraceEnum( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax, int contentMask )
: m_pList( pList ),
m_listMax( listMax ),
m_count( 0 ),
m_contentMask( m_contentMask )
IterationRetval_t BlobTraceEnum::EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
IClientEntity *pClientEntity = cl_entitylist->GetClientEntityFromHandle( pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle() );
C_BaseEntity *pEntity = pClientEntity ? pClientEntity->GetBaseEntity() : NULL;
CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.GetBaseEntity( pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle() );
if( pEntity )
// Does this collide with blobs?
if( ( !pEntity->ShouldCollide( COLLISION_GROUP_PROJECTILE, m_contentMask ) ) /*&& bNotPortalOrTBeam*/ )
if( !AddToList( pEntity ) )
int BlobTraceEnum::GetCount() const
return m_count;
bool BlobTraceEnum::AddToList( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if( m_count >= m_listMax )
AssertMsgOnce( 0, "reached enumerated list limit. Increase limit, decrease radius, or make it so entity flags will work for you" );
return false;
m_pList[m_count++] = pEntity;
return true;
BlobTraceResult CBasePaintBlob::BlobHitSolid( CBaseEntity* pHitEntity )
if ( !pHitEntity )
if( pHitEntity->IsWorld() )
// Player
if( pHitEntity->IsPlayer() )
// If the blob started in the player box, it didn't hit. Otherwise, it did.
// Compensate for updating out-of-sync by sweeping the box along the
// displacement for the frame.
Vector mins = pHitEntity->GetAbsOrigin() + pHitEntity->WorldAlignMins();
Vector maxs = pHitEntity->GetAbsOrigin() + pHitEntity->WorldAlignMaxs();
const Vector frameDisplacement = pHitEntity->GetAbsVelocity() * gpGlobals->frametime;
ExpandAABB( mins, maxs, -frameDisplacement );
// Blobs can only collide if player painting is enabled
const bool usePaintEffects = player_can_use_painted_power.GetBool() || player_paint_effects_enabled.GetBool();
const bool canCollideWithPlayer = usePaintEffects && !IsPointInBounds( m_vecPosition, mins, maxs );
void UTIL_Blob_TraceWorldAndStaticPropsOnly( const Ray_t& ray, trace_t& tr )
CTraceFilterWorldAndPropsOnly traceFilter;
UTIL_TraceRay( ray, BLOB_TRACE_STATIC_MASK, &traceFilter, &tr );
void UTIL_Blob_EnumerateEntitiesAlongRay( const Ray_t& ray, ICountedPartitionEnumerator* pEntEnum )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
if( ray.m_Delta.IsZeroFast() )
::partition->EnumerateElementsAtPoint( PARTITION_SERVER_GAME_EDICTS, ray.m_Start, false, pEntEnum );
::partition->EnumerateElementsAlongRay( PARTITION_SERVER_GAME_EDICTS, ray, false, pEntEnum );
if( ray.m_Delta.IsZeroFast() )
::partition->EnumerateElementsAtPoint( PARTITION_CLIENT_GAME_EDICTS, ray.m_Start, false, pEntEnum );
::partition->EnumerateElementsAlongRay( PARTITION_CLIENT_GAME_EDICTS, ray, false, pEntEnum );
bool CBasePaintBlob::CheckCollisionBoxAgainstWorldAndStaticProps()
const float flBoxSize = paintblob_collision_box_size.GetFloat();
Vector vExtents( flBoxSize, flBoxSize, flBoxSize );
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( m_vecPosition, m_vecTempEndPosition, -vExtents, vExtents );
trace_t tr;
UTIL_Blob_TraceWorldAndStaticPropsOnly( ray, tr );
m_vCollisionBoxCenter = m_vecTempEndPosition;
return tr.DidHit();
void CBasePaintBlob::CheckCollisionAgainstWorldAndStaticProps( BlobCollisionRecord& solidHitRecord, float& flHitFraction )
const float flBoxSize = paintblob_collision_box_size.GetFloat();
Vector vExtents( flBoxSize, flBoxSize, flBoxSize );
// if blob moves outside the collision box, recompute the new collision box
if ( !IsPointInBounds( m_vecTempEndPosition, m_vCollisionBoxCenter - vExtents, m_vCollisionBoxCenter + vExtents ) )
m_bCollisionBoxHitSolid = CheckCollisionBoxAgainstWorldAndStaticProps();
// always check if we are hitting world this frame if the flag is set to true
if ( m_bCollisionBoxHitSolid )
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( m_vecPosition, m_vecTempEndPosition );
trace_t tr;
UTIL_ClearTrace( tr );
UTIL_Blob_TraceWorldAndStaticPropsOnly( ray, tr );
if ( tr.DidHit() && tr.fraction < flHitFraction )
flHitFraction = tr.fraction;
solidHitRecord.trace = tr;
solidHitRecord.traceResultType = BlobHitSolid( tr.m_pEnt );
solidHitRecord.targetEndPos = tr.endpos;
int CBasePaintBlob::CheckCollision( BlobCollisionRecord *pCollisions, int maxCollisions, const Vector &vecEndPos )
const Vector& vecStartPos = m_vecPosition;
Ray_t fastRay;
fastRay.Init( vecStartPos, vecEndPos );
float flTempFraction = 1.f;
if ( UTIL_Portal_FirstAlongRay( fastRay, flTempFraction ) == NULL )
BlobTraceEnum entEnum( ppEntities, ARRAYSIZE( ppEntities ), BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK );
UTIL_Blob_EnumerateEntitiesAlongRay( fastRay, &entEnum );
int nEntAlongRay = entEnum.GetCount();
int nCollisionCount = 0;
float firstHitSolidFraction = 1.f;
BlobCollisionRecord solidHitRecord;
// check against world and static props if needed
CheckCollisionAgainstWorldAndStaticProps( solidHitRecord, firstHitSolidFraction );
for ( int i=0; i<nEntAlongRay; ++i )
CBaseEntity* pHitEntity = ppEntities[i];
if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "prop_portal" ) )
pCollisions[nCollisionCount].traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_PROP_PORTAL;
pCollisions[nCollisionCount].trace.m_pEnt = pHitEntity;
pCollisions[nCollisionCount++].targetEndPos = vecEndPos;
else if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "trigger_tractorbeam" ) )
pCollisions[nCollisionCount].traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_TRACTORBEAM;
pCollisions[nCollisionCount].trace.m_pEnt = pHitEntity;
pCollisions[nCollisionCount++].targetEndPos = vecEndPos;
else if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "trigger_paint_cleanser" ) )
trace_t tempTrace;
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( fastRay, BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK, pHitEntity, &tempTrace );
CTriggerPaintCleanser *pPaintCleanser = assert_cast< CTriggerPaintCleanser* >( pHitEntity );
if ( pPaintCleanser->IsEnabled() && tempTrace.DidHit() && tempTrace.fraction < firstHitSolidFraction )
firstHitSolidFraction = tempTrace.fraction;
solidHitRecord.trace = tempTrace;
solidHitRecord.traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_PAINT_CLEANSER;
solidHitRecord.targetEndPos = tempTrace.endpos;
// entity that stops the blob
else if ( pHitEntity->IsSolid() )
trace_t tempTrace;
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( fastRay, BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK, pHitEntity, &tempTrace );
if ( tempTrace.DidHit() && tempTrace.fraction < firstHitSolidFraction )
BlobTraceResult traceResultType = BlobHitSolid( pHitEntity );
if( traceResultType != BLOB_TRACE_HIT_NOTHING )
firstHitSolidFraction = tempTrace.fraction;
solidHitRecord.trace = tempTrace;
solidHitRecord.traceResultType = traceResultType;
solidHitRecord.targetEndPos = tempTrace.endpos;
// add solid collision
if ( firstHitSolidFraction < 1.f )
pCollisions[nCollisionCount++] = solidHitRecord;
return nCollisionCount;
return CheckCollisionThroughPortal( pCollisions, maxCollisions, vecEndPos );
int CBasePaintBlob::CheckCollisionThroughPortal( BlobCollisionRecord *pCollisions, int maxCollisions, const Vector &vecEndPos )
if( !pCollisions )
return 0;
const Vector& vecStartPos = m_vecPosition;
CTraceFilterHitAll traceFilter;
// Reserve space for all the output
int segmentCount = 0;
ComplexPortalTrace_t traceSegments[MAX_BLOB_TRACE_SEGMENTS];
BlobTraceEnum traceEnum( hitEntities, ARRAYSIZE( hitEntities ), contentMask );
// Run a complex trace for all entities along the ray
Ray_t blobRay;
blobRay.Init( vecStartPos, vecEndPos );
UTIL_Portal_EntitiesAlongRayComplex( segmentIndices,
ARRAYSIZE( traceSegments ),
contentMask );
// Compute the fraction of the total trace that each segment makes up
float traceSegmentFractions[MAX_BLOB_TRACE_SEGMENTS];
float traceTravelledLength = 0.0f;
for( int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i )
const float segLength = (traceSegments[i].trSegment.endpos - traceSegments[i].trSegment.startpos).Length();
traceSegmentFractions[i] = segLength;
traceTravelledLength += segLength;
const float traceTargetLength = blobRay.m_Delta.Length();
const float invTraceTargetLength = (traceTargetLength > 0.0f) ? (1.0f / traceTargetLength) : (0.0f);
const float invTraceTravelledLength = (traceTravelledLength > 0.0f) ? (1.0f / traceTravelledLength) : (0.0f);
for( int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i )
traceSegmentFractions[i] *= invTraceTravelledLength;
// Compute the fraction so far at each index
float traceSegmentFractionSoFar[MAX_BLOB_TRACE_SEGMENTS];
traceSegmentFractionSoFar[0] = 0.0f;
float fractionSoFar = 0.0f;
for( int i = 1; i < segmentCount; ++i )
fractionSoFar += traceSegmentFractions[i - 1];
traceSegmentFractionSoFar[i] = fractionSoFar;
// Find which portals were hit and keep track of the last one to test against the world
// Note: The trace only ends when it hits the world or gets to the end point.
// Note: Technically, these don't all necessarily need to be processed, but if the blob
// hits something and portals in the same frame, its position doesn't matter.
int writeIndex = 0;
CPortal_Base2D* pLastHitPortal = NULL;
const int lastSegIndex = segmentCount - 1;
for( int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i )
CPortal_Base2D* pEndPortal = traceSegments[i].pSegmentEndPortal;
if( pEndPortal != NULL &&
pEndPortal != pLastHitPortal &&
pEndPortal->IsActivedAndLinked() )
pLastHitPortal = pEndPortal;
pCollisions[writeIndex].traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_PORTAL;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace = traceSegments[i].trSegment;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace.m_pEnt = pEndPortal;
pCollisions[writeIndex++].targetEndPos = traceSegments[lastSegIndex].trSegment.endpos;
if ( segmentCount > 1 )
SetBlobTeleportedThisFrame( true );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// record the new server blob teleportation history
CPaintBlob *pBlob = assert_cast< CPaintBlob* >( this );
if ( pBlob )
const float flDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastUpdateTime;
for ( int i=0; i<lastSegIndex; ++i )
CPortal_Base2D* pEndPortal = traceSegments[i].pSegmentEndPortal;
const VMatrix& matSourceToLinked = pEndPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
const VMatrix& matLinkedToSource = pEndPortal->m_hLinkedPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
const Vector& vEnter = traceSegments[ i ].trSegment.endpos;
const Vector& vExit = traceSegments[ i + 1 ].trSegment.startpos;
float flTraceFraction = traceSegmentFractionSoFar[i] + traceSegmentFractions[i];
pBlob->AddBlobTeleportationHistory( BlobTeleportationHistory_t( matSourceToLinked, matLinkedToSource, vEnter, vExit, m_flLastUpdateTime + flTraceFraction * flDeltaTime ) );
AssertMsg( !pLastHitPortal || DotProduct( traceSegments[lastSegIndex].trSegment.endpos, pLastHitPortal->m_hLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.normal ) > pLastHitPortal->m_hLinkedPortal->m_plane_Origin.dist, "Teleporting blobs behind portal." );
// Check for water (no entity on the client)
const float INVALID_TRACE_FRACTION = 2.0f;
float firstHitSolidFraction = INVALID_TRACE_FRACTION;
BlobCollisionRecord solidHitRecord;
// HACK: Non-solid entities with bone followers will be rejected in the enumerator
// but not in the trace. Add the entity to the array anyway.
int entityCount = traceEnum.GetCount();
CBaseEntity* pLastTraceEntity = traceSegments[lastSegIndex].trSegment.m_pEnt;
if( segmentCount > 0 &&
pLastTraceEntity &&
!pLastTraceEntity->IsWorld() &&
pLastTraceEntity != hitEntities[entityCount] &&
entityCount < ARRAYSIZE( hitEntities ) )
hitEntities[entityCount] = pLastTraceEntity;
segmentIndices[entityCount++] = lastSegIndex;
// Output the rest of the collision records
for( int i = 0; i < entityCount; ++i )
CBaseEntity* pHitEntity = hitEntities[i];
const int segIndex = segmentIndices[i];
BlobTraceResult traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_NOTHING;
bool bIsLastSegment = ( segIndex == lastSegIndex );
if ( !pHitEntity )
if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "trigger_tractorbeam" ) )
// we don't care about this beam if it's not hitting in the last segment
if ( !bIsLastSegment )
pCollisions[writeIndex].traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_TRACTORBEAM;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace = traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace.m_pEnt = pHitEntity;
pCollisions[writeIndex++].targetEndPos = traceSegments[lastSegIndex].trSegment.endpos;
else if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "prop_portal" ) )
// we don't care about this portal if it's not hitting in the last segment
if ( !bIsLastSegment )
pCollisions[writeIndex].traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_PROP_PORTAL;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace = traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment;
pCollisions[writeIndex].trace.m_pEnt = pHitEntity;
pCollisions[writeIndex++].targetEndPos = traceSegments[lastSegIndex].trSegment.endpos;
else if ( FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "trigger_paint_cleanser" ) )
trace_t tempTrace;
Ray_t traceRay;
traceRay.Init( traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.startpos, traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.endpos );
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( traceRay, BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK, pHitEntity, &tempTrace );
float fraction = traceSegmentFractionSoFar[segIndex] + traceSegmentFractions[segIndex] * tempTrace.fraction;
CTriggerPaintCleanser *pPaintCleanser = assert_cast< CTriggerPaintCleanser* >( pHitEntity );
if ( pPaintCleanser->IsEnabled() && tempTrace.DidHit() && fraction < firstHitSolidFraction )
firstHitSolidFraction = fraction;
solidHitRecord.trace = tempTrace;
solidHitRecord.traceResultType = BLOB_TRACE_HIT_PAINT_CLEANSER;
solidHitRecord.targetEndPos = tempTrace.endpos;
// Any other entity
else if ( pHitEntity->IsSolid() )
traceResultType = BlobHitSolid( pHitEntity );
if( traceResultType == BLOB_TRACE_HIT_NOTHING )
// Find the actual intersection information and fraction along the total trace
float fraction = 1.0f;
trace_t trace;
UTIL_ClearTrace( trace );
// This entity stopped the trace
if( pHitEntity == traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.m_pEnt )
trace = traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment;
// Here, the trace hit the entity, so there's no need to recompute the intersection
// The fraction in the trace is the fraction of the remaining ray delta.
const float totalFractionSoFar = traceSegmentFractionSoFar[segIndex] * traceTravelledLength * invTraceTargetLength;
const float remainingLength = traceTargetLength - totalFractionSoFar * traceTargetLength;
const float remainingLengthTravelled = trace.fraction * remainingLength;
fraction = totalFractionSoFar + remainingLengthTravelled * invTraceTargetLength;
// This entity was somewhere along its corresponding trace segment
else if ( pHitEntity->IsSolid() )
Ray_t traceRay;
traceRay.Init( traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.startpos, traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.endpos );
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( traceRay, contentMask, pHitEntity, &trace );
fraction = traceSegmentFractionSoFar[segIndex] + traceSegmentFractions[segIndex] * trace.fraction;
// If the trace is valid and the best so far, record the collision
if( trace.DidHit() && trace.m_pEnt && fraction <= firstHitSolidFraction )
firstHitSolidFraction = fraction;
solidHitRecord.trace = trace;
solidHitRecord.traceResultType = traceResultType;
// Use the end position of this segment as the target end position.
solidHitRecord.targetEndPos = traceSegments[segIndex].trSegment.endpos;
if( firstHitSolidFraction != INVALID_TRACE_FRACTION )
pCollisions[writeIndex++] = solidHitRecord;
return writeIndex;
void CBasePaintBlob::ResolveCollision( bool& bDeleted, const BlobCollisionRecord& collision, Vector& targetVelocity, float deltaTime )
//Check what the blob hit
switch( collision.traceResultType )
//If the blob went through a portal then teleport it out of the portal
if( m_MoveState != PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE )
CPortal_Base2D* pInPortal = assert_cast<CPortal_Base2D*>( collision.trace.m_pEnt );
//If the portal is active and linked
if( pInPortal && pInPortal->IsActivedAndLinked() )
PaintBlobMoveThroughPortal( deltaTime, pInPortal, collision.trace.startpos, collision.targetEndPos );
targetVelocity = GetVelocity();
SetDeletionFlag( true );
bDeleted = true;
CTrigger_TractorBeam* pBeam = assert_cast< CTrigger_TractorBeam* >( collision.trace.m_pEnt );
if ( pBeam )
SetTractorBeam( pBeam );
SetPosition( collision.targetEndPos );
SetVelocity( targetVelocity );
m_bInTractorBeam = true;
SetPosition( collision.targetEndPos );
SetVelocity( targetVelocity );
CProp_Portal *pPortal = assert_cast< CProp_Portal* >( collision.trace.m_pEnt );
if ( pPortal && pPortal->IsActivedAndLinked() )
m_hPortal = pPortal;
PlayEffect( collision.targetEndPos, collision.trace.plane.normal );
SetDeletionFlag( true );
bDeleted = true;
//If the blob hit something
SetVelocity( targetVelocity );
//Remove the blob if the blob should not streak on this surface
bDeleted = !PaintBlobCheckShouldStreak( collision.trace );
void CBasePaintBlob::UpdateBlobCollision( float flDeltaTime, const Vector& vecEndPos, Vector& vecEndVelocity )
//Debugging flags
bool bDebuggingBlobs = false;
if( debug_paint_client_blobs.GetBool() )
if( debug_paint_server_blobs.GetBool() )
bDebuggingBlobs = true;
// disable blob particles and blob render if the blob is streaking
if ( m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE && !paintblob_streak_particles_enabled.GetBool() )
m_bSilent = true;
//Check if the blob collided with anything
BlobCollisionRecord collisions[MAX_BLOB_TRACE_ENTITY_RESULTS];
int collisionCount = CheckCollision( collisions, MAX_BLOB_TRACE_ENTITY_RESULTS, vecEndPos );
//Draw a tracer line to show the blobs path
if( bDebuggingBlobs )
NDebugOverlay::Line( GetPrevPosition(), vecEndPos, g_BlobDebugColor.r(), g_BlobDebugColor.g(), g_BlobDebugColor.b(), false, 10.0f );
NDebugOverlay::VertArrow( GetPrevPosition(), vecEndPos, 4.0f, 0, 255, 0, 255, true, 0.01f );
// reset state
m_bInTractorBeam = false;
CTrigger_TractorBeam *pPreviousCurrentBeam = GetCurrentBeam();
//If the blob didn't touch anything then move it
if( collisionCount == 0 )
//Move the blob to its end pos
SetPosition( vecEndPos );
SetVelocity( vecEndVelocity );
if ( m_MoveState != PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE )
// If the blob collided with things, resolve the collisions
bool bDeleted = false;
for( int i = 0; i < collisionCount && !bDeleted; ++i )
ResolveCollision( bDeleted, collisions[i], vecEndVelocity, flDeltaTime );
// reset beam if need
if ( !m_bInTractorBeam )
SetTractorBeam( NULL );
else if ( pPreviousCurrentBeam != GetCurrentBeam() )
// add blobs to beam
GetCurrentBeam()->m_blobs.AddToTail( assert_cast< CPaintBlob* >( this ) );
void CBasePaintBlob::UpdateBlobPostCollision( float flDeltaTime )
//If the paint blob is streaking
if( m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE )
Vector vVelocity = m_vecVelocity;
// just remove the blob if the it's trying to streak with speed == 0
if ( vVelocity.IsZero() )
SetDeletionFlag( true );
//Update the streak timer
m_flStreakTimer -= flDeltaTime;
// apply streak paint
bool bDeleted = PaintBlobStreakPaint( m_vecPosition );
//Dampen the speed of the blobs while streaking
float flSpeed = VectorNormalize( vVelocity );
flSpeed -= m_flStreakSpeedDampenRate * flDeltaTime;
//If the blob should still be streaking
if( !bDeleted && m_flStreakTimer >= 0.0f && flSpeed >= 0.0f )
SetVelocity( vVelocity * flSpeed );
//Reset the streak dir changed flag
m_bStreakDirChanged = false;
SetDeletionFlag( true );
//Reset the move state
DecayVortexSpeed( flDeltaTime );
void CBasePaintBlob::PaintBlobMoveThroughPortal( float flDeltaTime, CPortal_Base2D *pInPortal, const Vector &vecStartPos, const Vector &vecTransformedEndPos )
VMatrix matTransform = pInPortal->MatrixThisToLinked();
Vector vTransfromedVelocity;
UTIL_Portal_VectorTransform( matTransform, m_vecVelocity, vTransfromedVelocity );
SetVelocity( vTransfromedVelocity );
SetPosition( vecTransformedEndPos );
//Make sure the blobs have a min velocity when coming out of a portal
float flMinVelocity = paintblob_minimum_portal_exit_velocity.GetFloat();
if( m_vecVelocity.LengthSqr() < ( flMinVelocity * flMinVelocity ) )
SetVelocity( m_vecVelocity * flMinVelocity );
// increment blob teleportation count
bool CBasePaintBlob::PaintBlobCheckShouldStreak( const trace_t &trace )
bool bDebuggingStreaking = false;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
if( debug_paintblobs_streaking.GetBool() )
bDebuggingStreaking = true;
// don't streak if blob is in tractor beam or out of streak time
if( m_flStreakTimer <= 0.0f || m_bInTractorBeam || m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_TRACTOR_BEAM_MOVE )
CPaintBlob *pBlob = assert_cast< CPaintBlob* >( this );
pBlob->PaintBlobPaint( trace );
SetDeletionFlag( true );
return false;
if( bDebuggingStreaking )
//Draw the collision position
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( trace.startpos, 2.0f, 255 - g_BlobDebugColor.r(), 255 - g_BlobDebugColor.g(), 255 - g_BlobDebugColor.b(), true, 10.0f );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( trace.endpos, 2.0f, g_BlobDebugColor.r(), g_BlobDebugColor.g(), g_BlobDebugColor.b(), true, 10.0f );
const Vector& vecSurfaceNormal = trace.plane.normal;
Vector vecStreakVelocity = m_vecVelocity - DotProduct( vecSurfaceNormal, m_vecVelocity ) * vecSurfaceNormal;
Vector vecVelocityDir = m_vecVelocity.Normalized();
Vector vecStreakVelocityDir = vecStreakVelocity.Normalized();
//Check the angle of impact for the blob
float flBlobImpactAngle = RAD2DEG( acos( clamp( DotProduct( vecStreakVelocityDir, vecVelocityDir ), -1.f, 1.f ) ) );
if( bDebuggingStreaking )
Vector vecDrawPos = trace.endpos + vecSurfaceNormal * 50;
//Draw the surface normal
NDebugOverlay::VertArrow( vecDrawPos, vecDrawPos + vecSurfaceNormal * 50, 2, 0, 255, 0, 255, true, 10.0f );
//Draw the velocity dir of the blob
NDebugOverlay::VertArrow( vecDrawPos, vecDrawPos + (vecVelocityDir * 50), 2, 0, 0, 255, 255, true, 10.0f );
//Draw the streak velocity of the blob
NDebugOverlay::VertArrow( vecDrawPos, vecDrawPos + vecStreakVelocityDir * 50, 2, 0, 255, 255, 255, true, 10.0f );
//Display the impact angle of the blob
CFmtStr msg;
msg.sprintf( "Impact angle: %f\n", flBlobImpactAngle );
NDebugOverlay::Text( vecDrawPos, msg, true, 10.0f );
bool bShouldStreak = false;
//Check the streaking conditions
if( ( vecSurfaceNormal.z > -0.5f && vecSurfaceNormal.z < 0.5f ) || //If the blob hit a wall
flBlobImpactAngle <= paintblob_streak_angle_threshold.GetFloat() ) //If the impact angle of the blob is within the threshold
bShouldStreak = true;
//Check if the blob should streak paint
Vector vecHitPlaneDir = trace.plane.normal.Normalized();
bool bSameSurface = AlmostEqual( -m_vecStreakDir, vecHitPlaneDir );
//Set the streaking data if
CPaintBlob *pBlob = assert_cast< CPaintBlob* >( this );
if( ( m_MoveState != PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE && bShouldStreak ) || //The blob was not already streaking and it should streak
( m_MoveState == PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE && bShouldStreak && !bSameSurface ) )//The blob was streaking and is should streak on a different surface
//Set the streaking data for the blob
SetVelocity( vecStreakVelocity );
pBlob->PaintBlobPaint( trace );
m_vecStreakDir = -( vecHitPlaneDir );
return true;
pBlob->PaintBlobPaint( trace );
SetDeletionFlag( true );
return bShouldStreak;
bool CBasePaintBlob::PaintBlobStreakPaint( const Vector &vecBlobStartPos )
bool bRemoveBlob = false;
Ray_t blobRay;
blobRay.Init( vecBlobStartPos, vecBlobStartPos + m_vecStreakDir * paintblob_streak_trace_range.GetFloat() );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if( debug_paintblobs_streaking.GetBool() )
NDebugOverlay::Line( vecBlobStartPos, vecBlobStartPos + m_vecStreakDir * paintblob_streak_trace_range.GetFloat(), 255, 0, 255, true, 10.0f );
//See if the blob hit a portal or anything else
trace_t trace;
CTraceFilterNoPlayers traceFilter;
CPortal_Base2D *pInPortal = UTIL_Portal_TraceRay( blobRay, contentMask, &traceFilter, &trace );
//If the blob hit a portal
if( pInPortal )
bRemoveBlob = true;
//If the blob hit something else besides the player
else if( trace.DidHit() )
PaintBlobPaint( trace );
else //The blob hit nothing
//Don't remove the blob if the streak direction changed this update
if( !m_bStreakDirChanged )
bRemoveBlob = true;
return bRemoveBlob;
void CBasePaintBlob::SetTractorBeam( CTrigger_TractorBeam *pBeam )
if ( pBeam == NULL )
if ( m_MoveState != PAINT_BLOB_STREAK_MOVE )
if ( m_beamHistory.IsDifferentBeam( pBeam ) )
m_beamHistory.UpdateBeam( pBeam );
Vector vecPointOnLine;
CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( GetPosition(), pBeam->GetStartPoint(), pBeam->GetEndPoint(), vecPointOnLine );
float flDistFromBeamCenter = ( GetPosition() - vecPointOnLine ).Length();
float flFraction = 1.f / UTil_Blob_BeamRadiusOffset( pBeam->GetBeamRadius() );
m_flCurrentVortexRadius = RemapValClamped( flDistFromBeamCenter, 1.f, UTil_Blob_BeamRadiusOffset( pBeam->GetBeamRadius() ), flFraction, 1.f );
void CBasePaintBlob::DecayVortexSpeed( float flDeltaTime )
if ( m_flCurrentVortexSpeed > 0.f )
m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = clamp( m_flCurrentVortexSpeed - flDeltaTime * paintblob_tbeam_vortex_accel.GetFloat(), 0.f, m_flCurrentVortexSpeed );
const Vector& CBasePaintBlob::GetContactNormal() const
return m_vContactNormal;
void CBasePaintBlob::PlayEffect( const Vector& vPosition, const Vector& vNormal )
SetPosition( vPosition );
m_vContactNormal = vNormal;
m_bShouldPlayEffect = true;
struct BlobInBeam_t : std::unary_function< CPaintBlob*, bool >
inline bool operator()( const CPaintBlob* pBlob ) const
return pBlob->GetMoveState() == PAINT_BLOB_TRACTOR_BEAM_MOVE;
struct BlobInAir_t : std::unary_function< CPaintBlob*, bool >
inline bool operator()( const CPaintBlob* pBlob ) const
return pBlob->GetMoveState() == PAINT_BLOB_AIR_MOVE;
void SplitBlobsIntoMovementGroup( PaintBlobVector_t& blobs, PaintBlobVector_t& blobsInBeam, PaintBlobVector_t& blobsInAir, PaintBlobVector_t& blobsInStreak )
// split blobs in beam
CPaintBlob** begin = blobs.Base();
CPaintBlob** end = begin + blobs.Count();
CPaintBlob** middle = std::partition( begin, end, BlobInBeam_t() );
int numBlobsInBeam = middle - begin;
blobsInBeam.CopyArray( begin, numBlobsInBeam );
// split blobs in air
begin = middle;
middle = std::partition( begin, end, BlobInAir_t() );
int numBlobsInAir = middle - begin;
blobsInAir.CopyArray( begin, numBlobsInAir );
int numBlobsInStreak = end - middle;
blobsInStreak.CopyArray( middle, numBlobsInStreak );
class BlobsInBeamUpdate_SIMD
BlobsInBeamUpdate_SIMD( CTrigger_TractorBeam *pBeam )
const PaintBlobVector_t& blobs = pBeam->m_blobs;
if ( blobs.Count() == 0 )
m_flDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - blobs[0]->GetLastUpdateTime();
m_pBeam = pBeam;
int numBlobs = blobs.Count();
m_data.EnsureCount( numBlobs );
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
m_data[i].m_vPosition = blobs[i]->GetPosition();
m_data[i].m_vVelocity = blobs[i]->GetVelocity();
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexRadius;
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexSpeed;
m_data[i].m_flDestVortexRadius = blobs[i]->m_flDestVortexRadius;
m_data[i].m_flVortexDirection = blobs[i]->m_flVortexDirection;
m_data[i].m_vPosition_DEBUG = blobs[i]->GetPosition();
m_data[i].m_vVelocity_DEBUG = blobs[i]->GetVelocity();
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG = blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexRadius;
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG = blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexSpeed;
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
blobs[i]->SetTempEndPosition( m_data[i].m_vPosition );
blobs[i]->SetTempEndVelocity( m_data[i].m_vVelocity );
blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexRadius = m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius;
blobs[i]->m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed;
struct BlobBeamUpdateData_t
Vector m_vPosition;
Vector m_vVelocity;
// beam info
float m_flCurrentVortexRadius;
float m_flCurrentVortexSpeed;
float m_flDestVortexRadius;
float m_flVortexDirection;
Vector m_vPosition_DEBUG;
Vector m_vVelocity_DEBUG;
float m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG;
float m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG;
void UpdateBlobsInBeam_SIMD()
const float flDeltaTime = m_flDeltaTime;
const float flInvDeltaTime = 1.0 / m_flDeltaTime;
const float flBeamAccelDT = flDeltaTime * paintblob_tbeam_accel.GetFloat();
const float flVortexAccelDT = flDeltaTime * paintblob_tbeam_vortex_accel.GetFloat();
const float flVortexDistance = paintblob_tbeam_vortex_distance.GetFloat();
const float flTbeamCirculation = paintblob_tbeam_vortex_circulation.GetFloat();
const float flTbeamPortalCirculation = paintblob_tbeam_portal_vortex_circulation.GetFloat();
const float flVortexRadiusOffsetDT = flDeltaTime * paintblob_tbeam_vortex_radius_rate.GetFloat();
const float TWO_PI = 2.f * M_PI;
// beam constant
const Vector& vBeamStart = m_pBeam->GetStartPoint();
const Vector& vBeamEnd = m_pBeam->GetEndPoint();
Vector vBeamDir = vBeamEnd - vBeamStart;
const float flBeamLength = vBeamDir.NormalizeInPlace();
const float flHalfBeamLength = 0.5f * flBeamLength;
bool bIsBeamReversed = m_pBeam->IsReversed();
bool bGoingTowardsPortal = ( bIsBeamReversed ) ? m_pBeam->IsFromPortal() : m_pBeam->IsToPortal();
float flBeamRadius = UTil_Blob_BeamRadiusOffset( m_pBeam->GetBeamRadius() );
const float flMinVortexRadiusScale = 1.f / flBeamRadius;
const float flBeamRadiusSqr = Square( flBeamRadius );
const float flBeamSpeed = UTil_Blob_TBeamLinearForce( m_pBeam->GetLinearForce() );
for ( int j=0; j<m_data.Count(); ++j )
float flSpeed = DotProduct( m_data[j].m_vVelocity_DEBUG, vBeamDir );
// if speed < 0, set it to 0
flSpeed = fsel( flSpeed, flSpeed, 0.f );
// now clamp the new speed
const float flNewSpeed = flSpeed + flBeamAccelDT;
flSpeed = fsel( flNewSpeed - flBeamSpeed, flBeamSpeed, flNewSpeed );
Vector vecEndVelocity = flSpeed * vBeamDir;
Vector vecEndPos = m_data[j].m_vPosition_DEBUG + flDeltaTime * vecEndVelocity;
// vortex, depending on where the blob is a long the beam
Vector vecPointOnLine;
float flDistOnLine;
CalcClosestPointOnLine( vecEndPos, vBeamStart, vBeamEnd, vecPointOnLine, &flDistOnLine );
flDistOnLine *= flBeamLength;
// compute circulation, if endpos is within the vortex distance, we should vortex at a faster rate (going through portal)
const float flDistFromBeamCenter = fabs( flDistOnLine - flHalfBeamLength );
float flCirculation = fsel( flHalfBeamLength - flDistFromBeamCenter - flVortexDistance, flTbeamCirculation, flTbeamPortalCirculation );
// current vortex radius
float flDestVortexRadiusScale = ( flBeamLength - flDistOnLine - flVortexDistance < 0.f && bGoingTowardsPortal ) ? flMinVortexRadiusScale : m_data[j].m_flDestVortexRadius;
float flDestVortexRadius = flDestVortexRadiusScale * flBeamRadius;
float flCurrentVortexRadiusScale = m_data[j].m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG;
float flCurrentVortexRadius = flCurrentVortexRadiusScale * flBeamRadius;
// current vortex speed
float flDestVortexSpeed = flCirculation / ( TWO_PI * flCurrentVortexRadius );
float flCurrentVortexSpeed = m_data[j].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG;
// compute new vortex radius
float flSign = Sign( flDestVortexRadius - flCurrentVortexRadius );
float flNewVortexRadius = flCurrentVortexRadius + flSign * flVortexRadiusOffsetDT;
flCurrentVortexRadius = fsel( flSign * ( flDestVortexRadius - flNewVortexRadius ), flNewVortexRadius, flDestVortexRadius );
// compute new vortex speed
float flVortexSpeedSign = Sign( flDestVortexSpeed - flCurrentVortexSpeed );
float flNewVortexSpeed = flCurrentVortexSpeed + flVortexSpeedSign * flVortexAccelDT;
flCurrentVortexSpeed = fsel( flVortexSpeedSign * ( flDestVortexSpeed - flNewVortexSpeed ), flNewVortexSpeed, flDestVortexSpeed );
// spiral pos around m_vecBeamDir at random speed
Vector vecVortexRadius = vecEndPos - vecPointOnLine;
float flVortexDirection = ( bIsBeamReversed ) ? -m_data[j].m_flVortexDirection : m_data[j].m_flVortexDirection;
Quaternion qRotate;
AxisAngleQuaternion(vBeamDir, flDeltaTime * flVortexDirection * flCurrentVortexSpeed, qRotate );
Vector tempVec = vecVortexRadius;
VectorRotate( tempVec, qRotate, vecVortexRadius );
vecVortexRadius = flCurrentVortexRadius * vecVortexRadius.Normalized();
Vector newPos = vecPointOnLine + vecVortexRadius;
// add angular velocity
Vector vAngularVelocity = ( newPos - vecEndPos ) * flInvDeltaTime;
// scale angular velocity by how far off the center of the beam
float flDistFromCenterSqr = ( vecPointOnLine - vecEndPos ).LengthSqr();
float flAngularVelocityScale = RemapValClamped( flDistFromCenterSqr, 0.f, flBeamRadiusSqr, 0.f, 1.f );
vecEndVelocity += flAngularVelocityScale * vAngularVelocity;
// Output
float flFinalRadiusScale = RemapValClamped( flCurrentVortexRadius, 1.f, flBeamRadius, flMinVortexRadiusScale, 1.f );
m_data[j].m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG = flFinalRadiusScale;
m_data[j].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG = flCurrentVortexSpeed;
m_data[j].m_vVelocity_DEBUG = vecEndVelocity;
m_data[j].m_vPosition_DEBUG = newPos;
// const
fltx4 f4MinVortexRadiusScale = ReplicateX4( flMinVortexRadiusScale );
fltx4 f4DeltaTime = ReplicateX4( flDeltaTime );
fltx4 f4InvDeltaTime = ReplicateX4( flInvDeltaTime );
fltx4 f4BeamAccelDT = ReplicateX4( flBeamAccelDT );
fltx4 f4VortexDistance = ReplicateX4( flVortexDistance );
fltx4 f4TbeamCirculation = ReplicateX4( flTbeamCirculation );
fltx4 f4TbeamPortalCirculation = ReplicateX4( flTbeamPortalCirculation );
fltx4 f4VortexRadiusOffsetDT = ReplicateX4( flVortexRadiusOffsetDT );
fltx4 f4VortexAccelDT = ReplicateX4( flVortexAccelDT );
// beam info SIMD
fltx4 f4BeamStart = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( m_pBeam->GetStartPoint().Base() );
fltx4 f4BeamEnd = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( m_pBeam->GetEndPoint().Base() );
fltx4 f4BeamDir = SubSIMD( f4BeamEnd, f4BeamStart );
// compute length and normalize f4BeamDir
fltx4 scLengthSqr = Dot3SIMD( f4BeamDir, f4BeamDir );
bi32x4 isSignificant = CmpGtSIMD( scLengthSqr, Four_Epsilons );
fltx4 scLengthInv = ReciprocalSqrtSIMD( scLengthSqr );
f4BeamDir = AndSIMD( isSignificant, MulSIMD( f4BeamDir, scLengthInv ) );
fltx4 f4BeamRadius = ReplicateX4( flBeamRadius );
fltx4 f4BeamRadiusSqr = MulSIMD( f4BeamRadius, f4BeamRadius );
fltx4 f4BeamSpeed = ReplicateX4( UTil_Blob_TBeamLinearForce( m_pBeam->GetLinearForce() ) );
fltx4 f4BeamLength = ReplicateX4( flBeamLength );
fltx4 f4HalfBeamLength = ReplicateX4( flHalfBeamLength );
const int32 ALIGN16 maskTRUE[4] ALIGN16_POST = { ~0, ~0, ~0, ~0 };
const int32 ALIGN16 maskFALSE[4] ALIGN16_POST = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
bi32x4 bCmpGoingTowardsPortal = ( bGoingTowardsPortal ) ? (bi32x4)LoadAlignedSIMD( maskTRUE ) : (bi32x4)LoadAlignedSIMD( maskFALSE );
bi32x4 bCmpIsBeamReversed = ( bIsBeamReversed ) ? (bi32x4)LoadAlignedSIMD( maskTRUE ) : (bi32x4)LoadAlignedSIMD( maskFALSE );
fltx4 f4TWO_PI = ReplicateX4( TWO_PI );
FourVectors v4BeamStart = FourVectors( vBeamStart, vBeamStart, vBeamStart, vBeamStart );
FourVectors v4BeamEnd = FourVectors( vBeamEnd, vBeamEnd, vBeamEnd, vBeamEnd );
FourVectors v4BeamDir = FourVectors( vBeamDir, vBeamDir, vBeamDir, vBeamDir );
int count = m_data.Count();
int i = 0;
while ( count >= 4 )
FourVectors v4Velocity = FourVectors( m_data[i].m_vVelocity,
m_data[i+3].m_vVelocity );
// dot 4 vectors
fltx4 f4Speed = v4Velocity * v4BeamDir;
// if speed < 0, set it to 0
f4Speed = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( f4Speed, Four_Zeros ), Four_Zeros, f4Speed );
// ( f4Speed < f4NewSpeed ) ? f4Speed : f4NewSpeed;
fltx4 f4NewSpeed = AddSIMD( f4Speed, f4BeamAccelDT );
// clamp
f4Speed = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( f4NewSpeed, f4BeamSpeed ), f4NewSpeed, f4BeamSpeed );
FourVectors v4EndVelocity = Mul( v4BeamDir, f4Speed );
FourVectors v4EndPos = FourVectors( m_data[i].m_vPosition,
m_data[i+3].m_vPosition );
v4EndPos = Mul( v4EndVelocity, f4DeltaTime ) + v4EndPos;
// vortex, depending on where the blob is a long the beam
FourVectors v4VecPointOnline;
fltx4 f4DistOnLine;
FourVectors::CalcClosestPointOnLineSIMD( v4EndPos, v4BeamStart, v4BeamEnd, v4VecPointOnline, &f4DistOnLine );
f4DistOnLine = MulSIMD( f4BeamLength, f4DistOnLine );
// compute circulation, if endpos is within the vortex distance, we should vortex at a faster rate (going through portal)
fltx4 f4DistFromBeamCenter = fabs( SubSIMD( f4DistOnLine, f4HalfBeamLength ) );
bi32x4 bCmp = CmpLtSIMD( SubSIMD( SubSIMD( f4HalfBeamLength, f4DistFromBeamCenter ), f4VortexDistance ), Four_Zeros );
fltx4 f4Circulation = MaskedAssign( bCmp, f4TbeamPortalCirculation, f4TbeamCirculation );
// current vortex radius
bCmp = CmpLtSIMD( SubSIMD( SubSIMD( f4BeamLength, f4DistOnLine ), f4VortexDistance ), Four_Zeros );
fltx4 f4TempDestRadius = { m_data[i].m_flDestVortexRadius,
m_data[i+3].m_flDestVortexRadius };
fltx4 f4DestVortexRadiusScale = MaskedAssign( AndSIMD( bCmp, bCmpGoingTowardsPortal ), f4MinVortexRadiusScale, f4TempDestRadius );
fltx4 f4DestVortexRadius = MulSIMD( f4DestVortexRadiusScale, f4BeamRadius );
fltx4 f4CurrentVortexRadiusScale = { m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius,
m_data[i+3].m_flCurrentVortexRadius };
fltx4 f4CurrentVortexRadius = MulSIMD( f4CurrentVortexRadiusScale, f4BeamRadius );
// current vortex speed
fltx4 f4DestVortexSpeed = DivEstSIMD( f4Circulation, MulSIMD( f4TWO_PI, f4CurrentVortexRadius ) );
fltx4 f4CurrentVortexSpeed = { m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed,
m_data[i+3].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed };
// compute new vortex radius
fltx4 f4RadiusSign = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( SubSIMD( f4DestVortexRadius, f4CurrentVortexRadius ), Four_Zeros ), Four_NegativeOnes, Four_Ones );
fltx4 f4NewVortexRadius = MaddSIMD( f4RadiusSign, f4VortexRadiusOffsetDT, f4CurrentVortexRadius );
bCmp = CmpGtSIMD( MulSIMD( f4RadiusSign, SubSIMD( f4DestVortexRadius, f4NewVortexRadius ) ), Four_Zeros );
f4CurrentVortexRadius = MaskedAssign( bCmp, f4NewVortexRadius, f4DestVortexRadius );
// compute new vortex speed
fltx4 f4VortexSpeedSign = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( SubSIMD( f4DestVortexSpeed, f4CurrentVortexSpeed ), Four_Zeros ), Four_NegativeOnes, Four_Ones );
fltx4 f4NewVortexSpeed = MaddSIMD( f4VortexSpeedSign, f4VortexAccelDT, f4CurrentVortexSpeed );
bCmp = CmpGtSIMD( MulSIMD( f4VortexSpeedSign, SubSIMD( f4DestVortexSpeed, f4NewVortexSpeed ) ), Four_Zeros );
f4CurrentVortexSpeed = MaskedAssign( bCmp, f4NewVortexSpeed, f4DestVortexSpeed );
// spiral pos around m_vecBeamDir at random speed
FourVectors v4VortexRadius = v4EndPos - v4VecPointOnline;
fltx4 f4VortexDirection = { m_data[i].m_flVortexDirection,
m_data[i+3].m_flVortexDirection };
f4VortexDirection = MaskedAssign( bCmpIsBeamReversed, NegSIMD( f4VortexDirection ), f4VortexDirection );
fltx4 f4AngleOffset = MulSIMD( f4DeltaTime, MulSIMD( f4VortexDirection, f4CurrentVortexSpeed ) );
// apply rotations
FourQuaternions q4Rotations;
q4Rotations.FromAxisAndAnglesInDegrees( f4BeamDir, f4AngleOffset );
q4Rotations.RotateFourVectors( &v4VortexRadius );
v4VortexRadius = Mul( v4VortexRadius, f4CurrentVortexRadius );
FourVectors v4NewPos = v4VecPointOnline + v4VortexRadius;
// add angular velocity
FourVectors v4DiffPos = v4NewPos - v4EndPos;
FourVectors v4AngularVelocity = Mul( v4DiffPos, f4InvDeltaTime );
// scale angular velocity by how far off the center of the beam
FourVectors v4DisFromCenterVec = v4VecPointOnline - v4EndPos;
fltx4 f4DistFromCenterSqr = v4DisFromCenterVec.length2(); // lengthSqr
fltx4 f4AngularVelocityScale = RemapValClampedSIMD( f4DistFromCenterSqr, Four_Zeros, f4BeamRadiusSqr, Four_Zeros, Four_Ones );
v4EndVelocity = Mul( v4AngularVelocity, f4AngularVelocityScale ) + v4EndVelocity;
// output radius
fltx4 f4FinalRadiusScale = RemapValClampedSIMD( f4NewVortexRadius, Four_Ones, f4BeamRadius, f4MinVortexRadiusScale, Four_Ones );
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = SubFloat( f4FinalRadiusScale, 0 );
m_data[i+1].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = SubFloat( f4FinalRadiusScale, 1 );
m_data[i+2].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = SubFloat( f4FinalRadiusScale, 2 );
m_data[i+3].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = SubFloat( f4FinalRadiusScale, 3 );
// output speed
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = SubFloat( f4CurrentVortexSpeed, 0 );
m_data[i+1].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = SubFloat( f4CurrentVortexSpeed, 1 );
m_data[i+2].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = SubFloat( f4CurrentVortexSpeed, 2 );
m_data[i+3].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = SubFloat( f4CurrentVortexSpeed, 3 );
// output velocity
v4EndVelocity.StoreUnalignedVector3SIMD( &m_data[i].m_vVelocity,
&m_data[i+3].m_vVelocity );
// output position
v4NewPos.StoreUnalignedVector3SIMD( &m_data[i].m_vPosition,
&m_data[i+3].m_vPosition );
for ( int k=0; k<4; ++k )
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_flCurrentVortexRadius - m_data[i + k].m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed - m_data[i + k].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vPosition.x - m_data[i + k].m_vPosition_DEBUG.x ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vPosition.y - m_data[i + k].m_vPosition_DEBUG.y ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vPosition.z - m_data[i + k].m_vPosition_DEBUG.z ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity.x - m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.x ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity.y - m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.y ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity.z - m_data[i + k].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.z ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
count -= 4;
i += 4;
while ( count > 0 )
fltx4 f4Speed = Dot3SIMD( LoadUnaligned3SIMD( m_data[i].m_vVelocity.Base() ), f4BeamDir );
// if speed < 0, set it to 0
f4Speed = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( f4Speed, Four_Zeros ), Four_Zeros, f4Speed );
// ( f4Speed < f4NewSpeed ) ? f4Speed : f4NewSpeed;
fltx4 f4NewSpeed = AddSIMD( f4Speed, f4BeamAccelDT );
f4Speed = MaskedAssign( CmpLtSIMD( f4NewSpeed, f4BeamSpeed ), f4NewSpeed, f4BeamSpeed );
fltx4 f4EndVelocity = MulSIMD( f4Speed, f4BeamDir );
fltx4 f4EndPos = MaddSIMD( f4DeltaTime, f4EndVelocity, LoadUnaligned3SIMD( m_data[i].m_vPosition.Base() ) );
// vortex, depending on where the blob is a long the beam
Vector vecPointOnLine;
float flDistOnLine;
Vector vTempEndPos;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( vTempEndPos.Base(), f4EndPos );
CalcClosestPointOnLine( vTempEndPos, vBeamStart, vBeamEnd, vecPointOnLine, &flDistOnLine );
flDistOnLine *= flBeamLength;
// compute circulation, if endpos is within the vortex distance, we should vortex at a faster rate (going through portal)
const float flDistFromBeamCenter = fabs( flDistOnLine - flHalfBeamLength );
float flCirculation = fsel( flHalfBeamLength - flDistFromBeamCenter - flVortexDistance, flTbeamCirculation, flTbeamPortalCirculation );
// current vortex radius
float flDestVortexRadiusScale = ( flBeamLength - flDistOnLine - flVortexDistance < 0.f && bGoingTowardsPortal ) ? flMinVortexRadiusScale : m_data[i].m_flDestVortexRadius;
float flDestVortexRadius = flDestVortexRadiusScale * flBeamRadius;
float flCurrentVortexRadiusScale = m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius;
float flCurrentVortexRadius = flCurrentVortexRadiusScale * flBeamRadius;
// current vortex speed
float flDestVortexSpeed = flCirculation / ( TWO_PI * flCurrentVortexRadius );
float flCurrentVortexSpeed = m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed;
// compute new vortex radius
float flSign = Sign( flDestVortexRadius - flCurrentVortexRadius );
float flNewVortexRadius = flCurrentVortexRadius + flSign * flVortexRadiusOffsetDT;
flCurrentVortexRadius = fsel( flSign * ( flDestVortexRadius - flNewVortexRadius ), flNewVortexRadius, flDestVortexRadius );
// compute new vortex speed
float flVortexSpeedSign = Sign( flDestVortexSpeed - flCurrentVortexSpeed );
float flNewVortexSpeed = flCurrentVortexSpeed + flVortexSpeedSign * flVortexAccelDT;
flCurrentVortexSpeed = fsel( flVortexSpeedSign * ( flDestVortexSpeed - flNewVortexSpeed ), flNewVortexSpeed, flDestVortexSpeed );
// spiral pos around m_vecBeamDir at random speed
fltx4 f4PointOnLine = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( vecPointOnLine.Base() );
fltx4 f4VortexRadius = SubSIMD( f4EndPos, f4PointOnLine );
float flVortexDirection = ( bIsBeamReversed ) ? -m_data[i].m_flVortexDirection : m_data[i].m_flVortexDirection;
Quaternion qRotate;
AxisAngleQuaternion(vBeamDir, flDeltaTime * flVortexDirection * flCurrentVortexSpeed, qRotate );
Vector vecVortexRadius;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( vecVortexRadius.Base(), f4VortexRadius );
Vector vecTemp = vecVortexRadius;
VectorRotate( vecTemp, qRotate, vecVortexRadius );
f4VortexRadius = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( vecVortexRadius.Base() );
f4VortexRadius = MulSIMD( ReplicateX4( flCurrentVortexRadius ), Normalized3SIMD( f4VortexRadius ) );
fltx4 f4NewPos = AddSIMD( f4PointOnLine, f4VortexRadius );
// add angular velocity
fltx4 f4DiffPos = SubSIMD( f4NewPos, f4EndPos );
fltx4 f4AngularVelocity = MulSIMD( f4DiffPos, f4InvDeltaTime );
// scale angular velocity by how far off the center of the beam
fltx4 f4DisFromCenterVec = SubSIMD( f4PointOnLine, f4EndPos );
fltx4 f4DistFromCenterSqr = Dot3SIMD( f4DisFromCenterVec, f4DisFromCenterVec ); // lengthSqr
fltx4 f4AngularVelocityScale = RemapValClampedSIMD( f4DistFromCenterSqr, Four_Zeros, f4BeamRadiusSqr, Four_Zeros, Four_Ones );
f4EndVelocity = MaddSIMD( f4AngularVelocityScale, f4AngularVelocity, f4EndVelocity );
// Output
float flFinalRadiusScale = RemapValClamped( flCurrentVortexRadius, 1.f, flBeamRadius, flMinVortexRadiusScale, 1.f );
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius = flFinalRadiusScale;
m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed = flCurrentVortexSpeed;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( m_data[i].m_vVelocity.Base(), f4EndVelocity );
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( m_data[i].m_vPosition.Base(), f4NewPos );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius - m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexRadius_DEBUG ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed - m_data[i].m_flCurrentVortexSpeed_DEBUG ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vPosition.x - m_data[i].m_vPosition_DEBUG.x ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vPosition.y - m_data[i].m_vPosition_DEBUG.y ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vPosition.z - m_data[i].m_vPosition_DEBUG.z ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vVelocity.x - m_data[i].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.x ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vVelocity.y - m_data[i].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.y ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
Assert( fabs( m_data[i].m_vVelocity.z - m_data[i].m_vVelocity_DEBUG.z ) < BLOB_IN_BEAM_ERROR );
float m_flDeltaTime;
CTrigger_TractorBeam *m_pBeam;
CUtlVector< BlobBeamUpdateData_t, CUtlMemoryAligned< BlobBeamUpdateData_t, 16 > > m_data;
class BlobsInAirUpdate_SIMD
BlobsInAirUpdate_SIMD( const PaintBlobVector_t& blobs )
if ( blobs.Count() == 0 )
m_flDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - blobs[0]->GetLastUpdateTime();
int numBlobs = blobs.Count();
m_data.EnsureCount( numBlobs );
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
m_data[i].m_f4Position = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( blobs[i]->GetPosition().Base() );
m_data[i].m_f4Velocity = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( blobs[i]->GetVelocity().Base() );
m_data[i].m_vPosition = blobs[i]->GetPosition();
m_data[i].m_vVelocity = blobs[i]->GetVelocity();
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
Vector pos;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( pos.Base(), m_data[i].m_f4Position );
blobs[i]->SetTempEndPosition( pos );
Vector vel;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( vel.Base(), m_data[i].m_f4Velocity );
blobs[i]->SetTempEndVelocity( vel );
struct BlobAirUpdateData_t
fltx4 m_f4Position;
fltx4 m_f4Velocity;
Vector m_vPosition;
Vector m_vVelocity;
void UpdateBlobsInAir_SIMD()
const float flDeltaTime = m_flDeltaTime;
float flNewSpeedFraction = ( 1.f - paintblob_air_drag.GetFloat() * flDeltaTime );
for ( int j=0; j<m_data.Count(); ++j )
Vector vecMove;
Vector vecAbsVelocity = m_data[j].m_vVelocity;
vecMove.x = vecAbsVelocity.x * flDeltaTime;
vecMove.y = vecAbsVelocity.y * flDeltaTime;
//Apply gravity
float newZVelocity = vecAbsVelocity.z - paintblob_gravity_scale.GetFloat() * sv_gravity.GetFloat() * flDeltaTime;
vecMove.z = 0.5f * ( vecAbsVelocity.z + newZVelocity ) * flDeltaTime;
vecAbsVelocity.z = newZVelocity;
//Apply air drag
m_data[j].m_vVelocity = vecAbsVelocity * flNewSpeedFraction;
m_data[j].m_vPosition = m_data[j].m_vPosition + vecMove;
fltx4 f4DeltaTime = ReplicateX4( m_flDeltaTime );
fltx4 f4Gravity = { 0.f, 0.f, paintblob_gravity_scale.GetFloat() * sv_gravity.GetFloat(), 0.f };
fltx4 f4GravityDT = MulSIMD( f4Gravity, f4DeltaTime );
fltx4 f4NewSpeedFraction = MsubSIMD( ReplicateX4( paintblob_air_drag.GetFloat() ), f4DeltaTime, Four_Ones );
fltx4 f4HalfDeltaTime = MulSIMD( Four_PointFives, f4DeltaTime );
int count = m_data.Count();
int i = 0;
while ( count >= 4 )
fltx4 f4Vel0 = m_data[i].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4Vel1 = m_data[i+1].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4Vel2 = m_data[i+2].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4Vel3 = m_data[i+3].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4NewVel0 = SubSIMD( f4Vel0, f4GravityDT );
fltx4 f4NewVel1 = SubSIMD( f4Vel1, f4GravityDT );
fltx4 f4NewVel2 = SubSIMD( f4Vel2, f4GravityDT );
fltx4 f4NewVel3 = SubSIMD( f4Vel3, f4GravityDT );
m_data[i].m_f4Velocity = MulSIMD( f4NewVel0, f4NewSpeedFraction );
m_data[i+1].m_f4Velocity = MulSIMD( f4NewVel1, f4NewSpeedFraction );
m_data[i+2].m_f4Velocity = MulSIMD( f4NewVel2, f4NewSpeedFraction );
m_data[i+3].m_f4Velocity = MulSIMD( f4NewVel3, f4NewSpeedFraction );
m_data[i].m_f4Position = MaddSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel0, f4NewVel0 ), f4HalfDeltaTime, m_data[i].m_f4Position );
m_data[i+1].m_f4Position = MaddSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel1, f4NewVel1 ), f4HalfDeltaTime, m_data[i+1].m_f4Position );
m_data[i+2].m_f4Position = MaddSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel2, f4NewVel2 ), f4HalfDeltaTime, m_data[i+2].m_f4Position );
m_data[i+3].m_f4Position = MaddSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel3, f4NewVel3 ), f4HalfDeltaTime, m_data[i+3].m_f4Position );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.z ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.z ) < 0.001f );
i += 4;
count -= 4;
// do the rest
while ( count > 0 )
fltx4 f4Vel = m_data[i].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4NewVel = SubSIMD( f4Vel, f4GravityDT );
m_data[i].m_f4Velocity = MulSIMD( f4NewVel, f4NewSpeedFraction );
m_data[i].m_f4Position = MaddSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel, f4NewVel ), f4HalfDeltaTime, m_data[i].m_f4Position );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.z ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.z ) < 0.001f );
float m_flDeltaTime;
CUtlVector< BlobAirUpdateData_t, CUtlMemoryAligned< BlobAirUpdateData_t, 16 > > m_data;
class BlobsInStreakUpdate_SIMD
BlobsInStreakUpdate_SIMD( const PaintBlobVector_t& blobs )
if ( blobs.Count() == 0 )
m_flDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - blobs[0]->GetLastUpdateTime();
int numBlobs = blobs.Count();
m_data.EnsureCount( numBlobs );
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
m_data[i].m_f4Position = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( blobs[i]->GetPosition().Base() );
m_data[i].m_f4Velocity = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( blobs[i]->GetVelocity().Base() );
m_data[i].m_f4StreakDir = LoadUnaligned3SIMD( blobs[i]->GetStreakDir().Base() );
m_data[i].m_vPosition = blobs[i]->GetPosition();
m_data[i].m_vVelocity = blobs[i]->GetVelocity();
m_data[i].m_vStreakDir = blobs[i]->GetStreakDir();
for ( int i=0; i<numBlobs; ++i )
Vector pos;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( pos.Base(), m_data[i].m_f4Position );
blobs[i]->SetTempEndPosition( pos );
Vector vel;
StoreUnaligned3SIMD( vel.Base(), m_data[i].m_f4Velocity );
blobs[i]->SetTempEndVelocity( vel );
struct BlobStreakUpdateData_t
fltx4 m_f4Position;
fltx4 m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 m_f4StreakDir;
Vector m_vPosition;
Vector m_vVelocity;
Vector m_vStreakDir;
void UpdateBlobsInStreak_SIMD()
fltx4 f4DeltaTime = ReplicateX4( m_flDeltaTime );
fltx4 f4Gravity = { 0.f, 0.f, paintblob_gravity_scale.GetFloat() * sv_gravity.GetFloat(), 0.f };
fltx4 f4GravityDT = MulSIMD( f4Gravity, f4DeltaTime );
fltx4 f4HalfDeltaTime = MulSIMD( Four_PointFives, f4DeltaTime );
const float flDeltaTime = m_flDeltaTime;
float flGravity = paintblob_gravity_scale.GetFloat() * sv_gravity.GetFloat() * flDeltaTime;
for ( int i=0; i<m_data.Count(); ++i )
Vector vecMove;
Vector vecVelocity = m_data[i].m_vVelocity;
Vector vecAbsVelocity = vecVelocity;
vecMove.x = vecAbsVelocity.x * flDeltaTime;
vecMove.y = vecAbsVelocity.y * flDeltaTime;
//Apply gravity
float newZVelocity = vecAbsVelocity.z - flGravity;
vecMove.z = 0.5f * ( vecAbsVelocity.z + newZVelocity ) * flDeltaTime;
vecAbsVelocity.z = newZVelocity;
//Clip the velocity to the streak surface if the blob is streaking
Vector vecSurfaceNormal = -m_data[i].m_vStreakDir;
m_data[i].m_vVelocity = vecVelocity - DotProduct( vecSurfaceNormal, vecVelocity ) * vecSurfaceNormal;
m_data[i].m_vPosition = ( vecMove - DotProduct( vecSurfaceNormal, vecMove ) * vecSurfaceNormal ) + m_data[i].m_vPosition;
fltx4 f4Vel = m_data[i].m_f4Velocity;
fltx4 f4NewVel = SubSIMD( f4Vel, f4GravityDT );
fltx4 f4Move = MulSIMD( AddSIMD( f4Vel, f4NewVel ), f4HalfDeltaTime );
fltx4 f4SurfaceNormal = m_data[i].m_f4StreakDir;
m_data[i].m_f4Velocity = SubSIMD( f4Vel, MulSIMD( Dot3SIMD( f4SurfaceNormal, f4Vel ), f4SurfaceNormal ) );
m_data[i].m_f4Position = AddSIMD( MsubSIMD( Dot3SIMD( f4SurfaceNormal, f4Move), f4SurfaceNormal, f4Move ), m_data[i].m_f4Position );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Velocity, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vVelocity.z ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 0 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.x ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 1 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.y ) < 0.001f );
Assert( fabs( SubFloat( m_data[i].m_f4Position, 2 ) - m_data[i].m_vPosition.z ) < 0.001f );
float m_flDeltaTime;
CUtlVector< BlobStreakUpdateData_t, CUtlMemoryAligned< BlobStreakUpdateData_t, 16 > > m_data;
void PaintBlobUpdate( const PaintBlobVector_t& blobList )
if ( blobList.Count() == 0 )
PaintBlobVector_t firstPass;
firstPass.EnsureCount( blobList.Count() );
int nFirstPassCount = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<blobList.Count(); ++i )
CPaintBlob *pBlob = blobList[i];
Assert( !pBlob->ShouldDeleteThis() );
float updateDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - pBlob->GetLastUpdateTime();
if ( updateDeltaTime < 0.001f )
//Update the lifetime of the blob
pBlob->UpdateLifeTime( updateDeltaTime );
//If the paint blobs have a limited range
if( paintblob_limited_range.GetBool() )
if( pBlob->GetLifeTime() >= paintblob_lifetime.GetFloat() )
pBlob->SetDeletionFlag( true );
firstPass[ nFirstPassCount ] = pBlob;
firstPass.RemoveMultipleFromTail( blobList.Count() - nFirstPassCount );
if ( nFirstPassCount == 0 )
PaintBlobVector_t blobsInBeam;
PaintBlobVector_t blobsInAir;
PaintBlobVector_t blobsInStreak;
SplitBlobsIntoMovementGroup( firstPass, blobsInBeam, blobsInAir, blobsInStreak );
// do SIMD update here
BlobsInAirUpdate_SIMD blobAirSIMD( blobsInAir );
BlobsInStreakUpdate_SIMD blobStreakSIMD( blobsInStreak );
int nSecondPassCount = 0;
PaintBlobVector_t secondPass;
secondPass.EnsureCount( firstPass.Count() );
V_memcpy( secondPass.Base(), blobsInAir.Base(), blobsInAir.Count() * sizeof( CBasePaintBlob* ) );
nSecondPassCount += blobsInAir.Count();
V_memcpy( secondPass.Base() + nSecondPassCount, blobsInStreak.Base(), blobsInStreak.Count() * sizeof( CBasePaintBlob* ) );
nSecondPassCount += blobsInStreak.Count();
int totalBlobsInBeams = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < ITriggerTractorBeamAutoList::AutoList().Count(); ++i )
CTrigger_TractorBeam *pBeam = static_cast< CTrigger_TractorBeam* >( ITriggerTractorBeamAutoList::AutoList()[i] );
int numBlobsInBeam = pBeam->m_blobs.Count();
if ( numBlobsInBeam == 0 )
// update tempEndPos, tempEndVel
BlobsInBeamUpdate_SIMD blobBeamSIMD( pBeam );
totalBlobsInBeams += numBlobsInBeam;
const Vector& vecBeamStart = pBeam->GetStartPoint();
const Vector& vecBeamEnd = pBeam->GetEndPoint();
float flBeamRadius = pBeam->GetBeamRadius();
// TODO: trace beam ray, if not hit anything, skip all these blobs
Ray_t blobRay;
Vector vBeamExtents( 0.f, flBeamRadius, flBeamRadius );
blobRay.Init( vecBeamStart, vecBeamEnd, -vBeamExtents, vBeamExtents );
BlobTraceEnum entEnum( ppEntities, ARRAYSIZE( ppEntities ), BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK );
UTIL_Blob_EnumerateEntitiesAlongRay( blobRay, &entEnum );
CUtlVector< std::pair< float, float > > beamBadSectionList;
Ray_t invBlobRay;
invBlobRay.Init( vecBeamEnd, vecBeamStart, -vBeamExtents, vBeamExtents );
for ( int i=0; i<entEnum.GetCount(); ++i )
CBaseEntity *pHitEntity = ppEntities[i];
if ( pHitEntity == pBeam || FClassnameIs( pHitEntity, "physicsclonearea" ) )
// trace from both sides of the beam to find bad section
trace_t tr;
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( blobRay, BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK, pHitEntity, &tr );
trace_t trInv;
enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( invBlobRay, BLOB_TRACE_DYNAMIC_MASK, pHitEntity, &trInv );
std::pair< float, float > badSection;
badSection.first = fsel( tr.fraction - 1.f, 1.f, tr.fraction );
badSection.second = fsel( trInv.fraction - 1.f, 0.f, 1.f - trInv.fraction );
// if assert fail, means we missed the entity
//Assert( badSection.first < badSection.second );
if ( badSection.first >= badSection.second )
//DevMsg("bad entity: %s\n", pHitEntity->GetClassname() );
DevMsg("time: %f, name: %s, range: [%f, %f]\n", gpGlobals->curtime, pHitEntity->GetClassname(), badSection.first, badSection.second );
beamBadSectionList.AddToTail( badSection );
if ( debug_beam_badsection.GetBool() )
Vector vecDir = vecBeamEnd - vecBeamStart;
for ( int i=0; i<beamBadSectionList.Count(); ++i )
const std::pair< float, float >& badSection = beamBadSectionList[i];
Vector vStart = vecBeamStart + badSection.first * vecDir;
Vector vEnd = vecBeamStart + badSection.second * vecDir;
NDebugOverlay::Line( vStart, vEnd, 255, 255, 0, true, 0.1f );
// check where each blob is along the beam and see if they need to go through second pass
for( int j = 0; j < numBlobsInBeam; ++j )
CPaintBlob *pBlob = pBeam->m_blobs[j];
const Vector& vEndPos = pBlob->GetTempEndPosition();
Vector vClosestPointOnLine;
float flFractionOnLine;
CalcClosestPointOnLine( vEndPos, vecBeamStart, vecBeamEnd, vClosestPointOnLine, &flFractionOnLine );
if ( flFractionOnLine < 0.f || flFractionOnLine > 1.f )
secondPass[nSecondPassCount] = pBlob;
bool bIsInBadSection = false;
for ( int k=0; k<beamBadSectionList.Count(); ++k )
const std::pair< float, float >& badSection = beamBadSectionList[k];
if ( flFractionOnLine >= badSection.first && flFractionOnLine <= badSection.second )
bIsInBadSection = true;
secondPass[nSecondPassCount] = pBlob;
if ( bIsInBadSection )
pBlob->SetPosition( pBlob->GetTempEndPosition() );
pBlob->SetVelocity( pBlob->GetTempEndVelocity() );
} // end for this beam
AssertMsg( totalBlobsInBeams == blobsInBeam.Count(), "Blobs are in bad beam state\n");
// do collision
for ( int i=0; i<nSecondPassCount; ++i )
CBasePaintBlob *pBlob = secondPass[i];
if ( pBlob->ShouldDeleteThis() )
float updateDeltaTime = gpGlobals->curtime - pBlob->GetLastUpdateTime();
const Vector& vecEndPos = pBlob->GetTempEndPosition();
Vector vecEndVelocity = pBlob->GetTempEndVelocity();
// Exit early if the blob isn't moving
if( pBlob->GetPosition() == vecEndPos )
pBlob->UpdateBlobCollision( updateDeltaTime, vecEndPos, vecEndVelocity );
if ( pBlob->ShouldDeleteThis() )
pBlob->UpdateBlobPostCollision( updateDeltaTime );
// update time for blobs that get in first pass
for ( int i=0; i<nFirstPassCount; ++i )
CBasePaintBlob *pBlob = firstPass[i];
pBlob->SetLastUpdateTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
void CBasePaintBlob::SetShouldPlaySound( bool shouldPlaySound )
m_bShouldPlaySound = shouldPlaySound;
bool CBasePaintBlob::ShouldPlaySound() const
return m_bShouldPlaySound && !m_bDrawOnly;
bool CBasePaintBlob::ShouldPlayEffect() const
return m_bShouldPlayEffect && !m_bDrawOnly;