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//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: client sound i/o functions
#ifndef SOUND_H
#define SOUND_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "datamap.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "soundflags.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "engine/SndInfo.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#define MAX_SFX 2048
#define AUDIOSOURCE_CACHE_ROOTDIR "maps/soundcache"
class CSfxTable;
enum soundlevel_t;
struct SoundInfo_t;
struct AudioState_t;
struct channel_t;
class IFileList;
void S_Init (void);
void S_Shutdown (void);
bool S_IsInitted();
void S_StopAllSounds(bool clear);
bool S_GetPreventSound( void );
struct audio_device_description_t;
void S_GetAudioDeviceList( CUtlVector<audio_device_description_t> &audioList );
class CAudioState
CAudioState() {}
bool IsAnyPlayerUnderwater() const;
AudioState_t &GetPerUser( int nSlot = -1 );
const AudioState_t &GetPerUser( int nSlot = -1 ) const;
AudioState_t m_PerUser[ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS ];
void S_Update( const CAudioState *pAudioState );
void S_ExtraUpdate (void);
void S_ClearBuffer (void);
void S_BlockSound (void);
void S_UnblockSound (void);
void S_UpdateWindowFocus( bool bWindowHasFocus );
float S_GetMasterVolume( void );
void S_SoundFade( float percent, float holdtime, float intime, float outtime );
void S_OnLoadScreen(bool value);
void S_EnableThreadedMixing( bool bEnable );
void S_EnableMusic( bool bEnable );
void S_PreventSound(bool bSetting);
struct StartSoundParams_t
StartSoundParams_t() :
m_pSoundEntryName( NULL ),
staticsound( false ),
userdata( 0 ),
soundsource( 0 ),
entchannel( CHAN_AUTO ),
pSfx( 0 ),
bUpdatePositions( true ),
fvol( 1.0f ),
soundlevel( SNDLVL_NORM ),
flags( SND_NOFLAGS ),
pitch( PITCH_NORM ),
fromserver( false ),
delay( 0.0f ),
speakerentity( -1 ),
bToolSound( false ),
initialStreamPosition( 0 ),
skipInitialSamples( 0 ),
m_nQueuedGUID( UNINT_GUID ),
m_bIsScriptHandle( false ),
m_pOperatorsKV( NULL ),
opStackElapsedTime( 0.0f ),
opStackElapsedStopTime( 0.0f ),
m_bDelayedStart( false ),
m_bInEyeSound( false ),
m_bHRTFFollowEntity( false ),
m_bHRTFBilinear( false ),
m_bHRTFLock( false )
void Copy( StartSoundParams_t &destParams )
destParams.userdata = userdata;
destParams.soundsource = soundsource;
destParams.entchannel = entchannel;
destParams.pSfx = pSfx;
VectorCopy( origin, destParams.origin );
VectorCopy( direction, destParams.direction );
destParams.fvol = fvol;
destParams.soundlevel = soundlevel;
destParams.flags = flags;
destParams.pitch = pitch;
destParams.delay = delay;
destParams.speakerentity = speakerentity;
destParams.initialStreamPosition = initialStreamPosition;
destParams.skipInitialSamples = skipInitialSamples;
destParams.m_nQueuedGUID = m_nQueuedGUID;
destParams.m_nSoundScriptHash = m_nSoundScriptHash;
destParams.m_pSoundEntryName = m_pSoundEntryName;
destParams.m_pOperatorsKV = m_pOperatorsKV;
destParams.opStackElapsedTime = opStackElapsedTime;
destParams.opStackElapsedStopTime = opStackElapsedStopTime;
destParams.staticsound = staticsound;
destParams.bUpdatePositions = bUpdatePositions;
destParams.fromserver = fromserver;
destParams.bToolSound = bToolSound;
destParams.m_bIsScriptHandle = m_bIsScriptHandle;
destParams.m_bDelayedStart = m_bDelayedStart;
destParams.m_bInEyeSound = m_bInEyeSound;
destParams.m_bHRTFFollowEntity = m_bHRTFFollowEntity;
destParams.m_bHRTFBilinear = m_bHRTFBilinear;
destParams.m_bHRTFLock = m_bHRTFLock;
void CopyNewFromParams( StartSoundParams_t &destParams )
destParams.userdata = userdata;
// destParams.soundsource = soundsource;
// destParams.entchannel = entchannel;
destParams.pSfx = pSfx;
VectorCopy( origin, destParams.origin );
VectorCopy( direction,destParams.direction );
destParams.fvol = fvol;
destParams.soundlevel = soundlevel;
destParams.flags = flags;
destParams.pitch = pitch;
destParams.delay = delay;
destParams.speakerentity = speakerentity;
// destParams.initialStreamPosition = initialStreamPosition;
// destParams.skipInitialSamples = skipInitialSamples;
// destParams.m_nQueuedGUID = m_nQueuedGUID;
// destParams.m_nSoundScriptHash = m_nSoundScriptHash;
// destParams.m_pSoundEntryName = m_pSoundEntryName;
// destParams.m_pOperatorsKV = m_pOperatorsKV;
// destParams.opStackElapsedTime = opStackElapsedTime;
// destParams.opStackElapsedStopTime = opStackElapsedStopTime;
destParams.staticsound = staticsound;
destParams.bUpdatePositions = bUpdatePositions;
destParams.fromserver = fromserver;
destParams.bToolSound = bToolSound;
destParams.m_bIsScriptHandle =m_bIsScriptHandle;
destParams.m_bInEyeSound = m_bInEyeSound;
destParams.m_bHRTFFollowEntity = m_bHRTFFollowEntity;
destParams.m_bHRTFBilinear = m_bHRTFBilinear;
destParams.m_bHRTFLock = m_bHRTFLock;
/* destParams.m_bDelayedStart = m_bDelayedStart;*/
int userdata;
int soundsource;
int entchannel;
CSfxTable *pSfx;
Vector origin;
Vector direction;
float fvol;
soundlevel_t soundlevel;
int flags;
int pitch;
float delay;
int speakerentity;
int initialStreamPosition;
int skipInitialSamples;
int m_nQueuedGUID;
const char *m_pSoundEntryName;
KeyValues *m_pOperatorsKV;
float opStackElapsedTime;
float opStackElapsedStopTime;
bool staticsound : 1;
bool bUpdatePositions : 1;
bool fromserver : 1;
bool bToolSound : 1;
bool m_bIsScriptHandle : 1;
bool m_bDelayedStart : 1;
bool m_bInEyeSound : 1;
bool m_bHRTFFollowEntity : 1;
bool m_bHRTFBilinear : 1;
bool m_bHRTFLock : 1;
static const int UNINT_GUID = -1;
static const int GENERATE_GUID = -2; // Generate GUID regardless of the other vol and pitch flags.
int S_StartSoundEntry( StartSoundParams_t &pStartParams, int nSeed, bool bFromQueue = false );
int S_StartSound( StartSoundParams_t& params );
void S_StopSound ( int entnum, int entchannel );
enum clocksync_index_t
extern float S_ComputeDelayForSoundtime( float soundtime, clocksync_index_t syncIndex );
void S_StopSoundByGuid( int guid, bool bForceSync = false );
float S_SoundDuration( channel_t * pChannel );
float S_SoundDurationByGuid( int guid );
int S_GetGuidForLastSoundEmitted();
bool S_IsSoundStillPlaying( int guid );
bool S_GetSoundChannelVolume( const char* sound, float &flVolumeLeft, float &flVolumeRight );
void S_GetActiveSounds( CUtlVector< SndInfo_t >& sndlist );
void S_SetVolumeByGuid( int guid, float fvol );
float S_GetElapsedTime( const channel_t * pChannel );
float S_GetElapsedTimeByGuid( int guid );
bool S_IsLoopingSoundByGuid( int guid );
void S_ReloadSound( const char *pSample );
float S_GetMono16Samples( const char *pszName, CUtlVector< short >& sampleList );
CSfxTable *S_DummySfx( const char *name );
CSfxTable *S_PrecacheSound (const char *sample );
void S_PrefetchSound( char const *name, bool bPlayOnce );
void S_MarkUISound( CSfxTable *pSfx );
void S_ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload );
vec_t S_GetNominalClipDist();
extern bool TestSoundChar(const char *pch, char c);
extern char *PSkipSoundChars(const char *pch);
#include "soundchars.h"
// for recording movies
void SND_MovieStart( void );
void SND_MovieEnd( void );
int S_GetCurrentStaticSounds( SoundInfo_t *pResult, int nSizeResult, int entchannel );
float S_GetGainFromSoundLevel( soundlevel_t soundlevel, vec_t dist );
struct musicsave_t
char songname[ 128 ];
int sampleposition;
short master_volume;
void S_GetCurrentlyPlayingMusic( CUtlVector< musicsave_t >& list );
void S_RestartSong( const musicsave_t *song );
struct channelsave
char soundName[64];
Vector origin;
soundlevel_t soundLevel;
int soundSource;
int entChannel;
int pitch;
float opStackElapsedTime;
float opStackElapsedStopTime;
short masterVolume;
typedef CUtlVector< channelsave > ChannelSaveVector;
void S_GetActiveSaveRestoreChannels( ChannelSaveVector& channelSaves );
void S_RestartChannel( channelsave const& channelSave );
bool S_DSPGetCurrentDASRoomNew(void);
bool S_DSPGetCurrentDASRoomChanged(void);
bool S_DSPGetCurrentDASRoomSkyAbove(void);
float S_DSPGetCurrentDASRoomSkyPercent(void);
enum setmixer_t
void S_SetMixGroupOfCurrentMixer( const char *szgroupname, const char *szparam, float val, int setMixerType );
int S_GetMixGroupIndex( const char *pMixGroupName );
int S_GetMixLayerIndex(const char *szmixlayername);
void S_SetMixLayerLevel(int index, float level);
void S_SetMixLayerTriggerFactor( const char *pMixLayerName, const char *pMixGroupName, float flFactor );
void S_SetMixLayerTriggerFactor( int nMixLayerIndex, int nMixGroupIndex, float flFactor );
// global pitch scale
void S_SoundSetPitchScale( float flPitchScale );
float S_SoundGetPitchScale( void );
bool S_SOSSetOpvarFloat( const char *pOpVarName, float flValue );
bool S_SOSGetOpvarFloat( const char *pOpVarName, float &flValue );
void S_ValidateSoundCache( char const *pchWavFile );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
void S_UnloadSound( const char *pName );
void S_PurgeSoundsDueToLanguageChange();
#endif // SOUND_H