Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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72 lines
2.6 KiB

import glob, sys, os, stat, shutil
g_nFilesCopied = 0
g_nFilesAdded = 0
g_nFilesSkipped = 0
def IsSame( a, b ):
return False
if a.st_size == b.st_size:
if a.st_mtime == b.st_mtime:
return True #perhaps we need to actually compare the files??
if abs( a.st_mtime - b.st_mtime ) < 1: # may not be runnable on all platforms, but runs fine on windows python 2.6+
return True
return False
def Copy(fromDir, toDir, extensions):
global g_nFilesCopied
global g_nFilesAdded
global g_nFilesSkipped
if( toDir == "" ):
toDir = os.getcwd()
toDir = os.path.abspath( toDir )
fromDir = os.path.abspath( fromDir )
for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(fromDir):
for file in files:
if os.path.splitext(file)[1][1:].strip() in extensions and root[:len(fromDir)]==fromDir:
fromFile = os.path.join(root, file)
fromFileStat = os.stat( fromFile )
toFile = os.path.join(toDir,root[len(fromDir)+1:],file)
p4AddNeeded = True
if( os.path.isfile( toFile ) ): #file exists already, if it's the same file, there's no need to copy anything
p4AddNeeded = False
toFileStat = os.stat( toFile )
if( IsSame( toFileStat, fromFileStat ) ):
g_nFilesSkipped += 1
if not( toFileStat.st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE ):
os.system( "p4 edit " + toFile )
if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname( toFile ) ):
if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( toFile ) ):
print "This is not a dir. Expected a dir: " + os.path.dirname( toFile )
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( toFile ) )
#print fromFile + " -> " + toFile
shutil.copyfile( fromFile, toFile )
os.utime( toFile, ( fromFileStat.st_atime, fromFileStat.st_mtime ) )
if p4AddNeeded:
g_nFilesAdded += 1
os.system( "p4 add " + toFile )
g_nFilesCopied += 1
extInc = ["h","inc","inl","gen","def"]
extLib = ["lib","pdb","def"]
Copy( "f:/L/llvm.build64/tools/clang/include", "include/win64", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/llvm.build64/include", "include/win64", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/", "include/win32", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/", "include/win32", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/llvm/include", "include", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/llvm/tools/clang/include", "include", extInc )
Copy( "f:/L/llvm.build64/lib/Debug", "lib/win64/Debug", extLib )
Copy( "f:/L/llvm.build64/lib/RelWithDebInfo", "lib/win64/Release", extLib )
Copy( "f:/L/", "lib/win32/Debug", extLib )
Copy( "f:/L/", "lib/win32/Release", extLib )
print "Files copied: %d, added: %d, skipped: %d" % ( g_nFilesCopied, g_nFilesAdded, g_nFilesSkipped )