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204 lines
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204 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="JavaDocConfiguration">
* The interface ${name}.\n
<#if element.typeParameters?has_content> * \n
<#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter>
* @param <${}> the type parameter\n
* The enum ${name}.\n
* The type ${name}.\n
<#if element.typeParameters?has_content> * \n
<#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter>
* @param <${}> the type parameter\n
* The type ${name}.\n
* Instantiates a new ${name}.\n
<#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content>
<#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter>
* @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
<#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content>
<#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception>
* @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
* Gets ${partName}.\n
<#if element.typeParameters?has_content> * \n
<#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter>
* @param <${}> the type parameter\n
<#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content>
<#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter>
* @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
<#if isNotVoid>
* @return the ${partName}\n
<#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content>
<#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception>
* @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
* Sets ${partName}.\n
<#if element.typeParameters?has_content> * \n
<#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter>
* @param <${}> the type parameter\n
<#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content>
<#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter>
* @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
<#if isNotVoid>
* @return the ${partName}\n
<#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content>
<#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception>
* @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
* The entry point of application.\n
<#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content>
* @param ${element.parameterList.parameters[0].name} the input arguments\n
<#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content>
<#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception>
* @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
* ${name}<#if isNotVoid> ${return}</#if>.\n
<#if element.typeParameters?has_content> * \n
<#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter>
* @param <${}> the type parameter\n
<#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content>
<#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter>
* @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
<#if isNotVoid>
* @return the ${return}\n
<#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content>
<#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception>
* @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
* The constant ${element.getName()}.\n
<#if element.parent.isInterface()>
* The constant ${element.getName()}.\n
* The ${name}.\n
</#if> */</VALUE>
<#if element.parent.isEnum()>
*${name} ${typeName}.\n
* The ${name}.\n