Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code

1007 lines
29 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "uigamedata.h"
#include "engineinterface.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#ifndef NO_STEAM
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace BaseModUI;
using namespace vgui;
#if 0
// Storage device selection
// Purpose: A storage device has been connected, update our settings and anything else
namespace BaseModUI {
class CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached : public CUIGameData::CAsyncJobContext
explicit CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached( int iController );
virtual void ExecuteAsync();
virtual void Completed();
uint GetContainerOpenResult( void ) { return m_ContainerOpenResult; }
int GetController() const { return m_iController; }
uint m_ContainerOpenResult;
int m_iController;
CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached::CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached( int iController ) :
CUIGameData::CAsyncJobContext( 3.0f ), // Storage device info for at least 3 seconds
m_ContainerOpenResult( ERROR_SUCCESS ),
m_iController( iController )
//CUIGameData::Get()->ShowMessageDialog( MD_CHECKING_STORAGE_DEVICE );
//CUIGameData::Get()->CloseMessageDialog( 0 );
void CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached::ExecuteAsync()
// Asynchronously do the tasks that don't interact with the command buffer
// g_pFullFileSystem->DiscoverDLC( GetController() ); - don't call DiscoverDLC here
// Open user settings and save game container here
m_ContainerOpenResult = engine->OnStorageDeviceAttached( GetController() );
if ( m_ContainerOpenResult != ERROR_SUCCESS )
ConVar ui_start_dlc_time_pump( "ui_start_dlc_time_pump", "30" );
ConVar ui_start_dlc_time_loaded( "ui_start_dlc_time_loaded", "150" );
ConVar ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt( "ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt", "300" );
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt, "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY )
int nStage = -1;
if ( args.ArgC() > 1 )
nStage = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
DevMsg( 2, "ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt %d\n", nStage );
int nCorruptDLCs = g_pFullFileSystem->IsAnyCorruptDLC();
while ( nStage >= 0 && nStage < nCorruptDLCs )
static wchar_t wszDlcInfo[ 3 * MAX_PATH ] = {0};
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->GetAnyCorruptDLCInfo( nStage, wszDlcInfo, sizeof( wszDlcInfo ) ) )
++ nStage;
// information text
if ( wchar_t *wszExplanation = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_MsgBx_DlcCorruptTxt" ) )
int wlen = Q_wcslen( wszDlcInfo );
Q_wcsncpy( wszDlcInfo + wlen, wszExplanation, sizeof( wszDlcInfo ) - 2 * wlen );
// We've got a corrupt DLC, put it up on the spinner
CUIGameData::Get()->UpdateWaitPanel( wszDlcInfo, 0.0f );
engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "echo corruptdlc%d; wait %d; ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt %d;",
nStage + 1, ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt.GetInt(), nStage + 1 ) );
// end of dlc mounting phases
CUIGameData::Get()->OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached( NULL );
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_pump_dlc_mount_content, "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY )
int nStage = -1;
if ( args.ArgC() > 1 )
nStage = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
DevMsg( 2, "ui_pump_dlc_mount_content %d\n", nStage );
bool bSearchPathMounted = false;
int numDlcsContent = g_pFullFileSystem->IsAnyDLCPresent( &bSearchPathMounted );
while ( nStage >= 0 && nStage < numDlcsContent )
static wchar_t wszDlcInfo[ 3 * MAX_PATH ] = {0};
unsigned int ulMask;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->GetAnyDLCInfo( nStage, &ulMask, wszDlcInfo, sizeof( wszDlcInfo ) ) )
++ nStage;
// information text
if ( wchar_t *wszExplanation = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_MsgBx_DlcMountedTxt" ) )
int wlen = Q_wcslen( wszDlcInfo );
Q_wcsncpy( wszDlcInfo + wlen, wszExplanation, sizeof( wszDlcInfo ) - 2 * wlen );
// We've got a corrupt DLC, put it up on the spinner
CUIGameData::Get()->UpdateWaitPanel( wszDlcInfo, 0.0f );
engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "echo mounteddlc%d (0x%08X); wait %d; ui_pump_dlc_mount_content %d;",
nStage + 1, ulMask, ui_start_dlc_time_loaded.GetInt(), nStage + 1 ) );
// Done displaying found content, show corrupt
engine->ClientCmd( "ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt 0" );
CON_COMMAND_F( ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage, "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY )
// execute in order
int nStage = -1;
if ( args.ArgC() > 1 )
nStage = Q_atoi( args.Arg( 1 ) );
DevMsg( 2, "ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage %d\n", nStage );
static char const *s_arrClientCmdsDlcMount[] =
if ( nStage >= 0 && nStage < ARRAYSIZE( s_arrClientCmdsDlcMount ) )
// execute in phases, each command deferred occurs on main thread as required
// adding a wait <frames> to let spinner clock a little
// no way to solve any one phase that blocks for too long...this is good enough
engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "wait %d; %s; ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage %d;",
s_arrClientCmdsDlcMount[ nStage ],
nStage + 1 ) );
// Done mounting
engine->ClientCmd( "ui_pump_dlc_mount_content 0" );
void CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached::Completed()
bool bDLCSearchPathMounted = false;
if ( GetContainerOpenResult() == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
g_pFullFileSystem->IsAnyDLCPresent( &bDLCSearchPathMounted ) )
if ( !( CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevicePolicy() & STORAGE_DEVICE_ASYNC ) )
Warning( "<vitaliy> DLC discovered during sync storage mount (not mounted)!\n" );
goto completed_done;
if ( !bDLCSearchPathMounted )
// add the DLC search paths if they exist
// this must be done on the main thread
// the DLC search path mount will incur a quick synchronous hit due to zip mounting
// new DLC data may trump prior data, so need to signal isolated system reloads
engine->ClientCmd( "ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage 0" );
// No valid DLC was discovered, check if we discovered some corrupt DLC
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsAnyCorruptDLC() )
if ( !( CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevicePolicy() & STORAGE_DEVICE_ASYNC ) )
Warning( "<vitaliy> DLC discovered during sync storage mount (corrupt)!\n" );
goto completed_done;
// need to show just corrupt DLC information
engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt %d", 0 ) );
// Otherwise we are done attaching storage right now
CUIGameData::Get()->OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached( this );
void CUIGameData::RunFrame_Storage()
#ifdef _PS3
#if 0
// Check to see if a pending async task has already finished
if ( m_pAsyncJob && !m_pAsyncJob->m_hThreadHandle )
delete m_pAsyncJob;
m_pAsyncJob = NULL;
if( m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle )
//the select device blade just closed, get the selected device
DWORD ret = xboxsystem->GetOverlappedResult( m_hStorageDeviceChangeHandle, NULL, true );
// Done waiting
xboxsystem->ReleaseAsyncHandle( m_hStorageDeviceChangeHandle );
m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle = false;
// If we selected something, validate it
if ( m_iStorageID != XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID )
OnSetStorageDeviceId( m_iStorageController, m_iStorageID );
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "ReportNoDeviceSelected" );
if ( m_pSelectStorageClient )
m_pSelectStorageClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_NOT_SELECTED );
m_pSelectStorageClient = NULL;
#ifdef _PS3
if ( g_pGameSteamCloudSync )
#if 0
// CChangeStorageDevice
// Should be used when user wants to change storage device
static CChangeStorageDevice *s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = NULL;
static void CChangeStorageDevice_Continue()
s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback->DeviceChangeCompleted( true );
delete s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback;
s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = NULL;
static void CChangeStorageDevice_SelectAgain()
CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback );
s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = NULL;
CChangeStorageDevice::CChangeStorageDevice( int iCtrlr ) :
m_iCtrlr( iCtrlr ),
m_bAllowDeclined( true ),
m_bForce( true ),
m_nConfirmationData( 0 )
// Just in case clean up (if dialogs were cancelled due to user sign out or such)
delete s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback;
s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = NULL;
void CChangeStorageDevice::OnDeviceFail( FailReason_t eReason )
// Depending if the user had storage device by this moment
// or not we will take different actions:
DWORD dwDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex() );
switch ( eReason )
if ( XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( dwDevice ) )
// That's fine user has a valid storage device, didn't want to change
DeviceChangeCompleted( false );
delete this;
// otherwise, proceed with the ui msg
XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex(), XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED );
// We don't want to fire notification because there might be unsaved
// preferences changes that were done without a storage device
// no: g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfileStorageAvailable", "iController", GetCtrlrIndex() ) );
m_bAllowDeclined = false;
GenericConfirmation* confirmation =
static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().
OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, CUIGameData::Get()->GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );
GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
switch ( eReason )
data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneC";
data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneTxt";
data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC";
data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt";
data.pWindowTitle = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC";
data.pMessageText = "#SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt";
data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;
s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = this;
data.pfnOkCallback = CChangeStorageDevice_Continue;
data.pfnCancelCallback = CChangeStorageDevice_SelectAgain;
// The nature of Generic Confirmation is that it will be silently replaced
// with another Generic Confirmation if a system event occurs
// e.g. user unplugs controller, user changes storage device, etc.
// If that happens neither OK nor CANCEL callbacks WILL NOT BE CALLED
// The state machine cannot depend on either callback advancing the
// state because in some situations neither callback can fire and the
// confirmation dismissed/closed/replaced.
// State machine must implement OnThink and check if the required
// confirmation box is still present!
// This code implements some sort of fallback - it deletes the static
// confirmation data when a new storage device change is requested.
// Vitaliy -- 9/26/2009
m_nConfirmationData = confirmation->SetUsageData(data);
void CChangeStorageDevice::OnDeviceSelected()
if ( UI_IsDebug() )
Msg( "[GAMEUI] CChangeStorageDevice::OnDeviceSelected( 0x%08X )\n",
XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex() ) );
CUIGameData::Get()->UpdateWaitPanel( "#SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" );
void CChangeStorageDevice::AfterDeviceMounted()
DeviceChangeCompleted( true );
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfileStorageAvailable", "iController", GetCtrlrIndex() ) );
delete this;
void CChangeStorageDevice::DeviceChangeCompleted( bool bChanged )
if ( bChanged )
Msg( "CChangeStorageDevice::DeviceChangeCompleted for ctrlr%d device 0x%08X\n",
GetCtrlrIndex(), XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex() ) );
Msg( "CChangeStorageDevice::DeviceChangeCompleted - ctrlr%d is keeping device 0x%08X\n",
GetCtrlrIndex(), XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex() ) );
class CChangeStorageDeviceChained : public CChangeStorageDevice
typedef CChangeStorageDevice BaseClass;
explicit CChangeStorageDeviceChained( int iCtrlrs[2] ) :
BaseClass( iCtrlrs[0] ), m_nChainCtrlr( iCtrlrs[1] ) {}
virtual void DeviceChangeCompleted( bool bChanged )
// Defer to the base class
BaseClass::DeviceChangeCompleted( bChanged );
// If we have a chain target, then call this off again
if ( m_nChainCtrlr >= 0 )
CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( new CChangeStorageDevice( m_nChainCtrlr ) );
int m_nChainCtrlr;
void OnStorageDevicesChangedSelectNewDevice()
int numChangedCtrlrs = 0;
int nChangedCtrlrs[2] = { -1, -1 }; // We can only have two users (split-screen)
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ i )
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( i );
// Guests can't choose a storage device!
if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( i ) )
int nStorageID = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
// A controller's device has changed, and we'll need to prompt them to replace it
nChangedCtrlrs[numChangedCtrlrs] = iController;
// If a controller changed, then start off our device change dialogs
if ( numChangedCtrlrs )
CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( new CChangeStorageDeviceChained( nChangedCtrlrs ) );
#endif // _GAMECONSOLE
void StorageDevice_SelectAllNow()
int numChangedCtrlrs = 0;
int nChangedCtrlrs[2] = { -1, -1 }; // We can only have two users (split-screen)
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ i )
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( i );
// Guests can't choose a storage device!
if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( i ) )
int nStorageID = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
// A controller's device has changed, and we'll need to prompt them to replace it
nChangedCtrlrs[numChangedCtrlrs] = iController;
// If a controller changed, then start off our device change dialogs
if ( numChangedCtrlrs )
CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( new CChangeStorageDeviceChained( nChangedCtrlrs ) );
#endif // _GAMECONSOLE
//This is where we open the XUI pannel to let the user select the current storage device.
bool CUIGameData::SelectStorageDevice( ISelectStorageDeviceClient *pSelectClient )
if ( !pSelectClient )
return false;
int iController = pSelectClient->GetCtrlrIndex();
bool bAllowDeclined = pSelectClient->AllowDeclined();
bool bForceDisplay = pSelectClient->ForceSelector();
bool bCheckCtrlr = !pSelectClient->AllowAnyController();
if ( UI_IsDebug() )
Msg( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice( ctrlr=%d; %d, %d ), waiting=%d\n",
iController, bAllowDeclined, bForceDisplay, m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle );
if ( bCheckCtrlr )
// Check if the game is in guest mode
if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice for guest!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // go away, no storage for guests
int nSlot = -1;
for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k )
int iCtrlr = XBX_GetUserId( k );
if ( iCtrlr != iController )
else if ( XBX_GetUserIsGuest( k ) )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice for guest!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // go away, game thinks you are a guest
nSlot = k;
if ( nSlot < 0 )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice for not active ctrlr!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // this controller is not involved in the game, go away
#ifdef _X360
// Is the controller signed in?
if( XUserGetSigninState( iController ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice for not signed in user!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // not signed in, no device selector
// Maybe a guest buddy?
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == XUserGetSigninInfo( iController, XUSER_GET_SIGNIN_INFO_ONLINE_XUID_ONLY, &xsi ) &&
(xsi.dwInfoFlags & XUSER_INFO_FLAG_GUEST) != 0 )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice for LIVE-guest!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // guests don't have device selectors, go away
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XUserGetSigninInfo( iController, XUSER_GET_SIGNIN_INFO_OFFLINE_XUID_ONLY, &xsi ) )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice failed to obtain XUID!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // failed to obtain XUID?
// Prevent reentry
if( m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle )
Warning( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice is already busy selecting storage device! Cannot re-enter!\n" );
pSelectClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_ERROR );
return false; // Somebody already selecting a device
#if defined( _DEMO ) && defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Demo mode cannot have access to storage devices anyway
if ( IsGameConsole() )
m_iStorageController = iController;
m_pSelectStorageClient = pSelectClient;
OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached( NULL );
return true;
if ( IsPS3() )
// PS3 will have only two storage partitions: primary and secondary
if ( iController == (int) XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() )
XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( iController, 1 );
XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( iController, 2 );
bForceDisplay = false; // PS3 doesn't display anything, so don't force it
// Check if we already have a valid storage device
if ( XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ) != XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID &&
( bAllowDeclined || XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ) != XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED ) &&
! bForceDisplay )
if ( UI_IsDebug() )
Msg( "[GAMEUI] SelectStorageDevice - storage id = 0x%08X\n",
XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ) );
// Put up a progress that we are loading profile...
if ( SelectStorageDevicePolicy() & STORAGE_DEVICE_ASYNC )
OpenWaitScreen( "#SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" );
m_iStorageID = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
m_iStorageController = iController;
m_pSelectStorageClient = pSelectClient;
OnSetStorageDeviceId( iController, XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ) );
// Already have a storage device
return true;
// Put up a progress that we are loading profile...
OpenWaitScreen( "#SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn", 0.0f );
// NOTE: this shouldn't have a 3 sec time-out as a new wait message is taking over
// the progress when container starts mounting
//open the dialog
m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle = true;
m_hStorageDeviceChangeHandle = xboxsystem->CreateAsyncHandle();
m_iStorageController = iController;
m_pSelectStorageClient = pSelectClient;
xboxsystem->ShowDeviceSelector( iController, bForceDisplay, &m_iStorageID, &m_hStorageDeviceChangeHandle );
return false;
uint32 CUIGameData::SelectStorageDevicePolicy()
void CUIGameData::OnDeviceAttached()
//This is straight from CBasePanel
ExecuteAsync( new CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached( m_iStorageController ) );
void CUIGameData::OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached( CAsyncCtxUIOnDeviceAttached * job )
ISelectStorageDeviceClient *pStorageDeviceClient = m_pSelectStorageClient;
m_pSelectStorageClient = NULL;
uint nRet = job ? job->GetContainerOpenResult() : ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS )
if ( SelectStorageDevicePolicy() & STORAGE_DEVICE_ASYNC )
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "ReportDeviceCorrupt" );
pStorageDeviceClient->OnDeviceFail( ISelectStorageDeviceClient::FAIL_CORRUPT );
// Notify that data has loaded
// Check for opening a new storage device immediately
if ( m_pSelectStorageClient == NULL )
// Close down the waiting screen
if ( SelectStorageDevicePolicy() & STORAGE_DEVICE_ASYNC )
CloseWaitScreen( NULL, "OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached" );
#ifdef _WIN32
// Purpose: Job wrapper
static unsigned UIGameDataJobWrapperFn( void *pvContext )
CUIGameData::CAsyncJobContext *pAsync = reinterpret_cast< CUIGameData::CAsyncJobContext * >( pvContext );
float const flTimeStart = Plat_FloatTime();
float const flElapsedTime = Plat_FloatTime() - flTimeStart;
if ( flElapsedTime < pAsync->m_flLeastExecuteTime )
ThreadSleep( ( pAsync->m_flLeastExecuteTime - flElapsedTime ) * 1000 );
ReleaseThreadHandle( ( ThreadHandle_t ) pAsync->m_hThreadHandle );
pAsync->m_hThreadHandle = NULL;
return 0;
// Purpose: Enqueues a job function to be called on a separate thread
void CUIGameData::ExecuteAsync( CAsyncJobContext *pAsync )
Assert( !m_pAsyncJob );
Assert( pAsync && !pAsync->m_hThreadHandle );
m_pAsyncJob = pAsync;
#ifdef _WIN32
ThreadHandle_t hHandle = CreateSimpleThread( UIGameDataJobWrapperFn, reinterpret_cast< void * >( pAsync ) );
pAsync->m_hThreadHandle = hHandle;
#ifdef _X360
ThreadSetAffinity( hHandle, XBOX_PROCESSOR_3 );
// Since we are not running on a separate thread, just fire it all here
m_pAsyncJob = NULL;
delete pAsync;
// Gamestats reporting
static int GameStats_GetActionIndex( char const *szReportAction )
char const * arrActions[] =
"", "newgame", "commentary",
"load", "loadlast",
"continuenew", "continueload",
"saveover", "savenew", "savedel",
"changelevel", "changelevelcomm"
for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( arrActions ); ++ k )
if ( !V_stricmp( arrActions[k], szReportAction ) )
return k + 1;
return 0;
static int GameStats_GetReportMapNameIndex( char const *szMapName )
int nCounter = 1000; // resolve it as single player map
#define CFG( spmap, ... ) ++ nCounter; if ( !V_stricmp( szMapName, #spmap ) ) return nCounter;
#include "xlast_portal2/"
#undef CFG
nCounter = 0; // resolve it as coop map
#define CFG( mpcoopmap, ... ) ++ nCounter; if ( !V_stricmp( szMapName, #mpcoopmap ) ) return nCounter;
#include "xlast_portal2/"
#undef CFG
return 0;
void CUIGameData::GameStats_ReportAction( char const *szReportAction, char const *szMapName, uint64 uiFlags )
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "gamestat_action" );
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kv( kv );
kv->SetInt( "version", 1 );
kv->SetUint64( "xuid", g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() )->GetXUID() );
kv->SetUint64( "*mac", 0ull ); // this will be filled out with console MAC-address
kv->SetInt( "game_action", GameStats_GetActionIndex( szReportAction ) );
kv->SetInt( "game_mapid", GameStats_GetReportMapNameIndex( szMapName ) );
kv->SetUint64( "game_flags", uiFlags );
IDatacenterCmdBatch *pBatch = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetDatacenter()->CreateCmdBatch();
pBatch->SetDestroyWhenFinished( true );
pBatch->SetRetryCmdTimeout( 30.0f );
pBatch->AddCommand( kv );
#ifdef _PS3
// Steam info provider implementation
class CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider : public IPS3SaveSteamInfoProviderUiGameData
virtual CUtlBuffer * GetInitialLoadBuffer()
GetBufferForSaveUtil().EnsureCapacity( 512*1024 - 128 );
return &GetBufferForSaveUtil();
virtual CUtlBuffer * GetSaveBufferForCommit()
// called inside the saveutil callback (cannot cause allocations)
return &GetBufferForSaveUtil();
virtual CUtlBuffer * PrepareSaveBufferForCommit()
// called on the main thread
if ( !FillSteamBuffer() )
return NULL;
m_uiState |= STATE_COMMITTING; // flipping the committing flag early
++ m_idxSaveUtilOwned; // now saveutil owns the buffer we were writing into
m_uiState &=~ STATE_DIRTY; // mark the steam data buffer as not yet dirty
return &GetBufferForSaveUtil();
virtual void RunFrame();
virtual void WriteSteamStats();
CUtlBuffer m_arrBuffers[2];
int m_idxSaveUtilOwned;
inline CUtlBuffer& GetBufferForSaveUtil() { return m_arrBuffers[ m_idxSaveUtilOwned%2 ]; }
inline CUtlBuffer& GetBufferForSteamData() { return m_arrBuffers[ !(m_idxSaveUtilOwned%2) ]; }
bool FillSteamBuffer();
CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus m_ps3AsyncSaveStatus;
enum AsyncSaveState_t
STATE_DEFAULT = 0x00, // default state, no save data ready, no save pending
STATE_DIRTY = 0x01, // save data ready, will trigger saveutil when possible
STATE_INITIATED = 0x10, // saveutil triggered, can still slipstream updated data
STATE_COMMITTING = 0x20, // saveutil committing data, new updates must wait
uint32 m_uiState;
uint32 m_numDirtyFrames;
IPS3SaveSteamInfoProviderUiGameData * GetPs3SaveSteamInfoProvider()
return &g_ps3saveSteamInfoProvider;
bool CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::FillSteamBuffer()
// Write the data into save buffer
CUtlBuffer &buf = GetBufferForSteamData();
#ifndef NO_STEAM
uint32 uiSizeRequired = buf.Size();
bool bResult = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->GetUserStatsData( buf.Base(), buf.Size(), &uiSizeRequired );
if ( !bResult && uiSizeRequired > buf.Size() )
buf.EnsureCapacity( uiSizeRequired );
bResult = steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->GetUserStatsData( buf.Base(), buf.Size(), &uiSizeRequired );
if ( !bResult )
return false;
buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, uiSizeRequired );
return true;
return true;
void CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::RunFrame()
// if save has been initiated, see if it has completed already
if ( m_uiState & STATE_INITIATED )
if ( m_ps3AsyncSaveStatus.JobDone() )
Msg( "%.3f CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::WriteSteamStats completed!\n", Plat_FloatTime() );
// if we have some new dirty data, then see if we can kick off a save
if ( ( m_uiState & STATE_DIRTY ) && !( m_uiState & STATE_INITIATED ) )
if ( m_numDirtyFrames )
-- m_numDirtyFrames;
if ( ps3saveuiapi && !ps3saveuiapi->IsSaveUtilBusy() &&
// Not needed for CSGO
( !CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN ) ||
( ( CAttractScreen * ) CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN ) )->IsGameBootReady() )
m_ps3AsyncSaveStatus.m_nCurrentOperationTag = kSAVE_TAG_WRITE_STEAMINFO;
ps3saveuiapi->WriteSteamInfo( &m_ps3AsyncSaveStatus );
Msg( "%.3f CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::WriteSteamStats kicked off saveutil work\n", Plat_FloatTime() );
m_uiState |= STATE_INITIATED; // we kicked off a save operation successfully
void CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::WriteSteamStats()
Msg( "%.3f CPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider::WriteSteamStats prepared data\n", Plat_FloatTime() );
m_uiState |= STATE_DIRTY;
m_numDirtyFrames = 3;