Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code

877 lines
30 KiB

//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( __SCALEFFORMUIIMPL_H__ )
#include "scaleformuiintegration.h"
#include "movieslot.h"
#include "sfuiavatarimage.h"
#include "sfuiinventoryimage.h"
#include "sfuichromehtmlimage.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#if defined( USE_SDL ) || defined( OSX )
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#if defined( SF_ENABLE_IME ) && defined( SF_ENABLE_IME_WIN32 )
#include "GFx/IME/GFx_IMEManager.h"
#include "GFxIME/GFx_IMEManagerWin32.h"
#if ( defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) ) || defined( _X360 )
#include <d3d9.h>
class DeviceCallbacks;
class ScaleformUIAvatarImage;
class IShaderAPI;
#define JOY_VALUE_INDEX( slot, stick, axis ) ( ( slot * MAX_JOYSTICKS_PER_SLOT + stick ) * MAX_AXIS_PER_JOYSTICK + axis )
// [HPE] Removing the extra splitscreen slot - we no longer support local multiplayer on CS:GO
#define MAX_SLOTS ( SF_SS_SLOT( 0 ) + 1 )
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#define ALLOCA _alloca
#elif defined( _PS3 )
#define ALLOCA alloca
#if defined( _PS3 )
struct IDirect3DDevice9;
inline SFPARAMS ToSFPARAMS( SF::GFx::FunctionHandler::Params* ptr )
return reinterpret_cast<SFPARAMS>( ptr );
inline SF::GFx::FunctionHandler::Params* FromSFPARAMS( SFPARAMS ptr )
return reinterpret_cast< SF::GFx::FunctionHandler::Params* >( ptr );
inline SFVALUE ToSFVALUE( SF::GFx::Value* ptr )
return reinterpret_cast<SFVALUE>( ptr );
inline SF::GFx::Value* FromSFVALUE( SFVALUE ptr )
return reinterpret_cast<SF::GFx::Value*>( ptr );
inline SFMOVIE ToSFMOVIE( Scaleform::GFx::Movie *ptr )
return reinterpret_cast< SFMOVIE >( ptr );
inline SF::GFx::Movie* FromSFMOVIE( SFMOVIE ptr )
return reinterpret_cast< SF::GFx::Movie* >( ptr );
inline SFMOVIEDEF ToSFMOVIEDEF( Scaleform::GFx::MovieDef *ptr )
return reinterpret_cast< SFMOVIEDEF >( ptr );
inline SF::GFx::MovieDef* FromSFMOVIEDEF( SFMOVIEDEF ptr )
return reinterpret_cast< SF::GFx::MovieDef* >( ptr );
class CScaleFormThreadCommandQueue: public SF::Render::ThreadCommandQueue
virtual void GetRenderInterfaces( SF::Render::Interfaces* p )
p->pHAL = pHAL;
p->pRenderer2D = pR2D;
p->pTextureManager = pHAL->GetTextureManager();
p->RenderThreadID = 0;
virtual void PushThreadCommand( SF::Render::ThreadCommand* command )
if (command) {
MaterialLock_t hMaterialLock = materials->Lock();
materials->Unlock( hMaterialLock );
SF::Render::HAL* pHAL;
SF::Render::Renderer2D* pR2D;
#if defined( SF_ENABLE_IME ) && defined( SF_ENABLE_IME_WIN32 )
class ScaleformeUIIMEManager : public SF::GFx::IME::GFxIMEManagerWin32
ScaleformeUIIMEManager( HWND hwnd, IGameEventManager2* pGameEventManager )
: SF::GFx::IME::GFxIMEManagerWin32( hwnd ), m_pGameEventManager( pGameEventManager ) {}
virtual void FinalizeComposition( const wchar_t* pstr, SF::UPInt len = SF_MAX_UPINT )
IGameEvent* pEvent = m_pGameEventManager->CreateEventA( "cs_handle_ime_event" );
if ( pEvent )
pEvent->SetString( "eventtype", "addchars" );
pEvent->SetWString( "eventdata", pstr );
m_pGameEventManager->FireEventClientSide( pEvent );
virtual void SetCompositionText( const wchar_t* pstr, SF::UPInt len = SF_MAX_UPINT )
IGameEvent* pEvent = m_pGameEventManager->CreateEventA( "cs_handle_ime_event" );
if ( pEvent )
pEvent->SetString( "eventtype", "setcomposition" );
pEvent->SetWString( "eventdata", pstr );
m_pGameEventManager->FireEventClientSide( pEvent );
virtual void HighlightText( SF::UPInt pos, SF::UPInt len, TextHighlightStyle style, bool clause )
virtual void ClearComposition()
IGameEvent* pEvent = m_pGameEventManager->CreateEventA( "cs_handle_ime_event" );
if ( pEvent )
pEvent->SetString( "eventtype", "cancelcomposition" );
pEvent->SetWString( "eventdata", L"" );
m_pGameEventManager->FireEventClientSide( pEvent );
IGameEventManager2* m_pGameEventManager;
class ScaleformUIImpl: public CTier3AppSystem<IScaleformUI>
typedef CTier3AppSystem<IScaleformUI> BaseClass;
* These are the basic singleton support functions
* the are in ScaleformUIInitImpl.cpp
/* singleton support */
static ScaleformUIImpl m_Instance;
/* normal class */
SF::GFx::System* m_pSystem;
SF::GFx::Loader* m_pLoader;
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
SF::Ptr<SF::Render::D3D9::HAL> m_pRenderHAL;
SF::Ptr<SF::Render::GL::HAL> m_pRenderHAL;
SF::Ptr<SF::Render::Renderer2D> m_pRenderer2D;
CScaleFormThreadCommandQueue *m_pThreadCommandQueue;
IDirect3DDevice9* m_pDevice;
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
IDirect3DStateBlock9* m_pD3D9Stateblock;
DWORD m_srgbRenderState;
DWORD m_pSavedSrgbSamplerStates[16];
#if defined( _WIN32 )
SF::Ptr<ScaleformeUIIMEManager> m_pIMEManager;
SF::Ptr<ScaleformTranslatorAdapter> m_pTranslatorAdapter;
SF::Ptr<ScaleformFunctionHandlerAdapter> m_pFunctionAdapter;
SF::SysAlloc* m_pAllocator;
#if defined( USE_SDL ) || defined( OSX )
ILauncherMgr *m_pLauncherMgr;
IShaderDeviceMgr* m_pShaderDeviceMgr;
DeviceCallbacks* m_pDeviceCallbacks;
IShaderAPI* m_pShaderAPI;
IGameUIFuncs* m_pGameUIFuncs;
IVEngineClient* m_pEngine;
IGameEventManager2* m_pGameEventManager;
wchar_t m_wcControllerButtonToBindingTable[BUTTON_CODE_COUNT][MAX_BOUND_COMMAND_LENGTH];
BaseSlot* m_SlotPtrs[MAX_SLOTS];
// gurjeets - locks commented out, left here for reference, see comment in LockSlotPtr
// CThreadMutex m_SlotMutexes[MAX_SLOTS];
int m_SlotDeniesInputRefCount[MAX_SLOTS];
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::Movie*> m_MovieViews;
CUtlVector<const wchar_t*> m_LocalizableCommandNames;
CUtlVector<const char*> m_LocalizableCommandKeys;
CUtlVector<const char*> m_MovieDefNameCache;
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::MovieDef*> m_MovieDefCache;
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::Value*> m_ValueCache;
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::Value*> m_ValueArrayCaches[NUM_VALUEARRAY_SLOTS];
#ifdef _DEBUG
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::Value*> m_ValuesInUse;
CUtlVector<SF::GFx::Value*> m_ValueArraysInUse[NUM_VALUEARRAY_SLOTS];
int m_iJoyAxisButtonsDown[MAX_SLOTS_WITH_JOYSTICKS];
int m_iScreenWidth;
int m_iScreenHeight;
int m_iLastMouseX;
int m_iLastMouseY;
float m_fCursorTimeUntilHide;
char m_cTemporaryBuffer[TEMPORARY_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool m_bTrySWFFirst;
bool m_bPumpScaleformStats;
bool m_bForcePS3;
bool m_bDenyAllInputToGame;
bool m_bShowActionNameIfUnbound;
bool m_bEatPS3MouseEvent;
int m_iWantCursorShown;
bool m_bIMEEnabled;
int m_iIMEFocusSlot;
CUtlMap< XUID, ScaleformUIAvatarImage * > m_mapUserXuidToAvatar;
IVTFTexture* m_pDefaultAvatarTexture;
ScaleformUIAvatarImage* m_pDefaultAvatarImage;
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
bool m_bSteamCallbacksConfigured;
void EnsureSteamCallbacksConfigured();
STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL( ScaleformUIImpl, Steam_OnPersonaStateChanged, PersonaStateChange_t, m_CallbackPersonaStateChanged );
STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL( ScaleformUIImpl, Steam_OnAvatarImageLoaded, AvatarImageLoaded_t, m_CallbackAvatarImageLoaded );
#endif // NO_STEAM
CUtlMap< uint64, ScaleformUIInventoryImage * > m_mapItemIdToImage;
IVTFTexture* m_pDefaultInventoryTexture;
ScaleformUIInventoryImage* m_pDefaultInventoryImage;
struct DefaultInventoryIcon_t
IVTFTexture* m_pTexture;
ScaleformUIInventoryImage* m_pImage;
CUtlHashFast< DefaultInventoryIcon_t > m_defaultInventoryIcons;
CUtlMap< uint64, ScaleformUIChromeHTMLImage* > m_mapImageIdToChromeImage;
ScaleformUIChromeHTMLImage* m_pDefaultChromeHTMLImage;
int m_iKeyboardSlot;
CURSOR_IMAGE_TYPE m_loadedCursorImage;
bool m_isCursorForced;
// Time updated in RunFrame and used in AdvanceSlot
float m_fTime;
#if defined( _PS3 )
InputDevice_t m_preForcedInputType;
// Set to true if advance and render are running on the same thread
bool m_bSingleThreaded;
// ScaleformUI::ClearCache will queue the call to clear the scaleform mesh cache
// to ensure the mesh cache being cleared on the render thread
bool m_bClearMeshCacheQueued;
ScaleformUIImpl( void );
void ClearMembers( void );
void InitMovieImpl( void );
void ShutdownMovieImpl( void );
void InitRendererImpl( void );
void ShutdownRendererImpl( void );
void InitValueImpl( void );
void ShutdownValueImpl( void );
void InitHighLevelImpl( void );
void ShutdownHighLevelImpl( void );
void InitMovieSlotImpl( void );
void ShutdownMovieSlotImpl( void );
void InitCursorImpl( void );
void ShutdownCursorImpl( void );
void InitTranslationImpl( void );
void ShutdownTranslationImpl( void );
void InitFonts( void );
bool DistributeEvent( SF::GFx::Event& event, int slotNumber, bool toAllSlots, bool clearControllerUI = true );
bool DistributeKeyEvent( bool keyDown, bool fromController, const char* binding, ButtonCode_t code, ButtonCode_t vkey, int slotNumber, bool toAllSlots );
bool DistributeCharTyped( wchar_t code );
bool TallyAxisButtonEvent( int slot, int code, bool down );
bool HitTest( int x, int y );
BaseSlot* LockSlotPtr( int slot );
void UnlockSlotPtr( int slot );
bool AnalogStickNavigationDisabled( int slot );
void UpdateUIAvatarImages( void );
void SetJoyValue( int slot, int stick, int axis, int value );
#if defined( _PS3 )
void InitCursorPS3( bool usingMoveCrosshair );
// the following are for the system callbacks from flash
void AddAPIFunctionToObject( SFVALUE pAPI, SFMOVIE pMovie, ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerObject* object, const ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerDefinition* pFunctionDef );
int GetScreenWidth( void )
return m_iScreenWidth;
int GetScreenHeight( void )
return m_iScreenHeight;
bool OwnsAtLeastOneMutex( void );
void DebugBreakIfNotLocked( void );
bool GetVerbose( void );
void SetVerbose( bool bVerbose );
// IAppSystem implementation
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect( void );
// Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this m_pObject
// Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
// Init, shutdown
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init( void );
virtual void Shutdown( void );
// Returns all dependent libraries
virtual const AppSystemInfo_t* GetDependencies( void );
// Returns the tier
virtual AppSystemTier_t GetTier( void )
// Reconnect to a particular interface
virtual void Reconnect( CreateInterfaceFn factory, const char *pInterfaceName )
BaseClass::Reconnect( factory, pInterfaceName );
void LogPrintf( const char *format, ... );
IVEngineClient* GetEnginePtr()
return m_pEngine;
// IScaleformUI implementation
* common, high-level functions and are implemented in ScaleformUIHighLevelImpl.cpp
bool GetForcePS3( void ) { return m_bForcePS3; }
#if defined( _PS3 )
void PS3UseMoveCursor( void );
void PS3UseStandardCursor( void );
void PS3ForceCursorStart( void );
void PS3ForceCursorEnd( void );
// called when the safezone convar is changed
// tells all the slots to change their safe zone
void UpdateSafeZone( void );
// called when the UI tint convar is changed - applies the new tint to all slots
void UpdateTint( void );
// virtual void Render();
virtual void SetSingleThreadedMode( bool bSingleThreded );
virtual void RunFrame( float time );
void AdvanceSlot( int slot );
virtual bool HandleInputEvent( const InputEvent_t &event );
virtual bool HandleIMEEvent( size_t hwnd, unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam );
virtual bool PreProcessKeyboardEvent( size_t hwnd, unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam );
virtual void SetIMEEnabled( bool bEnabled );
virtual void SetIMEFocus( int slot );
virtual void ShutdownIME();
virtual float GetJoyValue( int slot, int stickIndex, int axis );
void SetScreenSize( int x, int y );
const char* CorrectFlashFileName( const char * name );
ScaleformUIAvatarImage* GetAvatarImage( XUID playerID );
void UpdateAvatarImages( void );
virtual bool AvatarImageAddRef( XUID playerID );
virtual void AvatarImageRelease( XUID playerID );
virtual void AvatarImageReload( XUID playerID, IScaleformAvatarImageProvider *pProvider );
virtual void AddDeviceDependentObject( IShaderDeviceDependentObject * pObject );
virtual void RemoveDeviceDependentObject( IShaderDeviceDependentObject * pObject );
ScaleformUIInventoryImage* GetInventoryImage( uint64 iItemId );
virtual bool InventoryImageAddRef( uint64 iItemId, IScaleformInventoryImageProvider *pGlobalInventoryImageProvider );
virtual void InventoryImageUpdate( uint64 iItemId, IScaleformInventoryImageProvider *pGlobalInventoryImageProvider );
virtual void InventoryImageRelease( uint64 iItemId );
virtual void InitInventoryDefaultIcons( CUtlVector< const char * > *vecIconDefaultNames );
ScaleformUIChromeHTMLImage* GetChromeHTMLImage( uint64 imageID );
virtual bool ChromeHTMLImageAddRef( uint64 imageID );
virtual void ChromeHTMLImageUpdate( uint64 imageID, const byte* rgba, int width, int height, ::ImageFormat format );
virtual void ChromeHTMLImageRelease( uint64 imageID );
virtual void ForceUpdateImages();
SF::Render::Image* CreateImageFromFile( const char *pszFileName, const SF::GFx::ImageCreateInfo& info, int width, int height );
* slot stuff. This is all in ScaleformUIImplMovieSlot.cpp
virtual void SetSlotViewport( int slot, int x, int y, int width, int height );
virtual void RenderSlot( int slot );
virtual void ForkRenderSlot( int slot );
virtual void JoinRenderSlot( int slot );
virtual void InitSlot( int slotID, const char* rootMovie, IScaleformSlotInitController *pController );
virtual void SlotAddRef( int slot );
virtual void SlotRelease( int slotID );
virtual void LockSlot( int slot );
virtual void UnlockSlot( int slot );
virtual void RequestElement( int slot, const char* elementName, ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerObject* object, const IScaleformUIFunctionHandlerDefinitionTable* tableObject );
virtual void RemoveElement( int slot, SFVALUE element );
virtual void InstallGlobalObject( int slot, const char* elementName, ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerObject* object, const IScaleformUIFunctionHandlerDefinitionTable* tableObject, SFVALUE *pInstalledGlobalObjectResult );
virtual void RemoveGlobalObject( int slot, SFVALUE element );
virtual bool SlotConsumesInputEvents( int slot );
virtual bool ConsumesInputEvents( void );
virtual bool SlotDeniesInputToGame( int slot );
virtual void DenyInputToGame( bool value );
virtual void DenyInputToGameFromFlash( int slot, bool value );
virtual void SendUIEvent( const char* action, const char* eventData, int slot = 0 );
virtual void LockInputToSlot( int slot );
virtual void UnlockInput( void );
virtual void ForceCollectGarbage( int slot );
virtual void ClearCache( void );
virtual void LockMostRecentInputDevice( int slot );
* Cursor stuff. in ScaleformUIImplCursor.cpp
void UpdateCursorLazyHide( float time );
void UpdateCursorWaitTime( float newTime );
void InnerShowCursor( void );
void InnerHideCursor( void );
void CursorMoved( void );
void ControllerMoved( void );
bool IsSetToControllerUI( int slot );
void SetToControllerUI( int slot, bool value );
void MaybeShowCursor( void );
bool IsSlotKeyboardAccessible( int slot );
virtual void InitCursor( const char* cursorMovie );
virtual void ReleaseCursor( void );
virtual bool IsCursorVisible( void );
virtual void RenderCursor( void );
virtual void AdvanceCursor( void );
virtual void SetCursorViewport( int x, int y, int width, int height );
virtual void ShowCursor( void );
virtual void HideCursor( void );
virtual void SetCursorShape( int shapeIndex );
* Renderer stuff
* These are in ScaleformUIRendererImpl.cpp
void FinishInitializingRenderer( void );
void SetRenderingDevice( IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentParameters, HWND hWnd );
void NotifyRenderingDeviceLost();
void SaveRenderingState( void );
void RestoreRenderingState( void );
void SetRenderTargets( void );
void DumpMeshCacheStats( void );
* Movie Def related stuff
* These are in ScaleformMovieImpl.cpp
virtual SFMOVIEDEF CreateMovieDef( const char* pfilename, unsigned int loadConstants = 0, size_t memoryArena = 0 );
virtual void ReleaseMovieDef( SFMOVIEDEF movieDef );
virtual SFMOVIE MovieDef_CreateInstance( SFMOVIEDEF movieDef, bool initFirstFrame = true, size_t memoryArena = 0 );
virtual void ReleaseMovieView( SFMOVIE movieView );
virtual void MovieView_Advance( SFMOVIE movieView, float time, unsigned int frameCatchUpCount = 2 );
virtual void MovieView_SetBackgroundAlpha( SFMOVIE movieView, float alpha );
virtual void MovieView_SetViewport( SFMOVIE movieView, int bufw, int bufh, int left, int top, int w, int h, unsigned int flags = 0 );
virtual void MovieView_Display( SFMOVIE movieView );
virtual void MovieView_SetViewScaleMode( SFMOVIE movieView, IScaleformUI::_ScaleModeType type );
virtual IScaleformUI::_ScaleModeType MovieView_GetViewScaleMode( SFMOVIE movieView );
virtual void MovieView_SetViewAlignment( SFMOVIE movieView, IScaleformUI::_AlignType type );
virtual IScaleformUI::_AlignType MovieView_GetViewAlignment( SFMOVIE movieView );
virtual SFVALUE MovieView_CreateObject( SFMOVIE movieView, const char* className = NULL, SFVALUEARRAY args = SFVALUEARRAY(0, NULL), int numArgs = 0 );
virtual SFVALUE MovieView_GetVariable( SFMOVIE movieView, const char* variablePath );
virtual SFVALUE MovieView_CreateString( SFMOVIE movieView, const char *str );
virtual SFVALUE MovieView_CreateStringW( SFMOVIE movieView, const wchar_t *str );
virtual SFVALUE MovieView_CreateArray( SFMOVIE movieView, int size = -1 );
virtual bool MovieView_HitTest( SFMOVIE movieView, float x, float y, IScaleformUI::_HitTestType testCond = IScaleformUI::HitTest_Shapes, unsigned int controllerIdx = 0 );
* keycode stuff.
* these are in ScaleformUIKeymapImpl.cpp
void DecodeButtonandSlotFromButtonCode( ButtonCode_t inCode, ButtonCode_t &outcode, int &outSlot );
* translation and button glyph functionality.
* These are in ScaleformUITranslationImpl.cpp
void RemoveKeyBindings( void );
const wchar_t* LocalizeCommand( const wchar_t* command );
ButtonCode_t LookupButtonFromBinding( const wchar_t* binding, bool bForceControllerLookup = false );
void BindCommandToControllerButton( ButtonCode_t code, const char* binding );
IScaleformUI::ControllerButton::Enum ValveButtonToControllerButton( ButtonCode_t b );
virtual void RefreshKeyBindings( void );
virtual void ShowActionNameWhenActionIsNotBound( bool value );
virtual void UpdateBindingForButton( ButtonCode_t bt, const char* pbinding );
virtual const wchar_t* Translate( const char *key, bool* pIsHTML );
virtual const wchar_t* ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( const wchar_t* pin, int fontSize, bool bForceControllerGlyph = false );
virtual const wchar_t* ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( const char* text, int fontSize, bool bForceControllerGlyph = false );
virtual void MakeStringSafe( const wchar_t* stringin, wchar_t* stringout, int outlength );
* value stuff
* these are in ScaleformUIValueImpl.cpp
SFVALUE CreateGFxValue( SFVALUE pValue = NULL );
void ReleaseGFxValue( SFVALUE pValue );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( SFVALUE value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( const char* value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( const wchar_t* value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( int value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( float value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateValue( bool value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateNewObject( int slot );
virtual SFVALUE CreateNewString( int slot, const char* value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateNewString( int slot, const wchar_t* value );
virtual SFVALUE CreateNewArray( int slot, int size = -1 );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, SFVALUE value );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, int value );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, float value );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, bool value );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, const char* value );
virtual void Value_SetValue( SFVALUE obj, const wchar_t* value );
virtual void Value_SetColor( SFVALUE obj, int color );
virtual void Value_SetColor( SFVALUE obj, float r, float g, float b, float a );
virtual void Value_SetTint( SFVALUE obj, int color );
virtual void Value_SetTint( SFVALUE obj, float r, float g, float b, float a );
virtual void Value_SetColorTransform( SFVALUE obj, int colorMultiply, int colorAdd );
virtual void Value_SetColorTransform( SFVALUE obj, float r, float g, float b, float a, int colorAdd );
virtual void Value_SetText( SFVALUE obj, const char* value );
virtual void Value_SetText( SFVALUE obj, const wchar_t* value );
virtual void Value_SetTextHTML( SFVALUE obj, const char* value );
virtual void Value_SetTextHTML( SFVALUE obj, const wchar_t* value );
virtual int Value_SetFormattedText( SFVALUE obj, const char* pFormat, ... );
virtual void Value_SetArraySize( SFVALUE obj, int size );
virtual int Value_GetArraySize( SFVALUE obj );
virtual void Value_ClearArrayElements( SFVALUE obj );
virtual void Value_RemoveArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index );
virtual void Value_RemoveArrayElements( SFVALUE obj, int index, int count );
virtual SFVALUE Value_GetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, SFVALUE value );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, int value );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, float value );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, bool value );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, const char* value );
virtual void Value_SetArrayElement( SFVALUE obj, int index, const wchar_t* value );
void SetVisible( SFVALUE pgfx, bool visible );
virtual void Value_SetVisible( SFVALUE obj, bool visible );
virtual void Value_GetDisplayInfo( SFVALUE obj, ScaleformDisplayInfo* dinfo );
virtual void Value_SetDisplayInfo( SFVALUE obj, const ScaleformDisplayInfo* dinfo );
virtual void ReleaseValue( SFVALUE value );
virtual void CreateValueArray( SFVALUEARRAY& valueArray, int length );
virtual SFVALUEARRAY CreateValueArray( int length );
virtual void ReleaseValueArray( SFVALUEARRAY& valueArray );
virtual void ReleaseValueArray( SFVALUEARRAY& valueArray, int count ); // DEPRECATED
virtual SFVALUE ValueArray_GetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index );
virtual IScaleformUI::_ValueType ValueArray_GetType( SFVALUEARRAY array, int index );
virtual double ValueArray_GetNumber( SFVALUEARRAY array, int index );
virtual bool ValueArray_GetBool( SFVALUEARRAY array, int index );
virtual const char* ValueArray_GetString( SFVALUEARRAY array, int index );
virtual const wchar_t* ValueArray_GetStringW( SFVALUEARRAY array, int index );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, SFVALUE value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, int value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, float value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, bool value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const char* value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElement( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const wchar_t* value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElementText( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const char* value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElementText( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const wchar_t* value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElementTextHTML( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const char* value );
virtual void ValueArray_SetElementTextHTML( SFVALUEARRAY, int index, const wchar_t* value );
virtual bool Value_HasMember( SFVALUE value, const char* name );
virtual SFVALUE Value_GetMember( SFVALUE value, const char* name );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, SFVALUE value );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, int value );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, float value );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, bool value );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, const char* value );
virtual bool Value_SetMember( SFVALUE obj, const char *name, const wchar_t* value );
virtual ISFTextObject* TextObject_MakeTextObject( SFVALUE value );
virtual ISFTextObject* TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( SFVALUE value, const char* pName );
virtual bool Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, const SFVALUEARRAY& args );
virtual SFVALUE Value_Invoke( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, const SFVALUEARRAY& args );
virtual bool Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, SFVALUE args, int numArgs );
virtual SFVALUE Value_Invoke( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, SFVALUE args, int numArgs );
virtual bool Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, const SFVALUEARRAY& args, int numArgs ); // DEPRECATED
virtual SFVALUE Value_Invoke( SFVALUE obj, const char* methodName, const SFVALUEARRAY& args, int numArgs ); // DEPRECATED
virtual IScaleformUI::_ValueType Value_GetType( SFVALUE obj );
virtual double Value_GetNumber( SFVALUE obj );
virtual bool Value_GetBool( SFVALUE obj );
virtual const char* Value_GetString( SFVALUE obj );
virtual const wchar_t* Value_GetStringW( SFVALUE obj );
virtual SFVALUE Value_GetText( SFVALUE obj );
virtual SFVALUE Value_GetTextHTML( SFVALUE obj );
* m_Callback parameter stuff
* These are in ScaleformUIParamsImpl.cpp
virtual SFVALUEARRAY Params_GetArgs( SFPARAMS params );
virtual unsigned int Params_GetNumArgs( SFPARAMS params );
virtual bool Params_ArgIs( SFPARAMS params, unsigned int index, IScaleformUI::_ValueType v );
virtual SFVALUE Params_GetArg( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual IScaleformUI::_ValueType Params_GetArgType( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual double Params_GetArgAsNumber( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual bool Params_GetArgAsBool( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual const char* Params_GetArgAsString( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual const wchar_t* Params_GetArgAsStringW( SFPARAMS params, int index = 0 );
virtual void Params_DebugSpew( SFPARAMS params );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, SFVALUE value );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, int value );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, float value );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, bool value );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, const char* value, bool bMakeNewValue = true );
virtual void Params_SetResult( SFPARAMS params, const wchar_t* value, bool bMakeNewValue = true );
virtual SFVALUE Params_CreateNewObject( SFPARAMS params );
virtual SFVALUE Params_CreateNewString( SFPARAMS params, const char* value );
virtual SFVALUE Params_CreateNewString( SFPARAMS params, const wchar_t* value );
virtual SFVALUE Params_CreateNewArray( SFPARAMS params, int size = -1 );
ButtonCode_t GetCurrentKey() { return m_CurrentKey; }
ButtonCode_t m_CurrentKey;
* helper functions to map to and from SFUI and SDK enums
SF::GFx::Movie::ScaleModeType ScaleModeType_SFUI_to_SDK( IScaleformUI::_ScaleModeType scaleModeType );
IScaleformUI::_ScaleModeType ScaleModeType_SDK_to_SFUI( SF::GFx::Movie::ScaleModeType scaleModeType );
SF::GFx::Value::ValueType ValueType_SFUI_to_SDK( IScaleformUI::_ValueType valueType );
IScaleformUI::_ValueType ValueType_SDK_to_SFUI( SF::GFx::Value::ValueType ValueType );
SF::GFx::Movie::AlignType AlignType_SFUI_to_SDK( IScaleformUI::_AlignType alignType );
IScaleformUI::_AlignType AlignType_SDK_to_SFUI( SF::GFx::Movie::AlignType alignType );
SF::GFx::Movie::HitTestType HitTestType_SFUI_to_SDK( IScaleformUI::_HitTestType hitTestType );
IScaleformUI::_HitTestType HitTestType_SDK_to_SFUI( SF::GFx::Movie::HitTestType hitTestType );
#define SFINST ( ScaleformUIImpl::m_Instance )
class DeviceCallbacks: public IShaderDeviceDependentObject
int m_iRefCount;
ScaleformUIImpl* m_pScaleform;
DeviceCallbacks( void ) :
m_iRefCount( 1 ), m_pScaleform( NULL )
virtual void DeviceLost( void )
virtual void DeviceReset( void *pDevice, void *pPresentParameters, void *pHWnd )
m_pScaleform->SetRenderingDevice( ( IDirect3DDevice9* )pDevice, ( D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* )pPresentParameters, ( HWND )pHWnd );
virtual void ScreenSizeChanged( int width, int height )
m_pScaleform->SetScreenSize( width, height );
class ScaleformCallbackHolder: public SF::GFx::ASUserData
ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerObject* m_pObject;
ScaleformUIFunctionHandler m_Callback;
inline ScaleformCallbackHolder( ScaleformUIFunctionHandlerObject* object, ScaleformUIFunctionHandler callback ) :
SF::GFx::ASUserData(), m_pObject( object ), m_Callback( callback )
inline void Execute( SF::GFx::FunctionHandler::Params *params )
( m_pObject->*m_Callback )( &SFINST, ToSFPARAMS( params ) );
virtual void OnDestroy( SF::GFx::Movie* pmovie, void* pobject );