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Terminate Program (Function 00H)
AH = 00H CS Segment address of Program Segment Prefix
Function 00H performs the same function as Interrupt 20H. It terminates the current process and returns control to its parent process. It also closes all open file handles and clears the disk cache. When this interrupt is issued, CS must contain the segment address of the Program Segment Prefix.
The CS register must contain the segment address of the Program Seg- ment Prefix before you call this interrupt.
The following exit addresses are restored from the specified offsets in the Program Segment Prefix:
Offset Exit Address _ ________________________________________________________________
0AH Program terminate
12H Critical error
All file buffers are flushed to disk.
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Close all files that have changed in length before calling this function. If you do not close a changed file, its length is not correctly recorded in the directory. See Function 10H for a description of the Close File sys- tem call.
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Macro Definition:
terminate_program macro xor ah,ah int 21H endm
The following program displays a message and returns to MS-DOS. It uses only the opening portion of the sample program skeleton shown in Figure 1.2.
message db "Displayed by FUNC00H example", 0DH,0AH,"$" ; begin: display message ;see Function 09H terminate_program ;THIS FUNCTION code ends end start
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Read Keyboard and Echo (Function 01H)
AH = 01H
AL Character typed
Function 01H waits for a character to be read from standard input, then echoes the character to standard output and returns it in AL. If the char- acter is CONTROL-C, it executes Interrupt 23H.
Macro Definition:
read_kbd_and_echo macro mov ah, 01H int 21H endm
The following program displays and prints characters as you type them. If you press the RETURN key, the program sends a linefeed/carriage-return sequence to both the display and the printer.
begin: read_kbd_and_echo ;THIS FUNCTION print_char al ;see Function 05H cmp al,0DH ;is it a CR? jne begin ;no, print it print_char 0AH ;see Function 05H display_char 0AH ;see Function 02H
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jmp begin ;get another character
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Display Character (Function 02H)
AH = 02H DL Character to be displayed
Function 02H sends the character in DL to standard output. If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H.
Macro Definition:
display_char macro character mov dl,character mov ah,02H int 21H endm
The following program converts lowercase characters to uppercase before displaying them.
begin: read_kbd ;see Function 08H cmp al,"a" jl uppercase ;don't convert cmp al,"z" jg uppercase ;don't convert sub al,20H ;convert to ASCII code ;for uppercase
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uppercase: display_char al ;THIS FUNCTION jmp begin: ;get another character
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Auxiliary Input (Function 03H)
AH = 03H
AL Character from auxiliary device
Function 03H waits for a character from standard auxiliary devices (AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4), then returns the character in AL. This system call does not return a status or error code.
If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H.
Macro Definition:
aux_input macro mov ah,03H int 21H endm
The following program prints characters as soon as it receives them from the auxiliary device. It stops printing when it receives an end-of-file char- acter (ASCII 26, or CONTROL-Z).
begin: aux_input ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,1AH ;end of file? je return ;yes, all done print_char al ;see Function 05H
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jmp begin ;get another character
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Auxiliary Output (Function 04H)
AH = 04H DL Character for auxiliary device
Function 04H sends the character in DL to standard auxiliary. This sys- tem call does not return a status or error code.
If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H.
Macro Definition:
aux_output macro character mov dl,character mov ah,04H int 21H endm
The following program gets a series of strings of up to 80 bytes from the keyboard and sends each string to the auxiliary device. It stops when you type a null string (carriage-return only).
string db 81 dup(?) ;see Function 0AH ; begin: get_string 80,string ;see Function 0AH cmp string[1],0 ;null string?
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je return ;yes, all done mov cx, word ptr string[1] ;get string length mov bx,0 ;set index to 0 send_it: aux_output string[bx+2] ;THIS FUNCTION inc bx ;bump index loop send_it ;send another character jmp begin ;get another string
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Print Character (Function 05H)
AH = 05H DL Character for printer
Function 05H sends the character in DL to the standard printer. If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H. This function does not return a status or error code.
Macro Definition:
print_char macro character mov dl,character mov ah,05H int 21H endm
The following program prints a walking test pattern on the printer. It stops if you press CONTROL-C.
line_num db 0 ; begin: mov cx,60 ;print 60 lines start_line: mov bl,33 ;first printable ASCII ;character (!) add bl,line_num ;to offset one character
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push cx ;save number-of-lines counter mov cx,80 ;loop counter for line print_it: print_char bl ;THIS FUNCTION inc bl ;move to next ASCII character cmp bl,126 ;last printable ASCII ;character (~) jl no_reset ;not there yet mov bl,33 ;start over with (!) no_reset: loop print_it ;print another character print_char 0DH ;carriage return print_char 0AH ;linefeed inc line_num ;to offset 1st char. of line pop cx ;restore #-of-lines counter loop start_line ;print another line
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Direct Console I/O (Function 06H)
AH = 06H DL See text
AL If DL = FFH before call, then zero flag not set means AL has character from standard input. Zero flag set means there was not a character to get, and AL = 0.
The action of Function 06H depends on the value in DL when the function is called:
Value in DL Action _ ________________________________________________________________
FFH If a character has been read from standard input, it is returned in AL and the zero flag is cleared (0); if a character has not been read, the zero flag is set (1).
Not FFH The character in DL is sent to standard output.
This function does not check for CONTROL-C.
Macro Definition:
dir_console_io macro switch mov dl,switch mov ah,06H int 21H endm
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The following program sets the system clock to 0 and displays the time continuously. When you type any character, the display freezes; when you type any character again, the clock is reset to 0 and the display starts again.
time db "00:00:00.00",0DH,0AH,"$" ;see Function 09H ; ;for explanation of $ ; begin: set_time 0,0,0,0 ;see Function 2DH read_clock: get_time ;see Function 2CH CONVERT ch,time ;see end of chapter CONVERT cl,time[3] ;see end of chapter CONVERT dh,time[6] ;see end of chapter CONVERT dl,time[9] ;see end of chapter display time ;see Function 09H dir_console_io FFH ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0 ;character typed? jne stop ;yes, stop timer jmp read_clock ;no, keep timer ;running stop: read_kbd ;see Function 08H jmp begin ;start over
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Direct Console Input (Function 07H)
AH = 07H
AL Character from keyboard
Function 07H waits for a character to be read from standard input, then returns it in AL. This function does not echo the character or check for CONTROL-C. (For a keyboard input function that echoes or checks for CONTROL-C, see Function 01H or 08H.)
Macro Definition:
dir_console_input macro mov ah,07H int 21H endm
The following program prompts for a password (eight characters max- imum) and places the characters into a string without echoing them.
password db 8 dup(?) prompt db "Password: $" ;see Function 09H for ;explanation of $ begin: display prompt ;see Function 09H mov cx,8 ;maximum length of password xor bx,bx ;so BL can be used as index
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get_pass: dir_console_input ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0DH ;was it a carriage return? je return ;yes, all done mov password[bx],al ;no, put character in string inc bx ;bump index loop get_pass ;get another character
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Read Keyboard (Function 08H)
AH = 08H
AL Character from keyboard
Function 08H waits for a character to be read from standard input, then returns it in AL. If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H. This function does not echo the character. (For a keyboard input function that echoes the character or checks for CONTROL-C, see Function 01H.)
Macro Definition:
read_kbd macro mov ah,08H int 21H endm
The following program prompts for a password (eight characters max- imum) and places the characters into a string without echoing them.
password db 8 dup(?) prompt db "Password: $" ;see Function 09H ;for explanation of $ begin: display prompt ;see Function 09H mov cx,8 ;maximum length of password xor bx,bx ;BL can be an index
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get_pass: read_kbd ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0DH ;was it a carriage return? je return ;yes, all done mov password[bx],al ;no, put char. in string inc bx ;bump index loop get_pass ;get another character
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Display String (Function 09H)
AH = 09H DS:DX Pointer to string to be displayed
Function 09H sends to standard output a string that ends with "$" (the $ is not displayed).
The DX register must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of the string.
Macro Definition:
display macro string mov dx,offset string mov ah,09H int 21H endm
The following program displays the hexadecimal code of the key that is typed.
table db "0123456789ABCDEF" result db " - 00H",0DH,0AH,"$" ;see text for ;explanation of $ begin: read_kbd_and_echo ;see Function 01H
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xor ah,ah ;clear upper byte convert ax,16,result[3] ;see end of chapter display result ;THIS FUNCTION jmp begin ;do it again
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Buffered Keyboard Input (Function 0AH)
AH = 0AH DS:DX Pointer to input buffer
Function 0AH gets a string from standard input. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an input buffer of the following form:
Byte Contents _ ________________________________________________________________
1 Maximum number of characters in buffer, including the carriage return (you must set this value).
2 Actual number of characters typed, not counting the carriage return (the function sets this value).
3-n Buffer; must be at least as long as the number in byte 1.
Characters are read from standard input and placed in the buffer begin- ning at the third byte until a RETURN character (ASCII 0DH) is read. If the buffer fills to one less than the maximum, additional characters read are ignored and ASCII 07H (Bel) is sent to standard output until a RETURN character is read. If you type the string at the console, it can be edited as it is being entered. If you press CONTROL-C, it issues Interrupt 23H.
MS-DOS sets the second byte of the buffer to the number of characters read (not counting the carriage return).
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Macro Definition:
get_string macro limit,string mov dx,offset string mov string,limit mov ah,0AH int 21H endm
The following program gets a 16-byte (maximum) string from the key- board and fills a 24-line by 80-character screen with it.
buffer label byte max_length db ? ;maximum length chars_entered db ? ;number of chars. string db 17 dup (?) ;16 chars + CR strings_per_line dw 0 ;how many strings ;fit on line crlf db 0DH,0AH ; begin: get_string 17,buffer ;THIS FUNCTION xor bx,bx ;so byte can be ;used as index mov bl,chars_entered ;get string length mov buffer[bx+2],"$" ;see Function 09H mov al,50H ;columns per line cbw div chars_entered ;times string fits ;on line xor ah,ah ;clear remainder mov strings_per_line,ax ;save col. counter mov cx,24 ;row counter display_screen: push cx ;save it mov cx,strings_per_line ;get col. counter display_line: display string ;see Function 09H loop display_line display crlf ;see Function 09H pop cx ;get line counter loop display_screen ;display 1 more line
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Check Keyboard Status (Function 0BH)
AH = 0BH
AL 00H = no characters in type-ahead buffer FFH = characters in type-ahead buffer
Function 0BH checks whether characters are available from standard input (if standard input has not been redirected, it checks the type-ahead buffer). If characters are available, AL returns FFH; if not, AL returns 0. If CONTROL-C is in the buffer, it issues Interrupt 23H.
Macro Definition:
check_kbd_status macro mov ah,0BH int 21H endm
The following program displays the time continuously until you press any key:
time db "00:00:00.00",0DH,0AH,"$" . . begin: get_time ;see Function 2CH byte_to_dec ch,time ;see end of chapter byte_to_dec cl,time[3] ;see end of chapter
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byte_to_dec dh,time[6] ;see end of chapter byte_to_dec dl,time[9] ;see end of chapter display time ;see Function 09H check_kbd_status ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0FFH ;has a key been typed? je return ;yes, go home jmp begin ;no, keep displaying ;time
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Flush Buffer, Read Keyboard (Function 0CH)
AH = 0CH AL 1, 6, 7, 8, or 0AH = the corresponding function is called. Any other value = no further processing.
AL 00H = Type-ahead buffer was flushed; no other processing performed.
Function 0CH empties the standard input buffer (if standard input has not been redirected, Function 0CH empties the type-ahead buffer). Further processing depends on the value in AL when the function is called.
AL Action _ ________________________________________________________________
1,6,7,8, or 0AH The corresponding MS-DOS function is executed.
Any other value No further processing; AL returns 0.
Macro Definition:
flush_and_read_kbd macro switch mov al,switch mov ah,0CH int 21H endm
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The following program both displays and prints characters as you type them. If you press the RETURN key, the program sends a carriage- return/linefeed sequence to both the display and the printer.
begin: flush_and_read_kbd 1 ;THIS FUNCTION print_char al ;see Function 05H cmp al,0DH ;is it a carriage return? jne begin ;no, print it print_char 0AH ;see Function 05H display_char 0AH ;see Function 02H jmp begin ;get another character
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Reset Disk (Function 0DH)
AH = 0DH
Function 0DH flushes all file buffers to ensure that the internal buffer cache matches the disks in the drives. It writes out buffers that have been modified, and marks all buffers in the internal cache as free. This function request is normally used to force a known state of the system; CONTROL-C interrupt handlers should call this function.
This function does not update directory entries; you must close changed files to update their directory entries (see Function 10H, Close File).
Macro Definition:
reset_disk macro mov ah,0DH int 21H endm
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The following program flushes all file buffers and selects disk A.
begin: reset_disk select_disk "A"
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Select Disk (Function 0EH)
AH = 0EH DL Logical drive number (0 = A, 1 = B, etc.)
AL Number of logical drives
Function 0EH selects the drive specified in DL (0=A, 1=B, etc.) as the current logical drive. AL returns the number of logical drives.
_ ________________________________________________________________
For future compatibility, treat the value returned in AL with care. For example, if AL returns 5, it is not safe to assume that drives A, B, C, D, and E are all valid drive designators.
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Macro Definition:
select_disk macro disk mov dl,disk[-64] mov ah,0EH int 21H endm
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The following program toggles between drive A and drive B to select the current drive (in a two-drive system).
begin: current_disk ;see Function 19H cmp al,00H ;drive A: selected? je select_b ;yes, select B select_disk "A" ;THIS FUNCTION jmp return select_b: select_disk "B" ;THIS FUNCTION
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Open File (Function 0FH)
AH = 0FH DS:DX Pointer to unopened FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found
Function 0FH opens a file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an unopened File Control Block (FCB). This call searches the disk directory for the named file.
If the call finds a directory entry for the file, AL returns 0 and the FCB is filled as follows:
o If the drive code was 0 (current drive), it is changed to the actual drive used (1=A, 2=B, etc.). This lets you change the current drive without interfering with subsequent operations on this file.
o Current Block (offset 0CH) is set to 0.
o Record Size (offset 0EH) is set to the system default of 128.
o File Size (offset 0FH), Date of Last Write (offset 13H), and Time of Last Write (offset 15H) are set from the directory entry.
Before performing a sequential disk operation on the file, you must set the Current Record field (offset 1FH). Before performing a random disk opera- tion on the file, you must set the Relative Record field (offset 20H). If the default record size (128 bytes) is not correct, set it to the correct length.
If the call doesn't find a directory entry for the file, or if the file has the hidden or system attribute, AL returns 0FFH.
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Macro Definition:
open macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,0FH int 21H endm
The following program prints a file named textfile.asc that is on the disk in drive B. If a partial record is in the buffer at end-of-file, the routine that prints the partial record prints characters until it encounters an end-of-file mark (ASCII 26, or CONTROL-Z).
fcb db 2,"TEXTFILEASC" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH open fcb ;THIS FUNCTION read_line: read_seq fcb ;see Function 14H cmp al,02H ;end of file? je all_done ;yes, go home cmp al,00H ;more to come? jg check_more ;no, check for partial ;record mov cx,80H ;yes, print the buffer xor si,si ;set index to 0 print_it: print_char buffer[si] ;see Function 05H inc si ;bump index loop print_it ;print next character jmp read_line ;read another record check_more: cmp al,03H ;part. record to print? jne all_done ;no mov cx,80H ;yes, print it xor si,si ;set index to 0 find_eof: cmp buffer[si],26 ;end-of-file mark? je all_done ;yes print_char buffer[si] ;see Function 05H inc si ;bump index to next ;character loop find_eof all_done: close fcb ;see Function 10H
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Close File (Function 10H)
AH = 10H DS:DX Pointer to opened FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found
Function 10H closes a file. DX must contain the offset (to the segment address in DS) of an opened FCB. This call searches the disk directory for the file named in the FCB. If it finds a directory entry for the file, it com- pares the location of the file with the corresponding entries in the FCB. The call then updates the directory entry, if necessary, to match the FCB, and AL returns 0.
After you change a file, you must call this function to update the directory entry. You should close any FCB (even one for a file that has not been changed) when you no longer need access to a file.
If this call doesn't find a directory entry for the file, AL returns FFH.
Macro Definition:
close macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,10H int 21H endm
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The following program checks the first byte of the file named mod1.bas in drive B to see if it is FFH and, if it is, prints a message.
message db "Not saved in ASCII format",0DH,0AH,"$" fcb db 2,"MOD1 BAS" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH open fcb ;see Function 0FH read_seq fcb ;see Function 14H
cmp buffer,0FFH ;is first byte FFH? jne all_done ;no display message ;see Function 09H all_done: close fcb ;THIS FUNCTION
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Search for First Entry (Function 11H)
AH = 11H DS:DX Pointer to unopened FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found
Function 11H searches the disk directory for the first matching filename. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an unopened FCB. The filename in the FCB can include wildcard characters. To search for hidden or system files, DX must point to the first byte of an extended FCB prefix.
If this call does not find a directory entry for the filename in the FCB, AL returns FFH.
But if the call does find a directory entry for the filename in the FCB, AL returns 0 and the call creates an unopened FCB of the same type (normal or extended) at the Disk Transfer Address as follows:
1. If the search FCB was normal, the first byte at the Disk Transfer Address is set to the drive number used in the search (1=A, 2=B, etc.) and the next 32 bytes contain the directory entry.
2. If the search FCB was extended, the first byte at the Disk Transfer Address is set to FFH, the next 5 bytes are set to 00H, and the fol- lowing byte is set to the value of the attribute byte in the search FCB. The remaining 33 bytes are the same as the result of the nor- mal FCB (drive number and 32 bytes of directory entry).
If you use Function 12H (Search for Next Entry) to continue searching for matching filenames, you must not alter or open the original FCB at DS:DX.
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The attribute field is the last byte of the extended FCB fields that precede the FCB (see earlier in this chapter). If the attribute field is zero, Function 11H searches only normal file entries. It does not search directory entries for hidden files, system files, volume label, and subdirectories.
If the attribute field is hidden file, system file, or subdirectory entry (02H, 04H, or 10H), or any combination of those values, this call also searches all normal file entries. To search all directory entries except the volume label, set the attribute byte to 16H (hidden file and system file and directory entry).
If the attribute field is Volume ID (08H), the call searches only the volume label entry.
Macro Definition:
search_first macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,11H int 21H endm
The following program verifies the existence of a file named report.asm on the disk in drive B.
yes db "FILE EXISTS.$" no db "FILE DOES NOT EXIST.$" crlf db 0DH,0AH,"$" fcb db 2,"REPORT *ASM" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH search_first fcb ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? je not_there ;no display yes ;see Function 09H jmp continue not_there: display no ;see Function 09H continue: display crlf ;see Function 09H
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Search for Next Entry (Function 12H)
AH = 12H DS:DX Pointer to unopened FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found
After you use Function 11H (Search for First Entry), you can use Function 12H to find any additional directory entries that match a filename (con- taining wildcard characters). Function 12H searches the disk directory for the next matching name. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an FCB specified in a previous call to Function 11H. To search for hidden or system files, DX must point to the first byte of an extended FCB prefix\(emone that includes the appropriate attribute value.
If the call does not find a directory entry for the filename in the FCB, AL returns FFH.
But if the call does find a directory entry for the filename in the FCB, AL returns 0 and the call creates an unopened FCB of the same type (normal or extended) at the Disk Transfer Address (see Function 11H for a descrip- tion of how the unopened FCB is formed).
Macro Definition:
search_next macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,12H int 21H endm
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The following program displays the number of files on the disk in drive B.
message db "No files",0DH,0AH,"$" files db 0 fcb db 2,"???????????" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH search_first fcb ;see Function 11H cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? je all_done ;no, no files on disk inc files ;yes, increment file ;counter search_dir: search_next fcb ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? je done ;no inc files ;yes, increment file ;counter jmp search_dir ;check again done: convert files,10,message ;see end of chapter all_done: display message ;see Function 09H
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Delete File (Function 13H)
AH = 13H DS:DX Pointer to unopened FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found
Function 13H deletes a file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an unopened FCB. This call searches the directory for a matching filename. The filename in the FCB can contain wildcard charac- ters.
If the call does not find a matching directory entry, AL returns FFH.
But if the call does find a matching directory entry, AL returns 0 and the call deletes the entry from the directory. If the filename contains a wild- card character, the call will delete all files which match.
Do not delete open files.
Macro Definition:
delete macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,13H int 21H endm
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The following program deletes each file on the disk in drive B that was last written before December 31, 1982.
year dw 1982 month db 12 day db 31 files db 0 message db "No files deleted.",0DH,0AH,"$" fcb db 2,"???????????" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH search_first fcb ;see Function 11H cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? jne compare ;yes jmp all_done ;no, no files on disk compare: convert_date buffer ;see end of chapter cmp cx,year ;next several lines jg next ;check date in directory cmp dl,month ;entry against date jg next ;above & check next file cmp dh,day ;if date in directory jge next ;entry isn't earlier. delete buffer ;THIS FUNCTION inc files ;bump deleted-files ;counter next: search_next fcb ;see Function 12H cmp al,00H ;directory entry found? je compare ;yes, check date cmp files,0 ;any files deleted? je all_done ;no, display No files ;message. convert files,10,message ;see end of chapter all_done: display message ;see Function 09H
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Sequential Read (Function 14H)
AH = 14H DS:DX Pointer to opened FCB
AL 00H = Read completed successfully 01H = EOF 02H = DTA too small 03H = EOF, partial record
Function 14H reads a record from a specified file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an opened FCB. This call loads the record pointed to by the Current Block field (offset 0CH) and Current Record (offset 1FH) field at the Disk Transfer Address, then increments the Current Block and Current Record fields.
The length of the record is taken from the Record Size field (offset 0EH) of the FCB.
AL returns a code that describes the processing:
Code Meaning _ ________________________________________________________________
0 Read completed successfully
1 End-of-file; no data in the record
2 Not enough room at the Disk Transfer Address to read one record; read canceled
3 End-of-file; a partial record was read and padded to the record length with zeros
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Macro Definition:
read_seq macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,14H int 21H endm
The following program displays a file named textfile.asc that is on the disk in drive B; its function is similar to the MS-DOS type command. If a par- tial record is in the buffer at end-of-file, the routine that displays the par- tial record displays characters until it encounters an end-of-file mark (ASCII 26, or CONTROL-Z).
fcb db 2,"TEXTFILEASC" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?),"$" ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH open fcb ;see Function 0FH read_line: read_seq fcb ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,02H ;DTA too small? je all_done ;yes cmp al,00H ;end-of-file? jg check_more ;yes display buffer ;see Function 09H jmp read_line ;get another record check_more: cmp al,03H ;partial record in buffer? jne all_done ;no, go home xor si,si ;set index to 0 find_eof: cmp buffer[si],26 ;is character EOF? je all_done ;yes, no more to display display_char buffer[si] ;see Function 02H inc si ;bump index jmp find_eof ;check next character all_done: close fcb ;see Function 10H
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Sequential Write (Function 15H)
AH = 15H DS:DX Pointer to opened FCB
AL 00H = Write completed successfully 01H = Disk full 02H = DTA too small
Function 15H writes a record to a specified file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an opened FCB. This call writes the record pointed to by the Current Block field (offset 0CH) and Current Record field (offset 1FH) at the Disk Transfer Address, then incre- ments the Current Block and Current Record fields.
The record size is taken from the value of the Record Size field (offset 0EH) of the FCB. If the record size is less than a sector, the call writes the data at the Disk Transfer Address to an MS-DOS buffer; MS-DOS writes the buffer to disk when it contains a full sector of data, when the file is closed, or when Function 0DH (Reset Disk) is issued.
AL returns a code that describes the processing:
Code Meaning _ ________________________________________________________________
0 Write completed successfully
1 Disk full; write canceled
2 Not enough room at the Disk Transfer Address to write one record; write canceled
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Macro Definition:
write_seq macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,15H int 21H endm
The following program creates a file named dir.tmp on the disk in drive B, containing the disk number (0=A, 1=B, etc.) and filename from each directory entry on the disk.
record_size equ 0EH ;offset of Record Size ; field in FCB fcb1 db 2,"DIR TMP" db 26 dup (?) fcb2 db 2,"???????????" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH search_first fcb2 ;see Function 11H cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? je all_done ;no, no files on disk create fcb1 ;see Function 16H mov fcb1[record_size],12 ;set record size to 12 write_it: write_seq fcb1 ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,0 ;write successful? jne all_done ;no, go home search_next fcb2 ;see Function 12H cmp al,FFH ;directory entry found? je all_done ;no, go home jmp write_it ;yes, write the record all_done: close fcb1 ;see Function 10H
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Create File (Function 16H)
AH = 16H DS:DX Pointer to unopened FCB
AL 00H = Empty directory found FFH = No empty directory available
Function 16H creates a file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an unopened FCB. MS-DOS searches the directory for an entry that matches the specified filename or, if there is no matching entry, an empty entry.
If MS-DOS finds a matching entry, it opens the file and sets the length to zero (in other words, if you try to create a file that already exists, MS-DOS erases it and creates a new, empty file). If MS-DOS doesn't find a matching entry but does find an empty directory entry, it opens the file and sets its length to zero. In either case, the call creates the file, and AL returns 0. If MS-DOS doesn't find a matching entry and there is no empty entry, the call doesn't create the file, and AL returns FFH.
You can assign an attribute to the file by using an extended FCB with the attribute byte set to the appropriate value (see Extended FCB in Section 1.9.1).
Macro Definition:
create macro fcb mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,16H int 21H endm
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The following program creates a file named dir.tmp on the disk in drive B, containing the disk number (0 = A, 1 = B, etc.) and filename from each directory entry on the disk.
record_size equ 0EH ;offset of Record Size ; field of FCB fcb1 db 2,"DIR TMP" db 26 dup (?) fcb2 db 2,"???????????" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 128 dup (?) ; begin: set_dta buffer ;see Function 1AH search_first fcb2 ;see Function 11H cmp al,0FFH ;directory entry found? je all_done ;no, no files on disk create fcb1 ;THIS FUNCTION mov fcb1[record_size],12 ;set record size to 12 write_it: write_seq fcb1 ;see Function 15H cmp al,0 ;write successful jne all_done ;no, go home search_next fcb2 ;see Function 12H cmp al,FFH ;directory entry found? je all_done ;no, go home jmp write_it ;yes, write the record all_done: close fcb1 ;see Function 10H
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Rename File (Function 17H)
AH = 17H DS:DX Pointer to modified FCB
AL 00H = Directory entry found FFH = No directory entry found or destination already exists
Function 17H changes the name of an existing file. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of an FCB with the drive number and filename filled in, followed by a second filename at offset 11H. DOS searches the disk directory for an entry that matches the first filename. This filename can contain wildcard characters.
If MS-DOS finds a matching directory entry and there is no directory entry that matches the second filename, it changes the filename in the directory entry to match the second filename in the modified FCB. AL then returns zero. If the second filename does contain a wildcard character, this call does not change the corresponding characters in the filename of the direc- tory entry.
You cannot use this function request to rename a hidden file, a system file, or a subdirectory. If MS-DOS does not find a matching directory entry or if it finds an entry for the second filename, AL returns FFH.
Macro Definition:
rename macro fcb,newname mov dx,offset fcb mov ah,17H int 21H endm
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The following program prompts for the name of a file and a new name; it then renames the file.
fcb db 37 dup (?) prompt1 db "Filename: $" prompt2 db "New name: $" reply db 15 dup(?) crlf db 0DH,0AH,"$" ; begin: display prompt1 ;see Function 09H get_string 15,reply ;see Function 0AH display crlf ;see Function 09H parse reply[2],fcb ;see Function 29H display prompt2 ;see Function 09H get_string 15,reply ;see Function 0AH display crlf ;see Function 09H parse reply[2],fcb[16] ;see Function 29H rename fcb ;THIS FUNCTION
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Get Current Disk (Function 19H)
AH = 19H
AL Currently selected drive (0 = A, 1 = B, etc.)
Function 19H returns the current drive in AL (0=A, 1=B, etc.).
Macro Definition:
current_disk macro mov ah,19H int 21H endm
The following program displays the default drive in a two-drive system.
message db "Current disk is $" crlf db 0DH,OAH,"$" ; begin: display message ;see Function 09H current_disk ;THIS FUNCTION cmp al,00H ;is it disk A? jne disk_b ;no, it's disk B: display_char "A" ;see Function 02H jmp all_done disk_b: display_char "B" ;see Function 02H all_done: display crlf ;see Function 09H
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Set Disk Transfer Address (Function 1AH)
AH = 1AH DS:DX Disk Transfer Address
Function 1AH sets the Disk Transfer Address. DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in DS) of the Disk Transfer Address. Disk transfers cannot wrap around from the end of the segment to the begin- ning, nor can they overflow into another segment.
If you do not set the Disk Transfer Address, MS-DOS defaults to offset 80H in the Program Segment Prefix. You can check the current Disk Transfer Address with Function 2FH (Get Disk Transfer Address).
Macro Definition:
set_dta macro buffer mov dx,offset buffer mov ah,1AH int 21H endm
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The following program prompts for a letter, converts it to its alphabetic sequence (A=1, B=2, etc.), then reads and displays the corresponding record from a file named alphabet.dat that is on the disk in drive B. The file contains 26 records, each 28 bytes long.
record_size equ 0EH ;offset of Record Size ;field of FCB relative_record equ 21H ;offset of Relative Record ; field of FCB fcb db 2,"ALPHABETDAT" db 26 dup (?) buffer db 28 dup(?),"$" prompt db "Enter letter: $" crlf db 0DH,0AH,"$" ; begin: set_dta buffer ;THIS FUNCTION open fcb ;see Function 0FH mov fcb[record_size],28 ;set record size get_char: display prompt ;see Function 09H read_kbd_and_echo ;see Function 01H cmp al,0DH ;just a CR? je all_done ;yes, go home sub al,41H ;convert ASCII ;code to record # mov fcb[relative_record],al ;set relative record display crlf ;see Function 09H read_ran fcb ;see Function 21H display buffer ;see Function 09H display crlf ;see Function 09H jmp get_char ;get another character all_done: close fcb ;see Function 10H
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Get Default Drive Data (Function 1BH)
AH = 1BH
AL Sectors per cluster CX Bytes per sector DX Clusters per drive DS:BX Pointer to FAT ID byte
Function 1BH retrieves data about the disk in the default drive. The data returns in the following registers:
Register Contents _ ________________________________________________________________
AL Number of sectors in a cluster (allocation unit)
CX Number of bytes in a sector
DX Number of clusters on the disk
BX returns the offset (to the segment address in DS) of the first byte of the File Allocation Table (FAT), which identifies the type of disk in the drive:
Value Type of Drive _ ________________________________________________________________
FF Double-sided disk, 8 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FE Single-sided disk, 8 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FD Double-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FC Single-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
F9 Double-sided disk, 15 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
F9 Double-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 80 tracks per side
F8 Fixed disk
This call is similar to Function 36H (Get Disk Free Space), except that it
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returns the address of the FAT ID byte in BX instead of the number of available clusters. It is also similar to Function 1CH (Get Drive Data), except that it returns data on the disk in the default drive instead of on the disk in a specified drive. For a description of how MS-DOS stores data on a disk, including a description of the File Allocation Table, see Chapter 3, "MS-DOS Technical Information."
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The FAT ID byte is no longer adequate to identify the type of drive being used. See Chapter 2, "MS-DOS Device Drivers," for more details.
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Macro Definition:
def_drive_data macro push ds mov ah,1BH int 21H mov al,byte ptr[bx] pop ds endm
The following program displays a message that tells whether the default drive is a disk or a fixed disk drive.
stdout equ 1 ; msg db "Default drive is " dskt db "disk." fixed db "fixed." crlf db ODH,OAH ; begin: write_handle stdout,msg,17 ;display message jc write_error ;routine not shown def_drive_data ;THIS FUNCTION cmp byte ptr [bx],0F8H ;check FAT ID byte jne disk ;it's a disk write_handle stdout,fixed,6 ;see Function 40H jc write_error ;see Function 40H jmp short all_done ;clean up & go home disk: write_handle stdout,dskt,9 ;see Function 40H all_done: write_handle stdout,crlf,2 ;see Function 40H jc write_error ;routine not shown
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Get Drive Data (Function 1CH)
AH = 1CH DL Drive (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
AL 0FFH if drive number is invalid; otherwise, sectors per cluster CX Bytes per sector DX Clusters per drive DS:BX Pointer to FAT ID byte
Function 1CH retrieves data about the disk in the specified drive. DL must contain the drive number (0=default, 1=A, etc.). The data returns in the following registers:
Register Contents _ ________________________________________________________________
AL Number of sectors in a cluster (allocation unit)
CX Number of bytes in a sector
DX Number of clusters on the disk
BX returns the offset (to the segment address in DS) of the first byte of the File Allocation Table (FAT), which identifies the type of disk in the drive:
Value Type of Drive _ ________________________________________________________________
FF Double-sided disk, 8 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FE Single-sided disk, 8 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FD Double-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
FC Single-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
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F9 Double-sided disk, 15 sectors per track, 40 tracks per side
F9 Double-sided disk, 9 sectors per track, 80 tracks per side
F8 Fixed disk
If the drive number in DL is invalid, AL returns 0FFH.
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The FAT ID byte is no longer adequate to identify the type of drive being used. See Chapter 2, "MS-DOS Device Drivers" for more details.
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This call is similar to Function 36H (Get Disk Free Space), except that it returns the address of the FAT ID byte in BX instead of the number of available clusters. It is also similar to Function 1BH (Get Default Drive Data), except that it returns data on the disk in the drive specified in DL instead of the disk in the default drive. For a description of how MS-DOS stores data on a disk, including a description of the File Allocation Table, see Chapter 3, "MS-DOS Technical Information."
Macro Definition:
drive_data macro drive push ds mov dl,drive mov ah,1BH int 21H mov al, byte ptr[bx] pop ds endm
The following program displays a message that tells whether drive B is a disk or a fixed disk drive.
stdout equ 1 : msg db "Drive B is " dskt db "disk." fixed db "fixed." crlf db ODH,OAH ; begin: write_handle stdout,msg,11 ;display message jc write_error ;routine not shown drive_data 2 ;THIS FUNCTION
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cmp byte ptr [bx],0F8H ;check FAT ID byte jne disk ;it's a disk write_handle stdout,fixed,6 ;see Function 40H jc write_error ;routine not shown jmp all_done ;clean up & go home disk: write_handle stdout,dskt,9 ;see Function 40H all_done: write_handle stdout,crlf,2 ;see Function 40H jc write_error ;routine not shown
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