; SCCSID = @(#)ibmboot.asm 1.1 85/05/13 TITLE BOOT SECTOR 1 OF TRACK 0 - BOOT LOADER
; Rev 1.0 ChrisP, AaronR and others. 2.0 format boot ; ; Rev 3.0 MarkZ Salmon enhancements ; 2.50 in label ; Rev 3.1 MarkZ 3.1 in label due to vagaries of SYSing to IBM drive D's ; This resulted in the BPB being off by 1. So we now trust ; 2.0 and 3.1 boot sectors and disbelieve 3.0. ; ; Rev 3.2 LeeAc Modify layout of extended BPB for >32M support ; Move PHYDRV to 3rd byte from end of sector ; so that it won't have to be moved again ; FORMAT and SYS count on PHYDRV being in a known location ; ; Rev. 3.3 DCLove Changed Sec 9 EOT field from 15 to 18. May 29, 1986. ; ; Rev 3.31 MarkT The COUNT value has a bogus check (JBE????) to determine ; if we've loaded in all the sectors of IO.SYS. This will ; cause too big of a load if the sectors per track is high ; enough, causing either a stack overflow or the boot code ; to be overwritten. ; ; ; The ROM in the IBM PC starts the boot process by performing a hardware ; initialization and a verification of all external devices. If all goes ; well, it will then load from the boot drive the sector from track 0, head 0, ; sector 1. This sector is placed at physical address 07C00h. The initial ; registers are set up as follows: CS=DS=ES=SS=0. IP=7C00h, SP=0400H. ; ; The code in this sector is responsible for locating the MSDOS device drivers ; (IO.SYS) and for placing the directory sector with this information at ; physical address 00500h. After loading in this sector, it reads in the ; entirety of the BIOS at BIOSEG:0 and does a long jump to that point. ; ; If no BIOS/DOS pair is found an error message is displayed and the user is ; prompted to reinsert another disk. If there is a disk error during the ; process, a message is displayed and things are halted. ; ; At the beginning of the boot sector, there is a table which describes the ; MSDOS structure of the media. This is equivalent to the BPB with some ; additional information describing the physical layout of the driver (heads, ; tracks, sectors) ;
ORIGIN EQU 7C00H ; Origin of bootstrap LOADER BIOSEG EQU 70H ; destingation segment of BIOS BioOff EQU 700H ; offset of bios cbSec EQU 512 cbDirEnt EQU 32 DirOff EQU 500h
; ; Define the destination segment of the BIOS, including the initialization ; label ; SEGBIOS SEGMENT AT BIOSEG BIOS LABEL BYTE SEGBIOS ENDS
Public $START $START: JMP START ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; ; THE FOLLOWING DATA CONFIGURES THE BOOT PROGRAM ; FOR ANY TYPE OF DRIVE OR HARDFILE ; DB "MSDOS" DB "3.3" ByteSec DW cbSec ; SIZE OF A PHYSICAL SECTOR DB 8 ; SECTORS PER ALLOCATION UNIT cSecRes DW 1 ; NUMBER OF RESERVED SECTORS cFat DB 2 ; NUMBER OF FATS DirNum DW 512 ; NUMBER OF DIREC ENTRIES DW 4*17*305-1 ; NUMBER OF SECTORS - NUMBER OF HIDDEN SECTORS MEDIA DB 0F8H ; MEDIA BYTE cSecFat DW 8 ; NUMBER OF FAT SECTORS SECLIM DW 17 ; SECTORS PER TRACK HDLIM DW 4 ; NUMBER OF SURFACES cSecHid DW 1 ; NUMBER OF HIDDEN SECTORS dw 0 ; high order word of Hiden Sectors dd 0 ; 32 bit version of NUMBER OF SECTORS ; (when 16 bit version is zero) db 6 dup(?) ; reserved for later expansion
CURHD DB ? ; Unitialized
; this is an image of the disk parameter table. Zero entries are copied ; from the rom table at boot. ; SEC9 DB 0 ; DISK_SPECIFY_1 DB 0 ; DISK_SPECIFY_2 DB 0 ; DISK_MOTOR_WAIT DB 0 ; DISK_SECTOR_SIZ DB 12h ; DISK_EOT DB 0 ; DISK_RW_GAP DB 0 ; DISK_DTL DB 0 ; DISK_FORMT_GAP DB 0 ; DISK_FILL DB 1 ; DISK_HEAD_STTL DB 0 ; DISK_MOTOR_STRT
; ; First thing is to reset the stack to a better and more known place. The ROM ; may change, but we'd like to get the stack in the correct place. ; CLI ;Stop interrupts till stack ok XOR AX,AX MOV SS,AX ;Work in stack just below this routine ASSUME SS:CODE MOV SP,ORIGIN PUSH SS POP ES ASSUME ES:CODE ; ; We copy the disk parameter table into a local area. We scan the table above ; for non-zero parameters. Any we see get changed to their non-zero values. ; MOV BX,DSKADR LDS SI,DWORD PTR SS:[BX] ; get address of disk table PUSH DS ; save original vector for possible PUSH SI ; restore PUSH SS PUSH BX MOV DI,OFFSET Sec9 MOV CX,11 CLD changeloop: LODSB CMP BYTE PTR ES:[DI],0 ; is the template zero? JZ Store ; yes, store what we've got MOV AL,ES:[DI] Store: STOSB MOV AL,AH LOOP ChangeLoop ; ; Place in new disk parameter table. ; PUSH ES POP DS ASSUME DS:CODE MOV [BX+2],AX MOV [BX],OFFSET SEC9 ; ; We may now turn interrupts back on. Before this, there is a small window ; when a reboot command may come in when the disk parameter table is garbage ; STI ;Interrupts OK now ; ; Reset the disk system just in case any thing funny has happened. ; INT 13H ;Reset the system JC RERROR ; ; The system is now prepared for us to begin reading. First, determine ; logical sector numbers of the start of the directory and the start of the ; data area. ; MOV AL,cFat ;Determine sector dir starts on CBW MUL cSecFat ADD AX,cSecHid ADD AX,cSecRes MOV [DIR$],AX ; AX = cFat*cSecFat + cSecRes + cSecHid MOV [BIOS$],AX ; ; Take into account size of directory (only know number of directory entries) ; MOV AX,cbDirEnt ; bytes per directory entry MUL DirNum ; convert to bytes in directory MOV BX,ByteSec ; add in sector size ADD AX,BX DEC AX ; decrement so that we round up DIV BX ; convert to sector number ADD [BIOS$],AX ; ; We load in the first directory sector and examine it to make sure the the ; BIOS and DOS are the first two directory entries. If they are not found, ; the user is prompted to insert a new disk. The directory sector is loaded ; into 00500h ; MOV BX,DirOff ; sector to go in at 00500h MOV AX,DIR$ ; logical sector of directory CALL DODIV ; convert to sector, track, head MOV AX,0201H ; disk read 1 sector CALL DOCALL ; do the disk read JB CKERR ; if errors try to recover ; ; Now we scan for the presence of IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS. Check the ; first directory entry. ; MOV DI,BX MOV CX,11 MOV SI,OFFSET BIO ; point to "bios com" REPZ CMPSB ; see if the same JNZ CKERR ; if not there advise the user ; ; Found the BIOS. Check the second directory entry. ; LEA DI,[BX+20h] MOV SI,OFFSET DOS ; point to "86dos com" MOV CX,11 REPZ CMPSB JZ DoLoad ; ; There has been some recoverable error. Display a message and wait for a ; keystroke. ; CKERR: MOV SI,OFFSET SYSMSG ; point to no system message ErrOut: CALL WRITE ; and write on the screen XOR AH,AH ; wait for response INT 16H ; get character from keyboard POP SI ; reset disk parameter table back to POP DS ; rom POP [SI] POP [SI+2] INT 19h ; Continue in loop till good disk
RERROR: MOV SI,OFFSET DMSSG ; DISK ERROR MESSAGE JMP ErrOut ; ; We now begin to load the BIOS in. Compute the number of sectors needed ; DoLoad: MOV AX,BiosFS ; get file size XOR DX,DX ; presume < 64K DIV ByteSec ; convert to sectors INC AL ; reading in one more can't hurt MOV COUNT,AL ; Store running count MOV AX,BIOS$ ; get logical sector of beginning of BIOS MOV BIOSAV,AX ; store away for real bios later MOV BX,BioOff ; Load address from BIOSSEG ; ; Main read-in loop. ; ES:BX points to area to read. ; Count is the number of sectors remaining. ; BIOS$ is the next logical sector number to read ; LOOPRD: MOV AX,BIOS$ ; Starting sector CALL DODIV ; ; CurHD is the head for this next disk request ; CurTrk is the track for this next request ; CurSec is the beginning sector number for this request ; ; Compute the number of sectors that we may be able to read in a single ROM ; request. ; MOV AX,SECLIM SUB AL,CURSEC INC AX ; ; AX is the number of sectors that we may read. ;
; ;New code for Rev 3.31 ;*****************************************************************************
CMP COUNT,AL ;Is sectors we can read more than we need? JAE GOT_SECTORS ;No, it is okay MOV AL,COUNT ;Yes, only read in what is left
;***************************************************************************** ;End of change ;
PUSH AX CALL DOCALL POP AX JB RERROR ; If errors report and go to ROM BASIC SUB COUNT,AL ; Are we finished? ; ;Old code replaced by Rev 3.3 ;******************************************************************** ; JBE DISKOK ; Yes -- transfer control to the DOS ;******************************************************************** ;New code for Rev 3.3 ;
JZ DISKOK ; Yes -- transfer control to the DOS
;******************************************************************** ;End of change ; ADD BIOS$,AX ; increment logical sector position MUL ByteSec ; determine next offset for read ADD BX,AX ; (BX)=(BX)+(SI)*(Bytes per sector) JMP LOOPRD ; Get next track ; ; IBMINIT requires the following input conditions: ; ; DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from ; CH = media byte ; BX = First data sector on disk (0-based) ; DISKOK: MOV CH,Media MOV DL,PhyDrv MOV BX,[BIOSAV] ;Get bios sector in bx JMP FAR PTR BIOS ;CRANK UP THE DOS
WRITE: LODSB ;GET NEXT CHARACTER OR AL,AL ;clear the high bit JZ ENDWR ;ERROR MESSAGE UP, JUMP TO BASIC MOV AH,14 ;WILL WRITE CHARACTER & ATTRIBUTE MOV BX,7 ;ATTRIBUTE INT 10H ;PRINT THE CHARACTER JMP WRITE ; ; convert a logical sector into Track/sector/head. AX has the logical ; sector number ; DODIV: XOR DX,DX DIV SECLIM INC DL ; sector numbers are 1-based MOV CURSEC,DL XOR DX,DX DIV HDLIM MOV CURHD,DL MOV CURTRK,AX ENDWR: RET ; ; Issue one read request. ES:BX have the transfer address, AL is the number ; of sectors. ; DOCALL: MOV AH,2 MOV DX,CURTRK MOV CL,6 SHL DH,CL OR DH,CURSEC MOV CX,DX XCHG CH,CL MOV DL, PHYDRV mov dh, curhd INT 13H RET
include messages.inc
Free EQU (cbSec - 3) - ($-$start) if Free LT 0 %out FATAL PROBLEM:boot sector is too large
org origin + (cbSec - 3)
; FORMAT and SYS count on PHYDRV being right here PHYDRV db 0 ; Boot sector signature db 55h,0aah