Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
3.9 KiB

//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "GameStats.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
void BasicGameStatsRecord_t::Clear()
m_nCount = 0;
m_nSeconds = 0;
m_nCommentary = 0;
m_nHDR = 0;
m_nCaptions = 0;
m_bSteam = true;
m_bCyberCafe = false;
Q_memset( m_nSkill, 0, sizeof( m_nSkill ) );
m_nDeaths = 0;
void BasicGameStatsRecord_t::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &buf )
buf.PutInt( m_nCount );
buf.PutInt( m_nSeconds );
buf.PutInt( m_nCommentary );
buf.PutInt( m_nHDR );
buf.PutInt( m_nCaptions );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
buf.PutInt( m_nSkill[ i ] );
buf.PutChar( m_bSteam ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutChar( m_bCyberCafe ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutInt( m_nDeaths );
bool BasicGameStatsRecord_t::ParseFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &buf, int iBufferStatsVersion )
bool bret = true;
m_nCount = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nCount > 100000 || m_nCount < 0 )
bret = false;
m_nSeconds = buf.GetInt();
// Note, don't put the buf.GetInt() in the macro since it'll get evaluated twice!!!
m_nSeconds = MAX( m_nSeconds, 0 );
m_nCommentary = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nCommentary < 0 || m_nCommentary > 100000 )
bret = false;
m_nHDR = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nHDR < 0 || m_nHDR > 100000 )
bret = false;
m_nCaptions = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nCaptions < 0 || m_nCaptions > 100000 )
bret = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
m_nSkill[ i ] = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nSkill[ i ] < 0 || m_nSkill[ i ] > 100000 )
bret = false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion > GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD )
m_bSteam = buf.GetChar() ? true : false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion > GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD2 )
m_bCyberCafe = buf.GetChar() ? true : false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion > GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD5 )
m_nDeaths = buf.GetInt();
return bret;
void BasicGameStats_t::Clear()
m_nSecondsToCompleteGame = 0;
void BasicGameStats_t::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf )
buf.PutInt( m_nSecondsToCompleteGame );
m_Summary.SaveToBuffer( buf );
int c = m_MapTotals.Count();
buf.PutInt( c );
for ( int i = m_MapTotals.First(); i != m_MapTotals.InvalidIndex(); i = m_MapTotals.Next( i ) )
char const *name = m_MapTotals.GetElementName( i );
BasicGameStatsRecord_t &rec = m_MapTotals[ i ];
buf.PutString( name );
rec.SaveToBuffer( buf );
buf.PutChar( 0 );
buf.PutChar( m_bSteam ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutChar( m_bCyberCafe ? 1 : 0 );
buf.PutShort( (short)m_nDXLevel );
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *BasicGameStats_t::FindOrAddRecordForMap( char const *mapname )
int idx = m_MapTotals.Find( mapname );
if ( idx == m_MapTotals.InvalidIndex() )
idx = m_MapTotals.Insert( mapname );
return &m_MapTotals[ idx ];
bool BasicGameStats_t::ParseFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, int iBufferStatsVersion )
bool bret = true;
m_nSecondsToCompleteGame = buf.GetInt();
if ( m_nSecondsToCompleteGame < 0 || m_nSecondsToCompleteGame > 10000000 )
bret = false;
m_Summary.ParseFromBuffer( buf, iBufferStatsVersion );
int c = buf.GetInt();
if ( c > 1024 || c < 0 )
bret = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
char mapname[ 256 ];
buf.GetString( mapname, sizeof( mapname ) );
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *rec = FindOrAddRecordForMap( mapname );
bool valid= rec->ParseFromBuffer( buf, iBufferStatsVersion );
if ( !valid )
bret = false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion >= GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD2 )
buf.GetChar(); // Gets the obsolete hl2 unlocked chapter field
m_bSteam = buf.GetChar() ? true : false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion > GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD2 )
m_bCyberCafe = buf.GetChar() ? true : false;
if ( iBufferStatsVersion > GAMESTATS_FILE_VERSION_OLD3 )
m_nDXLevel = (int)buf.GetShort();
return bret;