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439 lines
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439 lines
13 KiB
//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "sfuimemoryfile.h"
#include <vstdlib/vstrtools.h>
#if defined( _PS3 )
#include "ps3/ps3_win32stubs.h"
#include "../../game/shared/econ/econ_item_view_helpers.h"
// NOTE: This must be the last file included!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace SF::GFx;
ConVar dev_scaleform_debug( "dev_scaleform_debug", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
* memory allocation wrapper
void* CScaleformSysAlloc::Alloc( SF::UPInt size, SF::UPInt align )
return MemAlloc_AllocAlignedUnattributed( size, align );
void CScaleformSysAlloc::Free( void* ptr, SF::UPInt size, SF::UPInt align )
MemAlloc_FreeAligned( ptr );
void* CScaleformSysAlloc::Realloc( void* oldPtr, SF::UPInt oldSize, SF::UPInt newSize, SF::UPInt align )
return MemAlloc_ReallocAligned( oldPtr, newSize, align );
* This redirects the scaleform logging calls to CSTrike
#define SCALEFORM_LOG_COLOR (::Color(180,180,255, 255))
void ScaleformUILogging::LogMessageVarg( SF::LogMessageId messageId, const char* pfmt, va_list argList )
if ( !dev_scaleform_debug.GetBool() )
const char *pPrefix = "SF: ";
LoggingChannelID_t logChannel = LOG_SCALEFORM;
switch ( messageId & SF::LogChannel_Mask )
case SF::LogChannel_Debug:
pPrefix = "SF (Debug): ";
case SF::LogChannel_Render:
pPrefix = "SF (Render): ";
case SF::LogChannel_Script:
pPrefix = "SF (Script): ";
case SF::LogChannel_Parse:
pPrefix = "SF (Parse): ";
case SF::LogChannel_Action:
logChannel = LOG_SCALEFORM_AS;
pPrefix = "SF (Action): ";
LoggingSeverity_t logSeverity;
switch ( messageId.GetMessageType() )
case SF::LogMessage_Error:
logSeverity = LS_WARNING;
case SF::LogMessage_Warning:
logSeverity = LS_WARNING;
case SF::LogMessage_Text:
logSeverity = LS_MESSAGE;
logSeverity = LS_MESSAGE;
if ( LoggingSystem_IsChannelEnabled( logChannel, logSeverity ) )
tchar formattedMessage[MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
Tier0Internal_vsntprintf( formattedMessage, sizeof( formattedMessage )-1, pfmt, argList );
formattedMessage[sizeof( formattedMessage ) - 1] = 0;
// optional categorizing prefix
if ( pPrefix )
LoggingSystem_LogDirect( logChannel, logSeverity, SCALEFORM_LOG_COLOR, pPrefix );
LoggingSystem_LogDirect( logChannel, logSeverity, SCALEFORM_LOG_COLOR, formattedMessage );
// scaleform messages randomly lack terminal \n, add to prevent undesired joined spew
int len = _tcslen( formattedMessage );
if ( len > 0 && formattedMessage[len-1] != '\n' )
LoggingSystem_LogDirect( logChannel, logSeverity, SCALEFORM_LOG_COLOR, "\n" );
* contains the adapter methods for clipboard
void ScaleformClipboard::OnTextStore( const wchar_t* ptext, SF::UPInt len )
if ( ptext && len )
g_pVGuiSystem->SetClipboardText( ptext, len );
* contains the adapter methods for translations
unsigned int ScaleformTranslatorAdapter::GetCaps( void ) const
return Cap_StripTrailingNewLines;
void ScaleformTranslatorAdapter::Translate( TranslateInfo* tinfo )
const wchar_t* pkey = tinfo->GetKey();
if ( pkey && ( *pkey == L'#' ) )
int len = Q_wcslen( pkey );
char *asciiString = ( char * ) stackalloc( len + 1 );
V_UnicodeToUTF8( pkey, asciiString, len + 1 );
bool isHTML = false;
const wchar_t* translated = SFINST.Translate( asciiString, &isHTML );
tinfo->SetResultHtml( translated );
* used by CreateAPI. It attaches the movieview to the GFxValue of the api
void ScaleformMovieUserData::OnDestroy( Movie* pmovie, void* pobject )
m_pMovie = NULL;
* this defines the actual m_Callback function for the function handler class
void ScaleformFunctionHandlerAdapter::Call( const Params& params )
ScaleformCallbackHolder* pCallback = ( ScaleformCallbackHolder* ) params.pUserData;
if ( pCallback )
pCallback->Execute(const_cast<Params*>(¶ms ));
void ScaleformCallbackHolder::OnDestroy( Movie* pmovie, void* pobject )
* this lets scaleform use the valve file location stuff
SF::File* ScaleformFileOpener::OpenFile( const char *purl, int flags, int modes )
return OpenFileEx( purl, NULL, flags, modes );
SF::SInt64 ScaleformFileOpener::GetFileModifyTime( const char *purl )
SF::SInt64 result = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime( purl, "GAME" );
return !result ? -1 : 0;
// Implementation that allows us to override the log.
SF::File* ScaleformFileOpener::OpenFileEx( const char *pfilename, Log *plog, int flags, int modes )
if ( ( flags & ~SF::FileConstants::Open_Buffered ) != SF::FileConstants::Open_Read )
if ( plog )
plog->LogError( "Error: GFxLoader cannot open '%s' for writing. writing is not supported\n", pfilename );
return NULL;
SFUIMemoryFile* pin = new SFUIMemoryFile( pfilename );
const char* realName = SFINST.CorrectFlashFileName( pfilename );
extern IScaleformSlotInitController *g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController;
// is this an image stored in the stringtables?
if ( char const *szExternalImg = StringAfterPrefix( realName, "img://stringtables:" ) )
// skip width and height attributes if they exist "(64x128):"
const char * szExternalImgPostSizeParm = strstr( szExternalImg, "):" );
if ( szExternalImgPostSizeParm != NULL )
szExternalImg = szExternalImgPostSizeParm + 2;
int length = 0;
const void * pImageData = NULL;
if ( g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController )
pImageData = g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController->GetStringUserData( "InfoPanel", szExternalImg, &length );
if ( pImageData )
pin->GetBuffer().SetExternalBuffer( (void *)pImageData, length, 0, pin->GetBuffer().READ_ONLY );
pin = NULL;
else if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( realName, "GAME", pin->GetBuffer() ) )
if ( g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController )
g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController->OnFileLoadedByScaleform( realName, pin->GetBuffer().Base(), pin->GetBuffer().TellPut() );
if ( g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController )
g_pExternalScaleformSlotInitController->OnFileLoadedByScaleform( realName, NULL, 0 );
pin = NULL;
if ( plog )
plog->LogError( "Error: GFxLoader failed to open '%s'\n", realName );
return pin;
* this lets scaleform use our gamer icons and any other dynamic textures
CScaleformImageCreator::CScaleformImageCreator( IScaleformUI *pSFUI, TextureManager* textureManager /* = 0 */)
: ImageCreator( textureManager ), m_pScaleformUI( pSFUI )
Image* CScaleformImageCreator::LoadProtocolImage(const ImageCreateInfo& info, const SF::String& url)
// We use this to handle loadMovie calls from action script that
// we can use to load player avatar icons, inventory item images, Chrome HTML images, or extern files on disk.
// The url coming in should be something like this: img://<type>_<data>
// This is for loading external image sitting on disk
// Syntax1: img://loadfile:mylocalfile.jpg - loads the file, can be JPG, PNG, PGA, or DDS (must be uncompressed)
// Syntax2: img://loadfile:(64x64):mylocalfile.jpg - loads the file, returns a transparent texture of given size if doesn't exist
char const *szExternalImg = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://loadfile:" );
// allow loadjpeg until flash is updated to use loadfile
if ( !szExternalImg )
szExternalImg = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://loadjpeg:" );
if ( szExternalImg )
// Parse width and height attributes
uint width = 0, height = 0;
if ( szExternalImg[0] == '(' )
width = Q_atoi( szExternalImg + 1 );
szExternalImg = strchr( szExternalImg, 'x' );
if ( !szExternalImg )
return NULL;
height = Q_atoi( szExternalImg + 1 );
szExternalImg = strstr( szExternalImg, "):" );
if ( !szExternalImg )
return NULL;
szExternalImg += 2;
char chLocalPath[ 2*MAX_PATH + 1 ] = {};
const char *pchFullImgPath = szExternalImg[0] ? g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szExternalImg, "GAME", chLocalPath, Q_ARRAYSIZE( chLocalPath ) - 1 ) : NULL;
if ( pchFullImgPath )
Image *pImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->CreateImageFromFile( pchFullImgPath, info, width, height );
return pImage;
// "img://avatar_[xuid]" where [xuid] is the xuid of the player whose avatar we want to load.
else if ( char const *szAvatarXuid = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://avatar_" ) )
int64 xuid = Q_atoi64( szAvatarXuid );
ScaleformUIAvatarImage* pAvatarImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->GetAvatarImage( xuid );
if ( pAvatarImage )
return pAvatarImage->GetImage();
// "img://inventory_[itemid]" where [itemid] is the item's id from GetItemIDbyIndex() in the inventory component.
else if ( char const *szInventoryItemId = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://inventory_" ) )
uint64 itemid = Q_atoi64( szInventoryItemId );
// look up image here using xuid and itemid and return it
ScaleformUIInventoryImage* pInventoryImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->GetInventoryImage( itemid );
if ( pInventoryImage )
return pInventoryImage->GetImage();
// "img://itemdata_[defindex]_[paintindex]" where [defindex] & [paintindex] are econ item definition and paint indices.
else if ( StringHasPrefix( url, "img://itemdata_" ) )
uint16 iDefIndex = 0;
uint16 iPaintIndex = 0;
CUtlVector< char* > urlFragments;
V_SplitString( url, "_", urlFragments );
iDefIndex = ( uint16 ) atoi( urlFragments[1] );
iPaintIndex = ( uint16 ) atoi( urlFragments[2] );
uint64 ullItemId = CombinedItemIdMakeFromDefIndexAndPaint( iDefIndex, iPaintIndex );
// look up image here using defindex and paintindex and return it
ScaleformUIInventoryImage* pInventoryImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->GetInventoryImage( ullItemId );
if ( pInventoryImage )
return pInventoryImage->GetImage();
else if ( char const *szBilinearChromeImg = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://chrome_" ) ) // using bilinear filtering
int64 imageid = Q_atoi64( szBilinearChromeImg );
// look up image here using xuid and itemid and return it
ScaleformUIChromeHTMLImage* pChromeImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->GetChromeHTMLImage( imageid );
if ( pChromeImage )
return pChromeImage->GetImage();
else if ( char const *szPointSampleChromeImg = StringAfterPrefix( url, "imgps://chrome_" ) ) // point sampling filtering
int64 imageid = Q_atoi64( szPointSampleChromeImg );
// look up image here using xuid and itemid and return it
ScaleformUIChromeHTMLImage* pChromeImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->GetChromeHTMLImage( imageid );
if ( pChromeImage )
return pChromeImage->GetImage();
else if ( char const *szExternalImg = StringAfterPrefix( url, "img://stringtables:" ) )
// Parse width and height attributes
uint width = 0, height = 0;
if ( szExternalImg[ 0 ] == '(' )
width = Q_atoi( szExternalImg + 1 );
szExternalImg = strchr( szExternalImg, 'x' );
if ( !szExternalImg )
return NULL;
height = Q_atoi( szExternalImg + 1 );
szExternalImg = strstr( szExternalImg, "):" );
if ( !szExternalImg )
return NULL;
szExternalImg += 2;
if ( !szExternalImg || !szExternalImg[ 0 ] )
return NULL;
// we're going to pass in the whole url because the prefix will signal to the file loader to get the data from stringtables rather than from the filesystem
Image *pImage = ( ( ScaleformUIImpl* )m_pScaleformUI )->CreateImageFromFile( url, info, width, height );
if ( pImage )
return pImage;
return NULL;