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166 lines
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//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef EIFACE_H
#include "eiface.h"
#ifdef POSIX
#define random random_valve// stdlib.h defined random()..., and so does vstdlib/random.h
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "tier2/tier2_logging.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
class IFileSystem; // include FileSystem.h
class IUniformRandomStream; // include vstdlib/random.h
class IEngineSound; // include engine/IEngineSound.h
class IVEngineServer;
class IVoiceServer;
class IStaticPropMgrServer;
class ISpatialPartition;
class IVModelInfo;
class IEngineTrace;
class IGameEventManager2;
class IVDebugOverlay;
class IDataCache;
class IMDLCache;
class IServerEngineTools;
class IXboxSystem;
class IScriptManager;
class IServerFoundry;
class CSteamAPIContext;
class CSteamGameServerAPIContext;
extern IVEngineServer *engine;
extern IVoiceServer *g_pVoiceServer;
extern IFileSystem *filesystem;
extern IStaticPropMgrServer *staticpropmgr;
extern ISpatialPartition *partition;
extern IEngineSound *enginesound;
extern IVModelInfo *modelinfo;
extern IEngineTrace *enginetrace;
extern IFileLoggingListener *filelogginglistener;
extern IGameEventManager2 *gameeventmanager;
extern IVDebugOverlay *debugoverlay;
extern IServerEngineTools *serverenginetools;
extern IServerFoundry *serverfoundry;
extern IXboxSystem *xboxsystem; // 360 only
extern IScriptManager *scriptmanager;
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
extern CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext; // available on game clients
extern CSteamGameServerAPIContext *steamgameserverapicontext; //available on game servers
class IASW_Mission_Chooser;
extern IASW_Mission_Chooser *missionchooser;
// Precaches a material
void PrecacheMaterial( const char *pMaterialName );
// Converts a previously precached material into an index
int GetMaterialIndex( const char *pMaterialName );
// Converts a previously precached material index into a string
const char *GetMaterialNameFromIndex( int nMaterialIndex );
// Precache-related methods for particle systems
int PrecacheParticleSystem( const char *pParticleSystemName );
int GetParticleSystemIndex( const char *pParticleSystemName );
const char *GetParticleSystemNameFromIndex( int nIndex );
// Precache-related methods for movies
void PrecacheMovie( const char *pMovieName );
int GetMovieIndex( const char *pMovieName );
const char *GetMovieNameFromIndex( int nMovieIndex );
// Precache-related methods for effects (used by DispatchEffect)
void PrecacheEffect( const char *pParticleSystemName );
int GetEffectIndex( const char *pParticleSystemName );
const char *GetEffectNameFromIndex( int nIndex );
class IRecipientFilter;
void EntityMessageBegin( CBaseEntity * entity, bool reliable = false );
void MessageEnd( void );
// bytewise
void MessageWriteByte( int iValue);
void MessageWriteChar( int iValue);
void MessageWriteShort( int iValue);
void MessageWriteWord( int iValue );
void MessageWriteLong( int iValue);
void MessageWriteFloat( float flValue);
void MessageWriteAngle( float flValue);
void MessageWriteCoord( float flValue);
void MessageWriteVec3Coord( const Vector& rgflValue);
void MessageWriteVec3Normal( const Vector& rgflValue);
void MessageWriteAngles( const QAngle& rgflValue);
void MessageWriteString( const char *sz );
void MessageWriteEntity( int iValue);
void MessageWriteEHandle( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); //encoded as a long
// bitwise
void MessageWriteBool( bool bValue );
void MessageWriteUBitLong( unsigned int data, int numbits );
void MessageWriteSBitLong( int data, int numbits );
void MessageWriteBits( const void *pIn, int nBits );
void MessageWriteBitVecIntegral( const Vector& vecValue );
// Bytewise
#define WRITE_BYTE (MessageWriteByte)
#define WRITE_CHAR (MessageWriteChar)
#define WRITE_SHORT (MessageWriteShort)
#define WRITE_WORD (MessageWriteWord)
#define WRITE_LONG (MessageWriteLong)
#define WRITE_FLOAT (MessageWriteFloat)
#define WRITE_ANGLE (MessageWriteAngle)
#define WRITE_COORD (MessageWriteCoord)
#define WRITE_VEC3COORD (MessageWriteVec3Coord)
#define WRITE_VEC3NORMAL (MessageWriteVec3Normal)
#define WRITE_ANGLES (MessageWriteAngles)
#define WRITE_STRING (MessageWriteString)
#define WRITE_ENTITY (MessageWriteEntity)
#define WRITE_EHANDLE (MessageWriteEHandle)
// Bitwise
#define WRITE_BOOL (MessageWriteBool)
#define WRITE_UBITLONG (MessageWriteUBitLong)
#define WRITE_SBITLONG (MessageWriteSBitLong)
#define WRITE_BITS (MessageWriteBits)
#define WRITE_VEC3_INTEGRAL (MessageWriteBitVecIntegral)
// Send a user message
class IRecipientFilter;
void SendUserMessage( IRecipientFilter& filter, int message, const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg );