; SCCSID = @(#)forproc.asm 1.2 85/07/25 .xlist .xcref BREAK MACRO subtitle SUBTTL subtitle PAGE ENDM
INCLUDE SYSCALL.INC .cref .list data segment public 'DATA' data ends
code segment public 'CODE' assume cs:code,ds:data
PUBLIC FormatAnother?,Yes?,REPORT,USER_STRING public fdsksiz,badsiz,syssiz,datasiz,biosiz
extrn std_printf:near,crlf:near,PrintString:near
data segment extrn driveLetter:byte
; In formes.asm extrn msgInsertDisk:byte extrn msgFormatAnother?:byte extrn msgTotalDiskSpace:byte extrn msgSystemSpace:byte extrn msgBadSpace:byte extrn msgDataSpace:byte extrn yes_byte:byte extrn no_byte:byte
extrn inbuff:byte
ptr_msgTotalDiskSpace dw offset msgTotalDiskSpace fdsksiz dd 0
ptr_msgSystemSpace dw offset msgSystemSpace syssiz dd 0 biosiz dd 0
ptr_msgBadSpace dw offset msgBadSpace badsiz dd 0
ptr_msgDataSpace dw offset msgDataSpace datasiz dd 0
ptr_msgInsertDisk dw offset msgInsertDisk dw offset driveLetter data ends
FormatAnother? proc near ; Wait for key. If yes return carry clear, else no. Insures ; explicit Y or N answer. lea dx, msgFormatAnother? call PrintString CALL Yes? JNC WAIT20 JZ WAIT20 CALL CRLF JMP SHORT FormatAnother? FormatAnother? endp
Yes? proc near
; Wait for key. If YES return carry clear,else carry set. ; If carry is set, Z is set if explicit NO, else key was not Yes or No. CALL USER_STRING JNZ GETBYT XOR AL,AL ; So that CMP with [NO_BYTE] is NZ JMP SHORT CHECK_NO
GETBYT: MOV AL,BYTE PTR [INBUFF+2] OR AL,20H ; Convert to lower case CMP AL,[YES_BYTE] JZ WAIT20 ; Carry clear if jump CHECK_NO: CMP AL,[NO_BYTE] STC ; Set carry (wasn't Yes) WAIT20: RET
Yes? endp
USER_STRING: ; Get a string from user. Z is set if user typed no chars (imm CR) ; We need to flush a second time to get rid of incoming Kanji characters also. MOV AX,(STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 ; Clean out input INT 21H MOV DX,OFFSET INBUFF MOV AH,STD_CON_STRING_INPUT INT 21H MOV AX,(STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 ; Clean out input INT 21H CMP BYTE PTR [INBUFF+1],0 RET
;********************************************* ; Make a status report including the following information: ; Total disk capacity ; Total system area used ; Total bad space allocated ; Total data space available
REPORT: lea dx, ptr_msgTotalDiskSpace call std_printf cmp WORD PTR SYSSIZ,0 JNZ SHOWSYS cmp WORD PTR SYSSIZ+2,0 JZ CHKBAD SHOWSYS: MOV dx,OFFSET ptr_msgSystemSpace CALL std_printf ;Report space used by system CHKBAD: cmp WORD PTR BADSIZ,0 JNZ SHOWBAD cmp WORD PTR BADSIZ+2,0 JZ SHOWDATA SHOWBAD: lea dx, ptr_msgBadSpace call std_printf SHOWDATA: MOV CX,WORD PTR FDSKSIZ MOV BX,WORD PTR FDSKSIZ+2 SUB CX,WORD PTR BADSIZ SBB BX,WORD PTR BADSIZ+2 SUB CX,WORD PTR SYSSIZ SBB BX,WORD PTR SYSSIZ+2 MOV word ptr datasiz,CX MOV word ptr datasiz+2,BX lea dx, ptr_msgDataSpace call std_printf call crlf RET
code ends end