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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A base class for model-based doors. The exact movement required to
// open or close the door is not dictated by this class, only that
// the door has open, closed, opening, and closing states.
// Doors must satisfy these requirements:
// - Derived classes must support being opened by NPCs.
// - Never autoclose in the face of a player.
// - Never close into an NPC.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "props.h"
#include "locksounds.h"
#include "entityoutput.h"
#include "entityblocker.h"
extern ConVar g_debug_doors;
struct opendata_t
Vector vecStandPos; // Where the NPC should stand.
Vector vecFaceDir; // What direction the NPC should face.
Activity eActivity; // What activity the NPC should play.
abstract_class CBasePropDoor : public CDynamicProp
DECLARE_CLASS( CBasePropDoor, CDynamicProp );
CBasePropDoor( void );
void Spawn();
void Precache();
void Activate();
int ObjectCaps();
virtual bool IsAbleToCloseAreaPortals( void ) const;
void HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent );
// Base class services.
// Do not make the functions in this block virtual!!
// {
inline bool IsDoorOpen();
inline bool IsDoorAjar();
inline bool IsDoorOpening();
inline bool IsDoorClosed();
inline bool IsDoorClosing();
inline bool IsDoorBlocked() const;
inline bool IsNPCOpening(CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC);
inline bool IsPlayerOpening();
inline bool IsOpener(CBaseEntity *pEnt);
virtual bool IsDoorLocked() { return m_bLocked; }
bool NPCOpenDoor(CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC);
bool TestCollision( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int mask, trace_t& trace );
// }
// Implement these in your leaf class.
// {
virtual bool DoorCanClose( bool bAutoClose ) { return true; }
virtual bool DoorCanOpen( void ) { return true; }
virtual void GetNPCOpenData(CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, opendata_t &opendata) = 0;
virtual float GetOpenInterval(void) = 0;
enum DoorExtent_t
virtual void ComputeDoorExtent( Extent *extent, unsigned int extentType ) = 0; // extent contains the volume encompassing by the door in the specified states
// }
enum DoorState_t
// dvs: FIXME: make these private
void DoorClose();
CBasePropDoor *GetMaster( void ) { return m_hMaster; }
bool HasSlaves( void ) { return ( m_hDoorList.Count() > 0 ); }
inline void SetDoorState( DoorState_t eDoorState );
virtual void CalcDoorSounds();
float m_flAutoReturnDelay; // How many seconds to wait before automatically closing, -1 never closes automatically.
CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePropDoor > > m_hDoorList; // List of doors linked to us
inline CBaseEntity *GetActivator();
int m_nHardwareType;
// Called when the door becomes fully closed.
virtual void OnDoorClosed() {}
// Implement these in your leaf class.
// {
// Called when the door becomes fully open.
virtual void OnDoorOpened() {}
// Called to tell the door to start opening.
virtual void BeginOpening(CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom) = 0;
// Called to tell the door to start closing.
virtual void BeginClosing( void ) = 0;
// Called when blocked to tell the door to stop moving.
virtual void DoorStop( void ) = 0;
// Called when blocked to tell the door to continue moving.
virtual void DoorResume( void ) = 0;
// Called to send the door instantly to its spawn positions.
virtual void DoorTeleportToSpawnPosition() = 0;
// }
void UpdateAreaPortals( bool bOpen );
void DisableAreaPortalThink( void );
virtual void Lock();
virtual void Unlock();
// Main entry points for the door base behaviors.
// Do not make the functions in this block virtual!!
// {
bool DoorActivate();
void DoorOpen( CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom );
void OpenIfUnlocked(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom);
void DoorOpenMoveDone();
void DoorCloseMoveDone();
void DoorAutoCloseThink();
void Use(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value);
void OnUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
inline bool WillAutoReturn() { return m_flAutoReturnDelay != -1; }
void StartBlocked(CBaseEntity *pOther);
void OnStartBlocked( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void MasterStartBlocked( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void Blocked(CBaseEntity *pOther);
void EndBlocked(void);
void OnEndBlocked( void );
// Input handlers
void InputClose(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void InputLock(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void InputOpen(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void InputOpenAwayFrom(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void InputToggle(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void InputUnlock(inputdata_t &inputdata);
void SetDoorBlocker( CBaseEntity *pBlocker );
void SetMaster( CBasePropDoor *pMaster ) { m_hMaster = pMaster; }
DoorState_t m_eDoorState; // Holds whether the door is open, closed, opening, or closing.
locksound_t m_ls; // The sounds the door plays when being locked, unlocked, etc.
EHANDLE m_hActivator;
EHANDLE m_hBlocker; // Entity blocking the door currently
bool m_bFirstBlocked; // Marker for being the first door (in a group) to be blocked (needed for motion control)
bool m_bLocked; // True if the door is locked.
bool m_bForceClosed; // True if this door must close no matter what.
string_t m_SoundMoving;
string_t m_SoundOpen;
string_t m_SoundClose;
int m_nPhysicsMaterial;
// dvs: FIXME: can we remove m_flSpeed from CBaseEntity?
//float m_flSpeed; // Rotation speed when opening or closing in degrees per second.
string_t m_SlaveName;
CHandle< CBasePropDoor > m_hMaster;
static void RegisterPrivateActivities();
// Outputs
COutputEvent m_OnBlockedClosing; // Triggered when the door becomes blocked while closing.
COutputEvent m_OnBlockedOpening; // Triggered when the door becomes blocked while opening.
COutputEvent m_OnUnblockedClosing; // Triggered when the door becomes unblocked while closing.
COutputEvent m_OnUnblockedOpening; // Triggered when the door becomes unblocked while opening.
COutputEvent m_OnFullyClosed; // Triggered when the door reaches the fully closed position.
COutputEvent m_OnFullyOpen; // Triggered when the door reaches the fully open position.
COutputEvent m_OnClose; // Triggered when the door is told to close.
COutputEvent m_OnOpen; // Triggered when the door is told to open.
COutputEvent m_OnLockedUse; // Triggered when the user tries to open a locked door.
void CBasePropDoor::SetDoorState( DoorState_t eDoorState )
m_eDoorState = eDoorState;
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorOpen()
return m_eDoorState == DOOR_STATE_OPEN;
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorAjar()
return ( m_eDoorState == DOOR_STATE_AJAR );
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorOpening()
return m_eDoorState == DOOR_STATE_OPENING;
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorClosed()
return m_eDoorState == DOOR_STATE_CLOSED;
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorClosing()
return m_eDoorState == DOOR_STATE_CLOSING;
CBaseEntity *CBasePropDoor::GetActivator()
return m_hActivator;
bool CBasePropDoor::IsDoorBlocked() const
return ( m_hBlocker != NULL );
bool CBasePropDoor::IsNPCOpening( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC )
return ( pNPC == ( CAI_BaseNPC * )GetActivator() );
inline bool CBasePropDoor::IsPlayerOpening()
return ( GetActivator() && GetActivator()->IsPlayer() );
inline bool CBasePropDoor::IsOpener(CBaseEntity *pEnt)
return ( GetActivator() == pEnt );
// Rotating prop door
// Check directions for door movement
enum doorCheck_e
DOOR_CHECK_FORWARD, // Door's forward opening direction
DOOR_CHECK_BACKWARD, // Door's backward opening direction
DOOR_CHECK_FULL, // Door's complete movement volume
enum PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t
enum PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e
class CPropDoorRotating : public CBasePropDoor
DECLARE_CLASS( CPropDoorRotating, CBasePropDoor );
int DrawDebugTextOverlays( void );
void Spawn( void );
void MoveDone( void );
void BeginOpening( CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom );
void BeginClosing( void );
void OnRestore( void );
void DoorTeleportToSpawnPosition();
void GetNPCOpenData( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, opendata_t &opendata );
void DoorClose( void );
bool DoorCanClose( bool bAutoClose );
void DoorOpen( CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom );
void OnDoorOpened();
void OnDoorClosed();
void DoorResume( void );
void DoorStop( void );
float GetOpenInterval();
bool OverridePropdata() { return true; }
void InputSetSpeed( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual void ComputeDoorExtent( Extent *extent, unsigned int extentType ); // extent contains the volume encompassing open + closed states
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); }
bool IsHingeOnLeft();
void AngularMove( const QAngle &vecDestAngle, float flSpeed );
void CalculateDoorVolume( QAngle closedAngles, QAngle openAngles, Vector *destMins, Vector *destMaxs );
bool CheckDoorClear( doorCheck_e state );
doorCheck_e GetOpenState( void );
void InputSetRotationDistance( inputdata_t &inputdata ); // Set the degree difference between open and closed
void InputMoveToRotationDistance( inputdata_t &inputdata ); // Set the degree difference between open and closed and move to open
void CalcOpenAngles( void ); // Subroutine to setup the m_angRotation QAngles based on the m_flDistance variable
Vector m_vecAxis; // The axis of rotation.
float m_flDistance; // How many degrees we rotate between open and closed.
PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t m_eSpawnPosition;
PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e m_eOpenDirection;
QAngle m_angRotationAjar; // Angles to spawn at if we are set to spawn ajar.
QAngle m_angRotationClosed; // Our angles when we are fully closed.
QAngle m_angRotationOpenForward; // Our angles when we are fully open towards our forward vector.
QAngle m_angRotationOpenBack; // Our angles when we are fully open away from our forward vector.
QAngle m_angGoal;
Vector m_vecForwardBoundsMin;
Vector m_vecForwardBoundsMax;
Vector m_vecBackBoundsMin;
Vector m_vecBackBoundsMax;
COutputEvent m_OnRotationDone; // Triggered when we finish rotating.
CHandle<CEntityBlocker> m_hDoorBlocker;
class CPropDoorRotatingBreakable : public CPropDoorRotating
DECLARE_CLASS( CPropDoorRotatingBreakable, CPropDoorRotating );
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual void Precache( void );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
void PrecacheBreakables( void );
virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
void InputSetRotationDistance( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetUnbreakable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetBreakable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual bool IsAbleToCloseAreaPortals( void ) const;
virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays( void );
bool IsBreakable( void ) { return m_bBreakable; }
virtual void Lock();
virtual void Unlock();
virtual void OnDoorOpened( void )
virtual void OnDoorClosed( void )
bool operator()( CNavArea *area ); // functor that blocks areas in our extent
static bool CalculateBlocked( bool *pResultByTeam, const Vector &vecMins, const Vector &vecMaxs );
void UpdateBlocked( bool bBlocked );
void BlockNav( void );
void UnblockNav( void );
// void BlockNavArea( bool blocked )
// {
// /**
// * MSB: I'm commenting this out, because we can't use BLOCKED for this,
// * since *nothing* can path thru a blocked area - SurvivorBots, population
// * algorithms, etc.
// * However, something like "closed door" might be useful to flag here
// * in the future.
// *
// if ( blocked )
// {
// CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( WorldSpaceCenter() );
// if ( area )
// {
// area->Block();
// m_blockedNavAreaID = area->GetID();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if ( m_blockedNavAreaID > 0 )
// {
// CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( m_blockedNavAreaID );
// if ( area )
// {
// area->UpdateBlocked( true ); // give it a chance to stay blocked by something else
// }
// }
// }
// */
// }
int m_blockedNavAreaID;
bool m_bBreakable;
bool m_isAbleToCloseAreaPortals;
int m_currentDamageState;
int m_blockedTeamNumber;
bool m_isBlockingNav[MAX_NAV_TEAMS];
CUtlVector< string_t > m_damageStates;