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284 lines
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284 lines
4.9 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#if !defined(OSX) && !defined (LINUX)
extern "C"
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#if !defined(OSX) && !defined (LINUX)
#include "vec3.h"
#define VEC3_TYPE "Vec3"
#define VEC3_NAME "Vec3"
Vector *lua_getvec3( lua_State *pState, int i )
if ( luaL_checkudata( pState, i, VEC3_TYPE ) == NULL )
luaL_typerror( pState, i, VEC3_TYPE );
return ( Vector * )lua_touserdata( pState, i );
Vector lua_getvec3ByValue( lua_State *pState, int i )
if ( lua_isnumber( pState, i ) )
float flValue = lua_tonumber( pState, i );
return Vector( flValue, flValue, flValue );
if ( luaL_checkudata( pState, i, VEC3_TYPE ) == NULL )
luaL_typerror( pState, i, VEC3_TYPE );
return *( Vector * )lua_touserdata( pState, i );
static Vector *lua_allocvec3( lua_State *pState )
Vector *v =( Vector *)lua_newuserdata( pState, sizeof( Vector ) );
luaL_getmetatable( pState, VEC3_TYPE );
lua_setmetatable( pState, -2 );
return v;
Vector *lua_newvec3( lua_State *pState, const Vector *Value )
Vector *v;
v = lua_allocvec3( pState );
v->x = Value->x;
v->y = Value->y;
v->z = Value->z;
return v;
static int vec3_new( lua_State *pState )
Vector *v;
lua_settop( pState, 3 );
v = lua_allocvec3( pState );
v->x = luaL_optnumber( pState, 1, 0 );
v->y = luaL_optnumber( pState, 2, 0 );
v->z = luaL_optnumber( pState, 3, 0 );
return 1;
static int vec3_index( lua_State *pState )
const char *pszKey = luaL_checkstring( pState, 2 );
if ( pszKey[ 1 ] == '\0' )
Vector *v = lua_getvec3( pState, 1 );
switch ( pszKey[ 0 ] )
case '1': case 'x': case 'r':
lua_pushnumber( pState, v->x );
return 1;
case '2': case 'y': case 'g':
lua_pushnumber( pState, v->y );
return 1;
case '3': case 'z': case 'b':
lua_pushnumber( pState, v->z );
return 1;
lua_getfield( pState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, VEC3_TYPE );
lua_pushstring( pState, pszKey );
lua_rawget( pState, -2 );
return 1;
static int vec3_newindex( lua_State *pState )
const char *pszKey = luaL_checkstring( pState, 2 );
if ( pszKey[ 1 ] == '\0' )
Vector *v = lua_getvec3( pState, 1 );
float flValue = luaL_checknumber( pState, 3 );
switch ( pszKey[ 0 ] )
case '1': case 'x': case 'r':
v->x = flValue;
case '2': case 'y': case 'g':
v->y = flValue;
case '3': case 'z': case 'b':
v->z = flValue;
return 1;
static int vec3_tostring( lua_State *pState )
char s[ 64 ];
Vector *v = lua_getvec3( pState, 1 );
sprintf( s, "%s %p", VEC3_TYPE, ( void * )v );
lua_pushstring( pState, s );
return 1;
static int vec3_add( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
Vector vResult = v1 + v2;
lua_newvec3( pState, &vResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_subtract( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
Vector vResult = v1 - v2;
lua_newvec3( pState, &vResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_multiply( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
Vector vResult = v1 * v2;
lua_newvec3( pState, &vResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_divide( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
Vector vResult = v1 / v2;
lua_newvec3( pState, &vResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_length( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
float flResult = v1.Length();
lua_pushnumber( pState, flResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_equal( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
return ( v1 == v2 ? 1 : 0 );
static int vec3_dot( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 2 );
float flResult = v1.Dot( v2 );
lua_pushnumber( pState, flResult );
return 1;
static int vec3_cross( lua_State *pState )
Vector v1 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState, 1 );
Vector v2 = lua_getvec3ByValue( pState,2 );
Vector vResult = v1,Cross( v2 );
lua_newvec3( pState, &vResult );
return 1;
static const luaL_reg Registrations[] =
{ "__index", vec3_index },
{ "__newindex", vec3_newindex },
{ "__tostring", vec3_tostring },
{ "__add", vec3_add },
{ "__sub", vec3_subtract },
{ "__mul", vec3_multiply },
{ "__div", vec3_divide },
{ "__len", vec3_length },
{ "__eq", vec3_equal },
{ "dot", vec3_dot },
{ "cross", vec3_cross },
LUALIB_API int luaopen_vec3( lua_State *pState )
luaL_newmetatable( pState, VEC3_TYPE );
luaL_register( pState, NULL, Registrations );
lua_register( pState, VEC3_NAME, vec3_new );
return 1;