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476 lines
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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "baseserver.h"
#include "hltvclient.h"
#include "hltvdemo.h"
#include "hltvbroadcast.h"
#include "hltvclientstate.h"
#include "clientframe.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include <ihltv.h>
#include <convar.h>
#define HLTV_BUFFER_VOICE 0 // player voice data
#define HLTV_BUFFER_SOUNDS 1 // unreliable sounds
#define HLTV_BUFFER_TEMPENTS 2 // temporary/event entities
#define HLTV_BUFFER_RELIABLE 3 // reliable messages
#define HLTV_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE 4 // unreliable messages
#define HLTV_BUFFER_MAX 5 // end marker
// proxy dispatch modes
extern ConVar tv_debug;
class CHLTVFrame : public CClientFrame
virtual ~CHLTVFrame();
void Reset(); // resets all data & buffers
void FreeBuffers();
void AllocBuffers();
bool HasData();
void CopyHLTVData( const CHLTVFrame &frame );
virtual bool IsMemPoolAllocated() { return false; }
uint GetMemSize()const;
// message buffers:
bf_write m_Messages[HLTV_BUFFER_MAX];
struct CFrameCacheEntry_s
CClientFrame* pFrame;
int nTick;
class CDeltaEntityCache
struct DeltaEntityEntry_s
DeltaEntityEntry_s *pNext;
int nDeltaTick;
int nBits;
void SetTick( int nTick, int nMaxEntities );
unsigned char* FindDeltaBits( int nEntityIndex, int nDeltaTick, int &nBits );
void AddDeltaBits( int nEntityIndex, int nDeltaTick, int nBits, bf_write *pBuffer );
void Flush();
int m_nTick; // current tick
int m_nMaxEntities; // max entities = length of cache
int m_nCacheSize;
DeltaEntityEntry_s* m_Cache[MAX_EDICTS]; // array of pointers to delta entries
class CGameClient;
class CGameServer;
class IHLTVDirector;
class CHLTVServer : public IGameEventListener2, public CBaseServer, public CClientFrameManager, public IHLTVServer, public IDemoPlayer
friend class CHLTVClientState;
typedef CBaseServer BaseClass;
CHLTVServer( uint nInstance, float flSnapshotRate );
virtual ~CHLTVServer();
public: // CBaseServer interface:
void Init (bool bIsDedicated);
void Shutdown( void );
void Clear( void );
bool IsHLTV( void ) const { return true; };
bool IsMultiplayer( void ) const { return true; };
void FillServerInfo(CSVCMsg_ServerInfo &serverinfo);
void GetNetStats( float &avgIn, float &avgOut );
int GetChallengeType ( const ns_address &adr );
const char *GetName( void ) const;
const char *GetPassword() const;
const char *GetHltvRelayPassword() const;
IClient *ConnectClient ( const ns_address &adr, int protocol, int challenge, int authProtocol,
const char *name, const char *password, const char *hashedCDkey, int cdKeyLen,
CUtlVector< CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t * > & splitScreenClients, bool isClientLowViolence, CrossPlayPlatform_t clientPlatform,
const byte *pbEncryptionKey, int nEncryptionKeyIndex ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetRedirectAddressForConnectClient( const ns_address &adr, CUtlVector< CCLCMsg_SplitPlayerConnect_t* > & splitScreenClients, ns_address *pNetAdrRedirect ) OVERRIDE;
bool CheckHltvPasswordMatch( const char *szPasswordProvidedByClient, const char *szServerRequiredPassword, CSteamID steamidClient );
virtual bool GetClassBaseline( ServerClass *pClass, SerializedEntityHandle_t *pHandle);
void FireGameEvent(IGameEvent *event);
int m_nDebugID;
int GetEventDebugID( void );
public: // IHLTVServer interface:
IServer *GetBaseServer( void );
IHLTVDirector *GetDirector( void );
int GetHLTVSlot( void ); // return entity index-1 of HLTV in game
float GetOnlineTime( void ); // seconds since broadcast started
void GetLocalStats( int &proxies, int &slots, int &clients );
void GetGlobalStats( int &proxies, int &slots, int &clients );
void GetExternalStats( int &numExternalTotalViewers, int &numExternalLinkedViewers );
void GetRelayStats( int &proxies, int &slots, int &clients );
bool IsMasterProxy( void ); // true, if this is the HLTV master proxy
bool IsTVRelay(); // true if we're running a relay (i.e. this is the opposite of IsMasterProxy()).
bool IsDemoPlayback( void ); // true if this is a HLTV demo
const netadr_t *GetRelayAddress( void ); // returns relay address
void BroadcastEvent(IGameEvent *event);
virtual void StopRecording( const CGameInfo *pGameInfo = NULL ) { StopRecordingAndFreeFrames( false, pGameInfo ); }
//similar to the standard stop recording, but this allows for specifying a tick before which frames can be dropped. This is very useful for
//shutdown to prevent memory spikes
void StopRecordingAndFreeFrames( bool bFreeClientFrames, const CGameInfo *pGameInfo = NULL );
virtual bool IsRecording();
virtual const char* GetRecordingDemoFilename();
virtual void StartAutoRecording();
public: // IDemoPlayer interface
CDemoFile *GetDemoFile();
int GetPlaybackStartTick( void );
int GetPlaybackTick( void );
bool StartPlayback( const char *filename, bool bAsTimeDemo, CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pPlaybackParameters, int );
CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const * GetDemoPlaybackParameters() OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
bool IsPlayingBack( void )const; // true if demo loaded and playing back
bool IsPlaybackPaused( void )const; // true if playback paused
bool IsPlayingTimeDemo( void ) const { return false; } // true if playing back in timedemo mode
bool IsSkipping( void ) const { return false; }; // true, if demo player skiiping trough packets
bool CanSkipBackwards( void ) const { return true; } // true if demoplayer can skip backwards
void SetPlaybackTimeScale( float timescale ); // sets playback timescale
float GetPlaybackTimeScale( void ); // get playback timescale
void PausePlayback( float seconds ) {};
void SkipToTick( int tick, bool bRelative, bool bPause ) {};
void SkipToImportantTick( const DemoImportantTick_t *pTick ) {};
void ResumePlayback( void ) {};
void StopPlayback( void ) {};
void InterpolateViewpoint() {};
netpacket_t *ReadPacket( void ) { return NULL; }
void ResetDemoInterpolation( void ) {};
void SetPacketReadSuspended( bool bSuspendPacketReading ) {};
void SetImportantEventData( const KeyValues *pData ) {};
int FindNextImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName = NULL ) { return -1; } // -1 = no next important tick
int FindPreviousImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName = NULL ) { return -1; } // -1 = no previous important tick
const DemoImportantTick_t *GetImportantTick( int nIndex ) { return NULL; }
const DemoImportantGameEvent_t *GetImportantGameEvent( const char *pszEventName ) { return NULL; }
void ListImportantTicks( void ) {};
void ListHighlightData( void ) {};
void SetHighlightXuid( uint64 xuid, bool bLowlights ) {};
bool ScanDemo( const char* filename, const char* pszMode ) { return false; };
void StartMaster(CGameClient *client); // start HLTV server as master proxy
void ConnectRelay(const char *address); // connect to other HLTV proxy
void StartDemo(const char *filename); // starts playing back a demo file
void StartBroadcast();
void StartRelay( void ); // start HLTV server as relay proxy
bool SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable = false, bool bVoice = false );
bool NETMsg_PlayerAvatarData( const CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData& msg );
void RunFrame();
void SetMaxClients( int number );
void Changelevel( bool bInactivateClients );
void UserInfoChanged( int nClientIndex );
void SendClientMessages ( bool bSendSnapshots );
bool SendClientMessages( CHLTVClient *pClient );
CClientFrame *AddNewFrame( CClientFrame * pFrame ); // add new frame, returns HLTV's copy
void SignonComplete( void );
void LinkInstanceBaselines( void );
void BroadcastEventLocal( IGameEvent *event, bool bReliable ); // broadcast event but not to relay proxies
void BroadcastLocalChat( const char *pszChat, const char *pszGroup ); // broadcast event but not to relay proxies
void BroadcastLocalTitle( CHLTVClient *client = NULL ); // NULL = broadcast to all
bool DispatchToRelay( CHLTVClient *pClient);
bf_write *GetBuffer( int nBuffer);
CClientFrame *GetDeltaFrame( int nTick );
CClientFrame *ExpandAndGetClientFrame( int nTick, bool bExact );
inline CHLTVClient* Client( int i ) { return static_cast<CHLTVClient*>(m_Clients[i]); }
//called to add a new frame to HLTV by the server, which will be encoded as a delta frame instead of a raw frame, which will then be held in transit and expanded once
//it is time to be replayed to clients (helps to save a huge amount of memory for long delays)
void AddNewDeltaFrame( CClientFrame *pClientFrame );
void UpdateHltvExternalViewers( uint32 numTotalViewers, uint32 numLinkedViewers );
void DumpMem();
uint GetInstanceIndex()const { return m_nInstanceIndex; }
float GetSnapshotRate()const { return m_flSnapshotRate; }
void FixupConvars( CNETMsg_SetConVar_t &convars );
virtual bool ShouldUpdateMasterServer();
CBaseClient *CreateNewClient( int slot );
void UpdateTick( void );
void UpdateStats( void );
void InstallStringTables( void );
void UninstallStringTables( void );
void RestoreTick( int tick );
void EntityPVSCheck( CClientFrame *pFrame );
void InitClientRecvTables();
void FreeClientRecvTables();
void ReadCompleteDemoFile();
void ResyncDemoClock();
//when frames come in, we delta compress them to strip out all of the state that hasn't changed. This is necessary since otherwise the HLTV will have to hold ALL state for all frames
//that are buffered, which is far too costly
struct SHLTVDeltaEntity_t
//a constant used to denote that no packed data is associated with this object
static const SerializedEntityHandle_t knNoPackedData = (SerializedEntityHandle_t)-1;
//the original index that we came from
uint16 m_nSourceIndex;
//how many proxy recipients should be associated with this entity (note this can be non-zero but have a NULL pointer indicating no value changes)
uint16 m_nNumRecipients;
//the serial number of this entity (this might be able to be 16 bits which would be nice)
int32 m_nSerialNumber;
// This is the tick this PackedEntity was created on (-1 means reuse the previous one)
int32 m_nSnapshotCreationTick;
//the class that this entity maps to
ServerClass *m_pServerClass;
//pointer to the new recipient values if different
CSendProxyRecipients *m_pNewRecipients;
//the delta encoded properties that have changed since the last tick. Note that this can be NULL or NoPackedData to represent that certain parts of the reconstructed class are missing
SerializedEntityHandle_t m_SerializedEntity;
//the next entity in our list
SHLTVDeltaEntity_t *m_pNext;
struct SHLTVDeltaFrame_t
//a bit list that contains all of the entities that should just be copied forward
uint32 *m_pCopyEntities;
//the client frame which contains a custom snap shot that has been allocated
CHLTVFrame *m_pClientFrame;
//the entities that we have delta compressed, these will be expanded into the snapshot when needed (we only store entries for valid ones)
SHLTVDeltaEntity_t *m_pEntities;
uint32 m_nNumValidEntities;
//the total number of entities that were in the list so we can expand and have the necessary gaps
uint32 m_nTotalEntities;
//our previous snapshot that we delta compressed from, used to expand out the properties when needed
CFrameSnapshot *m_pRelativeFrame;
//This points to the original snapshot it was generated from. This is intended only for development testing/validation
CFrameSnapshot *m_pSourceFrame;
//the next frame in our list (newest is at the tail of the list)
SHLTVDeltaFrame_t *m_pNewerDeltaFrame;
size_t GetMemSize()const;
//the newest delta frame that we've encoded
SHLTVDeltaFrame_t *m_pOldestDeltaFrame;
SHLTVDeltaFrame_t *m_pNewestDeltaFrame;
//the last frame that we took a snapshot from (so we can delta encode subsequent ones)
CFrameSnapshot *m_pLastSourceSnapshot;
CFrameSnapshot *m_pLastTargetSnapshot;
//given a source snapshot, this will create a copy of it for the delta encoding, so it has all data except the entities
CFrameSnapshot* CloneDeltaSnapshot( const CFrameSnapshot *pCopySnapshot );
//given a current frame being encoded, and a previous frame that was last encoded, this will handle creating a packed list of the entities and adding this list to
//the provided HLTV delta frame
void CreateDeltaFrameEntities( SHLTVDeltaFrame_t* pOutputEntities, const CFrameSnapshot *pCurrFrame, const CFrameSnapshot *pPrevFrame );
//given a delta frame, this will expand the snapshot to be a full absolute snapshot
void ExpandDeltaFrameToFullFrame( SHLTVDeltaFrame_t *pDeltaFrame );
//called to handle converting all queued delta frames to full frames up to the specified tick (inclusive). This will handle removing them from
//the delta queue and adding them to the client frame list
void ExpandDeltaFramesToTick( int nTick );
//called to free all delta frames that are queued
void FreeAllDeltaFrames( );
virtual IDemoStream *GetDemoStream() OVERRIDE { return &m_DemoFile; }
CGameClient *m_MasterClient; // if != NULL, this is the master HLTV
CHLTVClientState m_ClientState;
CHLTVDemoRecorder m_DemoRecorder; // HLTV demo object for recording and playback
CHLTVBroadcast m_Broadcast;
CGameServer *m_Server; // pointer to source server (sv.)
IHLTVDirector *m_Director; // HTLV director exported by game.dll
int m_nFirstTick; // first known server tick;
int m_nLastTick; // last tick from AddFrame()
CHLTVFrame *m_CurrentFrame; // current delayed HLTV frame
int m_nViewEntity; // the current entity HLTV is tracking
int m_nPlayerSlot; // slot of HLTV client on game server
CHLTVFrame m_HLTVFrame; // all incoming messages go here until Snapshot is made
bool m_bSignonState; // true if connecting to server
float m_flStartTime;
float m_flFPS; // FPS the proxy is running;
int m_nGameServerMaxClients; // max clients on game server
float m_fNextSendUpdateTime; // time to send next HLTV status messages
RecvTable *m_pRecvTables[MAX_DATATABLES];
int m_nRecvTables;
Vector m_vPVSOrigin;
bool m_bMasterOnlyMode;
netadr_t m_RootServer; // HLTV root server
int m_nGlobalSlots;
int m_nGlobalClients;
int m_nGlobalProxies;
int m_nExternalTotalViewers;
int m_nExternalLinkedViewers;
char m_DemoEventsBuffer[NET_MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD];
bf_write m_DemoEventWriteBuffer;
CNetworkStringTableContainer m_NetworkStringTables;
CDeltaEntityCache m_DeltaCache;
CUtlVector<CFrameCacheEntry_s> m_FrameCache;
CThreadFastMutex m_FrameCacheMutex; // locks frame cache
typedef CUtlMap< uint32, CNETMsg_PlayerAvatarData_t *, int, CDefLess< uint32 > > PlayerAvatarDataMap_t;
PlayerAvatarDataMap_t m_mapPlayerAvatarData;
// demoplayer stuff:
CDemoFile m_DemoFile; // for demo playback
int m_nStartTick;
democmdinfo_t m_LastCmdInfo;
bool m_bPlayingBack;
bool m_bPlaybackPaused; // true if demo is paused right now
float m_flPlaybackRateModifier;
int m_nSkipToTick; // skip to tick ASAP, -1 = off
const uint m_nInstanceIndex;
float m_flSnapshotRate;
extern CHLTVServer *g_pHltvServer[ HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT ]; // The global HLTV server/object. NULL on xbox.
extern bool IsHltvActive();
// given the con-command arguments, selects one or more hltv servers and enumerates them, iterator (of a vector of HLTV servers) style
class CActiveHltvServerSelector
int m_nIndex, m_nMask;
CActiveHltvServerSelector( const CCommand &args );
operator CHLTVServer* ( )
return m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT ? g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ] : NULL;
CHLTVServer *operator->()
return m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT ? g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ] : NULL;
bool Next()
if ( m_nIndex >= HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT )
return false;
while ( ++m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT )
CHLTVServer *hltv = g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ];
if ( ( ( 1 << m_nIndex ) & m_nMask ) && hltv && hltv->IsActive() )
return true;
return false; // no more active HLTV instances
uint GetIndex()const { return m_nIndex; }
template <bool bActiveOnly >
class THltvServerIterator
int m_nIndex;
THltvServerIterator( ) { m_nIndex = -1; Next(); }
operator CHLTVServer* ( )
return m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT ? g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ] : NULL;
CHLTVServer *operator->( )
return m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT ? g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ] : NULL;
bool Next()
if ( m_nIndex >= HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT )
return false;
while ( ++m_nIndex < HLTV_SERVER_MAX_COUNT )
CHLTVServer *hltv = g_pHltvServer[ m_nIndex ];
if ( hltv )
if ( bActiveOnly )
if ( hltv->IsActive() )
return true;
return true;
return false; // no more active HLTV instances
uint GetIndex()const { return m_nIndex; }
typedef THltvServerIterator<true> CActiveHltvServerIterator;
typedef THltvServerIterator<false> CHltvServerIterator;
#endif // HLTVSERVER_H