Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//===== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
// Forward declarations
class IMaterial;
class KeyValues;
struct vcollide_t;
struct model_t;
class Vector;
class QAngle;
class CGameTrace;
struct cplane_t;
typedef CGameTrace trace_t;
struct studiohdr_t;
struct virtualmodel_t;
typedef unsigned char byte;
struct virtualterrainparams_t;
class CPhysCollide;
typedef unsigned short MDLHandle_t;
class CUtlBuffer;
class IClientRenderable;
// Indicates the type of translucency of an unmodulated renderable
enum RenderableTranslucencyType_t
RENDERABLE_IS_TWO_PASS, // has both translucent and opaque sub-partsa
// Purpose: a callback class that is notified when a model has finished loading
abstract_class IModelLoadCallback
virtual void OnModelLoadComplete( const model_t* pModel ) = 0;
// Protected destructor so that nobody tries to delete via this interface.
// Automatically unregisters if the callback is destroyed while still pending.
// Purpose: Automate refcount tracking on a model index
class CRefCountedModelIndex
int m_nIndex;
CRefCountedModelIndex() : m_nIndex( -1 ) { }
~CRefCountedModelIndex() { Set( -1 ); }
CRefCountedModelIndex( const CRefCountedModelIndex& src ) : m_nIndex( -1 ) { Set( src.m_nIndex ); }
CRefCountedModelIndex& operator=( const CRefCountedModelIndex& src ) { Set( src.m_nIndex ); return *this; }
explicit CRefCountedModelIndex( int i ) : m_nIndex( -1 ) { Set( i ); }
CRefCountedModelIndex& operator=( int i ) { Set( i ); return *this; }
int Get() const { return m_nIndex; }
void Set( int i );
void Clear() { Set( -1 ); }
operator int () const { return m_nIndex; }
// Model info interface
// change this when the new version is incompatable with the old
// If index >= 0, then index references the precached model string table
// If index == -1, then the model is invalid
// If index < -1, then the model is DYNAMIC and has a DYNAMIC INDEX of (-2 - index)
// - if the dynamic index is ODD, then the model is CLIENT ONLY
// and has a m_LocalDynamicModels lookup index of (dynamic index)>>1
// - if the dynamic index is EVEN, then the model is NETWORKED
// and has a dynamic model string table index of (dynamic index)>>1
inline bool IsDynamicModelIndex( int modelindex ) { return modelindex < -1; }
inline bool IsClientOnlyModelIndex( int modelindex ) { return modelindex < -1 && (modelindex & 1); }
class IVModelInfo
virtual ~IVModelInfo( void ) { }
virtual const model_t *GetModel( int modelindex ) const = 0;
// Returns index of model by name
virtual int GetModelIndex( const char *name ) const = 0;
// Returns name of model
virtual const char *GetModelName( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollide( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollide( int modelindex ) const = 0;
virtual void GetModelBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const = 0;
virtual void GetModelRenderBounds( const model_t *model, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) const = 0;
virtual int GetModelFrameCount( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual int GetModelType( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual void *GetModelExtraData( const model_t *model ) = 0;
virtual bool ModelHasMaterialProxy( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsTranslucent( model_t const* model ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsTranslucentTwoPass( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual void Unused0() {};
virtual RenderableTranslucencyType_t ComputeTranslucencyType( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody ) = 0;
virtual int GetModelMaterialCount( const model_t* model ) const = 0;
virtual int GetModelMaterials( const model_t *model, int count, IMaterial** ppMaterial ) = 0;
virtual bool IsModelVertexLit( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetModelKeyValueText( const model_t *model ) = 0;
virtual bool GetModelKeyValue( const model_t *model, CUtlBuffer &buf ) = 0; // supports keyvalue blocks in submodels
virtual float GetModelRadius( const model_t *model ) = 0;
virtual const studiohdr_t *FindModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, void **cache, const char *modelname ) const = 0;
virtual const studiohdr_t *FindModel( void *cache ) const = 0;
virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModel( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) const = 0;
virtual byte *GetAnimBlock( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int nBlock, bool bPreloadIfMissing ) const = 0;
virtual bool HasAnimBlockBeenPreloaded( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int nBlock ) const = 0;
// Available on client only!!!
virtual void GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( const model_t *model, Vector const& origin,
QAngle const& angles, trace_t* pTrace,
Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor ) = 0;
virtual void GetIlluminationPoint( const model_t *model, IClientRenderable *pRenderable, Vector const& origin,
QAngle const& angles, Vector* pLightingCenter ) = 0;
virtual int GetModelContents( int modelIndex ) const = 0;
virtual studiohdr_t *GetStudiomodel( const model_t *mod ) = 0;
virtual int GetModelSpriteWidth( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual int GetModelSpriteHeight( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
// Sets/gets a map-specified fade range (client only)
virtual void SetLevelScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize ) = 0;
virtual void GetLevelScreenFadeRange( float *pMinArea, float *pMaxArea ) const = 0;
// Sets/gets a map-specified per-view fade range (client only)
virtual void SetViewScreenFadeRange( float flMinSize, float flMaxSize ) = 0;
// Computes fade alpha based on distance fade + screen fade (client only)
virtual unsigned char ComputeLevelScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const = 0;
virtual unsigned char ComputeViewScreenFade( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin, float flRadius, float flFadeScale ) const = 0;
// both client and server
virtual int GetAutoplayList( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, unsigned short **pAutoplayList ) const = 0;
// Gets a virtual terrain collision model (creates if necessary)
// NOTE: This may return NULL if the terrain model cannot be virtualized
virtual CPhysCollide *GetCollideForVirtualTerrain( int index ) = 0;
virtual bool IsUsingFBTexture( const model_t *model, int nSkin, int nBody, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable ) const = 0;
virtual const model_t *FindOrLoadModel( const char *name ) const = 0;
virtual MDLHandle_t GetCacheHandle( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
// Returns planes of non-nodraw brush model surfaces
virtual int GetBrushModelPlaneCount( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual void GetBrushModelPlane( const model_t *model, int nIndex, cplane_t &plane, Vector *pOrigin ) const = 0;
virtual int GetSurfacepropsForVirtualTerrain( int index ) = 0;
virtual bool UsesEnvCubemap( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
virtual bool UsesStaticLighting( const model_t *model ) const = 0;
// Returns index of model by name, dynamically registered if not already known.
virtual int RegisterDynamicModel( const char *name, bool bClientSide ) = 0;
virtual int RegisterCombinedDynamicModel( const char *pszName, MDLHandle_t Handle ) = 0;
virtual void UpdateCombinedDynamicModel( int nModelIndex, MDLHandle_t Handle ) = 0;
virtual int BeginCombinedModel( const char *pszName, bool bReuseExisting ) = 0;
virtual bool SetCombineModels( int nModelIndex, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ) = 0;
virtual bool FinishCombinedModel( int nModelIndex, CombinedModelLoadedCallback pFunc, void *pUserData = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseCombinedModel( int nModelIndex ) = 0;
virtual bool IsDynamicModelLoading( int modelIndex ) = 0;
virtual void AddRefDynamicModel( int modelIndex ) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseDynamicModel( int modelIndex ) = 0;
// Registers callback for when dynamic model has finished loading.
virtual bool RegisterModelLoadCallback( int modelindex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback, bool bCallImmediatelyIfLoaded = true ) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterModelLoadCallback( int modelindex, IModelLoadCallback* pCallback ) = 0;
// Poked by engine
virtual void OnLevelChange() = 0;
virtual KeyValues *GetModelKeyValues( const model_t *pModel ) = 0;
virtual void UpdateViewWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels ) = 0;
virtual void TouchWorldWeaponModelCache( const char **ppWeaponModels, int nWeaponModels ) = 0;
class IVModelInfoClient : public IVModelInfo
// Returns a model as a client-side index which is stable across server changes
virtual int GetModelClientSideIndex( const char *name ) const = 0;
// Poked by engine
virtual void OnDynamicModelStringTableChanged( int nStringIndex, const char *pString, const void *pData ) = 0;
// Reference and Unload
// Don't assume Reference flags - doing this for now
virtual model_t *ReferenceModel( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void UnreferenceModel( model_t *model ) = 0;
virtual void UnloadUnreferencedModels( void ) = 0;
struct virtualterrainparams_t
// UNDONE: Add grouping here, specified in BSP file? (test grouping to see if this is necessary)
int index;