Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Class to control 'aim-down-sights' aka "IronSight" weapon functionality
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_shareddefs.h"
#include "weapon_csbase.h"
#include "weapon_ironsightcontroller.h"
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
#include "c_cs_player.h"
#include "view_scene.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderapi.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "prediction.h"
#include "cs_player.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
ConVar ironsight_override( "ironsight_override", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_position( "ironsight_position", "0 0 0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_angle( "ironsight_angle", "0 0 0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_fov( "ironsight_fov", "60", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_pivot_forward( "ironsight_pivot_forward", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_looseness( "ironsight_looseness", "0.1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_speed_bringup( "ironsight_speed_bringup", "4.0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_speed_putdown( "ironsight_speed_putdown", "2.0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_catchupspeed( "ironsight_catchupspeed", "60.0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_running_looseness( "ironsight_running_looseness", "0.3", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar ironsight_spew_amount( "ironsight_spew_amount", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT );
#define ironsight_catchupspeed 60.0f
CIronSightController::CIronSightController( void )
m_bIronSightAvailable = false;
m_flIronSightAmount = 0.0f;
m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 8.0f;
m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 4.0f;
m_flIronSightFOV = 80.0f;
m_flIronSightPivotForward = 10.0f;
m_flIronSightLooseness = 0.5f;
m_pAttachedWeapon = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<IRONSIGHT_ANGLE_AVERAGE_SIZE; i++ )
m_flDotBlur = 0.0f;
m_flSpeedRatio = 0.0f;
void CIronSightController::SetState( CSIronSightMode newState )
if ( newState == IronSight_viewmodel_is_deploying || newState == IronSight_weapon_is_dropped )
m_flIronSightAmount = 0.0f;
if ( m_pAttachedWeapon )
m_pAttachedWeapon->m_iIronSightMode = newState;
bool CIronSightController::IsApproachingSighted(void)
return (m_pAttachedWeapon && m_pAttachedWeapon->m_iIronSightMode == IronSight_should_approach_sighted);
bool CIronSightController::IsApproachingUnSighted(void)
return (m_pAttachedWeapon && m_pAttachedWeapon->m_iIronSightMode == IronSight_should_approach_unsighted);
bool CIronSightController::IsDeploying(void)
return (m_pAttachedWeapon && m_pAttachedWeapon->m_iIronSightMode == IronSight_viewmodel_is_deploying);
bool CIronSightController::IsDropped(void)
return (m_pAttachedWeapon && m_pAttachedWeapon->m_iIronSightMode == IronSight_weapon_is_dropped);
void CIronSightController::UpdateIronSightAmount( void )
if (!m_pAttachedWeapon || IsDeploying() || IsDropped())
//ignore and discard any lingering ironsight amount.
m_flIronSightAmount = 0.0f;
m_flIronSightAmountGained = 0.0f;
//first determine if we are going into or out of ironsights, and set m_flIronSightAmount accordingly
float flIronSightAmountTarget = IsApproachingSighted() ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
float flIronSightUpdOrDownSpeed = IsApproachingSighted() ? m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed : m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (ironsight_override.GetBool())
flIronSightUpdOrDownSpeed = IsApproachingSighted() ? ironsight_speed_bringup.GetFloat() : ironsight_speed_putdown.GetFloat();
m_flIronSightAmount = Approach(flIronSightAmountTarget, m_flIronSightAmount, gpGlobals->frametime * flIronSightUpdOrDownSpeed);
m_flIronSightAmountGained = Gain( m_flIronSightAmount, 0.8f );
m_flIronSightAmountBiased = Bias( m_flIronSightAmount, 0.2f );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_spew_amount.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "Ironsight amount: %f, Gained: %f, Biased: %f\n", m_flIronSightAmount, m_flIronSightAmountGained, m_flIronSightAmountBiased );
void CIronSightController::IncreaseDotBlur(float flAmount)
if ( IsInIronSight() && prediction->IsFirstTimePredicted() )
m_flDotBlur = clamp(m_flDotBlur + flAmount, 0, 1);
float CIronSightController::GetDotBlur(void)
return Bias(1.0f - Max(m_flDotBlur, m_flSpeedRatio * 0.5f), 0.2f);
float CIronSightController::GetDotWidth(void)
return (32 + (256 * Max(m_flDotBlur, m_flSpeedRatio * 0.3f)));
Vector2D CIronSightController::GetDotCoords(void)
return m_vecDotCoords;
bool CIronSightController::ShouldHideCrossHair( void )
return ( (IsApproachingSighted() || IsApproachingUnSighted()) && GetIronSightAmount() > IRONSIGHT_HIDE_CROSSHAIR_THRESHOLD );
const char *CIronSightController::GetDotMaterial( void )
//TODO: convert to schema attribute
if ( m_pAttachedWeapon && m_pAttachedWeapon->GetCSWeaponID() == WEAPON_SG556 )
return "models/weapons/shared/scope/scope_dot_red";
return "models/weapons/shared/scope/scope_dot_green";
QAngle CIronSightController::QAngleDiff( QAngle &angTarget, QAngle &angSrc )
return QAngle( AngleDiff( angTarget.x, angSrc.x ),
AngleDiff( angTarget.y, angSrc.y ),
AngleDiff( angTarget.z, angSrc.z ) );
QAngle CIronSightController::GetAngleAverage( void )
QAngle temp;
if (GetIronSightAmount() < 1.0f)
return temp;
for ( int i=0; i<IRONSIGHT_ANGLE_AVERAGE_SIZE; i++ )
temp += m_angDeltaAverage[i];
void CIronSightController::AddToAngleAverage( QAngle newAngle )
if (GetIronSightAmount() < 1.0f)
newAngle.x = clamp( newAngle.x, -2, 2 );
newAngle.y = clamp( newAngle.y, -2, 2 );
newAngle.z = clamp( newAngle.z, -2, 2 );
for ( int i=IRONSIGHT_ANGLE_AVERAGE_SIZE-1; i>0; i-- )
m_angDeltaAverage[i] = m_angDeltaAverage[i-1];
m_angDeltaAverage[0] = newAngle;
extern ConVar cl_righthand;
void CIronSightController::ApplyIronSightPositioning( Vector &vecPosition, QAngle &angAngle, const Vector &vecBobbedEyePosition, const QAngle &angBobbedEyeAngle )
if ( m_flIronSightAmount == 0 )
//check if the player is moving and save off a usable movement speed ratio for later
if ( m_pAttachedWeapon->GetOwner() )
CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer = m_pAttachedWeapon->GetOwner();
m_flSpeedRatio = Approach( pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity().Length() / m_pAttachedWeapon->GetMaxSpeed(), m_flSpeedRatio, gpGlobals->frametime * 10.0f );
//if we're more than 10% ironsighted, apply looseness.
if ( m_flIronSightAmount > 0.1f )
//get the difference between current angles and last angles
QAngle angDelta = QAngleDiff( m_angViewLast, angAngle );
//dampen the delta to simulate 'looseness', but the faster we move, the more looseness approaches ironsight_running_looseness.GetFloat(), which is as waggly as possible
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
AddToAngleAverage( angDelta * Lerp(m_flSpeedRatio, ironsight_looseness.GetFloat(), ironsight_running_looseness.GetFloat()) );
AddToAngleAverage( angDelta * Lerp(m_flSpeedRatio, m_flIronSightLooseness, 0.3f ) );
//m_angViewLast tries to catch up to angAngle
#ifdef DEBUG
m_angViewLast -= angDelta * clamp( gpGlobals->frametime * ironsight_catchupspeed.GetFloat(), 0, 1 );
m_angViewLast -= angDelta * clamp( gpGlobals->frametime * ironsight_catchupspeed, 0, 1 );
m_angViewLast = angAngle;
//now the fun part - move the viewmodel to look down the sights
//create a working matrix at the current eye position and angles
VMatrix matIronSightMatrix = SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecPosition, angAngle );
//offset the matrix by the ironsight eye position
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
Vector vecTemp; //when overridden use convar values instead of schema driven ones so we can iterate on the values quickly while authoring
if ( sscanf( ironsight_position.GetString(), "%f %f %f", &vecTemp.x, &vecTemp.y, &vecTemp.z ) == 3 )
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, (-vecTemp) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
//use schema defined offset
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, (-m_vecEyePos) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
//additionally offset by the ironsight origin of rotation, the weapon will pivot around this offset from the eye
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( ironsight_pivot_forward.GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) );
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( m_flIronSightPivotForward, 0, 0 ) );
QAngle angDeltaAverage = GetAngleAverage();
if ( !cl_righthand.GetBool() )
angDeltaAverage = -angDeltaAverage;
//apply ironsight eye rotation
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
QAngle angTemp; //when overridden use convar values instead of schema driven ones so we can iterate on the values quickly while authoring
if ( sscanf( ironsight_angle.GetString(), "%f %f %f", &angTemp.x, &angTemp.y, &angTemp.z ) == 3 )
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), (angDeltaAverage.z + angTemp.z) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), (angDeltaAverage.x + angTemp.x) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), (angDeltaAverage.y + angTemp.y) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
//use schema defined angles
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), (angDeltaAverage.z + m_angPivotAngle.z) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), (angDeltaAverage.x + m_angPivotAngle.x) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
MatrixRotate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), (angDeltaAverage.y + m_angPivotAngle.y) * GetIronSightAmountGained() );
if ( !cl_righthand.GetBool() )
angDeltaAverage = -angDeltaAverage;
//move the weapon back to the ironsight eye position
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( -ironsight_pivot_forward.GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) );
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, Vector( -m_flIronSightPivotForward, 0, 0 ) );
//if the player is moving, pull down and re-bob the weapon
if ( m_pAttachedWeapon->GetOwner() )
//magic bob value, replace me
Vector vecIronSightBob = Vector(
m_vecDotCoords.x = -vecIronSightBob.y;
m_vecDotCoords.y = -vecIronSightBob.z;
m_vecDotCoords *= 0.1f;
m_vecDotCoords.x -= angDeltaAverage.y * 0.03f;
m_vecDotCoords.y += angDeltaAverage.x * 0.03f;
m_vecDotCoords *= m_flSpeedRatio;
if ( !cl_righthand.GetBool() )
vecIronSightBob.y = -vecIronSightBob.y;
MatrixTranslate( matIronSightMatrix, vecIronSightBob * m_flSpeedRatio );
//extract the final position and angles and apply them as differences from the passed in values
vecPosition -= ( vecPosition - matIronSightMatrix.GetTranslation() );
QAngle angIronSightAngles;
MatrixAngles( matIronSightMatrix.As3x4(), angIronSightAngles );
angAngle -= QAngleDiff( angAngle, angIronSightAngles );
//dampen dot blur
m_flDotBlur = Approach(0.0f, m_flDotBlur, gpGlobals->frametime * 2.0f);
static void SetRenderTargetAndViewPort(ITexture *rt)
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext(materials);
if (rt)
pRenderContext->Viewport(0, 0, rt->GetActualWidth(), rt->GetActualHeight());
#ifdef DEBUG
ConVar r_ironsight_scope_effect("r_ironsight_scope_effect", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak1("ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak1", "61", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak2("ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak2", "64", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT);
bool CIronSightController::PrepareScopeEffect( int x, int y, int w, int h, CViewSetup *pViewSetup )
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!r_ironsight_scope_effect.GetBool())
return false;
if (!IsInIronSight())
return false;
Rect_t actualRect;
UpdateScreenEffectTexture(0, x, y, w, h, false, &actualRect);
ITexture *pRtFullFrame = GetFullFrameFrameBufferTexture(0);
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext(materials);
// DOWNSAMPLE _rt_FullFrameFB TO _rt_SmallFB0
IMaterial *pMatDownsample = materials->FindMaterial("dev/scope_downsample", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true);
ITexture *pRtQuarterSize0 = materials->FindTexture("_rt_SmallFB0", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET);
int nSrcWidth = pViewSetup->width;
int nSrcHeight = pViewSetup->height;
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(pMatDownsample, 0, 0, nSrcWidth / 4, nSrcHeight / 4,
0, 0, nSrcWidth - 4, nSrcHeight - 4,
pRtFullFrame->GetActualWidth(), pRtFullFrame->GetActualHeight());
//horizontally blur pRtQuarterSize0 over to pRtQuarterSize1
IMaterial *pMatBlurX = materials->FindMaterial("dev/scope_blur_x", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true);
ITexture *pRtQuarterSize1 = materials->FindTexture("_rt_SmallFB1", TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET);
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(pMatBlurX, 0, 0, nSrcWidth / 4, nSrcHeight / 4,
0, 0, nSrcWidth / 4 - 1, nSrcHeight / 4 - 1,
pRtQuarterSize0->GetActualWidth(), pRtQuarterSize0->GetActualHeight());
//vertically blur pRtQuarterSize1 over to pRtQuarterSize0
IMaterial *pMatBlurY = materials->FindMaterial("dev/scope_blur_y", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true);
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(pMatBlurY, 0, 0, nSrcWidth / 4, nSrcHeight / 4,
0, 0, nSrcWidth / 4 - 1, nSrcHeight / 4 - 1,
pRtQuarterSize0->GetActualWidth(), pRtQuarterSize0->GetActualHeight());
//Prepare to render the scope lens mask shape into the stencil buffer.
//The weapon itself will take care of using the correct blend mode and override material.
ShaderStencilState_t stencilState;
stencilState.m_bEnable = true;
stencilState.m_nReferenceValue = 1;
stencilState.m_CompareFunc = SHADER_STENCILFUNC_ALWAYS;
stencilState.m_FailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState.m_ZFailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
return true;
void CIronSightController::RenderScopeEffect( int x, int y, int w, int h, CViewSetup *pViewSetup )
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( !r_ironsight_scope_effect.GetBool() )
if ( !IsInIronSight() )
// apply the blur effect to the screen while masking out the scope lens
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext(materials);
ShaderStencilState_t stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_bEnable = true;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_nReferenceValue = 1;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_CompareFunc = SHADER_STENCILFUNC_NOTEQUAL;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_PassOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_FailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState_skip_scope_lens_pixels.m_ZFailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
// RENDER _rt_SmallFB0 to screen
IMaterial *pBlurOverlayMaterial = materials->FindMaterial("dev/scope_bluroverlay", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true);
//set alpha to the amount of ironsightedness
IMaterialVar *pAlphaVar = pBlurOverlayMaterial->FindVar("$alpha", 0);
if (pAlphaVar != NULL)
pAlphaVar->SetFloatValue(Bias( GetIronSightAmount(), 0.2f));
// now draw the laser dot, masked to ONLY render on the lens
Vector2D dotCoords = GetDotCoords();
dotCoords.x *= engine->GetScreenAspectRatio(w, h);
//CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext(materials);
IMaterial *pMatDot = materials->FindMaterial(GetDotMaterial(), TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true);
pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable(true, false, false);
ShaderStencilState_t stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_bEnable = true;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_nReferenceValue = 1;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_CompareFunc = SHADER_STENCILFUNC_EQUAL;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_PassOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_FailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState_use_only_scope_lens_pixels.m_ZFailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
int iWidth = GetDotWidth();
IMaterialVar *pAlphaVar2 = pMatDot->FindVar("$alpha", 0);
if (pAlphaVar2 != NULL)
dotCoords.x += 0.5f;
dotCoords.y += 0.5f;
#ifdef DEBUG
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(pMatDot, (w * dotCoords.x) - (iWidth / 2), (h * dotCoords.y) - (iWidth / 2), iWidth, iWidth,
0, 0, ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak1.GetInt(), ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak1.GetInt(),
ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak2.GetInt(), ironsight_laser_dot_render_tweak2.GetInt());
pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(pMatDot, (w * dotCoords.x) - (iWidth / 2), (h * dotCoords.y) - (iWidth / 2), iWidth, iWidth,
0, 0, 61, 61,
64, 64);
pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable(false, true);
// restore a disabled stencil state
ShaderStencilState_t stencilStateDisable;
stencilStateDisable.m_bEnable = false;
//clean up stencil buffer once we're done so render elements like the glow pass draw correctly
pRenderContext->ClearBuffers(false, false, true);
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
bool CIronSightController::IsInIronSight( void )
if ( m_pAttachedWeapon )
if ( IsDeploying() ||
IsDropped() ||
m_pAttachedWeapon->m_bInReload ||
m_pAttachedWeapon->IsSwitchingSilencer() )
return false;
CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( m_pAttachedWeapon->GetOwner() );
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsLookingAtWeapon() )
return false;
#if defined ( CLIENT_DLL )
C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() == pPlayer && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverInterpState() == C_CSPlayer::OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING )
return false;
if ( GetIronSightAmount() > 0 && (IsApproachingSighted() || IsApproachingUnSighted()) )
return true;
return false;
float CIronSightController::GetIronSightFOV( float flDefaultFOV, bool bUseBiasedValue /*= false*/ )
//sets biased value between the current FOV and the ideal IronSight FOV based on how 'ironsighted' the weapon currently is
if ( !IsInIronSight() )
return flDefaultFOV;
float flIronSightFOVAmount = bUseBiasedValue ? GetIronSightAmountBiased() : GetIronSightAmount();
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( ironsight_override.GetBool() )
return Lerp( flIronSightFOVAmount, flDefaultFOV, ironsight_fov.GetFloat() );
return Lerp( flIronSightFOVAmount, flDefaultFOV, GetIronSightIdealFOV() );
bool CIronSightController::Init( CWeaponCSBase *pWeaponToMonitor )
if ( IsInitializedAndAvailable() )
return true;
else if( pWeaponToMonitor )
// currently only the following hardcoded weapon types support ironsights:
if (pWeaponToMonitor->GetCSWeaponID() != WEAPON_AUG &&
pWeaponToMonitor->GetCSWeaponID() != WEAPON_SG556)
return false;
if ( pWeaponToMonitor->GetCSWeaponID() == WEAPON_AUG )
m_pAttachedWeapon = pWeaponToMonitor;
m_bIronSightAvailable = true;
m_flIronSightLooseness = 0.03f;
m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 10.0f;
m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 8.0f;
m_flIronSightFOV = 45.0f;
m_flIronSightPivotForward = 10.0f;
m_vecEyePos = Vector( -1.56, -3.6, -0.07 );
m_angPivotAngle = QAngle( 0.78, -0.1, -0.03 );
return true;
else if (pWeaponToMonitor->GetCSWeaponID() == WEAPON_SG556)
m_pAttachedWeapon = pWeaponToMonitor;
m_bIronSightAvailable = true;
m_flIronSightLooseness = 0.03f;
m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 10.0f;
m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 8.0f;
m_flIronSightFOV = 45.0f;
m_flIronSightPivotForward = 8.0f;
m_vecEyePos = Vector(0.72, -5.12, -1.33);
m_angPivotAngle = QAngle(0.52, 0.04, 0.72);
return true;
CEconItemView *pEconItem = ( (CWeaponCSBase *)pWeaponToMonitor )->GetEconItemView();
if ( pEconItem && pEconItem->IsValid() )
m_pAttachedWeapon = pWeaponToMonitor;
float flTemp;
uint32 unTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrbIronSightCapable("aimsight capable");
if (pEconItem->FindAttribute(pAttrbIronSightCapable, &unTemp))
m_bIronSightAvailable = (unTemp != 0);
if (m_bIronSightAvailable)
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrflIronSightLooseness("aimsight looseness");
FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>(pEconItem, pAttrflIronSightLooseness, &flTemp);
m_flIronSightLooseness = flTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrflIronSightPullUpSpeed("aimsight speed up");
FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>(pEconItem, pAttrflIronSightPullUpSpeed, &flTemp);
m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = flTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrflIronSightPutDownSpeed("aimsight speed down");
FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>(pEconItem, pAttrflIronSightPutDownSpeed, &flTemp);
m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = flTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrflIronSightFOV("aimsight fov");
FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>(pEconItem, pAttrflIronSightFOV, &flTemp);
m_flIronSightFOV = flTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrflIronSightPivotForward("aimsight pivot forward");
FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>(pEconItem, pAttrflIronSightPivotForward, &flTemp);
m_flIronSightPivotForward = flTemp;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_IronSightEyePos("aimsight eye pos");
pEconItem->FindAttribute(pAttrDef_IronSightEyePos, &m_vecEyePos);
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_IronSightPivotAngle("aimsight pivot angle");
Vector temp;
pEconItem->FindAttribute(pAttrDef_IronSightPivotAngle, &temp);
m_angPivotAngle.x = temp.x;
m_angPivotAngle.y = temp.y;
m_angPivotAngle.z = temp.z;
return true;
return false;
#endif //IRONSIGHT