Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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190 lines
5.4 KiB

// Project Script
$Macro SRCDIR ".."
$Macro OUTBINDIR "$SRCDIR\..\game\bin"
$Conditional VTUNE_ENABLED 0
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_dll_base.vpc"
// VTune defines
$Macro VTUNE_DIR "$SRCDIR\thirdparty\vtune"
$Macro VTUNE_LIB "$VTUNE_DIR\lib32\libittnotify.lib"
$General [$X360]
// X360 version publishes to some other directory then copies here so we need to tell VPC to track this
// or else it won't know what depends on this project.
$AdditionalOutputFiles "$LIBPUBLIC\$(TargetName).lib"
$PreprocessorDefinitions "$BASE;TIER0_FPO_DISABLED" [$NOFPO]
$Compiler [$WINDOWS]
$AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$BASE;$VTUNE_INCLUDE" [$VTUNE_ENABLED]
$Linker [$WINDOWS]
$AdditionalDependencies "$BASE;$VTUNE_LIB" [$VTUNE_ENABLED]
$Compiler [$PS3]
$AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$BASE;"$(SN_PS3_PATH)/ppu/include""
$PreprocessorDefinitions "$BASE;PLATFORM_OVERRIDE_TIER0"
$SNCCompiler [$PS3]
$ForceIncludes "platform_override.h"
$Linker [$X360]
// 360 publishes the import library via a post build step
$ImportLibrary "$(TargetDir)\$(TargetName).lib"
// 360 will auto generate a def file for this import library
$ModuleDefinitionFile " "
$AdditionalOptions "$BASE /AUTODEF:xbox\xbox.def"
$Linker [!$X360]
// Everyone but 360 build right to the location.
$Linker [$PS3]
$AdditionalDependencies "$BASE "$(SN_PS3_PATH)/ppu/lib/sn/libsn.a" "$(SN_PS3_PATH)/ppu/lib/sn/libsntuner.a""
$AdditionalDependencies "$BASE ws2_32.lib" [$WINDOWS]
$PreLinkEvent [!$POSIX]
$CommandLine "call $SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd $LIBPUBLIC\$(TargetName).lib $SRCDIR" "\n" \
$PreLinkEvent [$X360]
// Run a pre-link event to clean the .def file from the last link
$CommandLine "if exist xbox\xbox.def del xbox\xbox.def" "\n" \
$PreLinkEvent [$PS3]
$CommandLine "$BASE"
$Description "NOTE - If PRX linking fails, make sure your tier0_staticlib is building in same solution configuration (debug/release) as tier0 prx."
$PostBuildEvent [$X360]
// Publish the import lib
$CommandLine "if exist $(TargetDir)$(TargetName).lib copy $(TargetDir)$(TargetName).lib $LIBPUBLIC\$(TargetName).lib" "\n" \
$PostBuildEvent [$PS3]
// Publish the import lib
$CommandLine "if exist $(TargetName)_stub.a move $(TargetName)_stub.a $LIBPUBLIC\$(TargetName).lib" "\n" \
"if exist $(TargetName)_verlog.txt del $(TargetName)_verlog.txt" "\n" \
"$BASE" "\n"
$General [$POSIX]
$General [$PS3]
$AdditionalProjectDependencies "$BASE;tier0_staticlib"
$Configuration "Release"
$PreBuildEvent [$PS3]
// Clear potentially stale verlog files
$CommandLine "ppu-lv2-prx-exportpickup -o Release_PS3/prxexport.inl Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/prx.obj Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/threadtools.obj Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/vprof.obj Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/dbg.obj Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/logging.obj" "\n" \
"if exist tier0_rel_verlog.txt del tier0_rel_verlog.txt" "\n" \
"$BASE" "\n"
$Linker [$PS3]
$AdditionalDependencies "$BASE "Release_tier0staticlib_PS3/tier0_staticlib_ps3.lib""
$Configuration "Debug"
$PreBuildEvent [$PS3]
// Clear potentially stale verlog files
$CommandLine "ppu-lv2-prx-exportpickup -o Debug_PS3/prxexport.inl Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/prx.obj Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/threadtools.obj Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/vprof.obj Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/dbg.obj Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/logging.obj" "\n" \
"if exist tier0_dbg_verlog.txt del tier0_dbg_verlog.txt" "\n" \
"$BASE" "\n"
$Linker [$PS3]
$AdditionalDependencies "$BASE "Debug_tier0staticlib_PS3/tier0_staticlib_ps3.lib""
$Include ""
$Folder "PS3 Files" [$PS3]
$File "prxexport.cpp"
$Folder "Source Files" [$PS3]
-$File "$SRCDIR\common\ps3\prx.cpp"
$Folder "Link Libraries"
-$ImpLib "$LIBPUBLIC\tier0"
-$Lib "$LIBPUBLIC\tier1"
-$implib "$LIBPUBLIC\vstdlib"
-$Lib "$LIBPUBLIC\interfaces"
$LibExternal "$SRCDIR\thirdparty\telemetry\lib\" [$WIN32 && !$RAD_TELEMETRY_DISABLED]
$LibExternal "$SRCDIR\thirdparty\telemetry\lib\" [$WIN64 && !$RAD_TELEMETRY_DISABLED]
$LibExternal "$SRCDIR/thirdparty/telemetry/lib/" [$LINUX32 && !$RAD_TELEMETRY_DISABLED]
$LibExternal "$SRCDIR/thirdparty/telemetry/lib/" [$LINUX64 && !$RAD_TELEMETRY_DISABLED]
$Project "tier0"